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The Truth About Mumbai Attacks (Indias Hindu Radicals Responsible)

1 Dec 2008

NEW DELHI: The UPA government may have tried to contain the political fallout of the terror attack on Mumbai by replacing Shivraj Patil, but the administrative culpability of the horror that paralysed the financial capital extends far beyond the office of the home minister.

Indeed, the details emerging suggest that the Indian Navy and Coast Guard may have failed to carry out their brief by ignoring an intercept from RAW warning of an attempt by Lashkar-e-Toiba to infiltrate a jihadi gang in Mumbai.

The intercept, sent as recently as on November 19, said that a Lashkar-controlled ship had, with dangerous cargo, sailed from Karachi and could try to sneak into Indian waters.

Navy sources angrily contested the claim of the country's external intelligence agency that alert naval patrols could have, if they had heeded the alert, prevented the marauders from striking Mumbai. "No intercept was passed on to us," a senior Navy officer angrily retorted when asked to comment on the charge.

"Someone is obviously trying to manufacture alibis to cover his back," he said in what could raise the prospect of a fierce blame game.

Senior Navy sources also claimed that a scan they had ordered because of the insinuation had shown no evidence of lapse either on the part of Navy or the Coast Guard.

RAW sources, however, stuck to their guns and their claim was backed by their peers in the Intelligence Bureau.

Home ministry sources also said that Patil had on Saturday taken up the matter with the defence secretary and the chief of Coast Guard. "Yes, it did come up with the home minister expressing concern and asking the defence secretary and Coast Guard chief to plug loopholes to prevent any recurrence," a source said.

Sources in the agencies were unfazed by the angry denials from the Navy. "The fact remains that the terrorists sneaked into Mumbai through the sea, getting there unhindered after passing through hundreds of kilometres of Indian waters. Is this not what the Navy and the Coast Guard are paid to prevent?'' a top intelligence official said.

The alert was bang on the mark because the terrorists set out on their macabre mission on a Lashkar ship, Al Hussaini, on November 23. Terrorists switched to Kuber, an Indian fishing trawler they had taken control of after killing all its occupants, to get past any Indian surveillance. They had no problem in docking at Badhwar Park in Cuffe Parade before going to the assigned spots where they, while getting regular instructions from their mentors in Pakistan, snuffed out innocent lives.


Either RAW is wrong or Indian Navy is wrong. They both can't be true at the same time. But one thing is for sure, this vessel story is loosing ground.
I think india has radar systems, guarding its coast, the coast guards could have seen the vessel comming on the radars.
I think india has radar systems, guarding its coast, the coast guards could have seen the vessel comming on the radars.

Agreed. Not only Indian Navy but also Coast Guard were participating in exercise "Defense of Gujarat" that was aimed to stop vessels from Pakistan and above all RAW claims that they had already warned Indian Navy about vessel coming with dangerous cargo from Pakistan but still these "ghost" terrorist came in that "ghost" vessel.

Indian Navy maintains that it had no warning from RAW and there was no security breach on their part. If they are true then this vessel story is a fake one made to feed angry Indian public for face saving by GOI.
Times UK reported on 30 Nov 2008.

...What he did find was a discarded rucksack containing some vital clues about the men who were holding Mumbai to ransom. The bag contained dried fruit, large amounts of ammunition, about $1,200 and about £800 worth of Indian rupees. The commandos also discovered AK-47 rounds, seven fully loaded magazines, 400 bullet rounds and various hand grenades.

They also found a Mauritian identity card, a Mauritian address in a wallet and seven credit cards, including HSBC and Citibank cards. One of the cards carried the same name as the ID card - all crucial pieces of evidence indicating the attackers were more likely to be foreign militants linked to Al-Qaeda than local Muslim terrorists hoping to stoke conflict with the country’s Hindu majority...
Agreed. Not only Indian Navy but also Coast Guard were participating in exercise "Defense of Gujarat" that was aimed to stop vessels from Pakistan and above all RAW claims that they had already warned Indian Navy about vessel coming with dangerous cargo from Pakistan but still these "ghost" terrorist came in that "ghost" vessel.

