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The Conflict in Syria as it Relates to Turkey | Updates & Discussions

Latakia front heating up again today. Multiple reports about heavy RUAF bombing and artillery fire.

pic of few grey wovlves somewhere in Latakia

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Intense propaganda in Europe with Headline : " Christian Amazons fighting ISIS"

The guy in the coffin is a foreign terrorist.
The woman with Canadian badge an ex model from Canada and now terrorist on side of the PKK.
50.000 YPG terrorists active and heavy armed.

Next 20 years will be no peace in the area and not in Turkey's east and southeast.

"Eine Frau weiß, wann sie eine Waffe einsetzen muss": Diese Kriegerinnen bekämpfen den IS - n-tv.de


Preparing against PKK's spring actions , Security Forces in East Turkey

Van’da askeri hareketlilik - Milliyet.com.tr

First group of refugees deported from Greece to Turkey

Yunanistan, Kaçak Göçmenleri Türkiye’ye İade Etti


EU plans to deport refugees back with ferries to Turkey

Dutch is proposing to ferry back refugees from the Greek islands to Turkey, in an attempt to control the influx of refugees into Europe.
The Netherlands, currently holding the European Union presidency, is gathering support for the plan among several EU member states including Germany,

Dutch plan seeks to ferry refugees back to Turkey - Al Jazeera English


They want to do the same thing that Australia has been doing, ship refugees back to the country where they came from, to discourage people from coming.
. .
Dutch plan seeks to ferry refugees back to Turkey - Al Jazeera English

let them face our warships maybe then they go back...

these dutch seem more wicked than any german could be.. they are getting worser every year..

really I am using dutch as a provocation against germans since some month..
In Saddam's Footsteps? Erdogan is Walking Straight into Washington's Trap
Top News
29 February 2016


Washington has set a trap for impulsive Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, US journalist Mike Whitney notes, adding that a 'color revolution' in Turkey may one day become a reality.

On February 19 Washington dismissed a draft resolution by Russia aimed at preventing a Turkish invasion of Syria at the United Nations Security Council (UNSC); by making move the Obama administration is in fact giving the green light to Ankara's ground operation in Syria, US independent journalist Mike Whitney believes.

"It suggests that the Obama administration thinks that Turkish ground troops could play an important role in shaping the outcome of a conflict that the US is still determined to win. Keep in mind, if the resolution had passed, the threat of a Turkish invasion would have vanished immediately," Whitney writes in his analysis for CounterPunch.org, adding that the quashing of the resolution clearly signals that Washington does not want peace in Syria.

Although it is believed that Recep Tayyip Erdogan has "dictatorial powers" and can launch the much-discussed ground operation in northern Syria whenever he wants, it is not true: Turkish generals do not want to bear the responsibility for invading a sovereign state. Therefore, Ankara is seeking either US/NATO or the UN's blessing, the journalist explains.

Meanwhile, Ankara continues to wage a covert war against Syrian Kurdish militias by shelling northern parts of Syria and giving Sunni jihadists, fighting against the YPG (Kurdish People's Protection Units) forces and the Syrian Arab Army, a free pass to cross the Turkish-Syrian border and re-enter the war zone.

Whitney underscores that the Obama administration is fully aware of what is going on. However, while admonishing the Erdogan government for shelling northern Syria, Washington has vocally recognized Turkey's "right to defend itself."

"This alone speaks volumes about the duplicity of Washington's approach," Whitney notes.

According to the journalist, there is something very fishy about the White House indulging Ankara's warmongering.

On the one hand, Washington is indirectly pushing the impulsive Turkish President toward a military conflict with Moscow and Damascus in Syria thus upsetting the Russo-Syrian successful operation. On the other, a Turkish invasion would aggravate domestic tensions inside Turkey.

"A Turkish invasion would exacerbate divisions inside Turkey seriously eroding Erdogan's grip on power while creating vulnerabilities the US could exploit by working with its agents in the Turkish military and Intel agency (MIT)," Whitney writes.

"The ultimate objective would be to foment sufficient social unrest to incite a color-coded revolution that would dispose of the troublemaking Erdogan in a Washington-orchestrated coup, much like the one the CIA executed in Kiev," he stresses.

