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The Conflict in Syria as it Relates to Turkey | Updates & Discussions

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I know you bros. existent problem with radical Shia and Bengali.
But in Turkey real believing ALEVITES joined with me many times to CUMA- Namaz.
That's my TRUTH.
I consider this idea of entering in syria stupid but as a brother i still wish saudi and Turk best of luck..
F-15 E Strike Eagle for air superiority. Will see against SU-35 fanboys.

Heh, they will cry like babies. As if the su-35 would stand a chance against American jets and missiles.
I know you bros. existent problem with radical Shia and Bengali.
But in Turkey real believing ALEVITES joined with me many times to CUMA- Namaz.
That's my TRUTH.

There are many different branches of Shi'ism and it's wrong to think that all Shia are anti-Sunni. As I've said the first secretary general of Hezbollah warned Iran not to interfere in Syria by sending troops to keep Bashar in power.

The Ismaili Shia began as a sect which killed Sunnis. It's now a moderate Shia sect whose members have good relations with Sunnis.

The Zaydi Shia believe that Imam Ali (A.S) should have been the first caliph instead of Imam Abu Bakr (A.S) but Sunni scholars throughout history have never seen that as reason to do takfir of them.

Reconciling with other Muslims is a good thing. Staying silent rather than encouraging conflict is also good. I may disagree with the beliefs of a even a non-Muslim such as a Hindu, does that mean I should grab Hindus from the street and pester them about their religious beliefs and force them to accept mine?

Iran is going backwards. Its leaders are increasing conflict between Muslim sects. They are trying to formalize power structures which make Sunnis second-class people. If Iran had been sincere in its behavior towards Sunni people, there is no Sunni government in the world which could have taken on Iran.
Ismaili Shia

So called ASSASINS. I know.
Turkey is also different, most Alevites I know are praying and keep fasten (lenting) period,
Bektashi Alevites are common in the Balkans and Turkey. Most Ottoman Sultans were Bektashi.
But there are many extremists in Turkey who claims to be Alevites (Shia) but in real are Atheits.

Everybody has the right to live in peace and freedom if he isn't hostile against his neighbors.
Do you know which type of Saudi F15's are sent to Turkey?
The ''normal'' ones or those new highly upgraded versions?


F-15SA is comparable to the F-15s operated by South Korea (F-15K Slam Eagle).

May be after ‘Eurofighter Typhoon Tranche 2’.


But also soon ‘F-16E/F Block 60’ and ‘Mirage 2000-9EAD/DAD’ .

Quote :

UAE to deploy special forces, jets in anti-Daesh campaign

Published — Saturday 13 February 2016

The UAE wants to deploy commandos to help train forces fighting Daesh terrorists and will resume its contribution to the US-led air campaign, Pentagon chief Ashton Carter said Friday.

Carter met top UAE officials in Brussels following a landmark summit of anti-Daesh coalition members to discuss ways to step up the 18-month fight against Daesh in Iraq and Syria.

“They indicated to me their willingness to do more, which is important, specifically to re-start their participation in the air campaign, secondly to work with us on the ground,” Carter said.

UAE special operations forces would help train and advise — as well as arm — anti-Daesh forces in Syria and local partners in Iraq, including Sunni groups and the Kurdish Peshmerga. Carter did not say how big the force would be.

“What is needed in the Sunni parts of Iraq is capacity among moderate Sunnis to re-occupy and govern that territory and keep a multi-sectarian Iraq together,” Carter said. “The Emiratis can be an important part of that.”

Saudi Arabia too has promised to step up its anti-Daesh efforts. Like the UAE, it took part in early strikes after the campaign began in mid-2014.

The continued fight against Daesh comes as world powers met in Munich on Friday and agreed an ambitious plan to cease hostilities in war-racked Syria.

But the Munich accord will not apply to Daesh and Al-Qaeda’s local branch. “There is no cease-fire in the war against Daesh,” Carter said. “Be clear about that.”



Quote :

Erdoğan hosts Qatari emir to discuss military cooperation in Syria

February 12, 2016, Friday/ 18:32:33/ TODAY'S ZAMAN | ISTANBUL

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has met with Qatari Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani in İstanbul to discuss military cooperation in the fight against terrorism in Syria.