Indian Navy maintains that it had no warning from RAW and there was no security breach on their part. If they are true then this vessel story is a fake one made to feed angry Indian public for face saving by GOI.

On November 18, R&AW passed on a specific advisory to the Coast Guard, which serves as the Lead intelligence Agency for the coastal area. The advisory asked the coast guard to intensify patrolling and look out for a suspicious vessel, probably of Pakistani origin, which had sailed off from Karachi. While the coast guard began to patrol the area with renewed intensity, the terrorists had an entirely different plan.

According to details available with Indian intelligence and the information given by the terrorist who was picked up by the Mumbai police in an encounter near Chowpatty, the terrorists hijacked an Indian fishing boat, the Kuber, somewhere near Pakistani waters. They beheaded the majority of the boat's crew of six and only allowed one crew-member, Amarsinh Solanki, to live so that he could help them with navigating the boat to Mumbai. The coast guard found a Global Positioning System abandoned on the fishing trawler that was drifting nearly four nautical miles off the coast of Mumbai early on Thursday, November 27 morning, several hours after the terrorist attack began.

The Gateway Of India : outlookindia.com

While I doubt even a smoking gun can satisfy most people here, this should provide the likely explanation.

I see that most of you guys have pre-judged this issue. You all feel it is an internal job and fantastic claims are being made as to the objective. It was all to kill some 2-3 particular persons, may be to bring Pakistan to bad light, may be some internal political game. All but what is the most straightforward explanation: It was an LET/AQ job.

Occam's razor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Al-Faida (beneficiary) of Mumbai Bombings:Indian Army or BJP?

By Dr Shahid Qureshi

Mumbai bombings seem to be the desperate move of the Hindu terrorists and supremacists who want to blame everything on ‘Muslims’ but also want to enjoy the full benefits? Perhaps the arrests of Indian army officers involved in bombings have panicked the Indian establishment? Many analysts believe it is a cover up and inside job because there are so many gaps in the reports.

Since 9/11 everything Al-Qaeda did is always proved to be Al-Faida (beneficiary) for the enemies of the Muslims and ‘harmed’ its interests, helped neo –cons starting from President Bush’s help in low rating times to even issuing a statement during recent US elections? The two main beneficiaries of the so called war on terror apart from defence industry are Israel and India? Both countries have killed innocent people in the name of counter terrorism and both have occupied lands of millions of Muslims in Kashmir and Palestine.

India is seemingly led by people who are living in false sense of security, that they can walk over Pakistan and station their troops in Afghanistan and have a happy life? Like it or not it is a fact that Muslims have ruled over India much bigger than the size BJP control for more than five hundred years. Indian strategists must understand the fact that they can not marginalise around 200 million Muslims and other minorities living in India? This slogan of ‘being biggest democracy and a secular Sate has fallen apart.

In last 60 years Muslim, Sikh, Dalits and Christian minorities in India have been treated so badly by the Hindu Supremacists that fibber of the country is going to fall apart sooner or later. The Nazi supremacist ideology ended in defeat and division Germany. Indian dream of becoming super power can not be fulfilled if it keep on fighting with its neighbours big or small, treat its own people with resentment?

“The Indian Anti Terrorism Squad (ATS) has obtained confessional statements of Indian Army Officer Lt Col Purohit admitting his pivotal role in plotting and executing the act of terrorism on September 29. The ATS further said that it would like to question at least three more men in uniform believed to be one Major General and two colonels. Investigations further revealed that the accused managed to procure weapons and explosives including RDX using fake documents while he was posted in occupied Kashmir in 2004-05”, reported in the press.

The brave investigating officer and head of the ATS, Hement Karkare have been shot dead by terrorists in Mumbai shootout. Who benefited from his death Indian army, BJP or both is a big question mark for the investigators?

The Times of India reported on 28th November 2008 an account after the death of Hement Karkare's friend, “Col (retired) Rahul Gowardhan was travelling in a train to Nagpur from Mumbai when he got a call from his wife Anuradha informing about the death Karkare.

Just some hours before that, Karkare had sent a letter to him in an envelop which had some “personal” content. “Hemant had called me up on Wednesday,” said Gowardhan, a top official with MSEDCL.

