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The Truth About Mumbai Attacks (Indias Hindu Radicals Responsible)

Even China and Canada all taking the lead of the oppressed Christians Sikhs and Muslims of India who all understand the forces behind this attack have revealed that fanatical hindu outfits are and could very well be behind this horrible attack on the people of Mumbai:

China official daily says don’t rule out Hindu radicals

New Delhi: The Chinese Communist party’s mouthpiece — the People’s Daily — has carried a news article, indicating involvement of Hindu radicals in the Mumbai Terror attacks. The article has based its argument on a “red thread” worn by the attackers on their wrists. (a rakhi)

The article — written in Chinese — contributed by its India-based correspondent Ren Yan, noted that although the Deccan Mujahideen had claimed responsibility for the attack, “it can be seen from the red thread worn by the attackers around their wrists that they could be Hindus”. (I second that! Obviously hindu fanatics :agree: )

Unnamed analysts are quoted as saying: “Radical elements from Hinduism could also carry out this attack, because they have long opposed the US’s hegemonistic policies”.

It also said that “India’s growing proximity to the US has invoked their strong oppositions. Some within the Hindu community are unhappy with domestic and foreign policies of the Congress-led Government and may have engineered this attack in order to influence the outcome of the approaching general elections.” (Very true I say)

(Indias majority population of Hindu fanatics obviously hate China for revealing the truth here: )

Avid China-watcher, Sujit Dutta, a senior at the Institute of Defence Studies and Analyses in New Delhi, said: “This news article on Mumbai attacks is highly speculative and malicious. This prejudiced article in the Chinese Communist party organ is jumping the gun before even full facts about the incident are out.”

“This looks like a cover up operation for China’s strategic ally, Pakistan, when all available evidence points towards the involvement of the Pakistani terrorists,” Dutta said. He said that Chinese Communist party mouthpiece should have been more circumspect.
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After all, who knows, one of your family members or people like you may get inspired by these morons, and we might actually have a real "Deccan Mujahideen" to contend with.

How did i possibly miss this comment?

I told you our family members were killed back there. Have some decency when you comment. One day hindu fanatics will come and rape your mother and sisters then you'll know what its like. They were'nt born traitors but hey why rein in fanatical hindu organizations like VHP bajrang dal RSS and Shiv Sena? They are the "sacred cow" here. Lets call all the muslims terrorists and strike them dead shan't we? Lets hunt some muslims here. Lets show the world our Hindutva side shall we? :rolleyes:

Our family in India has suffered the worst because of the genocides and murderous blood thirsty attitudes of Hindu fanatics. I will keep them out of my posts next time because it is sensible to do so because people like you will always use it as an opportunity to somehow get at them. but yes you are right they should shift to Pakistan. There is indeed no space for muslims in a country where their only purpose is to be massacred.

By the way. You shouldn't be worried about my family. People like this guy who lose their loved ones back there are your real concern. They even have contact with pro pakistani muslims living in India who want to liberate their provinces of Indian rule so... :agree::

YouTube - nuzixpaki117's Channel

I think u shud try and have conversation with him. Has lots of brilliant knowledge about India and now is even a minister in the govt here. Hes a victem of your genocide in Hyderabad. Lost his sister.

Also the videos on his profile are all mine. He does'nt know **** how to make videos just some of the comments about the genocide and the figures and the muslims have to rise up to indian rule are his comments. Please do enjoy. :agree::

Anyway its tough f4 u guys aint it? Muslims in a state of constant rebellion. Christians ready to form fronts to battle fanatical hindu organizations after the genocide which killed 200 christians and left 300000 in refugee camps, the sikhs pushing to fight Indian misrule and brutality... Hindu dalits and secular hindus ready to wage war against BJP. This article does mention it as top 20 dangerous places in the world:

India named among 20 most dangerous places to visit
LONDON: The three-day long terror strike in its financial capital Mumbai has pushed India to be among the 20 most dangerous places to visit on
Earth, a British report has said.

