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The Conflict in Syria as it Relates to Turkey | Updates & Discussions

Yes. More's the pity!

Solomon, where do you come from?

If you don't like how Turkey handle refugees problem, why you dont ask your gouverment to resettle the refugees in your country for a better life? Turkey has 3 mio and we have 1mio refugees. I thing its your turn. No talk! Just walk! Every one can criticize the situation, but it needs much more to ameliorate the situation.
Turkmans losted their important positions at Turkman mountain, esad and russia approached until Turkish border last week. After this event Uzbeks, East Turkistanis, Chechens, Kurds, Arabs groups come to help Turkman mountains and Turkmans take back Karaman, Sarraf, Çömeren, burc and Kelez, btw esad losted many soldiers and main ammunition depot destroyed, Turkmans seized many booty.

some videos of Turkman operations on Esad

We've demonstrated to Pakistanis here how Turks' hearts and minds work. Not a waste of time at all, is it?
Yeah and here comes the bad Turk card again, Turkey took more refugees than anyone else and also spend 50% of worlds total spending on Syrians, our heart is clean what about yours?

Yeah and here comes the bad Turk card again...our heart is clean what about yours?
If you believe the actions of the soldiers were "bad" then how can your hear be "clean" if you don't want to see anything done anything about it?
If you believe the actions of the soldiers were "bad" then how can your hear be "clean" if you don't want to see anything done anything about it?
Cant remember defending killing people, you seem to know more about me than i myself.
If you believe the actions of the soldiers were "bad" then how can your hear be "clean" if you don't want to see anything done anything about it?
I'd love to see what happens if someone tried to infiltrate the Israeli border at night time. Hypocrite
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