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terrorist quits TTP, reality of TTP

@qamar1990 I still stand by my opinion it was our army who first attacked our own people on USA orders and as long as they are fighting their own people they will never win secondly so who betrayed Muslims and Islam and made alliance with kafirs or USA is known to every one so we need to talk to our own people shoot drones accept those demands which are according to shariah implement them and through this win as many militants on our side than ask tribals to wipe out those who still don't want to listen

Your army attacked the foreigners living in tribal areas - these aren't our people . The people fighting against your army aren't your people . Possibly , the Al Qaeda should have thought something about Pakistan and Afghanistan before crashing a plane onto the twin towers and thus starting the chain reaction . Islamabad was left with no choice other than to enter the War on Terror . Unfortunately , Muslims have killed more Muslims than the Infidels - a sad reality check for you so this " betrayal " and things do not look good . Do muster courage to talk on that , instead of praising Taliban everywhere with the same bloodshed and genocide in the tribal areas propaganda with no proof . We will accept their demands of Shariah , sure , ask them to take part in political process , get majority to legislate in parliament and then implement whatever they want . Islam on gun point isn't acceptable to none , we aren't to be told/dictated what to do in our lives .
Your army attacked the foreigners living in tribal areas - these aren't our people . Possibly , the AQ should have something about Pakistan and Afghanistan before crashing a plane onto the twin towers and thus starting the chain reaction . Islamabad was left with no choice other than to enter the War on Terror . Unfortunately , Muslims have killed more Muslims than the Infidels - a sad reality check for you . Do muster courage to talk on that instead of praising Taliban everywhere with the same bloodshed and genocide in the tribal areas propaganda with no proof . We will accept their demands of Shariah , sure , ask them to take part in political process , get majority to legislate in parliament and then implement whatever they want . Islam on gun point isn't acceptable to none , we aren't to be told/dictated what to do in our lives .
They attacked tribals and to get so called foreigners they bombed those areas with Air Force and allow USA to do it too resulted in deaths off hundreds off innocent tribals unfortunately kafirs have killed far more Muslims and also other kafirs reality check and most called them secular dumbos and Islam. Will even if we have to go through blood bath
They attacked tribals and to get so called foreigners they bombed those areas with Air Force and allow USA to do it too resulted in deaths off hundreds off innocent tribals unfortunately kafirs have killed far more Muslims and also other kafirs reality check and most called them secular dumbos and Islam. Will even if we have to go through blood bath

Talk is cheap , which is why we look for proof/evidence , which you haven't been able to provide for a long time . So leave it . As for the " Muslims killing Muslims " , start with the civil wars happening in the Muslim countries at the moment and then compare the causalities with what you think Westerners have done . Or I might post some information from the beginning of Islamic history " First Battle of Camels " in which 10,000 Muslims died at the hand of same Muslims .
Talk is cheap , which is why we look for proof/evidence , which you haven't been able to provide for a long time . So leave it . As for the " Muslims killing Muslims " , start with the civil wars happening in the Muslim countries at the moment and then compare the causalities with what you think Westerners have done . Or I might post some information from the beginning of Islamic history " First Battle of Camels " in which 10,000 Muslims died at the hand of same Muslims .
Westerns have killed hundreds off millions mr off their and off others in last century so stop being mind slave off west and let this war end and let army first return from tribal areas you will know how thousands and thousands off civilians have died because off army
Westerns have killed hundreds off millions mr off their and off others in last century so stop being mind slave off west and let this war end and let army first return from tribal areas you will know how thousands and thousands off civilians have died because off army
Google the Civil War in Muslim countries and learn how Muslims are killing Muslims . Stop blaming everything on West and take some responsibility on yourself too .
They all look so happy and having a fun time kicking around heads..
They all look so happy and having a fun time kicking around heads..
Of course they do , they are high on opiate of the masses . There's a book - an essential read for people wanting to understand all this - Its called Mask of Sanity .
@Zarvan ur bastard frnds whom u advocate n whose acts u justify.. (along with the likes of yazid)..