Listing India among the world's 20 most dangerous places after the Mumbai terror strike that claimed close to 200 lives, UK daily The Telegraph said in an online report that the British government was currently advising against all, but essential, travel to Mumbai.

India has been listed along side places like Pakistan, Iraq, Afghanistan, Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories, Mexico, Thailand and South Africa in this list.

Chechnya, Jamaica, Sudan, Colombia, Haiti, Eritrea, Democratic Republic of Congo, Liberia, Burundi, Nigeria, Zimbabwe and Lebanon have also been named among the 20 "most dangerous places to visit on Earth."

Writing on India, the report said, "Although the Foreign Office is currently advising against all but essential travel to Mumbai, most of the rest of the country is considered safe.

Exceptions include the rural areas of Jammu, Kashmir (other than Ladakh) and the border area with Pakistan. There remains a high threat from terrorism throughout India."

Meanwhile, pointing out that there is a high threat of terrorism and sectarian violence throughout Pakistan, The Telegraph said, "... there are regular suicide bombings and attacks on positions of authority and locations frequented by foreign nationals in September this year a major explosion destroyed the Marriott Hotel in Islamabad, killing more than 50 people and injuring more than 250."

Noting that security situation in Iraq remains "highly volatile," the daily said that there is a continuing high threat of terrorism throughout the country, including the threat of kidnapping of foreign nationals.

The Telegraph has said that Afghanistan has a high threat of terrorism, with a strong risk of kidnap, violent crime and suicide attacks across the country.

"The Foreign Office website strongly advises against all but essential travel to Kabul, adding that "no part of Afghanistan should be considered immune from violence and the potential exists throughout the country for hostile acts," it added.

On Sudan, the daily pointed out that the threat from indiscriminate terrorism is high in the country and that humanitarian situation "remains grim - more than two million people have been displaced by fighting in Darfur."

"Banditry is widespread in Darfur, especially in rural areas at night.

The Foreign Office advises against all travel to a number of areas, including the Eritrean border," The Telegraph said.

: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/I...ow/3776011.cms
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Rakhi ? is this the best Chinese came up with ? rakhi comes in month of may and not in November and it is removed within two days as per the rituals.Congress engineered this ? they are already in back foot and this is already giving BJP lead NDA upper hand ,rightly said in the article it self " highly speculative and malicious"
Really? You think hindu terrorists went on a rampage wearing a rakhi? Do you even know that a rakhi is worn during the rakhi (rakshabandhan) festival, and it would be as ridiculous to wear it on a normal day as it would be to go swimming in a tuxedo?

Jeez - I never thought it possible, but the ChiCom mouthpiece has outdone itself in sheer ignorance and stupidity.
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dimension117 i can only say donot try to play victim card here ,in INTERNET and a forum any one can make such claims and hardly any one buys that .i have lost a relative in earlier train bombing in mumbai whom should i blame ??
Mumbai cop, left for dead, rides with gunmen - Yahoo! News

MUMBAI, India – The militants waited in the shadows for the police van to pass, and when it slowed down in the narrow road, they sprayed it with gunfire.

The gunmen opened the doors and dumped five slumped officers' bodies into the streets, then piled into the van to continue their siege.

What they did not know was that two officers, including constable Arun Jadhav, were in the backseat, alive.

Jadhav was taken on a chilling 10-minute ride through the dark streets of Mumbai with some of the gunmen who had launched a siege that would last for 60 more hours and leave at least 174 people dead.

While one of the men drove the van, another pointed his rifle out the window and fired on a crowd milling outside a cinema. Later, he threw a grenade outside a state government building.

The young gunmen said little during the harrowing drive, but spoke Hindi with a strong Punjabi, north-Indian accent.

They scoffed when they saw that the police officers they had killed had been wearing bulletproof vests.

"One of them laughed and said, 'Look, they're wearing jackets,'" Jadhav said.

He was in the backseat, with an officer who was unconscious, both left for dead. Jadhav had been hit by three bullets, two of which left his hands nearly paralyzed.

At one point, a cell phone trilled from the pocket of Jadhav's colleague. The gunman in the front seat turned around and fired.