American researcher, historian and strategic risk consultant F. William Engdahl shares the similar stance. The historian has repeatedly warned that Washington's cunning geostrategists have set a trap for both Erdogan and King Salman in Syria and Iraq.

"While the only-too-clever Prince Salman and Erdogan are convinced, by all the soft, subtle encouragement from John Kerry, from Joe Biden and those in Washington that they have a green light to invade and take over the rich oil and gas fields of Syria and of Turkey's next-door neighbor Iraq and its huge Mosul oil riches, in fact they are about to fall into a horrendous trap," Engdahl writes in his article for New Eastern Outlook.

As a result, "the trap will likely see the map of the entire Middle East redrawn fundamentally for the first time since the secret… Sykes-Picot Plan," the historian stresses.

And there is a good reason to think such a trap is not a "conspiracy theory."

Whitney draws historic parallels between the ongoing Syrian conflict and the Gulf War of 1990-1991.

Incredible as it may seem, it was US Ambassador to Iraq, April Glaspie, who gave Saddam Hussein the nod to invade Kuwait in 1990.

However, "the Iraqi Army had barely reached its destination before the US launched a massive military campaign (Operation Desert Storm) that forced Saddam to speedily withdraw along the infamous Highway of Death," the journalist narrates, adding that it was the first phase of Washington's plan to overthrow Hussein and replace him with a pro-Western stooge.

It seems Erdogan is walking straight into a similar trap.
In Saddam's Footsteps? Erdogan is Walking Straight into Washington's Trap
Top News
29 February 2016


Washington has set a trap for impulsive Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, US journalist Mike Whitney notes, adding that a 'color revolution' in Turkey may one day become a reality.

On February 19 Washington dismissed a draft resolution by Russia aimed at preventing a Turkish invasion of Syria at the United Nations Security Council (UNSC); by making move the Obama administration is in fact giving the green light to Ankara's ground operation in Syria, US independent journalist Mike Whitney believes.

"It suggests that the Obama administration thinks that Turkish ground troops could play an important role in shaping the outcome of a conflict that the US is still determined to win. Keep in mind, if the resolution had passed, the threat of a Turkish invasion would have vanished immediately," Whitney writes in his analysis for CounterPunch.org, adding that the quashing of the resolution clearly signals that Washington does not want peace in Syria.

Although it is believed that Recep Tayyip Erdogan has "dictatorial powers" and can launch the much-discussed ground operation in northern Syria whenever he wants, it is not true: Turkish generals do not want to bear the responsibility for invading a sovereign state. Therefore, Ankara is seeking either US/NATO or the UN's blessing, the journalist explains.

Meanwhile, Ankara continues to wage a covert war against Syrian Kurdish militias by shelling northern parts of Syria and giving Sunni jihadists, fighting against the YPG (Kurdish People's Protection Units) forces and the Syrian Arab Army, a free pass to cross the Turkish-Syrian border and re-enter the war zone.

Whitney underscores that the Obama administration is fully aware of what is going on. However, while admonishing the Erdogan government for shelling northern Syria, Washington has vocally recognized Turkey's "right to defend itself."

"This alone speaks volumes about the duplicity of Washington's approach," Whitney notes.

According to the journalist, there is something very fishy about the White House indulging Ankara's warmongering.

On the one hand, Washington is indirectly pushing the impulsive Turkish President toward a military conflict with Moscow and Damascus in Syria thus upsetting the Russo-Syrian successful operation. On the other, a Turkish invasion would aggravate domestic tensions inside Turkey.

"A Turkish invasion would exacerbate divisions inside Turkey seriously eroding Erdogan's grip on power while creating vulnerabilities the US could exploit by working with its agents in the Turkish military and Intel agency (MIT)," Whitney writes.

"The ultimate objective would be to foment sufficient social unrest to incite a color-coded revolution that would dispose of the troublemaking Erdogan in a Washington-orchestrated coup, much like the one the CIA executed in Kiev," he stresses.

American researcher, historian and strategic risk consultant F. William Engdahl shares the similar stance. The historian has repeatedly warned that Washington's cunning geostrategists have set a trap for both Erdogan and King Salman in Syria and Iraq.

