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The Conflict in Syria as it Relates to Turkey | Updates & Discussions

man if you dont see that turkey tried to avoid entering syria than nobody can help you.. we go there if it benefits us or we if we have to protect our interests..

Again i wish good luck to Turks.. time will surly tell us if it was right or wrong decision. but as of now Turkish army have not yet crossed border but uncle sam seems not too happy. it care more about kurd militant then half centurey old ally.

U.S. Asks Turkey to Stop Attacks on Kurdish Fighters
Again i wish good luck to Turks.. time will surly tell us if it was right or wrong decision. but as of now Turkish army have not yet crossed border but uncle sam seems not too happy. it care more about kurd militant then half centurey old ally.

U.S. Asks Turkey to Stop Attacks on Kurdish Fighters
Time will sah tat it was Too late. ..

For uncle Sam we should remind them that incirlik is in türkiye give them a break of two days but i doubt that no on except me has the balls to Do such a move.. unfortunally I am not timur the emir of turkey
Time will sah tat it was Too late. ..

For uncle Sam we should remind them that incirlik is in türkiye give them a break of two days but i doubt that no on except me has the balls to Do such a move.. unfortunally I am not timur the emir of turkey

I don't think İncirlik has an importance anymore for them. They want to move their bases to land of their new ally Pkk.

Better you have an enemy like Ruskies, than ally like Yankees!
I don't think İncirlik has an importance anymore for them. They want to move their bases to land of their new ally Pkk.

Better you have an enemy like Ruskies, than ally like Yankees!

They will use it to supply PKK with weapons. Turkey should seriously consider firing some bunker busting rockets and render it useless. Have fun filling in 20 foot craters. .. Oh wait, we lack the balls..
Turkiye today is faced with exactly the same sort of situation as it was during 1914 - 1923 and with the invasion of Turkey by the Rus.

The only way Turkiye is going to get through this is not to tolerate the slightest threat to its existence irrespective of which dog barks or growls. If any country threatens Turkiye's territorial integrity it should be provided with practical example in no uncertain terms that Turkiye will deal with it.

Any hesitation, vacillation, weak-heartedness or lack of faith will only encourage the vultures and hyenas which are circling.

I remind you of the battle speeches of Khalid Ibn Waleed (A.S)

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They will use it to supply PKK with weapons. Turkey should seriously consider firing some bunker busting rockets and render it useless. Have fun filling in 20 foot craters. .. Oh wait, we lack the balls..

my old advise is to sell incirlik to chinese.. and let them have there A-bombs .. then let the US cry and see whom they made angry.. and what they did lost
I don't think İncirlik has an importance anymore for them. They want to move their bases to land of their new ally Pkk.

Better you have an enemy like Ruskies, than ally like Yankees!

Turkey has been betrayed by the two-faced serpent!
Turkey has been betrayed by the two-faced serpent!

How sad that Yankees don't know Turks never forget betrayals!
Turkiye today is faced with exactly the same sort of situation as it was during 1914 - 1923 and with the invasion of Turkey by the Rus.
Excuse me .
But Russian Empire was in a Turkish Land for a 1 year untill Red Revolution.
Elhamdullilah Bolsheviks won the civil war against Tsar's White Army.
Lenin called Russian soldiers back who are ocupied The East Black Sea Region.
If The Russian Tsar had won and stayed on the power, It would have been worst thing for Turkish History.
Maybe President Erdogan would studied in Moscow universities and he would speak the russian language fluently like a Saakashvili.

On the other hand Komunist, atheist Lenin and USSR helped to new Turkish Republic in order to we win against Greek, British,French and Italian occupants.

Our country was occupied by todays our strategical partners.

we had a choice with Russia and they had a choice with us.
Why did we break up? I couldnt understand?
May be, the USA had promised somethings and we believed.
Excuse me .
But Russian Empire was in a Turkish Land for a 1 year untill Red Revolution.
Elhamdullilah Bolsheviks won the civil war against Tsar's White Army.

