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Security Official Stoned to Death for Adultery

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Surprisingly the wahabees have no problems doing the same in Turkey or Dubai!

Or in Bahrain -- But seriously, it's not just that the Wahabi are seriously sexually frustrated, even to the point of being demented, but so are the Pakistani lunes, now I'm not pointing at Razpak just because he feels embarrassed by simply watching soap operas, I think our society is changing and what we are seeing is not just ignorance but also a reaction against change
It's these punjabis, even though they're educated themselves, they consider tribals as superior martial race and best muslims so have soft spot for them

And we know how you educated bhias can't even move your tongue while listing telephonic sermon. There are significant number of Punjabis who are fighting scums in those areas and sacrificing their lives, Punjabies have given many time more sacrifices than their due share - so, keep your Punjab hatred to yourself.
Gotta Luv it - Shia/Sunni , then Pounjabi/Pashtun, followed by Bhaia/Pounjabi -- so lets see, religious, sectarian, ethnic, linguistic - but we are bored by these, we need new and improved and bloodier ideas, to divide over - Bring it beecheZ
stoning is a rudimentary form of shooting.. in shooting a metal piece is thron at you with high speed.. in stoning a granite is thrown at you with slightly lower speed :)
It is in islam just like face cover is in islam (***LINK***) (result of mis-translations & mis-guidence by Mullah), Just like some Mullahs say keeping cuff of pants above ankle is necessary... so on. I mean it is NOT in Islam of Quran & Sunnah,,, it is in Islam of Mullah.

Stoning was a punishment in older scriptures (Deuteronomy:22:21) & for certain things until a new ruling was revealed Prophet Muhammad maintained ruling from previous scriptures. Hence some ppl were stoned for adultery. Quran also at first maintained this punishment of older scriptures. But later it was cancelled & the verse on stoning was removed from Quran... All scholars agree that the verse was cancelled, but some Mullah-type-scholars say that the order still stands despite cancellation of the verse...

WHY would God cancel a verse if HE did not intend to cancel the ruling.!!!

Quran:2:106:"None of Our revelations do We abrogate or cause to be forgotten, but We substitute something better or similar: Knowest thou not that God Hath power over all things?"
Q:87:6:"By degrees shall We teach thee to declare (the Message), so thou shalt not forget,[7] Except as God wills: For He knoweth what is manifest and what is hidden."

To prove that ruling still stands after cancellation of verse, Mullahs should bring evidence that Prophet Muhammad gave this punishment AFTER verse was cancelled. Since There is NO evidence that anyone was ever stoned AFTER Surah Noor took it's final shape(verse removed).

These companions of Prophet also questioned the same:

Narated By Ash-Shaibani : I asked 'Abdullah bin Abi 'Aufa about the Rajam (stoning somebody to death for committing illegal sexual intercourse). He replied, "The Prophet carried out the penalty of Rajam," I asked, "Was that before or after the revelation of Surat-an-Nur?" He replied, "I do not know."


Law regarding adultery went through changes like Prophet gave 100 lashes+EXILE to un-married WHILE Qura'n doesn't mention EXILE in Q:24:2:-

Bukhari:48:817:Narated By Zaid bin Khalid : Allah's Apostle ordered that an unmarried man who committed illegal sexual intercourse be scourged one hundred lashes and sent into exile for one year.

Another example of such change in laws was that initially 4 witnesses were required even if SPOUSE alleges other spouse. But later SPOUSE was given more reliability as in Qura'n:24:6-7. This story of change in rules in following Hadees:

Bukhari:60:271:Narated By Ibn Abbas : Hilal bin Umaiya accused his wife of committing illegal sexual intercourse with Sharik bin Sahma' and filed the case before the Prophet. The Prophet said (to Hilal), "Either you bring forth a proof (four witnesses) or you will receive the legal punishment (lashes) on your back." Hilal said, "O Allah's Apostle! If anyone of us saw a man over his wife, would he go to seek after witnesses?" The Prophet kept on saying, "Either you bring forth the witnesses or you will receive the legal punishment (lashes) on your back." Hilal then said, "By Him Who sent you with the Truth, I am telling the truth and Allah will reveal to you what will save my back from legal punishment." Then Gabriel came down and revealed to him:

'As for those who accuse their wives...' (24.6-9) The Prophet recited it till he reached: '...(her accuser) is telling the truth.' Then the Prophet left and sent for the woman, and Hilal went (and brought) her and then took the oaths (confirming the claim). The Prophet was saying, "Allah knows that one of you is a liar, so will any of you repent?" Then the woman got up and took the oaths and when she was going to take the fifth one, the people stopped her and said, "It (the fifth oath) will definitely bring Allah's curse on you (if you are guilty)."