"While the only-too-clever Prince Salman and Erdogan are convinced, by all the soft, subtle encouragement from John Kerry, from Joe Biden and those in Washington that they have a green light to invade and take over the rich oil and gas fields of Syria and of Turkey's next-door neighbor Iraq and its huge Mosul oil riches, in fact they are about to fall into a horrendous trap," Engdahl writes in his article for New Eastern Outlook.

As a result, "the trap will likely see the map of the entire Middle East redrawn fundamentally for the first time since the secret… Sykes-Picot Plan," the historian stresses.

And there is a good reason to think such a trap is not a "conspiracy theory."

Whitney draws historic parallels between the ongoing Syrian conflict and the Gulf War of 1990-1991.

Incredible as it may seem, it was US Ambassador to Iraq, April Glaspie, who gave Saddam Hussein the nod to invade Kuwait in 1990.

However, "the Iraqi Army had barely reached its destination before the US launched a massive military campaign (Operation Desert Storm) that forced Saddam to speedily withdraw along the infamous Highway of Death," the journalist narrates, adding that it was the first phase of Washington's plan to overthrow Hussein and replace him with a pro-Western stooge.

It seems Erdogan is walking straight into a similar trap.
Yeap, he is a real dictator winning 9 elections in 12 year by improving his votes. They prefer a puppet like Saddam, Sisi or Saudies and be sure if someone was governing Turkey like Saddam, then we were invading Syria 5 times in Last 5 year.

But that s good. You dont recognize Erdoğan and still not trying to understand him.
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This is the end. So pressure from Turkey and KSA combined (Threat to intervene directly) has borne his fruits. :coffee:

Need help ?

Link : Google translate

Quote :

Syrie : USA et Russie veulent un mécanisme pour superviser la trêve

Reuters le 01/03/2016 à 01:27

WASHINGTON, 1er mars (Reuters) -
Le secrétaire d'Etat américain a déclaré mardi s'être entendu avec son homologue russe pour ne pas se débattre en public des violations du cessez-le-feu en Syrie afin de se concentrer sur la recherche d'un mécanisme permettant de s'assurer que les frappes aériennes visent uniquement les groupes djihadistes.

Lors d'une conférence de presse à Washington au côté du chef de la diplomatie allemande, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, John Kerry a indiqué qu'il avait convenu avec Sergueï Lavrov de ne pas "argumenter en public" des informations faisant état de violations de la trêve par les deux camps.

Les équipes chargées de superviser le cessez-le-feu à Genève et Amman vont se pencher sur ces informations, a-t-il assuré.

"Nous allons examiner chacune de ces violations présumées et travailler encore plus à la mise en place d'un mécanisme qui nous permettra de garantir que les missions visent effectivement le Front al Nosra et l'Etat islamique", a-t-il dit.

Les deux groupes djihadistes sont exclus du champ d'application de la trêve conclue sous l'égide de Moscou et Washington, entrée en vigueur vendredi à minuit et dont l'Onu a estimé lundi qu'elle était globalement respectée.

(Idrees Ali; Tangi Salaün pour le service français)


This is the end. So pressure from Turkey and KSA combined (Threat to intervene directly) has borne his fruits. :coffee:

Need help ?

Link : Google translate

Quote :

Syrie : USA et Russie veulent un mécanisme pour superviser la trêve

Reuters le 01/03/2016 à 01:27

WASHINGTON, 1er mars (Reuters) -
Le secrétaire d'Etat américain a déclaré mardi s'être entendu avec son homologue russe pour ne pas se débattre en public des violations du cessez-le-feu en Syrie afin de se concentrer sur la recherche d'un mécanisme permettant de s'assurer que les frappes aériennes visent uniquement les groupes djihadistes.

Lors d'une conférence de presse à Washington au côté du chef de la diplomatie allemande, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, John Kerry a indiqué qu'il avait convenu avec Sergueï Lavrov de ne pas "argumenter en public" des informations faisant état de violations de la trêve par les deux camps.

Les équipes chargées de superviser le cessez-le-feu à Genève et Amman vont se pencher sur ces informations, a-t-il assuré.

"Nous allons examiner chacune de ces violations présumées et travailler encore plus à la mise en place d'un mécanisme qui nous permettra de garantir que les missions visent effectivement le Front al Nosra et l'Etat islamique", a-t-il dit.