Erdoğan hosted Al Thani at the Mabeyn Kiosk in İstanbul on Friday. National Intelligence Organization (MİT) Undersecretary Hakan Fidan, Defense Minister İsmet Yılmaz and Energy and Natural Resources Minister Berat Albayrak also attended the meeting. Turkey and Qatar discussed strategic and military issues related to the Syrian crisis such as the Islamic military alliance, in which 34 nations, including Turkey and Qatar, agreed to a coordinated fight against terrorism in mid-December.

The last meeting between the two leaders, who have often held talks in recent years, took place in Qatar in December 2015. The Haberdar news portal reported in December that Erdoğan had paid nine official visits to the Gulf country since 2008.

In a press statement, the Office of the Presidency said after Erdoğan's December visit that Turkey and Qatar had signed 15 agreements, including the “Protocol on Education and Training of the Gendarmerie,” the “Memorandum of Understanding between BOTAŞ [the Turkish Pipeline Corporation] and Qatar Petroleum on Cooperation on Natural Gas” and the “Protocol on TÜBİTAK [the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey] and the Qatar Foundation on Scientific and Technological Cooperation.”

Erdoğan also announced after his visit late last year that the two countries had agreed to abolish visa requirements. According to the Turkish Contractors Association (TMB), Turkish construction companies were responsible for 324 projects abroad in 2014, worth $27 billion in total. Qatar was ranked fourth in the total value of Turkish projects abroad last year at $2.7 billion.

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I consider this idea of entering in syria stupid but as a brother i still wish saudi and Turk best of luck..

Turkey doesnt have a choice really. They cant let their open enemy, Russian proxy, establish a proto state on their border.
PKK two days ago captured air base from the rebels just 15km from Turkish border under russian aircover, what do you think who would put its troops there? It wouldn be Tanzania, for sure.
Interesting read about the S400 in Syria:

Pls. read my post above BREAKING news.

I paste your post here, it is from Polish Member Laniakean_LimerencePoland

I've seen at least 5 posts a day commenting on Russian S-400 anti-air system deployed to Hmeymim base, where posters are heavily exaggerating its true abilities.

Let me explain to you what exactly Russians moved to Syria and how it affects Turkish/anti-ISIS coalition war planes.

Let's analyse this video provided by RT:

It shows S-400 being unloaded from AN-124. What we can see from this video are 5P85SE launchers that are mostly used in older systems like S-300P which leads me to think that missiles used are most probably from the same system which is inferior in range to that of S-400.

Trucks used in the video are MAZ 7910 which are made in Belarus and used as ballistic missile launcher carriers or rocket artillery such as BM-34 Smiercz.

So let's go back in time and see what Russians showed at their annual parade in Moscow:

S-400 in Moscow

What we can see in this picture is different than supposed "S-400" in Syria.

Trucks used are Russian Made BAZ-6402 with newer 5P85TE2 launchers.

I bet you all have seen those maps that showed the range of S-400:


This is misleading, as real range against manoeuvring targets should be around 90km - 150km. What is pictured above is actually true only to one type of a missile - 40N6 which is used against non-manoeuvring heavy targets like AWACS or heavy bombers.

In this video:

Around 0:57 mark we can see 96L6 Radar based on Russian BAZ-6909 from S-400 system. So it's the only component from the system which is in fact modern and capable of tracking targets at long ranges.

However Turkey has claimed it successfully jammed it for a short time. If this is true, and Turkish military can jam it for longer periods it may render it completely useless and leave Russians only with short range Pantsir S-1 to defend their base.

To sum it up:

  • AA system in currently deployed in Latakia is not S-400 but modernised S-300P with S-400 Radar
  • True range is much, much lower 90km - 150km as opposed to 400km
  • It’s prone to jamming, so true effectiveness is not known
However as I cannot look inside the launchers there is slight possibility that Russians in fact would use newer rockets, but I find it highly unlikely since there were delays in production.

PS. Moscow cruiser pictured below:


Is useless as it's radar systems are not up to date (based on S-300F), has low range and I doubt how well it can identify if a target is friend or foe over crowded Syrian skies.

I've been a long time lurker, but this is my first contribution to this subreddit. Please excuse my poor grammar, its middle of the night and I'm not feeling well.

Syrian EX- Chief prosecutor of Palmyra accused ESAD to organized PARIS and ISTANBUL TERROR ATTACKS wirh DAESH and Russia.

