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Security Official Stoned to Death for Adultery

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Any other army in the world with even 0.0001% self respect would never have forgiven such an offence, US would probably have leveled the entire village to the ground if this happened to them.
So shia terrorism is a reality huh? (I'm not sunni myself but know the true face of shias)

The case don't seems related to Shia terrorism but its looks more like Honour killing since the guy tried to elope with the girl. And I don't think that the concept of love marriages is acceptable in places like FATA.
It's good that you realize they're barbarian. But since they're shia and victimized in foreign media, even if something was done PA would be shown as aggressors.

All I can say is shame on Army and intelligence. All these old geezers should be assassinated without any media exposure

If police are involved then definitely media will get involved, and since they're shia some other story would be made up to show them as innocents. Of course the village doesnt have to be wiped out because there are good people such as the girl, they just have to be shown how to live democratically without tribal customs. And the leaders have to be removed/imprisoned secretly.

Why is the army protecting these animals? While the tax paying patriotic civilised citizens in Karachi are dying everyday by mafias and terrorists?

It's these punjabis, even though they're educated themselves, they consider tribals as superior martial race and best muslims so have soft spot for them

Nope, it was actually based solely on freedom of religion. There were cases that muslims' freedoms were restricted under hindu rule(personal experience too, my grand dads whole village and family was killed when he was 3-5).
Even though I'm against that, that would make pakistans existance only more justified.

There is a need for de-tribalization of the society and as a scorn of punishment, the leader of Jirga should be hanged for murder of a soldier. This also expresses the kind of respect they have for our armed men, they think army is their "peir ke joote". Its time to re-assert the law and the Shia or Sunni debate has less to do with this lynching has much less to do with this incident. Its more of a case for extremist tendencies and nonsense tribal codes.

Lets not make this a shia-sunni issue. The core of the fault is rigid tribal customs and their tolerance by the central government. Sometimes one feels the forced re-education camps in Canada and Australia for the aboriginals were justified otherwise we would be seeing a similar society brewing.
The point made is taken.

However, I have a Q. If this man was a soldier - PA or Para Military whatever, why did his arm intervene to prevent such a barbaric act.

Why is everyone going soft and developing weak knees when there is anything to do with fundamentalists / religion in Pak ?

Why is Pakistan so uncomfortable with religion ?

After a few successful operations, the new civilian govt has pretty much disbanded the entire military apart from some basic patrolling and aid duties
If the officer had performed this act on part of his duty under given command then sure it is a shame but when people do such acts it cannot be clued with their military rank and advertised as "shame" for an organization.


I would expect you not to connect two unrelated things. If you like to club then A Muslim was stoned to death, a Pakistani was stoned to death, a brother of 2 sisters was stoned to death and the list goes on. Learn where the fault lies and leave the fault where it lies.
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If out of 600000 Troops some one or two incidents happens then these peoples must not make breaking news........Just see the other armies around the world....and you will get the results.

no need around the world, just look at india or usa in afghanistan, they mantain unconditional respect for their armed forces. No one can 'just' stonea soldier and get away with it.
Ye sharam se dub marne ka maqam hai, bahane banane ka nahi. We should realize these animals for what ehy are
No confidence in being Muslim - that's why an emphasis on external appearances of religiosity - When people have confidence that they, as Iqbal puts it "vividly apprehend" Islam, there can be no place no place for these kinds of behaviors -- It's because most Pakistanis are ignorant and actually afraid of being Muslims, that literalistic interpretations are favored, no need to "vividly apprehend" -- then when it comes to officials and authority, these are equally ignorant and even more afraid of the genie they have unleashed -- "Islamic", just refer to any barbarism as "islamic" and you are "golden"

I sometimes feel that Pak society is afflicted by a sort of death wish.

How else can one describe an entire nation that allows itself to get led by sheep.
The case don't seems related to Shia terrorism but its looks more like Honour killing since the guy tried to elope with the girl. And I don't think that the concept of love marriages is acceptable in places like FATA.

And that one of the large problems with society. Arranged marriages are like forced slavery. Two people drag on with their lives not for the sake of their own but for the sake of their relatives and parents. This has a negative fall out on their children and eventually they are picked up by outcasts in pursuit of acceptance.
Don't see how this is Shia - Sunni. The tribal customs are pretty much the same everywhere and most tribals are sunni, not shia.

Unfortunate though, all the young man wanted to do was be with his lady love, and he gets stoned to death instead. The sanctity of life in our part of the world is quite abysmal.

no need around the world, just look at india or usa in afghanistan, they mantain unconditional respect for their armed forces. No one can 'just' stonea soldier and get away with it.
Ye sharam se dub marne ka maqam hai, bahane banane ka nahi. We should realize these animals for what ehy are

I'm sorry but our respect for armed forces goes only as far as their professionalism. OTOH stoning someone to death has very little to do with a lack of respect.
What local government/police was doing at that time. Its not shia-sunni, its more to do with tribal custom.
If the officer had performed this act on part of his duty under given command then sure it is a shame but when people do such acts it cannot be clued with their military rank and advertised as "shame" for an organization.


I would expect you not to connect two unrelated things. If you like to club then A Muslim was stoned to death, a Pakistani was stoned to death, a brother of 2 sisters was stoned to death and the list goes on. Learn where the fault lies and leave the fault where it lies.

Making excuses? This man had risked his life to protect these ungrateful neanderthals and this is how they reward him. There is a certain level of respect and consequences in regards to the army, so it's necessary to point that out. Shame.

What local government/police was doing at that time. Its not shia-sunni, its more to do with tribal custom.

On the phone with switzerland on how much balance they have in theyre bank account and how much more interest they'll get paid if they steall more
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please do not get in the way of Pakistanis blood lust for differing sects - let them have at it

yes absolutely your right, but shouldn't constructive criticism be both ways, at least from a moral basis of taking a stand on an general issue, but as some people like to do it, by just obsessively targeting the Arabs & wahabism in each & every damn thing they should also recognize & criticize extremism in others as well, rather then escaping it by conveniently giving a general statement, now thats what one calls pure "hypocrisy"
If out of 600000 Troops some one or two incidents happens then these peoples must not make breaking news........Just see the other armies around the world....and you will get the results.

Your point is understandable.

The issue is not about the ' incident'. It has to do with :

1. A soldier being murdered by civilians and the system not taking the assassins to task - at thats what it looks like so far.

2. The barbaric manner in which a soldier was put to death.

3. The arbitrary method of arriving at a sentence.

4. The fact that ppl are accepting such acts - even uniformed orgnisations who can display their annoyance & will are silent.
Making excuses? This man had risked his life to protect these ungrateful neanderthals and this is how they reward him. There is a certain level of respect and consequences in regards to the army, so it's necessary to point that out. Shame.

Punishment of Zna under sharia is stoning till death if committed by a married person. I am contented to see a person receive his punishment if he had committed the crime. I don't make excuses and I take no sides in this issue. If you can understand, I have rather objected of your clubbing of death of an army officer with Zna and this is where you are wrong.
Don't see how this is Shia - Sunni. The tribal customs are pretty much the same everywhere and most tribals are sunni, not shia.

Unfortunate though, all the young man wanted to do was be with his lady love, and he gets stoned to death instead. The sanctity of life in our part of the world is quite abysmal.

I'm sorry but our respect for armed forces goes only as far as their professionalism.

That's what I'm trying to say - indians insist shias are angels - i'm just trying to point out the entire society is to blame. The first step to progress would be to realize our faults.
And tbh, on this thread i dont mind the critisizm by indians becuase we deserve it.
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