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Sanitary Workers Job will be Given to Religious Minorities in pakistan.

Hindu Dalit is a not minority, Brahmins are the minority. Its not about forcing anyone, people should be free to do whatever they want, no jobs should be reserved for a particular caste/religion/race, thats the point people are trying to make

In India there probably are some dalits still employed in these jobs, but find me a government order/rule in India which specially calls for hiring of particular group of people to clean toilets and such and I ll quit PDF!

Forget about that, imagine this news headline, "Gujarat government says only Muslims can be hired for job of toilet cleaning", now imagine the ruckus Pakistanis would create. Or imagine "Only Black people in America to be hired for toilet cleaning" and watch the outrage that would create.

No matter how you twist it, there is no justifying this. If they are so worried about the employment of religious minorities in Pakistan, they should extent this "exclusivity" or reserve some positions for them on all the levels. Right from the upper echelons down to cleaning jobs.

Its more shamful that in India the minority aka brahmin aka high cast hindus have made the majority aka dalit aka low cast hindus, hostage :)

Indeed no job should be restricted to any communit on basis of faith and creed and so on but its also a fact that in India mostly low cast hindus are considered for this job just like in Pakistan minorities are.

and last but not the least there is NO such restriction in Pakistan as sanatory/cleaning jobs are half filled by Muslims.

The recent example about my province is that this morning about 4 to 6 local Muslimns were assigned the job for my colony.

will post their pics next week if i get a chance to snap .
Its more shamful that in India the minority aka brahmin aka high cast hindus have made the majority aka dalit aka low cast hindus, hostage :)

That was past, the sort of affirmative action India has in place now, has more than made up for it.

For all government jobs and educational institutions, a total of 49.5% of the seats are reserved.

  • Scheduled Castes (SC) 15%
  • Scheduled Tribes (ST) 7.5%
  • Other Backward Classes (OBC) 27%

Religious and Ethnic minoroties can only dream of such facilities in Pakistan. So forget about India, lets focus on Pakistan for now.

Indeed no job should be restricted to any community on basis of faith and creed and so on but its also a fact that in India mostly low cast hindus are considered for this job just like in Pakistan minorities are.

and last but not the least there is NO such restriction in Pakistan as sanatory/cleaning jobs are half filled by Muslims.

The recent example about my province is that this morning about 4 to 6 local Muslimns were assigned the job for my colony.

will post their pics next week if i get a chance to snap .

Just answer my question, " UK government wants only Muslims to be hired for toilet cleaning jobs"

Will you and fellow Pakistanis be ok with such a news?

Again, Muslims have the highest unemployment rate in the UK, so the argument that Muslims need jobs, so any job ( be it toilet cleaning) is a good thing for them, applies here too.
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