"He didn't even look back properly, he just fired," Jadhav said. "I think my colleague had been still alive. He died with those bullets."

Before the carjacking, Jadhav and his colleagues — including Hemant Karkare, head of the Anti-Terror Squad — were racing to respond to emergency calls of a shooting inside Mumbai's main railway station, the attack that began the siege. Then a report came in that a car was seen speeding away from the terminal, and Jadhav's van rushed to follow it.

While they were searching for the gunmen, the gunmen found them.

From the backseat, Jadhav could not reach his weapon.

"I kept trying to lift my gun, but I couldn't reach it," he said.

Finally, one of the van's tires went flat, and the gunmen abandoned the vehicle.

They stopped another car, pulled out the driver and drove away, he said.

Jadhav climbed forward and used the police radio to call for backup and tell the authorities what direction the gunmen had gone.

Minutes later, a team of officers blockaded a road lining the coast, and opened fire at the hijacked car. One gunman was killed and another arrested — the only militant to be captured during the entire two-and-a-half day ordeal.

Jadhav is now recuperating from his injuries at a city hospital, and replaying the episode again and again in his mind.

"I wish I could have lifted my gun," he said.
Really? You think hindu terrorists went on a rampage wearing a rakhi? Do you even know that a rakhi is worn during the rakhi (rakshabandhan) festival, and it would be as ridiculous to wear it on a normal day as it would be to go swimming in a tuxedo?

Jeez - I never thought it possible, but the ChiCom mouthpiece has outdone itself in sheer ignorance and stupidity.

Most probably he was a sikh then even they wear some sorta band or sumthin...

Watch hamid zaids talk on mumbai attacks... :agree:
Most probably he was a sikh then even they wear some sorta band or sumthin...

Watch hamid zaids talk on mumbai attacks... :agree:

Sikhs my dear friend, wear steel bracelets called "karas". They don't wear saffron wristbands.
The misplaced hype about Faridkot

Dawn Report

MULTAN/KHANEWAL, Nov 30: As Mumbai struggles to return to normalcy in the wake of terrorist attacks, a Pakistani village named Faridkot is being mentioned in the Indian media as the place of origin of the lone gunman arrested by Indian commandos. He has been identified as Ajmal Amir Kasab.

The media, however, conveniently avoids mentioning that there is also a town with the same name in the Indian state of Punjab.

In Pakistan, there are several villages named Faridkot, but three of them — one each in Khanewal, Pakpattan and Okara — attracted the attention of intelligence agencies and media to ‘prove’ that the terrorist was a Pakistani.

Faridkot in Khanewal, also known as Chak No 90/10-R, is a hamlet on the Jahanian Road, 53km from Multan and has a population of 5,000. This village has one primary school and two mosques — one managed by Barelvis and the other by Shias — and is known for sectarian harmony.

Interestingly, the Indian media is not even sure whether the alleged attacker is named Ajmal Amir Kamal, Muhammad Ajmal, Muhammad Amin Kasab, Azam Amir Kasav or Azam Amir Kasab.

People of this village said there were four people named Ajmal in the village — the one whose name also included Kamal had died 15 years ago. The numberdar of the village, Haqnawaz Baloch, told Dawn that Kamal was son of Muhammad Shafi. Another man named Ajmal had shifted to Ahmedpur East several years ago. The third Ajmal worked in a tea processing factory and the fourth one was a labourer, he said.

He said there was no person by the name of Amin or Azam and did not know what ‘Kasab’ or ‘Kasav’ meant. He said people of the village were peaceful and no one from Faridkot had visited India.

Khanewal police raided Faridkot twice over the past two days to gather details about the alleged terrorist. “We thoroughly checked the village record when Indian media started saying someone from this village was involved in the (Mumbai) attack. The hype is misplaced,” said District Police Officer Kamran Khan. He said police had done the checking on their own, without any instruction from the government.

According to BBCUrdu.com, another village named Faridkot is near Pakpattan. It has a population of 2,000 and most of them are farmers.

