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Syed Zaid Hamid talking about the sacrifices of Pak Army,


Let me be clear on this, when we kill separatists in Kashmir, we are called that we hate Muslims, but when you kill Muslim separatists in Balochistan, its all ok. Thats what I am not fine with. There is no difference between the ways the Indian Govt deals with Kashmiri separatists and the way Pakistani Govt deals with Balochi separatists. But in the case of Indian Kashmiris, it becomes a religious/communal issue, when the Kashmir issue (just like the Balochistan issue) is a political one. Even today, 67% of Kashmiris vote in elections and select pro-India parties.

Secondly, just like we have had unfortunate incidents like Gujrat riots, Pakistan has similarly has incidents like Bangladesh massacre, Karachi Mohajir issue, Shia/Sunni killings, Taliban killings, etc. These unfortunate incidents happen all the time in history. But when it happens in India you guys try to paint it as a religous issue, but when it happens in Pakistan, you guys pretend like its all OK.

Thats is all the point I was trying to make. If you dont agree with my points, lets just agree to disagree I guess.
you can say all you want but don't you get these type of trolls, they will bring you to their level... They will not present evidence just trash talk... Just leave them be....

Please respond to my points.
why should I? the thread is about Zaid and you guys are on about India and stuff, stay to the topic and I will respond to you.
Zaid Hamid: He is a paper Tiger, I have seen him ripped apart by Marvin Simran, Hassan Nissar and many others. The truth is this guy Zoker BeZaman Hamid Can not stand if some one counter his argumrent.

He is logically bankrupt. He can't stand 2 minute in argument.

If you read my posts I wasn't talking about India!!!!
Why are we wasting time on this nut, Zaid Hamid?

He is nothing more than a Pakistani Glenn Beck or Donald Trump with the birther nonsense.

His conspiracy theories are so retarded, so stupid, that finally, educated Pakistanis have finally turned on him.

The guy belongs in a mental asylum.
Zaid Hamid: He is a paper Tiger, I have seen him ripped apart by Marvin Simran, Hassan Nissar and many others. The truth is this guy Zoker BeZaman Hamid Can not stand if some one counter his argumrent.

He is logically bankrupt. He can't stand 2 minute in argument.
Yeah, and his arguments of Pakistan always starts with article 62 or 63 and the three clauses under that. He never says how you will select non-corrupt people, just blind suggestions..

He is a a defence analyst and covers everything other than defence too.. funny


If you read my posts I wasn't talking about India!!!!
your first post started off with 2001 riots, I have seen the whole thread dude... Please don lie now..

All educated liberal Pakistanis already turned their backs on him he has maybe 50-100 supporters only lol
Zaid Hamid: He is a paper Tiger, I have seen him ripped apart by Marvin Simran, Hassan Nissar and many others. The truth is this guy Zoker BeZaman Hamid Can not stand if some one counter his argumrent.

He is logically bankrupt. He can't stand 2 minute in argument.
First of all he fought against Russia for 6 years so enough to refute your funny claim of him being only the paper tiger and soon Indians will also face this tiger and He was the one who busted Hassan nisar and Marvi Memon but they talk aggressively and he doesn't that is why some fools think he got busted other wise he is the most logical person
Syed zaid hamid is not popular in Pakistan. Everybody knows that he is Insane and living in Dream land. He comes at media and people enjoys his funny program and can't stop laught at him. He is joker!! :taz:
First of all he fought against Russia for 6 years so enough to refute your funny claim of him being only the paper tiger and soon Indians will also face this tiger and He was the one who busted Hassan nisar and Marvi Memon but they talk aggressively and he doesn't that is why some fools think he got busted other wise he is the most logical person

And how exactly will India face this tiger?

Don't tell me Zaid Hamid single handily plans to conquer India?

I don't think even Zaid Hamid is stupid enough to believe that?

Or maybe I under-estimated his stupidity.

All educated liberal Pakistanis already turned their backs on him he has maybe 50-100 supporters only lol
maybe the most worrying part is there are quite a few on this thread too.. My amusement comes from the fact that the guys on Internet can get facts straight but only take it from a man without thinking..
maybe the most worrying part is there are quite a few on this thread too.. My amusement comes from the fact that the guys on Internet can get facts straight but only take it from a man without thinking..

A lot of people who espouse to Zaid Hamid's nonsense are blind nationalists who have never done any constructive analysis on Pakistan and are pretty much are brainwashed from childhood.

Its like Parents who think their child is the best in the world. When they fail in school they don't analyze their study habits, their work ethic but instead invent conspiracy theories to blame the school for their child's failing grades. They just can't accept the truth.

Accepting the truth is the first step into fixing the problem. And how can you fix something when you don't even acknowledge the problem exists.

Is it any wonder why Pakistan is in such dire straits.
Syed zaid hamid is not popular in Pakistan. Everybody knows that he is Insane and living in Dream land. He comes at media and people enjoys his funny program and can't stop laught at him. He is joker!! :taz:
He has most number of fans on face book where ever hi give speeches thousands come to listen to him and you are saying he is not popular have to guess who is the real joker ?

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