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you should have admitted this ages ago, this way the trolling would have been decreased :rofl::rofl:

Kitna khush kya aaj maine ek Pakistani ko.

Extra points in my good deeds sudreh pocket (gereban).

Hi doc Whats Upp :azn:cant say Cheers Doc as its my teusday fast today:whistle:
Being from the South, not affected by Partition or the recurring Hindu-Muslim riots I never had an opinion about Pakistan (or even about Kashmir except the Kashmir is a part of India thing we study in school) before the Kargil war. Kargil war happened when I was in my teens which prompted by interest in Pakistan. Then IC 814, attack on Parliament, the attack on Akshardham, the Kashmir militancy and its history, the recurring bomb blasts in mainland led to the reinforcement of a negative viewpoint and 26/11 was the last nail. Me being in Mumbai at that time also added to it.

Joining here there has been no great change in my views except that I came to know there are atleast some people who would want peace with India, atleast for their own sake, if not for the general good.

I would also like add that a recurring theme among Pakistanis is that Indians have not accepted Pakistan and would like to bring back Akhand Bharat. To those Pakistanis, yo, you are trully and wholly mistaken. Those that believe in that would not be more than the number of Pakistanis who would want to reunite with India.

But the greatest change in my mindset was regarding the Bangladeshis. As oposed to the Pakistanis where I knew what to expect and hence was not surprised/shocked, I used to think the BD wallas were a friendly lot towards India. But the PDF Bangladeshis have done a great deal in changing my view about BD with their constant and bordering on delusion hatred for India and their paranoia of seeing Indian hand in everything.
When you are a guest in some one's house, you should at least have the decency to praise the host for his hospitality.
However if you have the tendency to criticise the stains on the table cloth, then make sure you go prepared with a box of detergent....... but i guess, our car is better than yours is a thought from the old school.

I totally agree with your post for the 1st time....See there is change....We (Indians and Pakistanis) are just ordinary people who are expected to do extraordinary things for their respective countries in what 65 years....Thats only 1 generation..thats impossible....Hopefully both the nations prosper and achieve what they are destined for(Greatness)...Whats all this border issues and religion issues..they are all non-sense...If you kill me I will Die and If I kill you you will die...so lets respect each others point of view and we can all agree to disagree..on certain topics in a civilized way...I will start from today!
Perhaps you are right , but i believe it could also have something to do with the change in the Pakistani education system in the last 30 years when politics and religion was started to be given emphasis in the education of kids

Nick!..Lets just not blame the other side..lets do our own SWOT analysis .....for eg..as a kid I was told by my Grandfather that if I ever fall in love with a Muslim he would banish me from the family..Now after living in the USA for close to 16 years..I have realized thats a wrong thought...the reasons he gave me not to do so were many..which makes no sense to me today.
But to be fair, the amount of cow piss, small dick, 5'1" type posts have gone down.

And that is to Pakistan's credit.

Cause we still drink cow's piss, have small dicks, and are runts.


Some People from both side write such non sense to tease each others. You can visit defence forum India to witness the same Pakistan bashing and name calling for Pakistani.

negativity,prejudices, hatred are not national traits but they are individual traits
I had come to PDF with a lot of baggage and a completely negative view of Pakistan - being from Mumbai - Dawood, the IC 814 hijacking, numerous blasts in Mumbai, Kargil, the Parliament attack, Drug smuggling and finally the Mumbai attack which completely turned my negative view to one of hatred.

But being here for over a year, this negativity has turned to a sort of pity. I see common Pakistani's suffering more than us by way of the world's opinion towards them, terrorism, sectarianism, violence, their leaders apathy towards the populace, the economy, power shortages, Radicalization, corruption, foolish leadership - the list goes on.

It seems to me as if Pakistan is completely in a downward spiral. I find most Pakistani's quite naive, innocent, highly impressionable and emotional. The problems and lack of available solutions sets in a sort of confusion of not knowing what to do and what to expect. I find some of you folks have resigned yourself to destiny and some still fighting and hoping for a better future. Some are quite practical and know the solutions.

I find most Pakistani's pinning their hopes on one man and pining for that one man who will magically pull them out of their troubles, I too am waiting eagerly to see what IK does and brings to Pakistan if he comes to power based on the hopes that most of yo folks have from him.