Residents say they do not know anyone by the name of Ajmal or Akmal and no one from the village has links with jihadi or other banned outfits.

Another Faridkot is a remote village in Deepalpur tehsil in Okara district.

The Economic Times, an Indian paper, claimed that Azam Amir Kasav, 21, belonged to this village and “speaks fluent English”.

“We can tell you who this man is and how he has become the vital link for investigating agencies to crack the terror plot,” the paper says.

The misplaced hype about Faridkot -DAWN - Top Stories; December 01, 2008
dimension117 i can only say donot try to play victim card here ,in INTERNET and a forum any one can make such claims and hardly any one buys that .i have lost a relative in earlier train bombing in mumbai whom should i blame ??

Well definately not me... i'm just a kid in toronto... lol.

Ask flint there... maybe u cud blame him. I am just saying.

It does happen in India. This propaganda campaign being run by the Indian media and being run by the Indian government is a little to much and is a complete denial of the ground realities. In a country making 1/5 of the world population not a blast takes place without the help of a foreign agency or a foriegn terrorist organization. Comeon. You guys are falling in these stupid traps by believing this apocalyptic foreign hostile nation crap.

You guys deserve a fair investigation where it is found out who exactly is responsible for the attacks not just some cheap blame game. Karkares widow refused to take money from Modi cauz she knew what kind of person he was and it was only him who benefitted from the attacks. The ppl of India need to wake up and smell the coffee here.
^I don't understand you guys - you would rather believe the Chinese Mouthpiece, which has no credibility or accountability to you whatsoever, over all the media agencies of the world?
Mumbai Attacks Look Like A Western Intel Operation

The recent terrorist attacks in Mumbai India appear to be the work of a western intelligence agency. Sophisticated terrorist attacks are usually only executed by an institution with a vast amount of resources at their disposal, and not by terrorists living in a cave somewhere. History has shown that high profile terrorist attacks which get top billing in the media are in fact government sponsored. Already, India is blaming Pakistan for the attacks and we’ve also seen an onslaught of propaganda from media outlets attempting to place the blame for this attack on the fictional CIA founded organization Al-Qaeda. There are even eyewitness accounts saying that the attackers did not look like Indians but instead appeared to be western. In fact, some of the attackers have already been identified as British citizens of Pakistan origin. Of course none of that matters, since the media needs to sell the Al-Qaeda myth to the dumbed down masses here in America. Considering that Barack Obama has gone on the record talking about the possibility of using military force in Pakistani territory to go after Al-Qaeda terrorists, it looks as if this event is going to conveniently provide him the excuse to do so when he takes power in a few months. He can say that he is going after Al-Qaeda in Pakistan and the media will sell it as the right thing to do. Let’s face it; the only groups that would gain from the killing and wounding of hundreds of innocent people in India are western governments. It is allowing them to continue to sell the phony terror war to the dumbed down American sheep, it effectively plays off India against Pakistan and it provides the excuse for future U.S. military intervention into Pakistan.

Let's get into more detail about who will gain and why they stand to gain from these attacks. First, the attacks allows the media to re-introduce the idea of the phony terror war back into the public eye. Despite the fact that there is little to no evidence that this was pulled off by some sort of Islamic terrorist group it is being billed as such an attack by Al-Qaeda. In addition, we have coincidentally seen terror alerts with claims that Al-Qaeda is planning to attack subways and Amtrak stations the same day of the Mumbai attack here in the United States. Even though the government can provide no specifics on the intelligence that lead them to conclude that this was a possibility, this has given them the excuse to pump more fear into the minds of the American people through the mass media propaganda complex. It has effectively brought the horror of the terror attacks in India closer to home in order to continue the media sell of the bogus terror war.

Second, it allows India and western governments to blame the attack on Pakistan as a pre-text to launch military operations on Pakistan soil. Obama has already said that he would take action against so called terrorists in Pakistan. Such attacks would not have anything to do with fighting the bogus terror war but instead would be used to exercise continued western influence in that portion of the world.

