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terrorist quits TTP, reality of TTP

Yea its not Taliban . Its RAW-liban , JEW-liban , Amreeka-liban , godless-commies-liban , warm-waters-diarrhea-liban MARS-liban , asgradian-liban . And obviously people in the video are speaking hindi . They even look like evil yindoo banya .

Learn to own up to mistakes of your country . First step towards solving a problem is identifying it , but you are so disillusioned that you cannot see the truth STARING back at you and SMIRKING at you .
Learn to own up to mistakes of your country . First step towards solving a problem is identifying it , but you are so disillusioned that you cannot see the truth STARING back at you and SMIRKING at you .

agreed but do you?
What did Human Rights Activists say after watching this Video? 'BRAVADO TTP' ?

Which country are these 2 terrorists from ? Seems Head decapitating is a favorite pass time for Terrorists. Nowhere else in the world I have seen Head rolling with such brutality.

Its Syria. And as @qamar1980 mentioned its just not a Muslim problem its also a drug cartel problem. So on one side there is religious fanatics and the only people we can find that would be as brutal as them would be hardcore drug peddlers.

I forgot to mention the state sponsored chopper of heads as a country. My bad.
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WTF is wrong with you retards???? All those who are condemning Talibaan are ignorant ***** who have no idea how dissimilar the Talibaan and TTP are.

TTP was created, by a nexus of external foreign agencies, precisely for this purpose.....to present the Talibaan as some demonic animals hell bent on inhumane activities and destruction of humanity, all in the name of Islam. TTP are trained, financed and armed by our enemies to serve anti Islamic purposes. They carry out inhuman activities that can not be accepted under any circumstances and their purpose and aim is to give Islam and Talibaan a bad name. They have absolutely no affiliation, absolutely no endorsement and absolutely no support by the real Talibaan. Why the **** is that so hard to understand???

Talibaan, on the other hand, are freedom fighters who are engaged in freedom struggle of Afghanistan against illegal occupation of their country by the west and by their protagonists. They do not advocate terrorism, their targets are always armed combatants or those who give these occupants 'legal' cover etc.

The sooner you all learn the difference, the better it is for Pakistan. There is a nexus of foreign countries involved in the destabilization of Pakistan through TTP, BLA etc., these include India, Israel, Russia, Afghanistan and even USA as all this happens under their nose through Afghanistan. Then their is Saudi Arabia that is funding and financing Sunni sects to rise against Iran financed Shia sects.....there is UAE that is threatened by Gawadar and the list goes on and on.

TTP, BLA etc. are extreme terrorism against Pakistan and we all need to support our Military eradicate this threat, all while the Military still provides protection to the real Talibaan that are led by Mulla Omer.....it also includes the Haqqani network etc. The real Talibaan are our strategic assets/allies in Afghanista. They will ensure that Afghanistan is not used for anti Pakistan activities once NATO and US forces withdraw and leave a large vacuum of known surprises.
@Zarvan Do you or do you not condemn the barbaric act depicted in the video irrespective of race, religion, color or language?
What did Human Rights Activists say after watching this Video? 'BRAVADO TTP' ?

Nah , as usual , they are silent over this . But they expect us to deliver " miranda warnings " and read out charges to criminals in war-zones . Ironic , wouldn't you say ?
Your army attacked the foreigners living in tribal areas - these aren't our people . The people fighting against your army aren't your people . Possibly , the Al Qaeda should have thought something about Pakistan and Afghanistan before crashing a plane onto the twin towers and thus starting the chain reaction . Islamabad was left with no choice other than to enter the War on Terror . Unfortunately , Muslims have killed more Muslims than the Infidels - a sad reality check for you so this " betrayal " and things do not look good . Do muster courage to talk on that , instead of praising Taliban everywhere with the same bloodshed and genocide in the tribal areas propaganda with no proof . We will accept their demands of Shariah , sure , ask them to take part in political process , get majority to legislate in parliament and then implement whatever they want . Islam on gun point isn't acceptable to none , we aren't to be told/dictated what to do in our lives .