The last one year I have seen the situation in Pakistan go from bad to worse, it's as if practically watching a nation go down, the society and their sense of security slowly getting eroded - I think Pakistan has hit rock bottom and most probably the only way is up. This is an outside view though and I still hear people say its not like that at all on the ground.

But such turmoils for a country in my one year period here - the attacks on their bases, attacks on their soldiers, the OBL incident, the killing of Shia's, the attack and exodus of minorities, the fallout of relationship with the US, the hatred from Afghanistan is too much to bear if India was in your place and if such incidents and change of events happened to Indians. But Pakistanis are resilient and have been facing up to it which I find exemplary.

I have seen the slide and hope to see the claw back in the next one year - and hope and wish that the slide is not permanent and unrecoverable. I hope the bad times bring saner minds to contemplate and not commit the same mistakes again.

All in all my stay on PDF has been quite eventful.
How have your views on Pakistanis changed since vising :pdf:? :taz::taz::taz::taz::taz::taz:

Do you see us as the angels we are? :yahoo:

Honestly speaking...I like this kind of thread...And of course the impression of Pakistan is better after coming to pdf...It is realy different kind of experince while i was at my initial days at PDF...my -ve views towards my neighour increased.....but slowly as and when i started reading good posts from sensible and committed members...my perception towards Pakistan is changing because....i can feel the logic and argument posted by Pakistan members making lot of sense to me....I know it is a gradual process....Of course...to maximize the benefit of PDF..I have some conclusions..."Avoid one liner Trolls..." Then it will provide us sufficient space to increase out neutral perception towards rest of the nation....
- Identities confuse me, one day they are Moghul invaders, the next day Persians/Afghans who migrated, the next day the heirs of IVC, the next day the superior Brahmins and Kshatriyas who ruled over low caste Indians, the next day victims of the brutal caste system who converted to Islam to escape oppression, the next day descendents of Arabs, and the occasional time when they of course discuss their linkages to Europeans.

All said and done, Bangladeshis are the biggest surprise for me, and Bangladesh has replaced Pakistan as my least favourite country now after my PDF experience. Now we finally understand the Pakistani Army's point of view in 1971, and wish we hadnt gotten involved so the Bangladeshis would have gotten a proper ***-whooping by the Pak Army

Yes, this too.
- Biggest annoying factor is that they try to lecture us on things they are far worse off than us, like giving us lectures on Secularism when they don't even have the 'S' of Secularism written in their constitution. Or women's rights. Or dealing with separatist movements *cough* Balochistan/East Pakistan *cough*

You are suggesting that people can not have knowledge of secularism if they don't have secularism in their country? Most Pakistani talk about secularism are the ones who are living and working in western secular countries and they compare the secular model in India with secular model which exist in these western countries which should not be offensive for Indians. They talk about women rights and minorities/caste issues in India when you try to bring faults in their countries as if India is perfect land and all problems exist in green land

- Identities confuse me, one day they are Moghul invaders, the next day Persians/Afghans who migrated, the next day the heirs of IVC, the next day the superior Brahmins and Kshatriyas who ruled over low caste Indians, the next day victims of the brutal caste system who converted to Islam to escape oppression, the next day descendents of Arabs, and the occasional time when they of course discuss their linkages to Europeans.

Well that confusion is also there in mind of Indians . When some Pakistani claim their pre-Islamic heritage then indians tell them they are arabs/muslims and they have no right over IVC and pakistan was formed in 1947 so their history started from 1947 as if they were landed on this land in 1947 from sky. When Pakistani tell Indians that they were Arabs/Muslim who ruled them for centuries then Indians remind them no you are not Arabs but your ancestors were Hindu who were converted by forced. Confusion is there in your minds as you are not happy in either way :no:
Some use it for good purposes, i.e. understanding other point of view and see where they are coming from. Others use it for point scoring and fun. The latter eventually understands the earlier.

That's true. But I worry about the damage they do on the way.

True, true. But identity is something very hard to understand, for people of every nation

Takes a couple of minutes of thinking.
Not after reading my posts? Not after reading RazPak's?

By the way, be honest, how many of you thought it was a thread filled with Gaaliyan and abuse for Indians that would have led to perma-ban?

RazPak is a nice person trying to be the tough, hard-as-nails SOB that he is not. The play-acting gets on my nerves because it is so unnecessary. I am not yet sure what to make of you. On this thread, you are likable. I do seem to remember a cussed young goat on other threads however.
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