Lenin called Russian soldiers back who are ocupied The East Black Sea Region.
If The Russian Tsar had won and stayed on the power, It would have been worst thing for Turkish History.
Maybe President Erdogan would studied in Moscow universities and he would speak the russian language fluently like a Saakashvili.

On the other hand Komunist, atheist Lenin and USSR helped to new Turkish Republic in order to we win against Greek, British,French and Italian occupants.

Our country was occupied by todays our strategical partners.

we had a choice with Russia and they had a choice with us.
Why did we break up? I couldnt understand?
May be, the USA had promised somethings and we believed.

Russian empire collapsed because of the strains of waging war. In Chinese war strategy this is called 'imposing your will upon the enemy'. The Russian withdrawal wasn't because the communists were nice people, it was because they could no longer continue the war. Lenin had to sign a peace deal giving up large areas of Russian land.

USSR was then involved in a war against the White Armies. Look up who was funding the White Armies. USSR's policy was not to have long term peace with any country, just to wait until it was strong enough and then overthrow all governments.
Russian empire collapsed because of the strains of waging war. In Chinese war strategy this is called 'imposing your will upon the enemy'. The Russian withdrawal wasn't because the communists were nice people, it was because they could no longer continue the war. Lenin had to sign a peace deal giving up large areas of Russian land.

USSR was then involved in a war against the White Armies. Look up who was funding the White Armies. USSR's policy was not to have long term peace with any country, just to wait until it was strong enough and then overthrow all governments.
Democracies won the First and Second WW. Russia was winner of II. WW by the help of democrasies and than lost the cold war against democracies. Today Russia and Iran which are not real democracies are fighting against the unique democracy of the region, Turkey. In the end, Turkey will win, they will loose...

Note: Today while i was coming back home i saw a new course giving Turkish lessons to so many Syrians. It was clear that they were well educated and starting a new life in Istanbul, and Russia is bombing their relatives now. They will loose, we will win!
Democracies won the First and Second WW. Russia was winner of II. WW by the help of democrasies and than lost the cold war against democracies. Today Russia and Iran which are not real democracies are fighting against the unique democracy of the region, Turkey. In the end, Turkey will win, they will loose...

Note: Today while i was coming back home i saw a new course giving Turkish lessons to so many Syrians. It was clear that they were well educated and starting a new life in Istanbul, and Russia is bombing their relatives now. They will loose, we will win!

That Iran and Russia will eventually be defeated is clear. Turkey offers a more open and inclusive vision to all the people of the middle-east; Iran and Russian offer privileges for some and nothing for others.

Iran is playing a dangerous game. It is stoking Russian religious mania. Already Putin is dreaming of crusades and creating empires in the middle-east. When those fantasies collapse, the Russians will turn upon Iran. I can guarantee that eventually Russia will control Iran as a satrapy.
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Some people say that Pakistans involvement in the Afghan jihad in the 80s was unnecessary and it bought us subsequent trouble (which is true)

But sometimes you find yourself in a situation where you cant back down and have to come out fighting

Turkey this is where you are now, regardless of the consequences you have to step up, fuc the kurds, they will happily allow a slaughter of sunni arabs and see refugee flood into Turkey if they can occupy the area afterwards

The alewites/Assadists/Russians want the same right across western Syria

Eventually the sunni arabs will only be left with ISIS and a hostile world looking to destroy it regardless of the cost to sunni syrians

The kurds need to be pushed back and the rebels supported much more aggressively with weapons that can seriously harm
German Tornado Recce planes harassed by Russian planes in Syria

Almanya Silahlı Kuvvetleri Hava Operasyonları Merkezi Komutanı Korgeneral Joachim Wundrak, Suriye'de terör örgütü DAEŞ ile mücadele kapsamında keşif uçuşu yapan Alman Hava Kuvvetlerine ait tornado jetlerinin, Rus savaş uçakları tarafından takip edildiğini belirtti

I got crazy if I see that black dirty bastards, threatening Suna world and also Israel,
against Palestinian interests.

Hizbullah'tan Türkiye iddiası

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