“As I was in a meeting, we decided to postpone the talk. He hung up saying he would be sending me an envelope. When I wanted to know the content, he told me to just read the letter that’s inside it. I returned home and read it. I cannot share the content of the letter with anyone,” said Gowardhan.

In the night, Gowardhan got the news of his friend’s death. “I wanted to return to Mumbai immediately but I had to drop my mother in Nagpur. Now I’m going back by evening flight to attend Hemant’s funeral”.

Kranti Kumara reported on 6th November 2008 that in an extraordinary development, the Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS) of the west Indian state of Maharashtra has arrested a retired Indian army major and a serving lieutenant colonel as part of its investigation of September 29 terrorist bombings—bombings the ATS now says were carried out by Hindu supremacists. On October 24, police arrested Pragya Singh Thakur, a 38 year-old former activist of the Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad—a student group allied with the Hindu supremacist BJP and RSS—and two associates, 36-year old Shivnarayan Gopal Singh Kalsangra and 42-year old Shyam Bhanwarlal Sahu. Five days later the Maharashtra state ATS arrested retired army Major Ramesh Upadhyay and Sameer Kulkarni, a leading member of a small, fanatical Hindutva-ite organization, the Abhinav Bharat. The ATS also had Lt. Colonel Srikant Prasad Purohit brought to Mumbai from his army unit in Madya Pradesh for questioning.

Lt. Colonel Purohit is reputed to be a founding member of the Abhinav Bharat (AB), and retired Major Upadhyay its “working president.” The AB was “revived” in 2006, ostensibly to counter “anti-Hindu” activities. It claims to be the successor organization to a secret group founded by the principal ideologue of Hindutva or Hindu nationalism in pre-independence India, the communalist zealot V.D. Savarkar. M.K. Gandhi, the principal leader of the Indian National Congress, was assassinated in January 1948 by disciples of Savarkar.

The ATS has also questioned the Commandant (a retired Indian Army Colonel) of the Bhonsle Military School in Maharashtra. The military school has close links with Hindu extremists. It was founded by one of Savarkar’s close associates, B.S. Moonje, who drew inspiration from the military training organized by Italy’s government under the fascist Mussolini. The Hindu-communalist Bajrang Dal (BD), whose activists have been mounting a terror campaign against Christians in Orissa’s Kandamahal district since August, reportedly hold military drill on the school’s grounds free of charge. (See: India: Hindu communalists target Christian minority in Orissa and other states )”.

On the other hand the deep involvement of Israel a small country of 6 million populations in the affairs of more than one billion people is quite extra ordinary? Some one said when small things make big shadows, ‘its evening’.

Following report “Was Nariman House the terror hub?” by Mumbai Attacked: Terror attack in Taj Mahal, Trident Oberoi hotel, CST, Cama Hospital, Ville Parle, Leopold Cafe Colaba, GT hospital, Nepean Sea Road, Dockyard Road on 28th November is an eye opener for the investigators.

“India's financial capital, Mumbai seems to be going through its longest night for the last two days. Wednesday, 9.40 pm, the affluent south Mumbai was struck by terrorists, at 12 different locations, including the VT station, a hub for all railway trains, to two of the most luxurious hotels, Taj Mahal and Oberoi Trident. 24 hours later, the attention has riveted to these hotels, and a tiny nondescript building, barely a few meters away from the Taj Mahal hotel. Housing a five-storied guest house for Israeli nationals, this building is turning out to be the 'den' for the militants. "I saw 6 to 7 boats coming in on Wednesday evening and about ten people unloaded many bags from these boats and then gradually took them into the building, Nariman House', Vitthal Tandel, a fisherman in the area said. "The building has many rooms and these are used as guest houses by travellers, largely Israeli residents. None of us know what their names are", he said.

Virendra Ghunawat, a television journalist who has been tracking the Nariman House shootout since the time it took place Wednesday night, said even the cops have been cagey about details. "Today, during one of the shootout exchanges, the cops managed to rescue a six year old girl and her mother. We know of a man who is critically injured and requires urgent medical help. A couple is also holed up inside apart from the militants", a senior police official said, who did not wish to be quoted.

