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Syed Zaid Hamid talking about the sacrifices of Pak Army,

And how exactly will India face this tiger?

Don't tell me Zaid Hamid single handily plans to conquer India?

I don't think even Zaid Hamid is stupid enough to believe that?

Or maybe I under-estimated his stupidity.


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A lot of people who espouse to Zaid Hamid's nonsense are blind nationalists who have never done any constructive analysis on Pakistan and are pretty much are brainwashed from childhood.

Its like Parents who think their child is the best in the world. When they fail in school they don't analyze their study habits, their work ethic but instead invent conspiracy theories to blame the school for their child's failing grades. They just can't accept the truth.

Accepting the truth is the first step into fixing the problem. And how can you fix something when you don't even acknowledge the problem exists.

Is it any wonder why Pakistan is in such dire straits.
exactly my point.. Another thing to add is that those who understand the position are demonized by calling them liberals.. I don't understand what is so wrong in introspection..
He has most number of fans on face book where ever hi give speeches thousands come to listen to him and you are saying he is not popular have to guess who is the real joker ?
You know fans?? His own fans laugh at him. His community is also not wide. People comes there to see joker and to get pleasure.
Don't believe me??
You can compare Atif Aslam fans with Him.
Even with his joking and dilusion world, He can't meet even 10% to the Atif Aslam figure. I gave you just one live example.
Some time i also listen him for enjoyment and this is not bad to assume that you are in Paradise, Getting steps on moon in 2 year.:cheers:
And controlling the whole world from the moon. Chill .:cheers:
He has most number of fans on face book where ever hi give speeches thousands come to listen to him and you are saying he is not popular have to guess who is the real joker ?
Most of people dont know him. Usually family members of pak army and some hindophobic, mutala-pakistan brainwashed teenagers are his fan. He once came to islamia college, we greeted him with shoes.
Most of people dont know him. Usually family members of pak army and some hindophobic, mutala-pakistan brainwashed teenagers are his fan. He once came to islamia college, we greeted him with shoes.
Yes those who greeted him belonged to the traitor party known as ANP we don't expect anything else from traitors followers of Ganidhi and traitors of Islam and still he gave the speech and was attended by thousands we were their
Yes those who greeted him belonged to the traitor party known as ANP we don't expect anything else from traitors followers of Ganidhi and traitors of Islam and still he gave the speech and was attended by thousands we were their
haha, anyone who does not support your pov automatically becomes a traitor... Nice logic you got mate...
haha, anyone who does not support your pov automatically becomes a traitor... Nice logic you got mate...
Sir they were the ones who were against creation of Pakistan their leader Bacha Khan died in 1998 and he refused to get buried in Pakistan he is buried in Afghanistan and they are the one who posted maps of Greater Afghanistan on billboards few years back
Sir they were the ones who were against creation of Pakistan their leader Bacha Khan died in 1998 and he refused to get buried in Pakistan he is buried in Afghanistan and they are the one who posted maps of Greater Afghanistan on billboards few years back
whatever man, you are either too dumb to understand things or just want to rant on and on.. Good luck with your thinking...
Yes those who greeted him belonged to the traitor party known as ANP we don't expect anything else from traitors followers of Ganidhi and traitors of Islam and still he gave the speech and was attended by thousands we were their
how exactly bacha khan baba is traitor? And why you think gandhi is evil? Gandhi was great statesman so was bacha khan.

Sir they were the ones who were against creation of Pakistan their leader Bacha Khan died in 1998 and he refused to get buried in Pakistan he is buried in Afghanistan and they are the one who posted maps of Greater Afghanistan on billboards few years back
pa ji bacha khan struggled against british rule. So did jinnah. Whats the difference?. Maulana maudodi and most of ulemas were also against creation of pakistan, were they also traitors?
By the way the bilboards were installed by JUI, not ANP.
how exactly bacha khan baba is traitor? And why you think gandhi is evil? Gandhi was great statesman so was bacha khan.

pa ji bacha khan struggled against british rule. So did jinnah. Whats the difference?. Maulana maudodi and most of ulemas were also against creation of pakistan, were they also traitors?
By the way the bilboards were installed by JUI, not ANP.
Bacha Khan was the biggest traitor and nothing else Madudi was not in favour of Pakistan but when Pakistan got created they fought for Pakistan in different wars but Bacha Khan till his end enjoyed everything from Pakistan yet remained a traitor a bloody slave of India and by the way it was ANP who installed those Bill Boards and every one knows it
Bacha Khan was the biggest traitor and nothing else Madudi was not in favour of Pakistan but when Pakistan got created they fought for Pakistan in different wars but Bacha Khan till his end enjoyed everything from Pakistan yet remained a traitor a bloody slave of India and by the way it was ANP who installed those Bill Boards and every one knows it
do u have any proof that ANP installed those billboards? Kia un ka dimagh kharab ho gaya ta.
By the way we pashtuns dont tolerate disrespect of our elders, so jazbat may na aa aur tandhay ho kar baat kar.
do u have any proof that ANP installed those billboards? Kia un ka dimagh kharab ho gaya ta.
By the way we pashtuns dont tolerate disrespect of our elders, so jazbat may na aa aur tandhay ho kar baat kar.
Bacha Khan is a traitor and a Bagh....... and so most of his followers are traitors his son was hiding in USA for a very long time not only was hiding in USA and was regularly visiting the Pentagon and every body can guess what was the purpose and I know person in Intelligence agencies who knew who are the ones who were posting their bill boards yes they are not mentally well that is why they still from their heart don't accept Pakistan just like traitor MQM
Bacha Khan is a traitor and a Bagh....... and so most of his followers are traitors his son was hiding in USA for a very long time not only was hiding in USA and was regularly visiting the Pentagon and every body can guess what was the purpose and I know person in Intelligence agencies who knew who are the ones who were posting their bill boards yes they are not mentally well that is why they still from their heart don't accept Pakistan just like traitor MQM
then why you people are allowing them to participate in pakistani politics? Ghadaro ki saza tu mauot hoti he. Are you a type of person who thinks balochs are ghadar for being angry with pakistan?
then why you people are allowing them to participate in pakistani politics? Ghadaro ki saza tu mauot hoti he. Are you a type of person who thinks balochs are ghadar for being angry with pakistan?
Their leaders are because the proof is they have been in government for example Bugti he was Chief Minister of Balochistan was former Defence Minister he was former member of National Assembly leave whole Baluchistan aside how many development has taken place only in area of Bugti Tribe and the answer is nil none not at all and soon ANP will be taken out and INSHALLAH banned
Their leaders are because the proof is they have been in government for example Bugti he was Chief Minister of Balochistan was former Defence Minister he was former member of National Assembly leave whole Baluchistan aside how many development has taken place only in area of Bugti Tribe and the answer is nil none not at all and soon ANP will be taken out and INSHALLAH banned

and we would finish religous extremists like you from pakistan. Inshallah

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