So Prophet changed the course of proceeding as soon as a new verse was revealed... So why would he not change the stoning as the verse was cancelled...!!! There is NO evidence to suggest that he stoned anyone after abrogation of the verse, hence the ruling is dead after verse cancelled...


Once Prophet asked a man how he'd solve an issue, he replied he'll seek guidence from Qur'an.
Prophet asked IF he didn't find sulotion in Qur'an THEN???, he replied he'll seek guidence from Sunnah(Deeds of Prophet).
Prophet asked even IF he didn't find solution in sunnah THEN.
He replied he'll decide HIMSELF in light of Qur'an & Sunnah & Prophet praised him.

So here's the sequence for us to follow:-
Qur'an>>If Quran doesn't offer answer, ONLY THEN>>Sunnah>>If sunnah doesn't offer answer, ONLY THEN>>>Own Decision in light of Quran & Sunnah.

So when Quran says punishment for adultory<fornication is 100 lashes we got our answer. There's no need to go any further.


Thank you for the explanation :cheers:
I think we should have the girlfriend culture in Pakistan. It will dilute the extremism and will offer means to kill boredom!
Solution to hot weather is not necessarily taking off ur shirt. It could also be turning AC on & sitting under a fan...
I mean, we do have problem but it;s solution is NOT blindly following Western norms. Especially when West has ruined it`s family fabric bcoz of too much "Madar-Pidar-Aazadee"...

Solution is to fix the problem by looking at the source where it originates i.e. treat the cause NOT just the symptoms (***LINK***)

We should NOT have Western style girl-friend boy-friend culture,,, instead we should restore what a marriage IS in islam... It is guy & girl taking each other husband-wife before 2 witnesses... it's that simple. If we remove all fabricated rasoomaat from wedding ceremony & make the marriage process easy, many those who are unable to proceed bcoz of lack of funds etc will be relieved.

Like British MP Nazeer-Ahmad once said about Mushy-The-Traitor's "enlightened-moderation" that apne baitiyoon koo nangaa kernay kaa naam enlightenment nahee hoota...

madar-pidar-azad culture of West is not the solution, it will only ruin society,, solution is to make marriage simple as it is in islam... Just get 2 witnesses & make a commitment to each-other as spouse ...
A jirga in Kurram Agency ordered the execution of a military official over &#8216;illicit relations&#8217; with a local girl.
Stoned to Death
Rizwan Tabassum / AFP

A military official was stoned to death on Tuesday morning after he was caught trying to elope with a local girl in Pakistan&#8217;s restive Kurram tribal district along the Pak-Afghan border.

An eyewitness, requesting anonymity out of fear of retaliation, told Newsweek Pakistan that the incident occurred in the Turi graveyard of Parachinar, the main town of Kurram Agency. The political administration also confirmed the execution, while a military official, on condition of anonymity, admitted that the victim had &#8220;belonged to the Army.&#8221;

Anwar Din, a serving military official from the Mianwali district of Punjab province, had allegedly gotten engaged to a local girl in secret while on deployment in the region. &#8220;Anwar Din became involved with a local Shia Muslim girl while he was deployed in the area,&#8221; according to the eyewitness. &#8220;He was transferred a while back but had come to meet her while on leave.&#8221;

Both Din and the girl were accompanied by friends and were spotted by locals while they were exchanging gifts in the graveyard, says the eyewitness, adding that while the couples&#8217; friends managed to escape, Din was captured. The girl has taken refuge in the nearby Dar-ul-Zahra madrassah.

