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Something Indian Air Force can learn from PAF

yes but woman cant do as man can do in air war for sure at any given day and time
Women not equal to men at everything. Better at some, worse at others.

Air Force is not something women excel at for sure.
Wounded Healer said:
Mental Capability: Well, it has been stated in another thread that women are smarter than men.

And you do realize that things like entertainment world knowledge and trivial questions (stated in the article itself) was used to determine the 'smartness'. As far as being capable of doing the job, men are far more ahead than women. Women leaving the job and becoming mothers is just one of the problem. The military wastes their investment in training. Men being more physically capable - which is part of being in an AF - also helps men. Some of the mental characteristics such as responsiveness can be debated however those have not been conclusively proven for either case so let's leave it that.

As far as pain is concerned, you do realize you're making an apples and oranges (and a rather bad) comparison. Strength is something you can't make women look equal or better, despite how much you spin it.

More importantly, just because everyone thinks men and women are completely equal, it doesn't make that a fact. Most people THINK men and women are equal. Difference between men and women is obvious if you take off the veil of ignorance, feminist/media propaganda, political correctness, and what you've been fed since you were a child. There are things men are better at, and there are things women are better at. That's the fact of life.

Societies evolve overtime and each society thinks its the ultimate and best society. Societies in middle ages thought they were the ultimate society, socities in the 1800s thought the same, and societies still think the same. Each thought they were more evolved and better than the other one. So just because people today think such and such way, it doesn't make what they think an empirical fact.
woman is smarter than man for sure but making man stupid for sex and in airforce their is nothing woman make stupid from fighter jet
I don't think women should be in the army, I'm not a male chauvinist or anything, but women are genetically weaker than men, that's a fact. While the average woman might get higher exam marks (atleast in Australia) the smartest people (geniuses) are always male. Some airforce pilots are very near to genius level.
You might want to file a complaint in the court of Almighty Allah; Out of 186,000 known prophets, not one was a woman, now this what you should call discrimination.

But surely each and every prophet came from the womb of a mother would that not suffice the gratitude of Allah? If god found man so fit he would have not created a woman, but I believe there are reasons to why women were not made into prophets they had higher and more profound roles attached to them. They were given titles for their motherhood and how they availed dangers brought upon their young; I mean look at Hazrat Hajra she is an example. For we have to do 7 tuwafs around the mountain that once stood there until the end of times.

I believe we have neglected women in our society and there is long road to when we can see them flourish equally; this is no milestone if a few women are pilots. I would want to see more developments in this matter of women especially the hideous and backward laws on women where they are called witches and adulteress and then burnt to the stake
And the member who said that out of 124000 prophets,not a single was a woman.......well brother, first of, we just know a handfull of prophets by name, and just for argument's sake, let us assume that not even one was a female, then the answer is even simpler. Those were the Dark times, when men were considered the superior beings, imagine a women given Allah's Message to those people, would they have even listened?

doesnt make any sense to me bro, what are you trying to imply
There are alot more things that the entire country of India can learn from Pakistan.
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