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Syed Zaid Hamid talking about the sacrifices of Pak Army,

@Abhijit neutral_person

B**** please, there is evidence that Indian soldiers came into East Pakistan and killed lots of them so they could make the Bangladeshi's even more mad.


Bring up how many Muslims Pakistan has killed!!!! If you have the guts !!

Btw, even Delhi used to be Muslim majority, fact is buddy Muslims migrated out of India and Hindus migrated out of Pakistan
The video says: Zaid Hamid, Defence Analyst!! Defence analyst??? :rofl: :rofl:

He talks as though he is the adviser-in-chief of Pakistan! Hmmm...He probably is, considering that he's lapped up by TV channels like there's no tomorrow!

The question is: Why is this mutt being given so much air time? His twaddle is hilarious in the extreme! Like when he insisted that a 'ghost' army riding on horseback, brandishing shining swords, drove the Indian Army to defeat in the 1965 war!! :haha: Jeeeez!
@Abhijit neutral_person

B**** please, there is evidence that Indian soldiers came into East Pakistan and killed lots of them so they could make the Bangladeshi's even more mad.


Bring up how many Muslims Pakistan has killed!!!! If you have the guts !!

Btw, even Delhi used to be Muslim majority, fact is buddy Muslims migrated out of India and Hindus migrated out of Pakistan

I will keep bringing it up, living in denial and blaming India is not going to make the fact go away that evil Pakistanis who have killed millions of innocent Muslims. The fact is India had one unfortunate incident of Gujrat riots where 791 Muslims and 254 Hindus were killed, and you guys love to bring that up everywhere. How about all the Muslims below Pakistan has killed? I am not even going to talk about Sikhs/Hindus/Christians who have been tortured more than Muslims in Pakistan. Lets just look at how much blood of innocent Muslims is on Pakistani hands:

- You have the Bangladesh massacre of a 3 million in 1971,
- You have the Balochistan killings and rape and kidnapping going on for the last few decades, going on even TODAY
- Shia vs Sunni target killings which are a weekly occurrence for the last decade, still an issue TODAY
- Ethnic cleansing of Mohajirs during the Jinnahpur fiasco
- Current Sindhi vs Pathan vs Mohajir issue in Sindh, still an issue TODAY
- Killings/discrimination against Ahmedis, still present today
- Not to mention, Taliban and other extremist Muslims who have killed thousands of innocent Muslims in Pakistan for the last 10 years

We didn't even know who Zaid Hamid was until Indians gave him publicity

We didn't even know who Zaid Hamid was until Indians gave him publicity
u might not have cable TV showing Pakistani news channels ( comedy shows) .I guess he's banned now? balungra lol
@Abhijit neutral_person

B**** please, there is evidence that Indian soldiers came into East Pakistan and killed lots of them so they could make the Bangladeshi's even more mad.

Stop indulging in conspiracy theories, which has become the favorite time pass for a lot of Pakistani members here.. Talk with official data..

Bring up how many Muslims Pakistan has killed!!!! If you have the guts !!

Fatalities in Terrorist Violence in Pakistan 2003-2012

41,472 in last 10 years...

Bangladesh massacre is denied by Pakistan actual estimates range around 100,000.

Haha, and Indian schooling me about Balochistan let me tell you buddy that what ISI wants to do is none of your business. They can dump traitors bodys in sewer it doesn't make a difference to me. Btw only like 40 have been killed in Balochistan.

Sorry buddy Shia-Sunni conflicts have died down. I am Shia i think I would know.

Wtf are you talking about, Mohajirs are not called Mohajirs anywhere except Karachi.

Sorry buddy you have little to know knowledge about whats going on in Sindh. Sindh is the most peaceful state in Pakistan. Mohajir vs Pathan only happens in Karachi but thats a way different story it might confuse your puny brain.

Yeah, Ahmedi killing does happen, but they are not Muslim in Pakistani law nor are they in Islamic law, so Pakistan hasn't killed and Muslims here.

Taliban is from Afghanistan TTP headquarters are in Afghanistan lol Thats not Pakistani.

Bangladesh massacre is denied by Pakistan actual estimates range around 100,000.

Haha, and Indian schooling me about Balochistan let me tell you buddy that what ISI wants to do is none of your business. They can dump traitors bodys in sewer it doesn't make a difference to me. Btw only like 40 have been killed in Balochistan.

Sorry buddy Shia-Sunni conflicts have died down. I am Shia i think I would know.

Wtf are you talking about, Mohajirs are not called Mohajirs anywhere except Karachi.

Sorry buddy you have little to know knowledge about whats going on in Sindh. Sindh is the most peaceful state in Pakistan. Mohajir vs Pathan only happens in Karachi but thats a way different story it might confuse your puny brain.

Yeah, Ahmedi killing does happen, but they are not Muslim in Pakistani law nor are they in Islamic law, so Pakistan hasn't killed and Muslims here.

Taliban is from Afghanistan TTP headquarters are in Afghanistan lol Thats not Pakistani.

