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Tribute to 3 Pakistani Generals who Tried to Save the Bengali officers in Pakistan Army in 1971


Hopefully we will be able to restore our good relation with Pakistan if the govt. in Bangladesh is changed.

Hopefully, not. And Hasina bibi will rule for ever

Wishful thinking.:-)
We are an Islamic Republic and we are Muslims.

Right now, we are a Banana Republic of Faujistan.
Right now, we are a Banana Republic of Faujistan.
The only solution to your problem is Imran Khan and PTI.
Just 3 officers?

Right now, what Pakistan is going through, we dont even have 3 officers left. This is how low the morality of our society is and especially Pakistani officialdom.
They didn't kill any officers or troops, if they did we wouldn't have Bangali officers who remained loyal to Pak and ended in imprisonment and later retiring and settling in Pakistan.
On the flip side, several Bangali heavy regiments massacred and even raped families of west Pak officers and troops.
An interesting story is of Ikram Sehgal, whose mother was Bangali, father Pakistani and was caught and almost killed by his father's regiments.

Thankfully some sense prevailed, and he was handed over to indian army. The man escaped indian mil jail.. and wrote a book bout it.

They did or they attempted to, there was a regiment in Chittagong and somewhere else. Where they were discreetly putting bengalis to the side and separating them into smaller groups.

This was an eventual plan.
Oh man, this army really is napak and dajjali.. we all need to understand that this colonial occupational army will never ever let us be free and will never ever work for us, they will also never let go of power unless forced to. Now its upto Pakistani people but i doubt this beghairat, be iman and divided nation can do anything about it.
Why is it that non-Muslim Bengalis, Biharis, UPis, Punjabis, and Sindhis can coexist harmoniously, but when they convert to Islam, conflicts and violence among them often arise?
Could it be that teaching children to hate based on religion leads to the propagation of hatred within different sects of Islam and also fuels ethnic animosity?

Thousands have died due to Sikh, maoists, Christian and Hindu caste based violence in India

But you missed all that and wrote this nonsense since you are a monkey worshiper

Facts are never a strong characteristic of monkey worshipers
Thousands have died due to Sikh, maoists, Christian and Hindu caste based violence in India

But you missed all that and wrote this nonsense since you are a monkey worshiper

Facts are never a strong characteristic of monkey worshipers

I've observed a trend – the hostility between various Islamic sects has escalated since the start of the Israel-Palestine conflict.

If observed dividing humans based on caste has increased since the start of monkey worshipping
If observed dividing humans based on caste has increased since the start of monkey worshipping
isn't it better to worship a monkey than a child molester?
isn't it better to worship a monkey than a child molester?

But Hindus worship both and much more filth

How is that better?
But Hindus worship both and much more filth

How is that better?
The revulsion towards child molesters is shared universally, except for a specific community.
The revulsion towards child molesters is shared universally, except for a specific community.

If revulsion towards child molesters and rapists is universal then why Hindus don't have the same revulsion?

In fact they worship them. Why?
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