USA . . . we don't have a good relationship with them anymore.
The Indians & Chinese have tried their best to supplant the US as your friends.
Do you find that the Indians & Chinese are as good friends as the US was towards you during the cold war ?
We won the cold war, right? so both Pakistan and the US & UK & Middle East & Afghanistan should be prosperous right ? instead it seems China & India are uplifted economically (and we are happy for them but to the victors should also go the spoils).
We won the cold war, right? so it should mean Regan, Thatcher and Zia should be commemorated as heros , right? Do you see that happening ? Not really, right? Instead Mikhail Gorbachov (USSR) lost along with Indira Gandhi (India) were on the losing side right and should have been reviled like losers of the losing side (Hitler & Wilhelm 2nd of WW2) ? Do you see that Gorbachev is reviled and Regan & Zia & Thatcher lauded as heros? Not really, right? We are happy that Gorbachev is respected and happy for the Indians and Indira Gandhi also.
So Pakistan despite being on the winning side is suffering economically, is distanced from friends (US & UK) , is rather infamous , their leaders assasinated & even maligned (Zia) . Why do you suppose this is happening ? More importantly what should we do about it ?
May I tell you what is likely to happen : we will be closer friends with the US & we will even win over the friendship of Russia. Kashmir will be liberated and become an independent state, in fact another independent state will arise out of Western India; Pakistan, Afghanistan will become modern and westernized and China & Indian too will become modern, western , will control their population and reduce it until there are more quality people than quantity of peoples. And you will be an industrialized and modern and blessed country (yes and will get F35 s and tech transfer and make 6/7th gen planes and commercial airlines too).