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Sanitary Workers Job will be Given to Religious Minorities in pakistan.

We dont have quota system here. They are free to apply for other jobs on open merit just like other Pakistanis. But looking at the literacy rate here in our country both Muslims-Non-Muslims lack education and majority miss the higher jobs.

2. Its not about disrespecting because equal number of Muslims are working in sanitary field here.

The decision is aimed at doing away with deprivation of jobs to this community in this field.

I live here and know the community and the situation about the department so what i am saying, saying it with 200% conviction.

If the govt reverse the decision you will see hundreds of inductions of Muslims in sanitary department and the other community will start agitating.

Pakistani Christians are stereotyped as Sanitary workers in Pakistan. So, his comment is extremely controversial.
Yeah, no problem, no jobs either! :lol:
Jobs aren't there for US citizens too. Even if over 1,90,000 jobs are provided recently. :D

I wonder who got the most.
Since you are talking about my province and i know the situation here hence i can tell you more Muslims are doing the same job here than non Muslims.

to tell give one more information do you know that most of the staff of US consulate here in Peshawar has mostly local Christians :)))

Should we accuse them of discrimination

The staff being Christian may be because they don't trust muslims as they fear suicide attacks from muslim employees who can radicalize easily and nothing else
I had opened a thread on same topic couple of days back, which was closed by the moderators.
no profession is inferior as long as you are earning halal and putting halal in the mouths of your children.....dosent matter if you are a sweeper or a sanitary worker or a cleaner....

a sweeper who earns halal is trillion times better than a haramkhoor aristocrat who shows his child the way to banks and young savings account and introduces him to riba and interest.

why sir?why do you put haram in your mouth?.....your mouth and your food pipe and your stomach and your intestines.....they are not owned by you....

you are not their creator.......you dont own them.......its not your property....why then you pass haram through it?

who gave you the right to pass haram through your organs that you did not created?and you are not the owner of them.

you yourself are a creation and bound to perish one day.

you are fond of drinking mineral water.....if i give you slightly stagnant water....you will throw it away .....you dont want to pass stagnant water through your body but you are fond of passing haram alcohol and other stuff bought from haram money.....mind you stagnant water from a river is not haram.

a kherant secular lady is sitting in her drawing room and complaining that her kids dont listen to her and kids of older generations used to listen......well you showed them the way to haram lifestyle....you brought them up in a haram enviornment.....with smell of whisky coming from bedroom and drawing room and kitchen and dining room....you are even fond of putting some drops of kuppi in your food...cause you saw it on BBC Food and you want to try it out....cause you are fond of adventures..you want to spice up your life...nothing is wrong or bad for you.......
you showed them the way to banks and riba and interest.......

now its pay back time......what you sow is what you reap.

you are fond of making fun of the guy who eats halwa.you give an impression as if he is addicted to halwa.....well sir he is not addicted to halwa...

but the reality is halwa is the only sweet dish that the poor man can afford........

he is not fond of consuming haram....he dosent has money in banks and the interest money dosent flows in each month........
you are fond of eating cupcakes, and egg puddings and custards and jelly and fruit triffles and cream chats and brownies and french toasts and fruit salads and chocolate fudge and banana splits and cheese cakes and syrup cakes and ice cream cakes bought from haram money but you object to a poor man who is eating halwa.

lakh di lanat on you that you eat all this stuff and still at night you require a sleeping pill that may get you out of your misery.

at the end of the day you are a goof man who wants to avoid the reality and truth cause you dont want to give up your lifestyle.you are a little man with a huge ego...........with each passing day your life is reducing and your sins are increasing.........this is your reality.

if someone announces that who wants to clean the latrine of shafqat mahmood......leader would be the first one to raise his hand....

if someone announces that who wants to clean the latrine of altaf bherwatron.....pak-marine would be the first one to raise his hand....

if someone announces who wants to clean the latrine of mirza masroor qadiani.......muse would be the first one to raise his hand.....

if someone announces that who wants to clean the latrine of yitzhak kaduri.........mirza masroor qadiani would be the first one to raise his hand.....

then why these fake double standards on this forum by you sir?
Like I said even if they accepted it or even demanded it, that only signifies what dire situation they are in. When you are void of your self respect, you are indeed in trouble.
There is no argument there - however I was reacting to the fact that PTI has done something horrible - in fact they made the best of a bad situation.

I don't think BD and India would protest if UAE make toilet cleaning mandatory for pakistanis, you actually may not have any problem with it but it's easier to talk the talk than walk the walk.

I didn't say BD and India would protest - I said Indians and Bangladeshis would protest. They would like to be paid AED 1000/mo, and if you give these jobs all to Pakistanis they would miss out.

It's not about my ego, my ego doesn't get effected by what happens of minorities in North west frontier. I don't actually consider it perfect form of governance. But I was surprised seeing senior members overlooking what obviously is a case of discrimination and defending it just cause of their political affiliation.

Discrimination would have been if they said "Minorities can ONLY work here". Instead its been said this is an extra job opportunity for them to work.

In Pakistan a garbage collector is almost always a Christian. You cannot hold it against the government to give them one more job opportunity. Yes you can say that why has their condition been made so destitute that they are ready to work in such jobs... For that too - PTI which is a little over 1 month old cannot really take the blame.
Don't know about in Pakistan....but in the US sanitation workers make bank.

Yeah they don't in Pakistan or in most non-western countries. Even in the US the illegally hired Latinos don't make much either. The reason is supply and demand. In the US, legal American doesn't want to work in Sanitation and hence there are a few of them and their demands are high. In Pakistan there are a lot of people ready to work in sanitation and others will be only too pleased to see this quota go away.
Since you are talking about my province and i know the situation here hence i can tell you more Muslims are doing the same job here than non Muslims.

to tell give one more information do you know that most of the staff of US consulate here in Peshawar has mostly local Christians :)))

Should we accuse them of discrimination

The question has to be reviewed in context

1- Are the minority workers we are talking about highly educated or they lack education and have not jobs
(yes many are unemployed)

2- Having job allows them to pay their bills , may be send their kids to school and may be their kids can have better future

3- Provided they are educated they can apply for any other job

4- The announcement is creating jobs for uneducated , unemployed folks and with modernization of cities they might be working with machinery and other items

And put things in perspective I also worked in malls and cleaned grocery shop floors when I was younger, I did not ask for IMF loan from parents when I studied
I don't understand the logic of some people here. Having a job is better than NO JOB.

When I first came to the US in the 70's as an International student, the only jobs available to me were working in the University cafeteria and cleaning cafeteria Toilets. I considered it a blessing to at least have a Job. It did not make me a lesser person. it was simply a job that helped me pay my bills as I studied at the University.

I feel the same and some people are overly sensitive here. If there are people of minorities who are ready to fill up these jobs and they are qualified then it is a non issue in my book. I think the minister was taken out of contest and trying to portray him as insensitive ... when in fact he was actually trying to address minority representation in his department.
For sanitary jobs Pakistan should import Indian Brahmin to do that labor.
For sanitary jobs Pakistan should import Indian Brahmin to do that labor.

Why brahmin of all people, in your wet dream, do you consider they are special and different from rest of Indians?

It seems quality control for pdf junior think tank is quite lax, I remember this guy used to masquerade as israely until getting warned by mods for false flagging.
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