Les deux groupes djihadistes sont exclus du champ d'application de la trêve conclue sous l'égide de Moscou et Washington, entrée en vigueur vendredi à minuit et dont l'Onu a estimé lundi qu'elle était globalement respectée.

(Idrees Ali; Tangi Salaün pour le service français)


Sorry but I don't see any fruit here, what did you mean exactly?
Sorry but I don't see any fruit here, what did you mean exactly?

The objective of Russia and Iran was to take Aleppo to permanently destroy the opposition to Assad, to be in a dominant position before any possible negotiations. The movement of Turkey and KSA stopped completely this purpose.





In the early days of the truce, Russia continued to bombard some positions - cheating - to try to increase some gains while accusing the opposition of 31 viols the cease-fire (Everyone knows that without air support the Iranian troops and Shiite militias Assad can not advance in the field).

Irretrievable establishment of effective control with the USA airstrikes on targets is the last stone that freezes any attempt to back.

Putin did not stop because he wanted but because he was forced there. Now he knows he can not fully eliminate the opposition and he also knows that if there are no real negotiations, Plan B with invasion of Turkey and KSA (Coalition of Arab countries) will take place.


And what was still possible - for many years because of the fear of the bombing - reappears.

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Russia is getting ready to send its sole operating aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov to Mediterranean waters off Syrian coast.

Russian TASS news agency reported that a high ranking official of Russian Navy told that the aircraft carrier will be positioned in the Mediterranean Sea to lead the already existing ships in the area.

The article stated that the ship is currently located in Russian port of Murmansk on the Barents Sea, where it is being prepared for its long distance campaign.

The current deployment formation of Russian Navy in the Mediterranean Sea began in 2013, the article said, with more than ten warships rotating in the region.

Admiral Kuznetsov was also deployed in the Mediterranean Sea in 2011 - 2012, when the civil war in Syria began.

Ordered in early 1980s and commissioned in 1990 during the Soviet Union era, Admiral Kuznetsov is the sole operating aircraft carrier of Russian Navy. Its sister ship Varyag was never completed, and sold to China initially for a floating hotel and casino project. Nowadays, Varyag, later renamed as Liaoning, serves as the only aircraft carrier of the Chinese Navy.
New exercise for our subs...

And a flash-back. Just for its amazing Ottoman Army music, pls watch till the end.

PYD'nin Barzani'ye darbe planı


Talabani's nephew with Salih Muslim

"PYD's coup plan against Barzani in Northern Iraq" by Taha Dağlı


"Soner Yalçın: In whose name Talabani acts?
Cem Ersever: ... Talabani is in contact both with US and UK. I want to mention about Talabani a bit here: ... In 1950's, Talabani was a member of Communist Party of Iraq. He joined Democrat Party of Kurdistan over return of Molla Mustafa Barzani after the 1958 Iraqi coup. He opposed Barzani together with Ibrahim Ahmad the general secretary of KDP, of the time. In 1966, he sided with Iraqi adminstration. He corporated with Iraqi adminsration for years. He returned to KDP when Barzani reached an agreement with Iraqi adminsration in 1970. He lived in Beirut as KDP's representative until 1974. PKK's settlement in Beqaa valley comes across these years. He made an announcement called 'I salute Saddam's Iron Fist' after Barzani's 1975 defeat. It was a famous announcement. Then he became a fan of China and Mao, later he was in favor of Latin guerillas in 75's and he was seen as European type of social democrat in 80's. Finally in 90's, he's seen as propagandist of American NWO. Talabani is a politician, who has been controlled by different powers at different times.


Turkey sees Talabani as the person, who would help it against PKK's seperatism but in fact, Talabani is a tool, being used to give intengible support to seperatist activities in Middle East. New World Order, sees Talabani a useful personnel to unify seperated Kurdish groups.


What Talabani wants to do? ... Talabani wants to be a power against Barzani's KDP in N. Iraq, needs men. ... He wants an equal power to that of KDP and later will seek to remove KDP. That's why, he wants PKK on his side."

From Binbaşı Ersever'in İtirafları by Soner Yalçın (pages: 65,66,67)
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