Drones? hellfire up their mofkin ***!

PA.. Fuk the politics n politicians n fuks these rats anywhere u find em!!!

Scorched earth policy... No detention.. No mercy... EXTERMINATION !!


seen the ordinary b@stard public crying like whores on tv over the army operation now. b@stards talking about Geneva convention and human rights and criticizing army for "disproportionate" force.
JUI and jamat h@rami etc are all Wahabist cult they are on the open agenda to drown Pakistan in blood.

as long as our army will keep confusing itself with Edhi trust, it will continue to suffer casaulties and mocking remarks from public and mocking and insults from taliban... the day it starts acting like an army ... and starts killing these taliban all in the open mass executions then these scumbags will loose the appetite for war

nice we know it since long time that they are not even animals :tsk:
you know what?

I dont hate these mass butchers

but I despise the general public that speaks for them I despise the Mullahs and the Islamist parties that justify them

I pray that these sympathizers that upload their videos and mock the army get killed in the same way as the victims in the videos
@qamar1990 I still stand by my opinion it was our army who first attacked our own people on USA orders and as long as they are fighting their own people they will never win secondly so who betrayed Muslims and Islam and made alliance with kafirs or USA is known to every one so we need to talk to our own people shoot drones accept those demands which are according to shariah implement them and through this win as many militants on our side than ask tribals to wipe out those who still don't want to listen

Dude...of course after i write this post, I know all the pakistan member might argue with me....But for sake of humanity, understand the criticality of the problem...Are you in your state of mind when you are saying and supporting these people on the video?....Although being an Indian ..most of the time i stand opposite side of the pakistan members, but honestly....i feel sad that in spite of sacrificing so much of people and resources, people like you still do not support what is good for your contry and society..

Sometimes....i feel that rather than getting enmity with Pakistan, India has to really appreciate Pakistan for being a buffer state in between us and this mindless people....And dealing and controlling all these Taliban people by themselves...Man ...these people are very very difficult to handle and even educate too..
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Westerns have killed hundreds off millions mr off their and off others in last century so stop being mind slave off west and let this war end and let army first return from tribal areas you will know how thousands and thousands off civilians have died becau se off army

Listen abu jahil... u and ur insect frnds can go n **** urself... and after tht i suggest u mofos detonate...

You insects have messed up the fabric of our society... You inhumane low life shithead inbreds retarded f,,kups!!!
do you seriously think negotiating with these kind of animals is even possible?
@qamar1990 I still stand by my opinion it was our army who first attacked our own people on USA orders and as long as they are fighting their own people they will never win secondly so who betrayed Muslims and Islam and made alliance with kafirs or USA is known to every one so we need to talk to our own people shoot drones accept those demands which are according to shariah implement them and through this win as many militants on our side than ask tribals to wipe out those who still don't want to listen

why don't you go to fata and support you barbarian brethren?

it is very easy to talk living in the comforts of your home
do you seriously think negotiating with these kind of animals is even possible?

why don't you go to fata and support you barbarian brethren?

it is very easy to talk living in the comforts of your home


It is so easy for people to keyboard mash and incite violence against people they hate, but they will never get their hands dirty.

TTP lost whatever credibility they had long back.

They are now nothing but a Nihilistic band of death cult members who revel in death and destruction.

They pine for the good old days '7th century'.

They hate the fact that the world has moved on.

It is so easy for people to keyboard mash and incite violence against people they hate, but they will never get their hands dirty.

TTP lost whatever credibility they had long back.

They are now nothing but a Nihilistic band of death cult members who revel in death and destruction.

They pine for the good old days '7th century'.

They hate the fact that the world has moved on.

these kind of behaviour can never ever be justified by sane minds except truly sick minds like this zarvan guy
I dont need videos to see the how cruel TTP is. I've seen enough. People who want short term benefit by helping Taliban in anyway are sick and will one day regret their decisions. This also include those who try to stop nato supply because it is benefiting Taliban only.
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