Ex-Syrian Chief Prosecutor accuses Esad, Syria and Russia to have organized terror attack in PARIS

Esed-DAEŞ işbirliğinin canlı tanığı AA’ya konuştu

I need to see some kind of evidence to believe that. Sounds a bit like propaganda stuff.
I need to see some kind of evidence


New link

Bivši tužilac o dešavanjima u sirijskom Tedmuru: Režim i Rusija sarađuju s ISIL-om - Faktor.ba

Many details are included. He is an insider.

UPDATE : Unexpected visit to KIEV

MP Davutoglu to visit UKRAINE tomorrow.
He will talk with Mr. Petro Poroşenko, Mr. Vlodomir Groysman and Mr. Arseniy Yatsenyuk about strategic partnership.
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Pls. read my post above BREAKING news.

I paste your post here, it is from Polish Member Laniakean_LimerencePoland

I've seen at least 5 posts a day commenting on Russian S-400 anti-air system deployed to Hmeymim base, where posters are heavily exaggerating its true abilities.

Let me explain to you what exactly Russians moved to Syria and how it affects Turkish/anti-ISIS coalition war planes.

Let's analyse this video provided by RT:

It shows S-400 being unloaded from AN-124. What we can see from this video are 5P85SE launchers that are mostly used in older systems like S-300P which leads me to think that missiles used are most probably from the same system which is inferior in range to that of S-400.

Trucks used in the video are MAZ 7910 which are made in Belarus and used as ballistic missile launcher carriers or rocket artillery such as BM-34 Smiercz.

So let's go back in time and see what Russians showed at their annual parade in Moscow:

S-400 in Moscow

What we can see in this picture is different than supposed "S-400" in Syria.

Trucks used are Russian Made BAZ-6402 with newer 5P85TE2 launchers.

I bet you all have seen those maps that showed the range of S-400:


This is misleading, as real range against manoeuvring targets should be around 90km - 150km. What is pictured above is actually true only to one type of a missile - 40N6 which is used against non-manoeuvring heavy targets like AWACS or heavy bombers.

In this video:

Around 0:57 mark we can see 96L6 Radar based on Russian BAZ-6909 from S-400 system. So it's the only component from the system which is in fact modern and capable of tracking targets at long ranges.

However Turkey has claimed it successfully jammed it for a short time. If this is true, and Turkish military can jam it for longer periods it may render it completely useless and leave Russians only with short range Pantsir S-1 to defend their base.

To sum it up:

  • AA system in currently deployed in Latakia is not S-400 but modernised S-300P with S-400 Radar
  • True range is much, much lower 90km - 150km as opposed to 400km
  • It’s prone to jamming, so true effectiveness is not known
However as I cannot look inside the launchers there is slight possibility that Russians in fact would use newer rockets, but I find it highly unlikely since there were delays in production.

PS. Moscow cruiser pictured below:


Is useless as it's radar systems are not up to date (based on S-300F), has low range and I doubt how well it can identify if a target is friend or foe over crowded Syrian skies.

I've been a long time lurker, but this is my first contribution to this subreddit. Please excuse my poor grammar, its middle of the night and I'm not feeling well.

Excellent post.

I think the confusion arises in most peoples minds because some people in the media don't make it clear that the 'S-400' is not one missile but a variety of missiles which are part of a system. In many ways its function is similar to the USSR supplied 'missile umbrella' that the Egyptians operated under during the 1973 war.
Turkey doesnt have a choice really. They cant let their open enemy, Russian proxy, establish a proto state on their border.
PKK two days ago captured air base from the rebels just 15km from Turkish border under russian aircover, what do you think who would put its troops there? It wouldn be Tanzania, for sure.

Only fool go and fight other's proxies with their army in foreign lands, otherwise fight proxies with proxies.
How Afghan free their country? Russia was using same jet and gunship on them, if syrian dont have will to get rid of iranian and their russian master then Turks cant change anything.
Only fool go and fight other's proxies with their army in foreign lands, otherwise fight proxies with proxies.
How Afghan free their country? Russia was using same jet and gunship on them, if syrian dont have will to get rid of iranian and their russian master then Turks cant change anything.

man if you dont see that turkey tried to avoid entering syria than nobody can help you.. we go there if it benefits us or we if we have to protect our interests..

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