The role that Nariman House is coming to play in this entire attack drama, is puzzling. Last night, residents ordered close to 100 kilograms of meat and other food, enough to feed an army or a bunch of people for twenty days. Shortly thereafter, the ten odd militants moved in, obviously, indicating that the food and meat was ordered, keeping their visit in mind, another cop added. "

One of the militants called up a television news channel and voiced his demands today, but, interestingly, when he was asked where are they all holed him, he said at the Israeli owned Nariman House and they are six of them here", one of the investigating cops said. Since morning, there has been exchange of gun fire has been going on and the militants seem well equipped to counter the cops fire. To top it, they have food and shelter. One wonders of they have the support of the residents, a local Ramrao Shanker said. Cops did not want to go into speculation. "Three residents of the building, all presumably Israeli residents, have also been killed since last night, allegedly by the militants. We do not have their identity and would not like to speculate on this angle", the cops said.

Few years ago I asked Indian High Commissioner to London Renandra Sen, at London School of Economics (LSE) ‘which country India has best relationship among its neighbours Pakistan, China, Bangladesh, Nepal, and Bhutan apart from Mauritius? He said to me, ‘it is not a fair question’. This denial and deception of the Indian leadership even to its own people is part of the problem and not solution for long term peace with its all neighbours?

India does not need external enemies as long as racist Hindu Fundamentalists are deeply penetrated in the establishment. BJP resent the fact that current ruling Congress party is headed by an Italian Sonia Gandhi. Well Congress Party was formed by British A.W Hume. Some times it is easy to occupy a country but it is very hard to subsist that occupation be it Kashmir or Palestine?

The racist ideology of Hindu Supremacist’s and their love affair with Israel and her polices, would bring sleepless nights and terrifying days for the Indians as common Israelis are feelings for long times and Americans have been feeling since 9/11?

(Dr Shahid Qureshi is award wining journalist and writer on foreign policy & security based in London)

Al-Faida (beneficiary) of Mumbai Bombings Indian Army or BJP? By Dr Shahid Qureshi

Brilliant article. A work of only the greatest of forces against this sinister alliance to destroy this peaceful world.

Indians must realize that they are being made hostages and fools by their own media. Infact Indians must rebel against the sort of tyranny that is going on currently in India. Until Indians manage to accept their problems which exist with hindu supremacist groups it is difficult to find a solution to this ongoing problem.

Hindu supremacists have struck in the heart of India this week. Indians deserve the right to gain justice against these forces and deserve to be told the truth by their government and media.
It was an LET/AQ job.

AQ job... Good to see you have started seeing some other hand as well.

On November 18, R&AW passed on a specific advisory to the Coast Guard, which serves as the Lead intelligence Agency for the coastal area. The advisory asked the coast guard to intensify patrolling and look out for a suspicious vessel, probably of Pakistani origin, which had sailed off from Karachi. While the coast guard began to patrol the area with renewed intensity, the terrorists had an entirely different plan.

According to details available with Indian intelligence and the information given by the terrorist who was picked up by the Mumbai police in an encounter near Chowpatty, the terrorists hijacked an Indian fishing boat, the Kuber, somewhere near Pakistani waters. They beheaded the majority of the boat's crew of six and only allowed one crew-member, Amarsinh Solanki, to live so that he could help them with navigating the boat to Mumbai. The coast guard found a Global Positioning System abandoned on the fishing trawler that was drifting nearly four nautical miles off the coast of Mumbai early on Thursday, November 27 morning, several hours after the terrorist attack began.

And all this happening when when exercise "Defense of Gujarat" was in full swing with participation of Indian Navy and Coast Guard. You are forcing me to say that these terrorists and their vessel was ghost. On the other hand, Indian Navy claims that there was not lapse of security at their end, so how it happened ???

Let's say that Indian Navy and Coast Guard failed to spot the terrorist (as they were may be traveling in some invisible boat) and they made their way to Gate of India, Mumbai. Was it also a co-incidence that security forces and Police in urban cities were not alerted and their response to crises was poorly coordinated ?


Read this report.

