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The Truth About Mumbai Attacks (Indias Hindu Radicals Responsible)

The fact is that the BJP is the only government who will be able to cobble together the political and social will to motivate the people of India to improve their country.

But history denies ur optimistic view of the future BJP govt because Muslims of India have suffered the most in BJP's rule
The idiots don't even know that Rakhi is only worn on a particular day of the year. That day was months back this year.

The stupidity of some knows no bounds. That thing was no Rakhi. May be it was a Taweej.

And yes, if you hate India, no need to come and live here. Go to where you feel happy.
Then I suggest that your family apply for Pakistani citizenship at the earliest and move to Karachi where they will be safe and secure from Hindu fanatics.

Don't insult my country by living it it while identifying with our enemy.

After all, who knows, one of your family members or people like you may get inspired by these morons, and we might actually have a real "Deccan Mujahideen" to contend with.
But history denies ur optimistic view of the future BJP govt because Muslims of India have suffered the most in BJP's rule

Myself, inspite of being a muslim, i still will wish the BJP wins the comming elections, simply because I must admit they will do a better job in safeguarding India's National interest.

Secondly, a majority of Indian society was very fragile during the 1990's because there were many mis-understandings among ourselves and the situation was very well exploited by anti-India eliments. Now, the majority of Indian society is very known to the facts around. Today, Hindus and Muslims stand united in this country and have understood the basic objectives os these terrorists. These people place bombs inside temples and mosques to create differences between Hindus and Muslims and want to see them fight. But, today we are not Hindus , we re not Muslims, we are not Sikhs, we are not Christians, were are not Parsis, we are not Nagas, we are not Bodos, we are not Jews, we are not Communtists, we are all Indians
But, today we are not Hindus , we re not Muslims, we are not Sikhs, we are not Christians, were are not Parsis, we are not Nagas, we are not Bodos, we are not Jews, we are not Communtists, we are all Indians

Yeah yeah yeah! we'll see when Muslims of India are labeled as terrorists again and the scenario of Gujraat is repeated again right the watch of the indian government. Only then will you realize how united you are with your Hindu brothers provided you are a muslim and not a wanna be in disguise.
The terrorists do not follow any religion if anyone is curious then the guy caught appears to be a Muslim you may believe or not but may be after investigations from international intelligence agencies.
Gujarat carnage was a massacre due to retaliation, Now pressure for retaliation is for masterminds of these terrorist act who seem to have international links as per preliminary investigations.
Indian media, analysts pour venoms against Pakistan
Updated at: 1237 PST, Sunday, November 30, 2008
Indian media, analysts pour venoms against PakistanKARACHI: Mumbai carnage drop scene has ended, but the Indian media and political analysts without any evidence hastily started the blame game against Pakistan as usual and poured venoms polluting the atmosphere that so laboriously had been built up after years of confidence building measures.

National Security Guards ‘s commander declared the operation completed after over 59 hours of militants’ rampant carnage all over the vintage points in Mumbai, which left nearly 200 dead and over 300 wounded.

However, the Indian media true to its traditional hate postures towards Pakistan lost no time in blaring all those scum, which pointed fingers towards Pakistan and holding it responsible for the tragic incident without any basis and evidences at all.

Indian anchors and analysts appearing on different channels across the country with one voice went on analyzing the incident purely based on the figment of their imaginations in a way that could by all means give the perception of Pakistan’s involvement in it.

Indian media tasked to propagate against Pakistan made out such fake stories that ISI and Pak Army had trained the militants, who were brought to Mumbai in a boat, while the body of one Amar Singh Tandal was also reportedly found in it, who belonged to Pakistan and had remained in Pakistan jail for one year. Sobhaday in Raj Deep Sir Desai show on CNN/IBN said that we know where their campus were.

Following Pakistan Foreign Minister’s press briefing, one anchorman of CNN India in his comments said that Pakistan was providing cover to the involved militants’ groups. One more Indian channel, India TV openly hurled blames on Pakistan for these attacks and dared to say without any proof that attackers had come from Pakistan.

Star News channel in their run race for propaganda against Pakistan tried to be more creative and discovered one Chacha Rahman as mastermind of the attacks and claimed that he was Lashkar-e-Taiyyaba commander from Karachi.

Zee TV also joining in the propaganda blamed that the militants were supplied arms and weapons from Karachi and in its effort to remain one-up straightaway blamed Pakistan Navy assisting elements involved in the attacks.

Indian leaders’ problems known to all that they are trying to hide their weaknesses and utter intelligence failures and find it safe putting blames on Pakistan, but the Indian media should have behaved responsibly in view of the delicate situation emanating after the attacks, which much to the saner elements’ disappointment, it miserably failed.
Then I suggest that your family apply for Pakistani citizenship at the earliest and move to Karachi where they will be safe and secure from Hindu fanatics.

Don't insult my country by living it it while identifying with our enemy.

This is the thing that makes me angriest of all....

