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Pakistanis and Indians are same people, why can't we be friends!!!

Pretty much since I started taking interest in geopolitical issues, history, military stuff and other similar things. One of the biggest arguments from liberals and those who keep saying we should be friends with Indians is that we are essentially the same people. We like and dislike same things except for few exceptions. We speak similar languages, and we have same historical past. This argument although looks really nice specially in modern world influenced by secularism and the concept of humanity being above all. All that kind of BS boils my blood and now I would give my argument that despite our leadership failures here in Pakistan. There is no way hell we should be friends with India.

Pakistan is dominantly a Muslim majority country with around 97 % population being Muslim. Even vast majority is not well educated about Islam but still they love Islam and proudly call themselves Muslims except for few liberals and those who have turned Atheists. So as Muslim what matters is the brotherhood of Kalma, the brotherhood of faith and being a Ummah and that is only bong that matters in Islam. One of the biggest examples in front of us is that of Battle of Badar. As we don't teach Islam in detail in schools specially in elite schools due to which we I mean Indians and Pakistanis are same people theory gets spread.

Battle of Badar was not just difficult for Muslims because they lacked weapons, horses, camels and numbers to fight a much larger and much bigger enemy. That off course was one major issue, but the biggest issue was that on other side was not just your enemy but an enemy who was your own blood. Someone's father was on the other side, some one's brother was among the enemy, someone's Uncle was among the enemy and some one's child was among the enemy. By the time the war ended one Sahabi had killed his father in the battlefield, Hazrat UMAR RA had killed his Mamu (mother's brother) and there are few more such cases. Hazrat Abu Bakar RA son Abdur Rahman who during Badar was fighting for kuffar as he hadn't accepted Islam by then but later, he became a Muslim. While talking to his father one day, he said that Father during that war you several times came in front of me, and I deliberately choose not to attack you to which Hazrat ABU BAKAR RA replied that if he had seen Abdur Rahman even once in front of him, he would have attacked and if had the chance killed him on the spot. He was fighting for ALLAH and his RASOOL SAW for Muslim only those matters.

Also, if we see the case of PROPHET NOAH AS when his son refused to get on the ship and when PROPHET NOAH AS saw his own son drowning, he begged and prayed to ALLAH to save his son. ALLAH stopped NOAH AS From praying and said he is not your son although he was his biological son, but main message was that only those who have accepted the truth and rejected the kufr are yours not those who have chosen the path of kufr and darkness. So, to conclude next time any of you suggest that Pakistan and India should be friends and we are same people to them we say no we are not. And please read your own history and read your own religion.

NOTE: For minorities who are living in Pakistan we consider them equal citizens. Their places of worships have to be protected by state at all costs, they can't be discriminated, and they have to be protected by state at all costs and respected by fellow citizens Muslims. We should be respectful towards them; we should help them, and we should make sure that they feel save and protected. I am talking about country to country. Even if we get to resolve Kashmir issue with India we have trade relations and basic relations as neighbors but can't be friends who are partying together and having dumb cultural exchanges. Although religious issues are mainly banned in this forum, but this order of Islam covers our politics and hence had to be addressed.

@Zephyrus @Tipu7 @Sulman Badshah @PanzerKiel @Kompromat @DESERT FIGHTER @The Eagle @Arsalan @Suff Shikan @AUz @waz @SQ8 @Irfan Baloch @Rafi @Areesh @farooqbhai007
Punjabis, Urdu speakers and Sindhis are like Indians. Pashtoons, Balti, Kashmiri and Balochs are more central Asian.
Are Pakistanis even 1% like the Muslims of the Battle of Badr? Even Saudi Arabians aren't like Arab Muslims of Badr.
Are Pakistanis even 1% like the Muslims of the Battle of Badr?

Does any Christian have to look like Jesus Christ to be Christian?

Even Saudi Arabians aren't like Arab Muslims of Badr.

How do you know?
Does any Christian have to look like Jesus Christ to be Christian?

How do you know?
The average Pakistani Muslim is like the Muslims of Badr in faith? The majority is not. Arab Muslims were united for the sake of their belief when the Prophet was alive, but the unity broke down few years after his passing. They reverted to war and politics based on personal relations, family, tribe, and sect. We can see how fractious Arabs are. Europeans, however, historically viewed them as a power bloc based on Islam and they passed this view to their colonized people.
Malaysia indonesia brunei?

Need a map?
So failed to stop Islam in Bangladesh 😂
Pretty much since I started taking interest in geopolitical issues, history, military stuff and other similar things. One of the biggest arguments from liberals and those who keep saying we should be friends with Indians is that we are essentially the same people. We like and dislike same things except for few exceptions. We speak similar languages, and we have same historical past. This argument although looks really nice specially in modern world influenced by secularism and the concept of humanity being above all. All that kind of BS boils my blood and now I would give my argument that despite our leadership failures here in Pakistan. There is no way hell we should be friends with India.

Pakistan is dominantly a Muslim majority country with around 97 % population being Muslim. Even vast majority is not well educated about Islam but still they love Islam and proudly call themselves Muslims except for few liberals and those who have turned Atheists. So as Muslim what matters is the brotherhood of Kalma, the brotherhood of faith and being a Ummah and that is only bong that matters in Islam. One of the biggest examples in front of us is that of Battle of Badar. As we don't teach Islam in detail in schools specially in elite schools due to which we I mean Indians and Pakistanis are same people theory gets spread.

