That is exactly what I believe, You are judged for your actions, Let give the credit where is it is due, God is not some strict authortarin nor a relaxed hippie. he is the all knowing and all understanding isnt he, and I am sure he doesnt deal in absolutes.
Organized Religion for me always has been a means to create zombie's, No one needs anybody help to understand god, it happens so very easily; like the first time you are geniunly in trouble.lolo
Any one who has read any book of psychology, will know about 'Id'. This is the instinct which is the prime mover of mens actions. It is the 'ego', that is worry about what other people think that keeps men from doing what they intinctively want.
In the historical times, if you were powerful, you would take what you want from the weak ( still true to a large extent). Some form of laws or restrictions were needed to make the society fit for every one including the weak to live. Hamurabi the king of Elam is the oldest law giver, he didnot claim to be a prophet. But all subsequent law givers such as Zarathushtra, Moses, Budha, Mahavera, Jesus and finally our holy Prophet ( PBUH) are prophets and claimed divine inspiration.
The laws these great people brought applied equally to every one regardless of their status, colour or nationality.Most of these were 'Do' and 'Dont.
I therefore disagree that every one can find 'God' and organized religion creates 'Zombies'. Only a certain kind of person who has a special quality can find 'God' by hinself. These are the Saints, Sufis or Rishis. For ordinary mortals like myself, a kind of living code is needed so that every one can go about his/her daily chores without fear. Simplest example are traffic signals. Every one has experienced the chaos that ensues if traffic signals are out of order.Thus most organised relgions perform an essential function in regulating a society.
It is the type of people that become leaders that is the root cause of the problem. For example at least two or the great relgions; Budhism and Chritstianity; essence of the teaching is non voilence. However, if the teachings were followed how could Kanishka create the Kushan empire or how could the Crusades ever take place. It is basic instinct or 'Id" that one wants to have what he covets and use religion as an excuse to do so.
Islam on the other hand was never a pacifist relgion and always allowed an eye for an eye. However, holy Quran clearly states "La ikraha fiddin". Meaning there is no compulsion in religion. Nevertheless we find that in NWFP, even barber shops are being targeted because without barber you couldnt shave your beard.
I believe that the real reason why one finds religious people generally ruthless and uncompromising are two.
1. Generally very intelligent minds do not go for relgious education. Therefore majority of the religious scholars have no capacity to interpret. They think that strict following of the rituals is what religion is all about. This is not true,
spirit of the relgion is compassion; which is lacking in majority of the zealots.
2. This follows from the first. Because most of the religioud scholars are ignorant of any thing else but what they were taught. They are unable to deal with the changing times and want to revert to a utopian time. This is again impossible because at least in case of Islam, there was 'Divine intervention' which cleansed the spirit of the whole society. In their ignorance these people want to forcefully impose what they think is 'God's' command on every one because this will guarantee a plce in paradise.
I am not a religious scholar, the above is my personal opinion and should be taken as such.