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terrorist quits TTP, reality of TTP

Pak army is doing their level best to rid of these animals, but India isn't helping either by arming terrorists against Pakistan

I am afraid @pakdefender is right! Most pakhtoons hate Pakistan with a passion, but remain unwelcomed guest in Pakstan

Get a life... ur sick brain needs some rest..
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Well it is good that i could not see this graphic video as someone had mentioned TTP creatures playing soccer with heads of Martyred Pakistani Army personal.

Will Pakistani politicians agree to crush TTP? Pakistan Army is the one protecting civilians but no politician or media talks about it because they hate P.A.

No country will invest in Pakistan & no future for Pakistan economy if TTP ideology is not crushed because their ideology is not Islam or any other religion. TTP have creatures worst than beasts who play with human lives, torturing & killing innocent humans give TTP'ers heart satisfaction.

We better be over with this Hulagu khan and Genghis khan of the 21st century.We are observing a silent migration of people from KPK to the federal capital,the city of Rawalpindi and other parts of central Punjab.Is this the solution?

This menace is the Polio of my society and they have almost successfully destroyed the national fabric we had once.

Life is short,judgement is difficult and opportunity is transient.Our political heads had a time well enough to prepare and plan.

The TTP's do not belong to my land.You just can not be an appeaser and include their alien culture of extremism and a religion of their own that's intolerant.

I won't say much but quote Victor Hugo.

"He who opens a school door, closes a prison."
i wonder at the mental state of those people in Pakistan who voice for the Taliban despite what Taliban have shown them, a sick minded nation that has voted in the thieves third time into government is so much hypocrite that it cries on the atrocities against Muslims across the globe but justifies the taliban with fatwas
We better be over with this Hulagu khan and Genghis khan of the 21st century.We are observing a silent migration of people from KPK to the federal capital,the city of Rawalpindi and other parts of central Punjab.Is this the solution?

Pakistan is that unfortunate country where politicians fill their bank balances by means of corruption & if anything is left that is then spend on the country. If this was Iran or any other country they would've build a wall/fence & seal the troubled border within one year after violence started, but in Pakistan violence has killed thousands of innocent peoples & soldiers & injured hundreds of thousand but there seems to be no planning on sealing their route to safe havens. These cheap politicians wants negotiations, someone need to tell them that negotiations are done with people who atleast have some brain, not with creatures who are worst than beasts...playing soccer with heads of martyred P.A soldiers.

This menace is the Polio of my society and they have almost successfully destroyed the national fabric we had once.

Isn't it shameful that Pakistan is the only country along with countries like Afghanistan & Somalia who still is unable to eradicate polio. Not to forget the shame it gets when the same strain of polio was found in polio free countries like Syria, Egypt & China recently.

The TTP's do not belong to my land.You just can not be an appeaser and include their alien culture of extremism and a religion of their own that's intolerant.

It is not that hard to crush TTP as Pakistanis had been made to believe. You just need to seal the border with Afghanistan, launch a full out war against TTP and any of their sympathizers, the ones who are arrested should be tortured to death publicly instead of sending them to cheap justice...make an example out of them, free education with food & clothing should be declared must & kids attending schools should be given 1000-2000Rupees/month. In max 2 years you will see TTP/BLA & their types would be wiped off from the planet earth.

I won't say much but quote Victor Hugo.

"He who opens a school door, closes a prison."

^A wise say indeed.
Pakistan is that unfortunate country where politicians fill their bank balances by means of corruption & if anything is left that is then spend on the country. If this was Iran or any other country they would've build a wall/fence & seal the troubled border within one year after violence started, but in Pakistan violence has killed thousands of innocent peoples & soldiers & injured hundreds of thousand but there seems to be no planning on sealing their route to safe havens. These cheap politicians wants negotiations, someone need to tell them that negotiations are done with people who atleast have some brain, not with creatures who are worst than beasts...playing soccer with heads of martyred P.A soldiers.

Isn't it shameful that Pakistan is the only country along with countries like Afghanistan & Somalia who still is unable to eradicate polio. Not to forget the shame it gets when the same strain of polio was found in polio free countries like Syria, Egypt & China recently.