Only the first 2 lines of your post make sense. The rest does not as it buys into the western propaganda of a non exist entity Al-Qaeda (or make believe or a bogeyman etc.). US needed a 9/11 for many a reasons and so 9/11 happened. The actors are inconsequential and negligible, the people actually responsible for 9/11 are the ones calling for blood of Muslims!

Zarvan is one end of the coin and you are the other......we need a middle ground where both sides realize that TTP is a deranged demonic force that has been unleashed on Pakistan by anti Pakistan elements around the world. Talibaan are students who picked up arms to rid their country of western invaders. Talibaan are heroes while TTP are brutal mercenaries. Understand the difference and learn it. There is no wonder the PakMil is going after TTP and not Talibaan (as in Mulla Omer and Haqqani Network).

While your advise to Talibaan, for implementation of Sharia, is quite valid, your apparent opposition to Sharia is quite discomforting as it is evident from it how ignorant you are on the matter. This is not meant as an insult but rather that your knowledge on the subject leaves a lot to be desired.
@Zarvan Do you or do you not condemn the barbaric act depicted in the video irrespective of race, religion, color or language?
I think, he won't condemn them, as Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) told his people and companions that a group of people will arise from Muslims, who will pray, fast and in looks will be so religious that he (P.B.U.H) said even his (P.B.U.H)'s companions will feel inferior infront this group of people. Yet this group of people , referred to as Kharajites ( literally meaning those who have left Islam), will be far away from religion and God. TTP and extremists in Syria are Kharajies ( left the fold of religion), and Prophet said where ever you find them, you have to eradicate them. thus this means, Prophet foretold that they will be such a threat to humanity , that they would have to be dealt with militarily. Those who want to talk to these creatures , who are of a lesser worth that animal shit, are going against humanistic, religious and social values. These creatures will mental disorders have to be dealt with militarily.
They attacked tribals and to get so called foreigners they bombed those areas with Air Force and allow USA to do it too resulted in deaths off hundreds off innocent tribals unfortunately kafirs have killed far more Muslims and also other kafirs reality check and most called them secular dumbos and Islam. Will even if we have to go through blood bath

Stop being a drama queen, the Army did not carpet bomb the whole area or drop bombs randomly on populated areas! The Military used precision guided munitions precisely to avoid civilian casualties. Furthermore, civilians that provide shelter to terrorists (TTP) become targets themselves which is quite fair in my opinion.

And although the drone strikes piss me off because apparently they **** our sovereignty. However, do you consider the US Government and Military to be absolute bonkers that they fire hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of guided missiles at even singular targets??? Ever factored in the $$ amount that the US Government spends on each target? Sure, they do make mistakes or that they are lured into committing mistakes by the man on the ground that marks territories to be targeted but they must have extremely good reasons to deploy all those resources. Think about it.
Only the first 2 lines of your post make sense. The rest does not as it buys into the western propaganda of a non exist entity Al-Qaeda (or make believe or a bogeyman etc.). US needed a 9/11 for many a reasons and so 9/11 happened. The actors are inconsequential and negligible, the people actually responsible for 9/11 are the ones calling for blood of Muslims!

While your advise to Talibaan, for implementation of Sharia, is quite valid, your apparent opposition to Sharia is quite discomforting as it is evident from it how ignorant you are on the matter. This is not meant as an insult but rather that your knowledge on the subject leaves a lot to be desired.

Sorry , my friend , the conspiracy theories are of no use to me . Yes , it happened , might as well learn to accept that fact and the chain reaction it started . Whatever U.S. needed , the fact was we were alone when the warning of " bombing back to stone age " was delivered , there was no help to be seen . Not even from the Muslim Brotherhood , sorry to say . We saved our country , been caught between the devil and the deep sea . I do not believe in Good or Bad Taliban , specially seeing the co-ordination between both entities even now , these myopic religiously motivated psychopaths were upto no good in Afghanistan during their rule even - sorry but I do not like to be told what to be done and at what time and how . Ever heard of the restrictions on things just because they perceived them as " unislamic " ?