NEW DELHI: The entire operation against the terrorists who struck on Wednesday was marked by serious lapses, including one-upmanship between various security agencies, lack of proper coordination and crucial gaps in tactics deployed.

The one-upmanship reached a level that the government had to order the army to ask its southern command chief, Lt-Gen Noble Thamburaj, to go back to Pune. Thamburaj had flown down to Mumbai to brief the media even as the operation was on.

The government also instructed the three services to keep their mouths shut and not try and grab media attention when the operation was on. The army, navy and air force were reminded that it was an NSG operation and that their role was only peripheral.

On the other hand, the NSG movement was marred by delays and uncertainties, letting terrorists run amok and kill innocents.

Looking back, several serving commandos and senior military commanders who have directed commando raids in Kashmir and elsewhere, are surprised at gaping holes in the operations. “The first step in an operation like this is to identify the enemy, ‘make contact’ with him, then pin him down so that he is unable to move around causing further damage,” says a senior army officer.

But, unfortunately, the NSG seemed to have gone in without proper assessment of the terrorists, and their locations. Not surprisingly, the NSG chief made claims of clearing up the Taj, only to withdraw it later.


If RAW is right and had passed on the warning then why operation seemed to under go like they never even thought in their dreams that it could happen. They should have remained alert.

When I say RAW intelligence lead, I understand that they might not had been able to locate the place where those attacks were aimed at. But intelligence report doesn't only mean being offensive to harmful elements. It also gives time to security forces to prepare if unfortunately that incident happens that is feared. But unfortunately it never happened.

Was it a co-incidence that RAW passed warning and no one cared ? Was it a co-incidence that Indian Navy failed to spot those terrorist vessel ? Was it also a co-incidence that Indian Coast Guard failed to spot that vessel ? Was it also a co-incidence that Indian Forces poorly reacted to aftermath of this unfortunate incident ?

So many co-incidences doesn't take place at same time my friend. Something is wrong and someone is lying for sure. Time will show the facts as it did about "Samjuta Express" ? We just have to wait patiently.
Another Brilliant Article written by another civilized Person who manages to understand the sinister forces at work to destroy our beautiful nation. Iranians are a smart race by the way.

Dont you think so my fellow Indians? Please do provide feedback about the following article here... ;)

Who benefits from Mumbai terror attacks?
By Binu Mathew

Mumbai terrorist standoff is almost over. More than 200 civilians and about 20 police and army officials lost their lives. Taj Mahal palace, a symbol of India's business and commercial wellbeing bears a ghostly look. The terror stricken populace slowly limps back to life. Will Mumbai be the same again? Will India be the same again?

There are talk in the media that the Mumbai terror attack is India's 9/11. The similarities maybe farfetched, but there are so many things that bears stark resemblances to each other. Both attacks are carried out apparently by terrorist organizations. Both New York and Mumbai are commercial and business centers of the respective nations. Although the magnitude of the attacks may look dissimilar, the sheer psychological impact on the populace of both the nation and the world in general is comparable in dimension. 9/11 was an earth shattering event that unleashed a chain of reactions that changed the world irremediably, both inside the USA and around the world. And what about India's 9/11? It's very possible that the chain of reactions that followed the U.S. 9/11 is likely to follow here as well. The leader of the opposition and a prime ministerial candidate of the Hindu right wing Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has called for stringent anti terror laws. A patriot act may not be far behind.

That gives us a clue to who is going to benefit from these terror attacks. The BJP has been calling for new anti-terror laws ever since the Congress led UPA government repealed the much reviled Prevention of Terrorist Atrocities Act (POTA). The UPA repealed the law as there were many complaints, especially from minority communities that it has been used selectively to frame innocents from a particular community. In the aftermath of Mumbai terror attacks, a new terror law is imminent.