Following Din&#8217;s capture, the local tribal jirga formed a committee to investigate and verify the allegations against him. Once confirmed, they decided to stone him to death. &#8220;This man was supposed to protect our region, but he did something that violates the code and conduct of the Pashtun tribe,&#8221; an elder who participated in the jirga told Newsweek Pakistan. &#8220;He has now met his fate.&#8221;

A crowd of hundreds assembled to watch the 28-year-old&#8217;s stoning. &#8220;Din was brought to a square near the Turi graveyard where people started throwing stones and later beat him with poles of wood,&#8221; says the eyewitness. He said the stoning lasted almost 15 minutes and was accompanied by chants of Nara Haideri and Ya Ali.

After Din had succumbed to his injuries, his body was delivered to a nearby Frontier Corp camp, according to locals. The fate of the girl remains unclear.

Death by stoning is an ancient form of capital punishment, usually reserved for those who have committed adultery. According to the elder who participated in the jirga: &#8220;This stoning wasn&#8217;t according to Islam, but it was in accordance with our tribal code.&#8221;

A local doctor who examined Din&#8217;s body told Newsweek Pakistan &#8220;the mutilated body of the soldier was brought to the hospital in the afternoon with multiple head injuries.&#8221;

&#8220;It was beyond recognition,&#8221; he added.

Parachinar is home to a majority Shia population predominantly originating from the Turi and Bangash Pashtun tribes. Tribal codes are known to stipulate honor killings for individuals who attempt to get married in the absence of family approval. In 2010, another couple was sentenced to death by stoning for alleged adultery in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa province, attracting international condemnation.

Any other army in the world with even 0.0001% self respect would never have forgiven such an offence, US would probably have leveled the entire village to the ground if this happened to them.
So shia terrorism is a reality huh? (I'm not sunni myself but know the true face of shias)

Leave Pakistan army, army didn't motivate this guy to do so. It was his personal decision and he got according to territory rules. That's not so complicated to understand. Nothing here about Shiaa or Sunni and stop bringing religious factor here.

At last PA will not level area only because of one's was at 6.
Any other army in the world with even 0.0001% self respect would never have forgiven such an offence, US would probably have leveled the entire village to the ground if this happened to them.
So shia terrorism is a reality huh? (I'm not sunni myself but know the true face of shias)
So entire village should suffer because of the action of few people? Are you a coward?

btw the punishment for adultery or misuse of such laws are worst then stoning to death in afterlife
Thank you for the explanation :cheers:
Just to repeat, that there was a verse on stoning in Quran as it was in older scriptures... Prophet did give this punishment... BUT then verse was abrogated (cancelled) & there is NO evidence that Prophet ever gave this punishment AFTER cancellation of verse... Hence cancellation of verse means cancellation of ruling...

Look at the flexibility practiced by Prophet Muhammad... purpose of punishments is NOT to inflict pain as such,, rather it is to make the person realize that he&#8217;s done something wrong & embarrass him&#8230;

Example of how much flexibility Prophet showed when it came to punishing someone... 100 lashes reduced to one spank with a broom of 100 sticks... :)

Abu Dawood:33:4457:Narated By Some Companions : AbuUmamah ibn Sahl ibn Hunayf said that some companions of the Apostle of Allah (pbuh) told that one of their men suffered so much from some illness that he pined away until he was skin and bone (i.e. only a skeleton). A slave-girl of someone visited him, and he was cheered by her and had unlawful intercourse with her. When his people came to visit the patient, he told them about it.

He said: Ask the Apostle of Allah (pbuh) about the legal verdict for me, for I have had unlawful intercourse with a slave-girl who visited me.

So they mentioned it to the Apostle of Allah (pbuh) saying: We have never seen anyone (so weak) from illness as he is. If we bring him to you, his bones will disintegrate. He is only skin and bone. So the Apostle of Allah (pbuh) commanded them to take one hundred twigs and strike him once.

