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Sanitary Workers Job will be Given to Religious Minorities in pakistan.

PTI goes from humiliation to humiliation - Naya Pakistan run by fogeys? With attitudes that should have no place in Naya Pakistan? For PTI to decide

It's a job nobody wants to do. If minorities are desperate enough to do it, they'll do it. There are plenty of poor people in the majority faiths as well who will happily take an offer to get guaranteed jobs as well.

Practically there's no problem other than egos being hurt "Hum koora uthane layak hain?"

Poor person doesn't have the same ego problems we do. They will be happy about this decision.

If they don't like it, don't take it.
I can't believe people actually defending this decision. If they wanted to have some jobs secured for minorities, there are many types of unskilled jobs in a municipality, but they only found the job of cleaner to be fit for them.
So why this job to Religious Minorities ?
I mean Majorities are also suffering from unemployment, aren't they ?
It should be given to anyone, especially the section which is getting involved with terrorist organizations.
Terrorists recruits from unemployed pool.

@Pakistanisage Was the job given to you on the basis of your religion ?

The decision is help poor minorities get some jobs. Jobs are not in wide abundance here. You have to offer jobs which nobody else want's to do (or fewer people want to do)

I can't believe people actually defending this decision. If they wanted to have some jobs secured for minorities, there are many types of unskilled jobs in a municipality, but they only found the job of cleaner to be fit for them.

So don't do it yaar... Nobody is forcing you to go do it. Go get a job on your own skills and qualification like everyone else.
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It's a job nobody wants to do. If minorities are desperate enough to do it, they'll do it. There are plenty of poor people in the majority faiths as well who will happily take an offer to get guaranteed jobs as well.

Practically there's no problem other than egos being hurt "Hum koora uthane layak hain?"

Poor person doesn't have the same ego problems we do. They will be happy about this decision.

If they don't like it, don't take it.

Yes poor people can't always afford self respect and they will take it even if it's derogatory and insulting. But that doesn't make it right, does it?

How about UAE pass a law that only Pakistanis are eligible for toilet cleaning jobs, since most of the menial jobs are done by south Asians there. You don't have to take it if you don't want.
It's a job nobody wants to do. If minorities are desperate enough to do it, they'll do it. There are plenty of poor people in the majority faiths as well who will happily take an offer to get guaranteed jobs as well.

Practically there's no problem other than egos being hurt "Hum koora uthane layak hain?"

Poor person doesn't have the same ego problems we do. They will be happy about this decision.

If they don't like it, don't take it.

But why make it a reservation for religious minorities? -- See anyway you may wish to respond to this, you cannot evade how it plays

I think instead of defensive and aggressive responses, perhaps PTI would be better served to get out of the caste/religion/occupation business

SpringOnion makes the case that there's more to this than meets the eye and she has elaborated - that still does nto solve the problem of how it plays and the reality that it's caste/religion/occupation reservation, which is a throw back that embarrass even the Indian
The decision is help poor minorities get some jobs. Jobs are not in wide abundance here. You have to offer jobs which nobody else want's to do (or fewer people want to do)

So don't do it yaar... Nobody is forcing you to go do it. Go get a job on your own skills and qualification like everyone else.

Once again it's not about forcing, but marking them for a job which people only do when in dire situation , and minorities in Pakistan ARE in dire situation. Its like taking a benefit out of their situation.

Its a vicious cycle, it will probably help them to live by, but won't elevate their status or empower them. The next generation will end up doing the same.
I see Spring Onion's point, but I also see Muse's point. It may be a well intentioned step, but in the subcontinental context, it really does come across as overtly casteist and discriminatory.
I see Spring Onion's point, but I also see Muse's point. It may be a well intentioned step, but in the subcontinental context, it really does come across as overtly casteist and discriminatory.

She doesn't have any point, only evasion. There are lots of unskilled jobs in a municipality. The point is minorities can only deserve the lowest rung of it.

Even if they themselves demanded it, being in the situation they are in, it's the job of leaders and lawmaker to try to elevate them from this admonition but not condemning them in the same vicious cycle and make it official.

Just imagine what would be the reaction if tomorrow Arab countries pass a law which decrees that only south asians are eligible for toilet cleaners. I'm sure there are lots of south Asian who would readily accept the offer, but does that make it right and not discriminatory.
Yes poor people can't always afford self respect and they will take it even if it's derogatory and insulting. But that doesn't make it right, does it?

How about UAE pass a law that only Pakistanis are eligible for toilet cleaning jobs, since most of the menial jobs are done by south Asians there. You don't have to take it if you don't want.

That'd be fine by me. I imagine, BD and Indians would actually protest to such a law.

They didn't pass a law that only minorities can do this, they passed a law that - minorities would be given this job first - if they wanted to do it.

Losing self-respect is in the mind, otherwise its just another menial job. I would still fight for better health safety standards, proper gear, etc. Who would do it? People who can't get other jobs. Simple as that. Minorities are among the poor and uneducated they won't get other jobs. A few that ARE educated would never do this job either.

Similarly you'll find that majority folks would also being upset they are not getting to do this job as per a quota.

Your ego may be getting hurt that such an offer has been made (and accepted) but theirs isn't.
She doesn't have any point, only evasion. There are lots of unskilled jobs in a municipality. The point is minorities can only deserve the lowest rung of it.