Dude, either talk with numbers and reputable official sources, or go back under the bed... (as per your location description)
Still way less than the 3 million Bangladeshi Muslims killed by Pakistani "Islam ka thekedar" Muslims :wave: I wont even go into all the hundreds of thousands of Muslims Pakistan has killed elsewhere.

And if you are going to bring up partition, how many Hindus/Sikhs/Christians were killed in Pakistan during 1947? Karachi was a Hindu majority city before 1947. How many Hindus are left there today? Lahore had so many Sikhs pre 1947, what happened to them?
Sir first of all most were killed by Indian Army and the Mukti Banis and blame was put on Pakistani Army and Muslims are our brothers it is not personal matter of Indians Muslims are offended when are being killed and they will not let it go and know how to deal with killers .
Sir first most were killed by Indian Army and the Mukti Banis and were blamed on Pakistani Army and Muslims are our brother it is not Indian personal matter Muslims are offended Muslims being killed and they will take care of it and know how to deal with killers

You need to seek refund from your school that taught you english.. Hire a good lawyer and go after it..

Either respond to my points or STFU.

Bangladesh massacre is denied by Pakistan actual estimates range around 100,000.

Haha, and Indian schooling me about Balochistan let me tell you buddy that what ISI wants to do is none of your business. They can dump traitors bodys in sewer it doesn't make a difference to me. Btw only like 40 have been killed in Balochistan.

Sorry buddy Shia-Sunni conflicts have died down. I am Shia i think I would know.

Wtf are you talking about, Mohajirs are not called Mohajirs anywhere except Karachi.

Sorry buddy you have little to know knowledge about whats going on in Sindh. Sindh is the most peaceful state in Pakistan. Mohajir vs Pathan only happens in Karachi but thats a way different story it might confuse your puny brain.

Yeah, Ahmedi killing does happen, but they are not Muslim in Pakistani law nor are they in Islamic law, so Pakistan hasn't killed and Muslims here.

Taliban is from Afghanistan TTP headquarters are in Afghanistan lol Thats not Pakistani.

There is nothing to respond to, you have clearly been brainwashed and are living in Lala-land. Doesnt matter what Pakistani sources say, most neutral sources (non Bangladeshi/Pakistani/Indian) put the figure of around 3 million innocent Muslims blood on Pakistani army.

Balochistan has been killed and raped so many times that they want to separate from Pakistan and have had enough of them. I however have bookmarked the bold part of your post for the future when you want to talk about Kashmiris.

As for things "only happeneing in Karachi" did I miss the memo where Karachi is not a part of Pakistan? If it happens in Karachi, then by common sense, it happens in Pakistan.

Everything I have said is correct and you are the only one living in fantasy land thanks to the brainwashing you guys receive in Pakistan. Stop killing Muslims yourself first, then go around telling others what to do with their Muslims.

An Indian Muslim today is a million times more safe (and leading a better life) than a Pakistani Muslim. People like Altaf Hussain (leader of Mohajirs) come to India and tell us to protect your Karachi Mohajir Muslims because they are being slaughtered by Punjabi Pakistani Muslims. As I said, stop killing Muslims first yourself, and then preach to others.

Altaf Hussain calls creation of Pakistan the Biggest Mistake - YouTube

YOU are living in Indian lala land. We know how credible you are... Your media even said there were 4 "terrorists" plotting and livng iin Mumbai when in reality Pakistani media showed all of the 4 people your media mentioned in Lahore. :lol:

Again, you have lack of knowledge about Balochistan, Only 2 tribes out of 42 want to sperate and even within Bugti tribe there is only 1 person who want's to seperate... I guess you were educated by Bollwood :lol:

Karachi is a different section of Pakistan. If I say 80% population is in poverty in Bihar do I mean whole India is in 80% poverty? LOL

An Indian Muslim today is getting discriminated and killed in India everyday Hindus snub their beliefs, dont act like everythings going hanky panky in India have you read TOI comments? Please don't educate me you don't even live in shining India :lol:

You're education is questionable. Altaf Hussein is a leader of MQM, a Muhajir political party in Pakistan, it doesn't mean hes the leader of Muhajirs, retard, and btw AH has never traveled to India.

AND again, your education is questionable, because Altaf doesn't blame Punjabis he blames Pushtuns. Good bye dear.

Let me be clear on this, when we kill separatists in Kashmir, we are called that we hate Muslims, but when you kill Muslim separatists in Balochistan, its all ok. Thats what I am not fine with. There is no difference between the ways the Indian Govt deals with Kashmiri separatists and the way Pakistani Govt deals with Balochi separatists. But in the case of Indian Kashmiris, it becomes a religious/communal issue, when the Kashmir issue (just like the Balochistan issue) is a political one. Even today, 67% of Kashmiris vote in elections and select pro-India parties.

Secondly, just like we have had unfortunate incidents like Gujrat riots, Pakistan has similarly has incidents like Bangladesh massacre, Karachi Mohajir issue, Shia/Sunni killings, Taliban killings, etc. These unfortunate incidents happen all the time in history. But when it happens in India you guys try to paint it as a religous issue, but when it happens in Pakistan, you guys pretend like its all OK.

Thats is all the point I was trying to make. If you dont agree with my points, lets just agree to disagree I guess.

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