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The Truth About Mumbai Attacks (Indias Hindu Radicals Responsible)

I am however extremely angry at how the BJP was vilifying Karkare and others who were trying to do an honest job of investigating Sadhvi Pragya and other Hindu terror links.

That idiot Modi had to go and give his standard speech right in front of the Taj while the encounter was still going on. He probably delayed operations significantly as the security forces were trying to protect his fat ***.

I fully support the decision of Karkare's widow to refuse the "reward" offered by Modi.

I really hope that this will put tremendous pressure on these selfish idiots to stop the disgusting political interference in police investigations.

Karkares death was celebrated by hindu nationalists in many forums and sites including these:
Hindu Unity - Soldiers of Hindutva! Awake Hindus!!
Vishwa Hindu Parishad
This attack would be just the ingredient necessary for India's extremists to rise again. Once those guys win elections, they will be far more ruthless.

Bro no one has benefitted from this exept the hindu fanatics. I think this was a last ditch effort by them so that normal hindus out of anger and fear of terrorist activities start supporting fanatical parties in the name of their security and well being.

Now the minorities in India again can be turned into fair game for these same hindu fanatics. I dont know why always Pakistan is blamed inspite of others taking responsibility. It happens for every strike attack or bombing in India yet the Indians tend to believe it every time. In a land which makes up 1/5 of the worlds population they believe that no bombing can take place without foreign help!

Bhai deccan mujahideen ney e-mail bheji aur one of the terrorists interviewed said key he was f4m hyderabad india. Others went on about Indian oppression and atrocities on muslims. How does Pakistan jump in the middle?

By believing all this bullshit the Indians are denying the fact that there are muslims who are sick and tired of what the choice they made in 1947 to stay due to which they are suffering constantly. By doing this Indians are denying the justice and the truth which must be heard. They are denying themselves the right to solve these problems. For example the guy talking in pure hyderabadi telugi type accent. Yaar our own bgd is f4m hydz and anyone listening to him can tell he is f4m there. The Indian media turn him into a Pakistani and other half of the interview is not recorded. Same is with the other 2 terrorists. Their claim that they are local indians has simply been cut out by star news on the demands of the government.

Direct members of our family have been killed only because of this vast level of ignorance that exists in India and the fact that the Indian Hindu population is so prone to believe what its government wants them to. They deny themselves justice by doing so and they also let all those 195 who have died die in vain because they dont learn from their mistakes.

Today they are facing a rebellion from a discontented local population tommarow who knows another partition may be done and another Pakistan will be formed? This does happen. Our people have died in India and the people that come here and are resettled here absolutely loathe India for it.
The Indian media turn him into a Pakistani and other half of the interview is not recorded. Same is with the other 2 terrorists. Their claim that they are local indians has simply been cut out by star news on the demands of the government.

Really? Did the terrorists speak to you themselves and tell you that their interviews had been cut off?
Really? Did the terrorists speak to you themselves and tell you that their interviews had been cut off?

DUH! Did'nt it look like it. They were speaking and the interviewee (a man and woman) shut things down. The conversation with the terrorist was not complete.

I'll have to find the links again... anyway he was talking and saying hes a hyd'z boi and they turned him into a pakistani. That is so cruel man... its just denial... its like little voice in their head saying no whatever he says we have to make sure we tell the world this guy was f4m pakistan... lolz.

Infact one of the terrorists (captured one) was actually even had a rakhi. U know the red band u tie on the hand and stuff... maybe hes hand in hand with fanatical hindus in all of this...

Anyway look i think u need to chill out... I bet u are really really tired. If you're f4m mumbai u shud go to kamathipura. :enjoy:

And if all of you keep sitting here grieving like this that market will collapse too after the foreign investment etc ... after all with 100000 prostitutes on duty 365 days an year and earning Mumbai a revenue of over $500 million a year it is a major market... Lets get back to our normal lives shall we? ;)
How is that equal to "arey I"m Indian but my interview was cutoff by the government"
It was.

That part was shown in mini clips.

If you check out the Saadullah interview, he doesn't say that. Only in mini clips where they are nitpicking on what he said, they briefly show that part.

"Ap Hyderabad, Pakistan ke hain? Arey Hyderabad Deccan, Pyaare"

Pyaare? Such an Indian thing to say and he says that without processing it just comes out like that.
Right dimension, you've made some rather vague arguments based on the personal experience of your family, which I can neither confirm nor deny.

If you come out of your cocoon and keep track of the investigations going on, you'll realize that Indian agencies are not investigating this alone. They are coordinating with agencies from around the world.

So far all the evidence says that these terrorists had nothing to do with either deccan or Hyderabad, in spite of their claims.

You better be happy that the terrorists were not from Hyderabad - there could have been some serious communal violence there if these idiots who were spewing crap on national television had indeed been from there.
True our family in Hyderabad sees themselves more as Pakistani rather than Indian. Do you know why? Because their daughter was raped and killed by hindu fanatics. When their son went to police they locked them up and tortured him for killing his own sister. When they went to courts your courts failed to give justice. You know this happens and it is the cause of disloyalty among muslims about which you are always crying about.

Then I suggest that your family apply for Pakistani citizenship at the earliest and move to Karachi where they will be safe and secure from Hindu fanatics.

Don't insult my country by living it it while identifying with our enemy.
Right dimension, you've made some rather vague arguments based on the personal experience of your family, which I can neither confirm nor deny.

If you come out of your cocoon and keep track of the investigations going on, you'll realize that Indian agencies are not investigating this alone. They are coordinating with agencies from around the world.

So far all the evidence says that these terrorists had nothing to do with either deccan or Hyderabad, in spite of their claims.

You better be happy that the terrorists were not from Hyderabad - there could have been some serious communal violence there if these idiots who were spewing crap on national television had indeed been from there.

Its not vague. You're talkin like u dun knw about the christian genocide down round in orissa. So many christians took revenge like going to a Hindu temple desecrating it. It proves that after the Sikhs and Muslims the Christians too are taking lead. There is about to be a minority rebellion in India and Islamic one already is raging across all of India. You just saw what happened in Mumbai? Its all result of brutal suppression. Now as you can see in this video mr babu bajrangi he expressed his deep pleasure at this genocide:

Obviously muslims will rebel after all this right? ;)

also do watch genocide of muslims in India. It is made by me with love to you guys about the attrocities being comitted there :agree:
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I wonder people do not take even a single second in linking all terrorist activities with Islam... Everywhere the word "Islamist Militants" is being used, what is the proof?? who knows that the arrested terrorist is a planted person which is being used by Indian intelligence agencies for their face saving..
I wonder people do not take even a single second in linking all terrorist activities with Islam... Everywhere the word "Islamist Militants" is being used, what is the proof?? who knows that the arrested terrorist is a planted person which is being used by Indian intelligence agencies for their face saving..

Indians are trying to hide a genocide that is taking place in India and a musim rebellion in response. This attack has been done by hindu radicals because they are the only ones who actually benefit :agree:
I support the BJP/NDA. Their coalition will do a far better job of ensuring the security of citizens.

If u r such a great admirer of BJP and its allied extremist parties and u want that it should gain more popularity then u and ur party should resort to more moderate approach and discourage exploitation of the Muslims of India. Muslims of India are frustrated over the heinous acts of terrorsim which are sponsored by Shiv Sina and RSS, history is witness to these atrocities

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