Why the hell should they leave? Maybe you and your ilk should try and fight for the those who feel disenfranchised by total wastes of space like the BJP and RSS.

But of course I am asking you to do the impossible.

Let me explain something to you and the rest of of the Hinduvata mob....

A)unless you have a receipt from god/gods the land does not belong to you. people should be able to leave if enough of them on it, want to.

B)If you treated your people equally and fairly then there wouldn't be so many rebellions upon your land..

c)Go look in the mirror people like you and all like you are the problem. If you thought with balance and fairness then the people would not have any reason to want to run amok with guns. they are not uneducated Talibs they are educated people doing this.
This is the thing that makes me angriest of all....

Why the hell should they leave? Maybe you and your ilk should try and fight for the those who feel disenfranchised by total wastes of space like the BJP and RSS.

But of course I am asking you to do the impossible.

Let me explain something to you and the rest of of the Hinduvata mob....

A)unless you have a receipt from god/gods the land does not belong to you. people should be able to leave if enough of them on it, want to.

B)If you treated your people equally and fairly then there wouldn't be so many rebellions upon your land..

c)Go look in the mirror people like you and all like you are the problem. If you thought with balance and fairness then the people would not have any reason to want to run amok with guns. they are not uneducated Talibs they are educated people doing this.

No one is asking any patriotic Indian to leave the country here. India has almost as many Muslims as Pakistan so there is no reason to be "angriest".

It was a very specific response to a person who claims that his own family members living in India are anti-India and support an "enemy" country. That would make them traitors!

India is for every Indian irrespective of the faith. If someone doesn't feel Indian that is a separate matter.
This is the thing that makes me angriest of all....

Why the hell should they leave? Maybe you and your ilk should try and fight for the those who feel disenfranchised by total wastes of space like the BJP and RSS.

But of course I am asking you to do the impossible.

Let me explain something to you and the rest of of the Hinduvata mob....

A)unless you have a receipt from god/gods the land does not belong to you. people should be able to leave if enough of them on it, want to.

B)If you treated your people equally and fairly then there wouldn't be so many rebellions upon your land..

c)Go look in the mirror people like you and all like you are the problem. If you thought with balance and fairness then the people would not have any reason to want to run amok with guns. they are not uneducated Talibs they are educated people doing this.

Why the hell shouldn't they leave? If they feel Pakistani, they have every right to be Pakistani. Isn't that why Pakistan was created in the first place? As a safe haven for the disgruntled muslims of India?

The BJP and the RSS are not "total wastes of space". They represent the people of India, and their views are as important as the views of any of the kind that dimension belongs to.

You think that other groups in India are not suffering from injustice? Do you think my family, or my friends families, or the people I have known in my life haven't been chewed up by the system and thrown down like a dog on the roadside?

Every single Indian has suffered from injustice at some point in his life. I know the Indian police. I know the Indian bureaucracy. I am no stranger to either communal riots or terrorism.

However, I do not become a traitor to my nation by pledging allegiance with Pakistan or China or whatever.

Let me remind you, that it is partly your holy nation which continues to stoke communal fires in India since partition. It is your great nation whose citizens are running amok with assault rifles, not ours.

The people of India are a complicated lot. They have long intertwined and disparate histories of repression, colonialism and discrimination by one and all. There are several seething historical grievances which need sorting out.

In spite of all the hatred, all the riots, all the pogroms and all the insurgencies, we did not create the problem which has haunted us for the past 3 days.

That problem came from across the border.
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These indians are really brainwashed..........100 attackers invaded bombay and then we find out its only a handful.

They where 10 british pakistanis involved now there are non involved.

They whre dropped off by a pakistani merchant ship.......now we find out the militants hijacked a indian fishing boat.

Indians dont know nothing about the attack bit under 30 seconds of the attack taking place they know for sure its the pakistanis.

These indians are really pathetic
Truth can be masked for some time not forever, Every ideology creates its extreme eventually . Its the policy of differentiation between individual , based on religion has led to Pakistan being on the verge of being labeled as defunct state . there policy created Taliban. how long will they keep on denying the truth depends on there respect for there future generation.

Time is very good judge and you can win battles with cunningness , war is always won by truth .
I fully support the LeT and every other freedom movement fighting for freedom from india..... and all freedom loving people should also support there brave warriors in there fight.

lashkar e toiba should be voted into power in pakistan.......the best people for the defence of pakistan and the muslim of india.

Syed Salahuddin heads the United Jihad Council, an umbrella organisation banding together around a dozen ethnic Kashmiri separatist groups.

'Let me be very clear once again that the United Jihad Council does not approve of civilian killings and under its code of conduct such an act is reprehensible,' Salahuddin said.
'I can say with utmost certainty that none of Kashmiri jihadi groups has any involvement with the events in Mumbai,' he told Reuters by telephone.

Lashkar e toiba...UJC..zindabad
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Time is very good judge and you can win battles with cunningness , war is always won by truth .

That why the hindus killed the main policeman investigating hindu terror attacks?

"war is always won by truth"

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