One other tragedy of the terrorist attack is that the chief of Anti Terrorism Squad (ATS) of Mumbai, Hemant Karkare, lost his life to terrorist's bullets. He was a brave and upright official who was probing the link between Hindu fascist organizations and terror blasts in several parts of India. The ATS under Karkare had arrested a Hindu Sanyasin and an army Lt. Colonel. Several other retired army personnel and retired Intelligence Bureau officials were also named in the affair. Indian news papers had carried pictures of the Sanyasin sitting with the president of the BJP and the Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Prithvi Raj Chauhan. Then came the startling revelation that the International General Secretary of Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP), had donated money to Abhinav Bharat the organization that masterminded the September 29 Malegaon blast. The investigation was reaching such a stage that more top functionaries of Sangh Parivar (a general denomination for the various Hindu supremacist organizations) were likely to be named. Now, that Karkare is gone, and the nation's attention is turned elsewhere, the enquiry may face a slow death.

Friday, a Hindu colleague (who is a levelheaded moderate man himself) text messaged me saying, 'you people will make us terrorists'. He was suggesting that Muslims and Christians (the minorities in India) will make the majority Hindus terrorists! This is another fall out of India's 9/11. To put it simply, the position of minorities in India, especially Muslims has become more precarious. India will be communally more divided. It will only strengthen the Hindutva forces and their political wing, BJP. India is going to polls next year. These blasts are going to weaken the ruling Congress and strengthen the BJP.

And then the big international picture. The 'War on Terror' has come to India! Even though Indian Muslims had been demonized by the Hindutva forces in India, it had only a local impact. They were not part of the bigger war on Muslims perpetrated by the Israel-Neocon promoted George W. Bush regime. Diplomatically also, India kept a safe distance from the U.S. war on terror fearing the backlash of the strong domestic Muslim population. Now with the Mumbai terror attacks they have come under the radar of the 'War on Terror.' Now that the Obama regime is intending to spread this war into Pakistan and expand its operation in Afghanistan, India could be a willing strategic partner in the region.

And now to the question that is on everybody's mind. Who did this dastardly act? Although, this is not the topic of this article and also it is for the investigation agencies to decide, and as I don't want to engage in wild guesses I can suggest only this much, those forces who destroyed the twin towers in New York might be behind the Mumbai terror attacks too. Whoever benefitted from 9/11 will benefit from the Mumbai terror attack internationally and the Hindutva forces will benefit from it locally.

(Source: countercurrents.org
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I have this odd feeling that the captured terrorist is the mole and is carefully following his script about tying Pakistan and ISI into this, it is crucial for him to stay alive and be interrogated by Pakistani, US, and European officials before any facts are treated as such. Is he being kept in prison or is he still in the hospital?
Hard line Islamic terrorist drinking bear ??? Can you believe that ?

BBC reported on 27 Nov 2008 and gave eye witnesses accounts.


Cafe attack

Not far across town, Judith Rosta, a German teacher from Vienna, had completed a shoot for a music video for two Indian singers and was walking past the market at Colaba, the hip, touristy hub of posh south Mumbai, with her Russian girlfriend, Valentina.

She says she was buying papayas when she noticed three men on a motorcycle stopping on the road and taking out "big guns".

"They wore white jeans and T-shirts. They were shouting, getting agitated and waved their guns around.

"I dropped my shopping and began walking away towards my hotel. Minutes later, a friend called up saying that there had been a bloody incident of firing in the area," she says.

Leopold Cafe owner Farzed Jehani: 'A grenade was thrown in to the restaurant'.

Hours after the shooting at the Leopold Cafe, a cult city cafe and a favourite hangout of foreigners and locals alike, the place smelt of stale beer and bleaching powder.

Broken crockery from a market stall lay strewn on the sidewalk. Fresh blood stains on the bullet-pocked wall were mixed with the old betel- leaf spit stains.

Locals say the orgy of killings in Mumbai began here. Three men walked into the cafe, drank beer, settled their bills and walked out. Then they fished out guns from their bags and began firing.

Gaffar Abdul Amir, an Iraqi tourist from Baghdad, says he saw at least two men who started the firing outside the Leopold Cafe.

He was returning to his hotel from the seaside with a friend when he saw two men carrying bags and brandishing AK-47s walking in front of them, shooting.

"They did not look Indian, they looked foreign. One of them, I thought, had blonde hair. The other had a punkish hairstyle. They were neatly dressed," says Mr Amir.


A Pakistani militant, blonde hair, drinking bear and settling bill. :disagree:
President Asif Ali Zardari has warned India against dismantling peace.
Pakistan's President has called on India not to sacrifice peace efforts over provocation by 'non-state actors' behind Mumbai attacks.