See how a punishment changed to reward... :)

Sahih Muslim:6:2457:Abu Huraira (Allah be pleased with him) reported that a person came to the Apostle of Allah (may peace be upon him) and said: Messenger of Allah, I am undone. He (the Holy Prophet) said: What has brought about your ruin? He said: I have had intercourse with my wife during the month of Ramadan. Upon this he (the Holy prophet) said: Can you find a slave to set him free? He said: NO He (the Holy Prophet again) said: Can you observe fast for two consecutive months? He said: No. He (the Holy Prophet) said: Can you provide food to sixty poor people?, He said: No. He then sat down and (in the meanwhile) there was brought to the Apostle of Allah a basket which contained dates. He (the Holy Prophet) said: Give these (dates) in charity. He (the man) said: Am I to give to one who is poorer than I? There is no family poorer than mine between the two lava plains of Medina. The Apostle of Allah laughed so that his molar teeth became visible and said: Go and give it to your family to eat.

this is minor backlash of Shia's on Suuni/Punjabi

now wait to see.. how pak Taliban Reacts to this .....
Just to repeat, that there was a verse on stoning in Quran as it was in older scriptures... Prophet did give this punishment... BUT then verse was abrogated (cancelled) & there is NO evidence that Prophet ever gave this punishment AFTER cancellation of verse... Hence cancellation of verse means cancellation of ruling...

Look at the flexibility practiced by Prophet Muhammad... purpose of punishments is NOT to inflict pain as such,, rather it is to make the person realize that he&#8217;s done something wrong & embarrass him&#8230;

Example of how much flexibility Prophet showed when it came to punishing someone... 100 lashes reduced to one spank with a broom of 100 sticks... :)

Abu Dawood:33:4457:Narated By Some Companions : AbuUmamah ibn Sahl ibn Hunayf said that some companions of the Apostle of Allah (pbuh) told that one of their men suffered so much from some illness that he pined away until he was skin and bone (i.e. only a skeleton). A slave-girl of someone visited him, and he was cheered by her and had unlawful intercourse with her. When his people came to visit the patient, he told them about it.

He said: Ask the Apostle of Allah (pbuh) about the legal verdict for me, for I have had unlawful intercourse with a slave-girl who visited me.

So they mentioned it to the Apostle of Allah (pbuh) saying: We have never seen anyone (so weak) from illness as he is. If we bring him to you, his bones will disintegrate. He is only skin and bone. So the Apostle of Allah (pbuh) commanded them to take one hundred twigs and strike him once.

Problem is not in the religious Scriptures, they may be right or may be outdated, problem lies with the people who interpret them.
Solution to hot weather is not necessarily taking off ur shirt. It could also be turning AC on & sitting under a fan...
I mean, we do have problem but it;s solution is NOT blindly following Western norms. Especially when West has ruined it`s family fabric bcoz of too much "Madar-Pidar-Aazadee"...

Solution is to fix the problem by looking at the source where it originates i.e. treat the cause NOT just the symptoms (***LINK***)

We should NOT have Western style girl-friend boy-friend culture,,, instead we should restore what a marriage IS in islam... It is guy & girl taking each other husband-wife before 2 witnesses... it's that simple. If we remove all fabricated rasoomaat from wedding ceremony & make the marriage process easy, many those who are unable to proceed bcoz of lack of funds etc will be relieved.

Like British MP Nazeer-Ahmad once said about Mushy-The-Traitor's "enlightened-moderation" that apne baitiyoon koo nangaa kernay kaa naam enlightenment nahee hoota...

madar-pidar-azad culture of West is not the solution, it will only ruin society,, solution is to make marriage simple as it is in islam... Just get 2 witnesses & make a commitment to each-other as spouse ...

WOT does not just serve the purpose of killing innocent people but most important of all deviate Muslim from their religion and into hellhole disguised as worldly pleasures.

Marriage have become the most complicated matter in Pakistani society. These days its easier to tell your parents about your illicit relationship then it is to convince your parents to find you a suitable partner.
Pakistan and its own people are number one enemy of its own. I have NO hope in Pakistan anymore.
Neither is stoning, or you in Islam as far as i know.
Stoning should be banned altogether.

stoning to death is there in islam.hazrat ayesha says in one of the hadith that quranic verses related to stoning were eaten up by some goats.later on based on that hadith stoning to death was included in sharia.ofcourse according to quran lashing with a whip is the punishment prescribed for adultery.
This jirga system should stop-
Somebody should kill these so called elders- :sick:-
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