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TF-X Turkish Fighter & Trainer Aircraft Projects

I can get american whining about F-35A but why they don’t give the F-35B there’s no problem with s400 and F-35B cause they won’t operate in same space if they give F-35B then it would be a win for them cause turkey would probably cancel potential su-35 order
Air to ground operations would be conducted anyway by akinci and aksungur starting from 2021
F-16 can be upgraded to viper version and they could give f-15 as a replacement for f-4
instead of F-35A TF-X would become backbone in 2030s for turkish air force
Also turkish companies would continue working on F-35A spare parts and the price won’t go up but i guess there are some people in US who don’t want a win win outcome for both sides
Dude it’s the same tech. Anyway lets hope and pray for a miracle so we can ger hurjet to begin with everything else is too much of a dream.
Also turkish companies would continue working on F-35A spare parts and the price won’t go up but i guess there are some people in US who don’t want a win win outcome for both sides
As far as Uncle Trump is concerned, it needs to be (even as a perception) like win-lose...
It seems they are ready to move the design out from the tables very soon, to a demonstrator.

If things go ok, we might even see a prototype by late 2024 - 2025
I have very much hope in Britain as long as yankees don’t mess up but if they do then Turkey should threaten them with closing Black sea access i believe using bosphorus strait and istanbul canal is the right step to force US not to sabotage turkish fighter jet-the most important project in Turkey’s modern history
I have very much hope in Britain as long as yankees don’t mess up but if they do then Turkey should threaten them with closing Black sea access i believe using bosphorus strait and istanbul canal is the right step to force US not to sabotage turkish fighter jet-the most important project in Turkey’s modern history
But RR already messed up your base of plannings which were National engine project by opting out of it recently. Any updates on engine plans ?
But RR already messed up your base of plannings which were National engine project by opting out of it recently. Any updates on engine plans ?
In previous page you can find interview from the high ranking official claiming that the engine would be ready by 2029 i think you should either ask @cabatli_53 for more info although there were recently discussions here so you can scroll around
My guess is that Turkey wants commitment from RR(UK) of course no sane person is expecting TOT for the engine but turkey needs to know for sure whether those engines would be delivered no matter what happens between to west-turkey relations
If a such deal can be reached that means turkish defense companies would have literally unlimited time until they develop truly 5th generation fighter engine
If uk cannot give these guarantees then most likely(objectively speaking) turkish engine would be ready in 2029 but for 4.5th generation fighter which is still great thing
In previous page you can find interview from the high ranking official claiming that the engine would be ready by 2029 i think you should either ask @cabatli_53 for more info although there were recently discussions here so you can scroll around
My guess is that Turkey wants commitment from RR(UK) of course no sane person is expecting TOT for the engine but turkey needs to know for sure whether those engines would be delivered no matter what happens between to west-turkey relations
If a such deal can be reached that means turkish defense companies would have literally unlimited time until they develop truly 5th generation fighter engine
@Mangus Ortus Novem it could have been high time for turkey to start a joint engine project with allies like us and others but everyone lacks investment...

Turkey’s relations with most countries are fragile, unpredictable even with russia, usa, uk and NATO as well as China.

Engine is the main hindrance for TFX project.
I agree that we need to be part of this project and expand our aviation industry ecosystem. Nobody gives their leverage away i.e. aero eingine...so the first step has to be under licence production.. However, Turkiye has a lot of experience and industrial base so it might just pull it off...which will be like Heaven sent for us..

So all the best wishes and prayers for TFX and Turkiye!!!

PAC might already be in it...there were hints in this thread... also Reis of Turkiye is landing in Pak so lets see if some strategic framework gets signed...

There are only two Armed Froces left ... Pak and Turkiye.
What date is emperor coming in Pak ?
And what happened during the mahatir visit ?
I agree that we need to be part of this project and expand our aviation industry ecosystem. Nobody gives their leverage away i.e. aero eingine...so the first step has to be under licence production.. However, Turkiye has a lot of experience and industrial base so it might just pull it off...which will be like Heaven sent for us..