Third it serves as a way to create more tension between India and Pakistan both of which are nuclear powers and both of which have been fighting over the region of Kashmir for many years now.

Conveniently a new Al-Qaeda tape was released on the Internet yesterday showing the supposed number two of Al-Qaeda Ayman Al-Zawahri challenging the Bush administration to send the military into Pakistan. With each Al-Qaeda video and audio release it is becoming increasingly more obvious that Al-Qaeda is actually intentionally making statements to help fulfill the agenda of the west. If Al-Zawahri were really living in a cave somewhere it would be a little more difficult to make all of these video and audio tapes. Al-Qaeda is a fictional group created by the CIA, so considering that fact; wouldn’t it make more sense if Al-Zawahri were actually working for the CIA, instead of a phony organization that is really just a list of names? By challenging the Bush administration to send troops into Pakistan, he’s in fact giving credibility to the idea that there are terrorists that need to be defeated there.

Whenever these attacks occur, one has to look at who would gain the most from them. Clearly, the west has the most to gain from such an attack. They get to use these attacks to sell their phony terror war, play off India against Pakistan and it serves as a fantastic excuse to justify a future military invasion of Pakistan. The war on terror is a fraud and this appears to be yet another manufactured event that will allow the bloodthirsty criminals in Washington DC to continue their efforts in consolidating their power and control.

Mumbai Attacks Look Like A Western Intel Operation
Al-Faida (beneficiary) of Mumbai Bombings:Indian Army or BJP?

By Dr Shahid Qureshi

Mumbai bombings seem to be the desperate move of the Hindu terrorists and supremacists who want to blame everything on ‘Muslims’ but also want to enjoy the full benefits? Perhaps the arrests of Indian army officers involved in bombings have panicked the Indian establishment? Many analysts believe it is a cover up and inside job because there are so many gaps in the reports.

Since 9/11 everything Al-Qaeda did is always proved to be Al-Faida (beneficiary) for the enemies of the Muslims and ‘harmed’ its interests, helped neo –cons starting from President Bush’s help in low rating times to even issuing a statement during recent US elections? The two main beneficiaries of the so called war on terror apart from defence industry are Israel and India? Both countries have killed innocent people in the name of counter terrorism and both have occupied lands of millions of Muslims in Kashmir and Palestine.

India is seemingly led by people who are living in false sense of security, that they can walk over Pakistan and station their troops in Afghanistan and have a happy life? Like it or not it is a fact that Muslims have ruled over India much bigger than the size BJP control for more than five hundred years. Indian strategists must understand the fact that they can not marginalise around 200 million Muslims and other minorities living in India? This slogan of ‘being biggest democracy and a secular Sate has fallen apart.

In last 60 years Muslim, Sikh, Dalits and Christian minorities in India have been treated so badly by the Hindu Supremacists that fibber of the country is going to fall apart sooner or later. The Nazi supremacist ideology ended in defeat and division Germany. Indian dream of becoming super power can not be fulfilled if it keep on fighting with its neighbours big or small, treat its own people with resentment?

“The Indian Anti Terrorism Squad (ATS) has obtained confessional statements of Indian Army Officer Lt Col Purohit admitting his pivotal role in plotting and executing the act of terrorism on September 29. The ATS further said that it would like to question at least three more men in uniform believed to be one Major General and two colonels. Investigations further revealed that the accused managed to procure weapons and explosives including RDX using fake documents while he was posted in occupied Kashmir in 2004-05”, reported in the press.

The brave investigating officer and head of the ATS, Hement Karkare have been shot dead by terrorists in Mumbai shootout. Who benefited from his death Indian army, BJP or both is a big question mark for the investigators?

The Times of India reported on 28th November 2008 an account after the death of Hement Karkare's friend, “Col (retired) Rahul Gowardhan was travelling in a train to Nagpur from Mumbai when he got a call from his wife Anuradha informing about the death Karkare.

Just some hours before that, Karkare had sent a letter to him in an envelop which had some “personal” content. “Hemant had called me up on Wednesday,” said Gowardhan, a top official with MSEDCL.