President Asif Ali Zardari warned that the militants, including those who staged Wednesday's deadly attacks that left 172 people dead, were capable of destabilizing the region, the Financial Times reported on Monday.

He stresses that the two countries must focus on the fight against terrorism and not allow the attacks to taint relations.

“Even if the militants are linked to Lashkar-e-Taiba, who do you think we are fighting?” Zardari asked.

“We live in troubled times where non-state actors have taken us to war before, whether it is the case of those who perpetrated [the] 9/11 [attacks] or contributed to the escalation of the situation in Iraq,” said Zardari.

“Now, events in Mumbai tell us that there are ongoing efforts to carry out copycat attacks by militants. We must all stand together to fight out this menace,” he concluded.

India was quick to blame Pakistani-based “elements” for staging the attacks across its financial capital last week, saying it bore the fingerprint of Lashkar-e-Taiba, a group blamed for previous attacks in India.

Indian officials have said most, perhaps all, of the 10 gunmen who opened fire in more than 10 sites across Mumbai came from Pakistan, which they believe has become as a base for 'anti-India activities'.

The attacks, and the ensuing fallout between the neighbors have raised concerns over the fragile peace between the two countries.

Zardari's warning over the spread of violence in the whole region comes as the country has been hit by a wave of violence and has lost thousands of lives after the country's former military ruler joined Bush administration's war in terror in the aftermath of 9/11 attacks.

Some analysts believe Pakistan has become a scapegoat for the failures of the war on terror doctrine as violence in Afghanistan surged to a record level this year after six years of war.

The development comes as US cross border strikes inside Pakistani territories, which killed suspected militants and many civilians, have sparked outrage in the country.
Press TV - Zardari: Mumbai must not lead to war
Did you notice how the CST Killer had been captured on film early on during the attack and that his face appeared regularly from then on. None of the other terrorists had this much exposure. He was meant to live and feed the press the BS story.
:pop: Another great article. I could do this all my life btw... very interesting case here of RAW funded terrorism u c. The Indian qawm must jagofy here and not believe the Indian media. Hindutva terror outfits have actually struck here to throw Mr Karkares investigation into abyss. We must all join hands to fight the terrorists whether hindu or muslim. I think we must work together here.

Mumbai attack – similar script to 9/11?
Ian Brockwell

November 30, 2008
With almost 200 dead following the attacks in Mumbai, the death toll is obviously not on the scale of 9/11, but equally serious in many other ways.

So what makes this event "similar" to that of 9/11?

The most obvious factor seems to be the conflicting information that is being given to the public (initially) and how the details appear to develop a more "scripted" form as time goes on.

The Unexplained Explored book. Click Here to download a copyIt is true that during an attack of this magnitude, some of the early information is likely to contain a few inaccuracies. However, many of the reports came from reliable (high level) sources and it would be unusual if all of these were incorrect.

As with the 9/11 attack, Al-Qaeda quickly appeared as the leading suspect, even before the terrorists were identified. Even though a group called the "Deccan Mujahideen" claimed responsibility, this idea was dismissed and replaced with an "Islamist group" called "Lashkar-e-Toiba"

The number of terrorists involved in the attacks range from 10 to 60, although approximately 25 seems to be the most frequently quoted figure. Unfortunately, the most puzzling information concerns the number captured. Some reports quote as many as 8 terrorists taken alive, yet the latest news reveals just one (a Pakistani) called Azam Amir Kasab remains.

Kasab is quoted as saying that 10 terrorists were involved in the attack, a plan that was created 6 months ago. According to Fox News, Kasab said it was hoped that 5,000 would be killed, targeting mostly "whites, preferably Americans and British"

However, according to an article on Haaretz.com "Report: Mumbai terrorist says mission specifically targeted Israelis", Kasab "told interrogators during questioning that he and his men were sent specifically to kill Israelis to avenge the "atrocities" against the Palestinians," apparently quoting a report in the Times of India on Sunday.