So all the best wishes and prayers for TFX and Turkiye!!!

PAC might already be in it...there were hints in this thread... also Reis of Turkiye is landing in Pak so lets see if some strategic framework gets signed...

There are only two Armed Froces left ... Pak and Turkiye.
I think already some steps have been taken by pakistan and turkey for example TAF bought aircraft trainers from pakistan hurjet light attack/5th fighter trainer probably would be offered to pakistan actually i think hurjet will give us clear situation about TF-X
If hurjet is success then i am 100% confident TF-X would be success too
I believe Feb13 or so...

The deal is still on but its going to focus on economy, industry and barter... Malaysia might very well be interested in TFX...which would make perfect sense.

WE must however remember fighter aircraft is not only a cut throat business but also a geopolitical one..so those who are already established...wouldn't be sitting on their laurels and let others develop scot free / or without any political/economic price.

Sanctions of F35 need to be seen in a broader geostrategic context... S400 provided an elegant excuse!
And IK’s visit to malaysia? Did that happen, i missed it
What date is emperor coming in Pak ?
And what happened during the mahatir visit ?
I guess soon don’t know the exact date
He criticized saudi barbaria for threating and forcing pakistan to cancel KL summit attendance but at the same time said that he understands pakistan’s delicate position in other news he attacked saudis
I believe Feb13 or so...

The deal is still on but its going to focus on economy, industry and barter... Malaysia might very well be interested in TFX...which would make perfect sense.

WE must however remember fighter aircraft is not only a cut throat business but also a geopolitical one..so those who are already established...wouldn't be sitting on their laurels and let others develop scot free / or without any political/economic price.

Sanctions of F35 need to be seen in a broader geostrategic context... S400 provided an elegant excuse!
Americans can’t do nothing regarding sanctioning pakistan or turkey of course there are hidden ongoing embargos on turkish defense industry even on turkish economy but TR government has made brilliant move when they announced asia initiative which basically means if west don’t want to put money in turkish businesses china and other asian giants will after all turkey has probably the most important geopolitical location and is keen to cash on it
Same situation with pakistan which has pretty important geopolitical importance for china and us as long as pakistani government can successfully play both sides there will be no winter for pakistan that’s for sure
No... I think PMIK will go after Reis Sultan e Azam's viisit...

Sometimes I wish that Pashas show more patience...but Turks have historic temper...

JinnahClass is what I am waiting for frankly... and what missile its going to carry...
They have a leadership and a warrior spirit (lost over decades of peace but time can turn them back to their past reality)
We must not look at TFX just a some fifth generation fighter jet but more as ecosystem... and Turkiye has made quite some progress in the Ecosystem... not there yet...but Turks are stubborn as they come...so they will get there...

Pakistan needs Turkiye to succeed...this gives Pakistan strategic space... of course, there are no free lunches even if PakTurkiye are brotherly countries...

Just as an example of putting things in perspective... the combined defence industrial output of PakTurkiye is mindboggling... for young people to figure out...

However, there needs to be better integeration between these two.... so that interoperatability is seamless...

TFX is not just a plane... time will prove this to be correct!
Yes TF-X is definitely more than a plane there will be uavs operating with TF-X serving as a bait against enemy SAM system but I think the most important projects are kement national data link advent combat management system AESA naval radar with 450 km range and national vls launcher and naval version of hisar on ships
If you combine all these things with TF-X you get an army capable doing of network-kinetic centered pinpoint defensive and offensive operations of course i forgot hava soj project it’s bombardier plane modified and equipped with electronic attack and jamming capabilties and of course air defense frigates and later from 2030 national submarines there is also room for UCAV joint program maybe something i have missed but in general there’s plenty of room for turk-pak joint collaboration

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