“As I was in a meeting, we decided to postpone the talk. He hung up saying he would be sending me an envelope. When I wanted to know the content, he told me to just read the letter that’s inside it. I returned home and read it. I cannot share the content of the letter with anyone,” said Gowardhan.

In the night, Gowardhan got the news of his friend’s death. “I wanted to return to Mumbai immediately but I had to drop my mother in Nagpur. Now I’m going back by evening flight to attend Hemant’s funeral”.

Kranti Kumara reported on 6th November 2008 that in an extraordinary development, the Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS) of the west Indian state of Maharashtra has arrested a retired Indian army major and a serving lieutenant colonel as part of its investigation of September 29 terrorist bombings—bombings the ATS now says were carried out by Hindu supremacists. On October 24, police arrested Pragya Singh Thakur, a 38 year-old former activist of the Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad—a student group allied with the Hindu supremacist BJP and RSS—and two associates, 36-year old Shivnarayan Gopal Singh Kalsangra and 42-year old Shyam Bhanwarlal Sahu. Five days later the Maharashtra state ATS arrested retired army Major Ramesh Upadhyay and Sameer Kulkarni, a leading member of a small, fanatical Hindutva-ite organization, the Abhinav Bharat. The ATS also had Lt. Colonel Srikant Prasad Purohit brought to Mumbai from his army unit in Madya Pradesh for questioning.

Lt. Colonel Purohit is reputed to be a founding member of the Abhinav Bharat (AB), and retired Major Upadhyay its “working president.” The AB was “revived” in 2006, ostensibly to counter “anti-Hindu” activities. It claims to be the successor organization to a secret group founded by the principal ideologue of Hindutva or Hindu nationalism in pre-independence India, the communalist zealot V.D. Savarkar. M.K. Gandhi, the principal leader of the Indian National Congress, was assassinated in January 1948 by disciples of Savarkar.

The ATS has also questioned the Commandant (a retired Indian Army Colonel) of the Bhonsle Military School in Maharashtra. The military school has close links with Hindu extremists. It was founded by one of Savarkar’s close associates, B.S. Moonje, who drew inspiration from the military training organized by Italy’s government under the fascist Mussolini. The Hindu-communalist Bajrang Dal (BD), whose activists have been mounting a terror campaign against Christians in Orissa’s Kandamahal district since August, reportedly hold military drill on the school’s grounds free of charge. (See: India: Hindu communalists target Christian minority in Orissa and other states )”.

On the other hand the deep involvement of Israel a small country of 6 million populations in the affairs of more than one billion people is quite extra ordinary? Some one said when small things make big shadows, ‘its evening’.

Following report “Was Nariman House the terror hub?” by Mumbai Attacked: Terror attack in Taj Mahal, Trident Oberoi hotel, CST, Cama Hospital, Ville Parle, Leopold Cafe Colaba, GT hospital, Nepean Sea Road, Dockyard Road on 28th November is an eye opener for the investigators.

“India's financial capital, Mumbai seems to be going through its longest night for the last two days. Wednesday, 9.40 pm, the affluent south Mumbai was struck by terrorists, at 12 different locations, including the VT station, a hub for all railway trains, to two of the most luxurious hotels, Taj Mahal and Oberoi Trident. 24 hours later, the attention has riveted to these hotels, and a tiny nondescript building, barely a few meters away from the Taj Mahal hotel. Housing a five-storied guest house for Israeli nationals, this building is turning out to be the 'den' for the militants. "I saw 6 to 7 boats coming in on Wednesday evening and about ten people unloaded many bags from these boats and then gradually took them into the building, Nariman House', Vitthal Tandel, a fisherman in the area said. "The building has many rooms and these are used as guest houses by travellers, largely Israeli residents. None of us know what their names are", he said.

Virendra Ghunawat, a television journalist who has been tracking the Nariman House shootout since the time it took place Wednesday night, said even the cops have been cagey about details. "Today, during one of the shootout exchanges, the cops managed to rescue a six year old girl and her mother. We know of a man who is critically injured and requires urgent medical help. A couple is also holed up inside apart from the militants", a senior police official said, who did not wish to be quoted.

