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Time for Shias to leave Pakistan

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Pakistan is not ruled by Iran

shias should force the state to protect them through peaceful means. so far despite the onslaught against them they have remained peaceful.

the state can't protect them, so it isnt so strange to seek protection from a third party. and in this case iran is the leading shia power.
please dont say such things
if shia take law into their own hand and resort to violence (like some of them did back in 90s) then the entire shia population will pay because then the security agencies and the sectarian terrorists will join together to kill even more shia.
the weak always suffers the most. resorting to violence of tit for tat will result in loosing the sympathy of moderate sunnis as well.

its the duty of the state to look after its citizens for all its worth the CJ has taken notice of these killings now so lets see if there is indeed an operation.

LeJ can achieve what no other hostile nation has achieved so far. its unchecked continued operations can result in the disintegration of the country because all hostile countries will jump in and fund and support their proxies and make Pakistanis kill each other at even bigger scale than Iraq and Syria

The underlined part is the most important part of the post. That will simply become a recipe for "balkanisation" of Pakistan.
Have people forgotten Yugoslavia? Did all the happenings there take place in medieval times that it should be forgotten and overlooked now?
Question which still remains.
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Pakistan is an important nation to decide future of muslims. There are 2 paths to go, kill all non muslims and then all shias, and then all girls who go for education, and then all men who dont have beard, and then….the list is endless OR keep religion in your heart, make it a thing for ‘self’ and not outsiders. Mix with other religions, have them as neighbourse, be the source of love rather than aggression. The first one will create a ‘living hell’ on earth, the second one will create a heaven. Choice is yours. Next time someone invites you for violence in the name of Israel, Kashmir, or whatever, think twice…rather spend energy on your education, kids education.....:coffee:
The underlined part is the most important part of the post. That will simply become a recipe for "balkanisation" of Pakistan.
Have people forgotten Yugoslavia? Did all the happenings there take place in medieval times that it should be forgotten and overlooked now?

Aaap kay moo may Khaak

shia of Pakistan are very resilient

we are with them and have even risked our own lives to protect them

Zulm jub barhata hay to mit jata hay

in summary y dear such thing wont happen here we will pull out of this one too. its the last gasps from the forces who see no future in Afghanistan and are packing up so they have increased their support of these pests
same happened just before Russian withdrawal from Afghanistan when hundreds of people were killed in explosions and targeted killing in Pakistan to teach it a lesson

The resulting militancy left over 70,000 dead in Kashmir but failed to make any tangible progress towards the resolution

At least someone in Pakistan say that militants sent by Pakistan in Kashmir killed over 70,000 people, the people they supposed to free. For love of God we lost thousands of people, you also lost thousands by the hands of these terrorists. Can't we see that it will bring nothing but loss of so many innocent lives.

Hope people now understand that don't use these militants and kill all of them once in for all.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/pakistans-war/235831-time-shias-leave-pakistan.html#ixzz2LFtqJ4h3

Your army in turn started killing innocent people to curb the freedom struggle. This 70k figure you keep throwing around is the result of your army's operation. I never heard of massive bombs going off in crowded kashmiri markets killing dozen of civilians. I however have heard Indian army killing people by the droves. Whom you defend with PTSD.
First Hindus and now shias....
what next?? Tribal belt vs heartland ?
No one suspects "Shias" cause of Iran, maybe in Arab countries but not in western world. In western countries no one knows if you are a Shia or Sunni unless you tell them. Heck I would be surprised if many westerners even know the difference. Boat loads of Hazaras coming to Australia these days.

Yes obviously, its better for them in those countries, but the people who want to keep tabs on them do. According to Shias, the US denies them visas for this reason. Their names are a dead give away! They say Australia's a good place in this regards and so I think thats the reason they are heading there.
Its only our useless interior ministers fault, i seriously think they want to delay election
For last five years evrywhere in Pakistan there is fighting, political, criminal, seceretarian, international terrorism, black water and cia but our govt. only busy in corruption
Unfortunatelty today victem dont know why he is targeted, hitman himself might not have any idea too, i hope n pray we get rid of this worse govt.
Pakistan is for all Pakistanis so no one need to leave country, we will come out stronger from this situation imposed on us by enemies of Pakistan incl. india, israel, usa etc
First It were the Hindus who were made to leave the country, then Bangladesh separated, Christians are unwelcome and are killed, and now it is Shias. May be next will be Ahmedias. Who NEXT.????

What if they were not muslims? Do you think it’s okay to kill them then?
Aaap kay moo may Khaak

shia of Pakistan are very resilient

we are with them and have even risked our own lives to protect them

Zulm jub barhata hay to mit jata hay

in summary y dear such thing wont happen here we will pull out of this one too. its the last gasps from the forces who see no future in Afghanistan and are packing up so they have increased their support of these pests
same happened just before Russian withdrawal from Afghanistan when hundreds of people were killed in explosions and targeted killing in Pakistan to teach it a lesson


If all of that is true, then there can be nothing better than that. I have no desire to see any more balkanisation.
But the fissures run deep. If one were to accept the thesis that outside forces are behind it; then why is there "so much fertile ground to enable it"?

It will be unwise to remain complacent and just hope and wait for things to happen. It is simply time for the people and forces in charge of matters to get proactive and take control.

The "foreign hand" theory is useless after a certain point; if you don't know.
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