Even if they themselves demanded it, being in the situation they are in, it's the job of leaders and lawmaker to try to elevate them from this admonition but not condemning them in the same vicious cycle and make it official.

Just imagine what would be the reaction if tomorrow Arab countries pass a law which decrees that only south asians are eligible for toilet cleaners. I'm sure there are lots of south Asian who would readily accept the offer, but does that make it right and not discriminatory.

1. I see Indians here have no point at all because in India low cast Hindus are forced to take such manual jobs. So first clean up your face and then talk about others.

2. No such law had been passed by KP govt. If minorities want to take up the jobs they will be given first chance ignoring Muslims. If they dont want to nobody is forcing them.

3. if UAE pass such a law i am sure those who need jobs including both Indians and Pakistanis will take these.
But why make it a reservation for religious minorities? -- See anyway you may wish to respond to this, you cannot evade how it plays
So doesn't that make PTI a notch better than the others who are not concerned with showmanship and are squeezing every possible opportunity for the minorities? Regardless of how it plays it out in our minds.

Other things like education quotas still exist.

I think instead of defensive and aggressive responses, perhaps PTI would be better served to get out of the caste/religion/occupation business

That is a separate issue and it won't happen through laws but by getting money into the pockets of minorities.

Bhooka nanga unemployed choora, choora hi rahay ga. Can you call Shallum Xavier a choora? No because he's a rockstar with money in Pakistan and he's a Christian. Caste system exists everywhere, since there are only two castes - rich and poor. Chances are you and me also qualify as a "neech zaat" compared to the rich.

SpringOnion makes the case that there's more to this than meets the eye and she has elaborated - that still does nto solve the problem of how it plays and the reality that it's caste/religion/occupation reservation, which is a throw back that embarrass even the Indian

If this is not done, the kooray walay will be go down one zaat further - bhikmanga zaat.

Practically this is fine. But on the side you need to ask PTI will this be it, or are you also ensuring their children go to schools? If Parents are kooray walay hopefully their children can be plumber or mechanic? But attacking PTI for this, as if, minorities are in any condition to be given white collar jobs is also not fair. It didn't happen in May, 2013. Its been happening since 60 years.
But why make it a reservation for religious minorities? -- See anyway you may wish to respond to this, you cannot evade how it plays

I think instead of defensive and aggressive responses, perhaps PTI would be better served to get out of the caste/religion/occupation business

SpringOnion makes the case that there's more to this than meets the eye and she has elaborated - that still does nto solve the problem of how it plays and the reality that it's caste/religion/occupation reservation, which is a throw back that embarrass even the Indian

Sir if i want to play the religious difference or bias for that matter i would go for inducting all Muslims as sanitary workers than non Muslims. :)

its all about econmic/monetary issues not religious.

Once again it's not about forcing, but marking them for a job which people only do when in dire situation , and minorities in Pakistan ARE in dire situation. Its like taking a benefit out of their situation.

Its a vicious cycle, it will probably help them to live by, but won't elevate their status or empower them. The next generation will end up doing the same.

Whats wrong giving priority to NON Muslims in provision of job in a department where both Muslims and minorities apply for one but minorities are given chance???

If we give priority to the Muslim candidates here then you Indians will cry foul viz a viz minorities
Once again it's not about forcing, but marking them for a job which people only do when in dire situation , and minorities in Pakistan ARE in dire situation. Its like taking a benefit out of their situation.

Thats the way the world works deary. I've been passed over for promotions and bonuses 2 years in a row, because the boss knows I can't go anywhere since the market is slow and not in a hiring mood.

If there is a demand for their skills and qualifications they'll move out if they can. But guaranteed jobs are never going to be plush comfortable ones.

Its a vicious cycle, it will probably help them to live by, but won't elevate their status or empower them. The next generation will end up doing the same.

That you can argue and I'd side with it - but PTI has has put in long term policies on education where perhaps their children would get to go to school and end up a tad better than a kooray wala.
Like I said even if they accepted it or even demanded it, that only signifies what dire situation they are in. When you are void of your self respect, you are indeed in trouble.

I don't think BD and India would protest if UAE make toilet cleaning mandatory for pakistanis, you actually may not have any problem with it but it's easier to talk the talk than walk the walk.

It's not about my ego, my ego doesn't get effected by what happens of minorities in North west frontier. I don't actually consider it perfect form of governance. But I was surprised seeing senior members overlooking what obviously is a case of discrimination and defending it just cause of their political affiliation.
Like I said even if they accepted it or even demanded it, that only signifies what dire situation they are in. When you are void of your self respect, you are indeed in trouble.

I don't think BD and India would protest if UAE make toilet cleaning mandatory for pakistanis, you actually may not have any problem with it but it's easier to talk the talk than walk the walk.

It's not about my ego, my ego doesn't get effected by what happens of minorities in North west frontier. I don't actually consider it perfect form of governance. But I was surprised seeing senior members overlooking what obviously is a case of discrimination and defending it just cause of their political affiliation.

bwahahahah what a stupid assumption. Making cleaning job mandatory and providing job in a particular sector to particular community two different things.

On the other hand if tomorrow Saudia makes (as you per your own assumption
) cleaning toilets mandatory for Indians, India will also NOT protect even then. Because the truth is that you need jobs for your laboure force instead of taking back thousands unemployed to the already saturated pool of berozgars
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