Actually , that is the only way they can get , what they want . Leave my opposition , it doesn't matter , right ? If the majority agrees to it , then lets implement it . Otherwise , let the country run on the existing system . I seriously do not want this to become a religious debate . But the fact is that a religious party has never gained enough votes to form a Govt in center by itself in the 60 years history of Pakistan let alone get any majority and specially that required to legislate , always relying on coalition with liberal/secular to form Govts or riding on army's back . Imposition is not an option .
Nah , as usual , they are silent over this . But they expect us to deliver " miranda warnings " and read out charges to criminals in war-zones . Ironic , wouldn't you say ?
Thats understtod. HRA has the logic of violations are done only against weak.
Also, violations can be done by lawless people but not state institutions.

In short, its only bout protocols and words like HUMAN and RIGHTS are nowhere to be seen with these ACTIVISTS.
Zarvan is one end of the coin and you are the other

For me , the country lies first . There's too much radicalism/extremism in the country providing manpower and money to these terrorists outfits if you look without bias - the TTP gathers enough money from criminal activities and their sympathizers/supporters to not need foreign support . Might as well stop looking like always for a foreign third hand conspiring , maybe its our own people who have gone haywire ? Believe it or not , we have created a Frankenstein during the Soviet war involving ourselves unnecessarily and now we are fighting it .
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Sorry , my friend , the conspiracy theories are of no use to me . Yes , it happened , might as well learn to accept that fact and the chain reaction it started . Whatever U.S. needed , the fact was we were alone when the warning of " bombing back to stone age " was delivered , there was no help to be seen . Not even from the Muslim Brotherhood , sorry to say . We saved our country , been caught between the devil and the deep sea . I do not believe in Good or Bad Taliban , specially seeing the co-ordination between both entities even now , these myopic religiously motivated psychopaths were upto no good in Afghanistan during their rule even - sorry but I do not like to be told what to be done and at what time and how . Ever heard of the restrictions on things just because they perceived them as " unislamic " ?

Actually , that is the only way they can get , what they want . Leave my opposition , it doesn't matter , right ? If the majority agrees to it , then lets implement it . Otherwise , let the country run on the existing system . I seriously do not want this to become a religious debate . But the fact is that a religious party has never gained enough votes to form a Govt in center by itself in the 60 years history of Pakistan let alone get any majority and specially that required to legislate , always relying on coalition with liberal/secular to form Govts or riding on army's back . Imposition is not an option .

Agreed, our personal opinions are pointless. However, I do have another for your consumption and response. My opinion is that our fellow countrymen prefer Pakistan idol over Shariat!
Sorry , my friend , the conspiracy theories are of no use to me . Yes , it happened , might as well learn to accept that fact and the chain reaction it started . Whatever U.S. needed , the fact was we were alone when the warning of " bombing back to stone age " was delivered , there was no help to be seen . Not even from the Muslim Brotherhood , sorry to say . We saved our country , been caught between the devil and the deep sea . I do not believe in Good or Bad Taliban , specially seeing the co-ordination between both entities even now , these myopic religiously motivated psychopaths were upto no good in Afghanistan during their rule even - sorry but I do not like to be told what to be done and at what time and how . Ever heard of the restrictions on things just because they perceived them as " unislamic " ?

Actually , that is the only way they can get , what they want . Leave my opposition , it doesn't matter , right ? If the majority agrees to it , then lets implement it . Otherwise , let the country run on the existing system . I seriously do not want this to become a religious debate . But the fact is that a religious party has never gained enough votes to form a Govt in center by itself in the 60 years history of Pakistan let alone get any majority and specially that required to legislate , always relying on coalition with liberal/secular to form Govts or riding on army's back . Imposition is not an option .
I totally agree with you.

Conspiracy theories are support structure for weaklings and confused. Thats the simplest thing anyone can come out with.
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