In the Haaretz article it was confirmed that "nine people - most Israelis, some dual citizens but all of them Jews - were killed in an attack on the Chabad house,"

Clearly, with the Jewish deaths (as important as they are) amounting to just 5% of the total lives lost, the terrorists were obviously not targeting Israelis, yet the Haaretz site appears to be trying to turn this "international" tragedy into a "Jewish" issue. Surely, this is not the time to be promoting personal interests?

The following is an extract from a BBC article:

"As few as 10 militants may have been involved in the assault which saw attacks in multiple locations including two hotels, a major railway station, a hospital and a Jewish centre.

While the vast majority of victims were Indians, at least 22 foreigners are known to have died, including victims from Israel, Germany, Japan, Canada, Australia, Italy, Singapore, Thailand and France. One Briton, Andreas Liveras, was also killed."

It was interesting that the Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi said "Let us not fool ourselves, it is a serious situation when the people in India feel this is 9/11 for India." I´m sure the Foreign Minister was referring to the ferocity of the attack and how the Indian people must be feeling at the moment, but you can´t help thinking how this resembles the effect on the American people after the WTC attack in 2001.

Perhaps, before the anger turns into retaliation, we should consider who benefits the most from these attacks? Whilst some of the terrorists appear to have a connection with Pakistan, what would Pakistan gain from such an attack, especially as the Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari has been making serious efforts to improve relationships with India?

Although most of the terrorists have either been killed or have escaped, we are presented with information that does not seem to make a lot of sense. We are told that the terrorists began their killing spree at the Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus (train station) which included the use of grenades, yet according to some accounts the terrorists arrived in rubber dinghies and a large number of grenades were found on one of these boats. If the terrorists planned to kill 5,000 people, as Azam Amir Kasab has been quoted as saying, why leave such a large quantity of grenades behind?

Can we expect a repeat of 9/11 where certain "evidence" conveniently appears soon after the attack, like a passport that appears in perfect condition from one of the hijacked planes, a list of the terrorists, or maybe a Koran left around somewhere?

There is no doubt there was a purpose to the attack and it may be no coincidence that almost all the victims were from countries that have supported the US fight against terror in the past (all Russian citizens were released unharmed in the attack).

It would also come as no surprise to hear later that Iran is blamed in some way for the Mumbai attack (supplying weapons or training?). Could it also be a coincidence that Russian intelligence has noticed a build up of US troops on the Iraq/Iran border? And that the naval presence in the Persian Gulf is at the same level seen before the Iraq invasion?

Could the Mumbai attacks be the first step in trying to gain international support for an attack on Iran soon, and will others follow? Will the warning by U.S. authorities, concerning a possible al Qaeda threat to transit systems in and around New York City, become step two?

The desire of the US and Israel to attack Iran may have taken a back seat just lately, but it certainly hasn´t gone away. But will a new war be a parting gift from Bush, or something that Obama will take on in January? Could this explain a comment made by Colin Powell in October when he said "There´s going to be a crisis come along on the 21st or 22nd of January that we don´t even know about right now."
Hard line Islamic terrorist drinking bear ??? Can you believe that ?

A Pakistani militant, blonde hair, drinking bear and settling bill. :disagree:

Somewhat similar to the 9-11 terrorists partying with strippers and drinking all night before their operation. :agree:

I guess my view has been corroborated twice now...these guys are not religious at all just criminal. There is no way these guys are Kashmiri freedom fighters with punkish blonde hair drinking in an Indian pub before their holy mission. :disagree:
I have this odd feeling that the captured terrorist is the mole and is carefully following his script about tying Pakistan and ISI into this, it is crucial for him to stay alive and be interrogated by Pakistani, US, and European officials before any facts are treated as such. Is he being kept in prison or is he still in the hospital?

I agree with you. Do watch hamid zaids videos... they are available in the videos section. They do well to reveal that this guy is actually a sikh not a muslim at all.

He is a card that is being played by them here. As far as Indians are concerned they shud simply rebel and ask for a proper investigation into the matter. They have to learn exactly what is it that is attacking them. This game of constantly blaming foreigners is now wearing thin and even indian think tanks are realizing how stupid it is to blame everything on a foreign nation even though their own nation is one of the most diverse and makes about 1/5 of the worlds population.

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