Battle of Badar was not just difficult for Muslims because they lacked weapons, horses, camels and numbers to fight a much larger and much bigger enemy. That off course was one major issue, but the biggest issue was that on other side was not just your enemy but an enemy who was your own blood. Someone's father was on the other side, some one's brother was among the enemy, someone's Uncle was among the enemy and some one's child was among the enemy. By the time the war ended one Sahabi had killed his father in the battlefield, Hazrat UMAR RA had killed his Mamu (mother's brother) and there are few more such cases. Hazrat Abu Bakar RA son Abdur Rahman who during Badar was fighting for kuffar as he hadn't accepted Islam by then but later, he became a Muslim. While talking to his father one day, he said that Father during that war you several times came in front of me, and I deliberately choose not to attack you to which Hazrat ABU BAKAR RA replied that if he had seen Abdur Rahman even once in front of him, he would have attacked and if had the chance killed him on the spot. He was fighting for ALLAH and his RASOOL SAW for Muslim only those matters.

Also, if we see the case of PROPHET NOAH AS when his son refused to get on the ship and when PROPHET NOAH AS saw his own son drowning, he begged and prayed to ALLAH to save his son. ALLAH stopped NOAH AS From praying and said he is not your son although he was his biological son, but main message was that only those who have accepted the truth and rejected the kufr are yours not those who have chosen the path of kufr and darkness. So, to conclude next time any of you suggest that Pakistan and India should be friends and we are same people to them we say no we are not. And please read your own history and read your own religion.

NOTE: For minorities who are living in Pakistan we consider them equal citizens. Their places of worships have to be protected by state at all costs, they can't be discriminated, and they have to be protected by state at all costs and respected by fellow citizens Muslims. We should be respectful towards them; we should help them, and we should make sure that they feel save and protected. I am talking about country to country. Even if we get to resolve Kashmir issue with India we have trade relations and basic relations as neighbors but can't be friends who are partying together and having dumb cultural exchanges. Although religious issues are mainly banned in this forum, but this order of Islam covers our politics and hence had to be addressed.

@Zephyrus @Tipu7 @Sulman Badshah @PanzerKiel @Kompromat @DESERT FIGHTER @The Eagle @Arsalan @Suff Shikan @AUz @waz @SQ8 @Irfan Baloch @Rafi @Areesh @farooqbhai007
Except few muhajirs and jatts , all pakistanis are either of this , central Asia , Arab , Pashtun , mangol .There is no similarity between Indians and Pakistanis.
you have to breed new generation from scratch in order to have the society you want. you think america just built on immigration and ideology. Search cabbage orphan train babies which brought in mass and trained to be obedient workers and programmed with ideology of america. search tartaria.

The average Pakistani Muslim is like the Muslims of Badr in faith? The majority is not. Arab Muslims were united for the sake of their belief when the Prophet was alive, but the unity broke down few years after his passing. They reverted to war and politics based on personal relations, family, tribe, and sect. We can see how fractious Arabs are. Europeans, however, historically viewed them as a power bloc based on Islam and they passed this view to their colonized people.
now arabs are united on oil and arabism.
yes Pakistanis should get along with Indians but not necessarily because they are the same people.

All Indians are not same people by ethnicity, religion, caste, language, staples or occupation. The highest common factor as I think about it is cultural habits and religions --> about 80% I think.

Between Indians and Pakistanis, the religion factor is no longer true and what remains is the cultural habits.

I should say WAS not is. My perception is as Pakistan's days as a country extends, the culture also changes and mutates to something of different mix with Afghan, Chinese, Arabian, Iranian, Baloochi, Indian, American and UK influences.

The Indian culture is also evolving away from the common point with influences of pan-Indian nationalism, higher degree of Hinduism in daily life (eg more people interested in Sanskrit now that say 15 years ago), some Americanisms and bigger dose of crass commericialism (away from the old self effacing)

BUT to get along commonality in origin culture etc should not be required though they may make things easier. Just common sense is the requirement I think.

Both of our countries lack that
So failed to stop Islam in Bangladesh 😂
Didnt even try, know why banglas are much more successful today, they accepted a more moderate version of Islam than western regions.

Thats a version that exists peacefully with others ,maybe even Iranian type, live and let live.
All Indians are not same people by ethnicity, religion, caste, language, staples or occupation. The highest common factor as I think about it is cultural habits and religions --> about 80% I think.


Besides, whatever similarity there is, much of it is due to colonialism, because a lot of shared culture between Indians is British Victorian era culture.

I think around 60% of Indian culture (and PK, BD, SL culture) is old British culture.

higher degree of Hinduism in daily life (eg more people interested in Sanskrit now that say 15 years ago), some Americanisms and bigger dose of crass commericialism (away from the old self effacing)

What higher degree of Hindu culture? "Interested in Sanskrit" is not culture. If anything Indians are moving away from native culture and adopting Western culture at a faster pace than other 3rd world countries.

Besides, whatever similarity there is, much of it is due to colonialism, because a lot of shared culture between Indians is British Victorian era culture.

I think around 60% of Indian culture (and PK, BD, SL culture) is old British culture.

What higher degree of Hindu culture? "Interested in Sanskrit" is not culture. If anything Indians are moving away from native culture and adopting Western culture at a faster pace than other 3rd world countries.
You r clueless
Didnt even try, know why banglas are much more successful today, they accepted a more moderate version of Islam than western regions.

Thats a version that exists peacefully with others ,maybe even Iranian type, live and let live.
Sunni Islam is the same everywhere so wrong again pappu, your kind got kicked like a football from kabul to Peshawar to Lahore to Amritsar 😂you are too tiny infront of majesty of Islam even a Hindu will get more respect from us than you😂
banglas.. they accepted a more moderate version of Islam than western regions.

As Mirzah said traditional Sunni Islam is the same everywhere. Indonesians and Somalis practice the same way as we do.
But there's a theological fight going on between different groups of South Asian Muslims - it's primarily a fight between Old Sunni Islam (the one brought by Turkic and Turko-Persian dynasties) and New Islam (Wahabism funded by petro-dollar).
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