It is not that hard to crush TTP as Pakistanis had been made to believe. You just need to seal the border with Afghanistan, launch a full out war against TTP and any of their sympathizers, the ones who are arrested should be tortured to death publicly instead of sending them to cheap justice...make an example out of them, free education with food & clothing should be declared must & kids attending schools should be given 1000-2000Rupees/month. In max 2 years you will see TTP/BLA & their types would be wiped off from the planet earth.

^A wise say indeed.

Yes, my dear sir, when we do not put any value on our life then all of this can happen.

Failure in curbing polio is not just our failure,it's "theirs" too and they do know it that WOT has everything to do with it.

Our part of that problem is:
2-Lack of awareness and hence the support.
3-To some extent, the access to the facilities.
And it's not just our loss ,it's the loss of whole human community.
The Polio Eradication Initiative was launched in Pakistan in 1994 and since then one of the above comes into play and we lose the fight.We need a stick and we need it now.

But this issue can divert us to some off-topic discussion.Let's keep it for another suitable discussion.


About politicians , they declare their profession as farmers, when they are industrialists and businessmen just to avoid the tax.
And then they tell us that the revenue generation by taxation is all transparent.What is the achievement that we can expect from them?
A wrongly placed brick , can't support a wall.
This too is another hell hole for us and can turn the discussion upside down.Since we haven't got any politicians ,we have industrialists and businessmen as party heads and rulers.
So, it's futile to discuss,when their political judgement is based upon their personal benefits.


Wall in the west.

We didn't know we had a border back there with afghans.Did we?

Yet we thumped our chest and added many crescents and badges to our uniforms and declared ,"Yes, we are safe now".

Isn't that laughable that the whole world saw that border being violated by our own allies?

The reason being,not only we lack the ability to man it, because of the terrain,but also our radar system was compromised.And we had no counter mechanism in place.

We should agree upon the fact that border violation by the Terrorist,Americans and Indians is the crime of same magnitude.
And accept that our claims were based on false bravado,reckless assessment and hence management.

Building a wall ,can not solve your problem in that area in this era.If a fence is required it can be built based upon an intelligent scheme.Where a suitable area can be fenced and the unsuitable one can be manned with an integrated system of border security.For that we may require a dedicated force who's aim is to guard us against any such incidents. Rest of the military can keep themselves prepared for the gauged response that they might have planned if that mechanism is failed.And that should be an effective response against intruders from any side/site.
(Pardon any typo)
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There goes your conspiracy theory...
Afghan Taliban condemn killing of ‘strong and brave’ Hakimullah Mehsud – The Express Tribune

How do you conspiracy theorists explain this..? Pls reply..?

Some matters are self explanatory. For once, use your head and think whether Mullah Omer or Haqqani's (Talibaan) ever extended any support or aid to TTP. On the contrary, Mullah Omer has used whatever influence he has on TTP members to stop attacking Pakistan. And once the NATO & US forces leave Afghanistan, Talibaan will be free to focus on TTP bases in Afghanistan while we take care of the mess within Pakistan.

That is completely different question, and to be honest, a valid one too. But before drone on peace talks, we were hearing news of some pro peace talks groups and some anti peace talks groups in TTP. There is a strong opinion that Hakimullah was finally ready to proceed with peace talks and that is why he is being removed from scene, but I am not going to indulge into these conspiracy theories.

I personally believe that it was vice versa. I mean look at TTP attacks post Hakimullah, there has hardly been any attack on Military or Government targets. It appears that the Talibaan were finally able to exert some control over the activities of TTP once Hakimullah was killed.

i wonder at the mental state of those people in Pakistan who voice for the Taliban despite what Taliban have shown them, a sick minded nation that has voted in the thieves third time into government is so much hypocrite that it cries on the atrocities against Muslims across the globe but justifies the taliban with fatwas

Third time?/?/?/?

Are we not going to count PPP???
Delete this video now! Those heads belong to bodies with hearts that would shame a lion.

ps: Everything will be paid for, in full and more. Insha' Allah!
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