The role that Nariman House is coming to play in this entire attack drama, is puzzling. Last night, residents ordered close to 100 kilograms of meat and other food, enough to feed an army or a bunch of people for twenty days. Shortly thereafter, the ten odd militants moved in, obviously, indicating that the food and meat was ordered, keeping their visit in mind, another cop added. "

One of the militants called up a television news channel and voiced his demands today, but, interestingly, when he was asked where are they all holed him, he said at the Israeli owned Nariman House and they are six of them here", one of the investigating cops said. Since morning, there has been exchange of gun fire has been going on and the militants seem well equipped to counter the cops fire. To top it, they have food and shelter. One wonders of they have the support of the residents, a local Ramrao Shanker said. Cops did not want to go into speculation. "Three residents of the building, all presumably Israeli residents, have also been killed since last night, allegedly by the militants. We do not have their identity and would not like to speculate on this angle", the cops said.

Few years ago I asked Indian High Commissioner to London Renandra Sen, at London School of Economics (LSE) ‘which country India has best relationship among its neighbours Pakistan, China, Bangladesh, Nepal, and Bhutan apart from Mauritius? He said to me, ‘it is not a fair question’. This denial and deception of the Indian leadership even to its own people is part of the problem and not solution for long term peace with its all neighbours?

India does not need external enemies as long as racist Hindu Fundamentalists are deeply penetrated in the establishment. BJP resent the fact that current ruling Congress party is headed by an Italian Sonia Gandhi. Well Congress Party was formed by British A.W Hume. Some times it is easy to occupy a country but it is very hard to subsist that occupation be it Kashmir or Palestine?

The racist ideology of Hindu Supremacist’s and their love affair with Israel and her polices, would bring sleepless nights and terrifying days for the Indians as common Israelis are feelings for long times and Americans have been feeling since 9/11?

(Dr Shahid Qureshi is award wining journalist and writer on foreign policy & security based in London)

Al-Faida (beneficiary) of Mumbai Bombings Indian Army or BJP? By Dr Shahid Qureshi
Can we get the 6 digits co-ordinates of this "Dr Shahid Qureshi". May be the next drone can do some Faida to the world.
Indian press reports that there was an joint Naval and Coast Guard exercise going on when allegedly terrorist vessel entered Indian waters. The most shocking news is that RAW had knowledge of this attack and they passed this warning to Indian Navy and Coast Guard but still "ghost" terrorist were successful in breaching security during exercise "Defense of Gujarat" that was specifically aimed to stop vessels coming from Pakistan.

Mid Day reports.

30 Nov 2008

However, shockingly, that mysterious vessel slipped past a major naval exercise codenamed 'Defence of Gujarat'. A large number of naval and Coast Guard ships had taken part in the exercise. Even all the port trusts and gram panchayats were included in the exercise, which lasted between November 17-22. Their task was to track all vessels and check their identities.

In fact, it was a mock exercise to track down al Qaeda and Pakistani vessels. The threat to offshore installations was also part of the drill.

It is exactly during this period that the mysterious vessel sailed close to Mumbai harbour and dropped the deadly cargo of arms and ammunition, as well as the band of terrorists. It points to a major security lapse on the part of the various agencies, including the Intelligence Bureau.

Guardian reports

According to reports in the Indian media yesterday, India had advance knowledge of a likely sea-borne strike on Mumbai on the night of November 26. The Times Now TV news reported that the RAW intercepted a call between India and Lahore on November 19 which indicated that a sea-borne terrorist strike was being planned.

"While November 26 was not mentioned as a precise date, another date before the date of the attack was specified," the Sunday Express reported. "[The agency] also said the terrorists would probably come by an Indian fishing trawler."

This information was sent to the Indian navy, coast guard and Maharashtra government. "However, somewhere through the entire process, the seriousness and authenticity of the input were interpreted differently by different agencies. State agencies now claim that such alerts had become a regular features in recent months."
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