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Sanitary Workers Job will be Given to Religious Minorities in pakistan.


I do appreciate that you have a different and more developed understanding of the job dynamics - - What I think you do not appreciate is how the story is playing - and really it cannot but play that way.

Naya Pakistan in which Untouchables are religious minorities -- a whole lot like old Pakistan

:) Sir i am NOT a PTI member else i would have advised it to benefit from the chance and induct as many Muslims as possible in the department to consolidate future votes ;)

I tell you sir PTI can reverse this decision but i will backfire with minorities protesting.

I dont know about other provinces but here in my province to get a job in sanitation department, people are ready to pay few lakhs even.

You can sit in UK and see things through your glasses you have all the rights however, i am talking about reality.

I would suggest PTI to take a poll from minorities if they are willing to leave their jobs for Muslims in the Municiple department.
Mind sets will not change..The same story everywhere..



Asif Ghani Masih starts his day by sweeping the dusty corridors of the Sindh Secretariat. As the day progresses, he scrubs dirty toilets and empties dustbins, tasks that are part of his day job as a sanitation worker.

In the evening, however, the 27-year-old becomes a neatly dressed student, who attends classes for a Bachelor’s degree; the tasks of the day shelved away as he scribbles notes. At school, he had often dreamt of being an engineer.

Three years ago, Masih was thrilled when he heard about the five per cent minority quota in all Sindh government departments. The prospect of having a secure job and pension made the intermediate graduate leave his job at a small, cash-strapped courier company and apply for a clerical post at the secretariat.

“I was hoping that my education would be enough to land me a decent desk job,” says Masih, as he sits in his modest house in Old Golimar. “But when the list came out I was shocked to see myself appointed as a sanitary worker in the finance department.” His eyes fill with tears as he remembers the day. “It hurts to be called a bhangi [sanitation worker],” he adds.

The ‘lucky’ few

For the religious minorities’ members lucky enough to land government jobs on the oft-bragged five per cent job quota, the only positions available at dozens of departments for them are of sanitation workers.

Take, for example, all 21 janitors who work with Masih. All of them are Christians or Hindus. Of the 16 who work at the Sindh minorities’ affairs department, most are Christians or Hindus too.

Even educated young men can’t get anything out of the quota but jobs as sanitary workers. He was a role model for his family, but does not like to talk about his job with them.

“Of the few educated youngsters in my family, I was lucky to land a job in the Express Courier Link and worked there for almost eight years,” said Masih. He started off in the customer services section and became an operations manager, but then switched gears in favour of a permanent government job.

Months ago, Masih had applied for the position of a dispatch rider at another department, but had no luck. He has reached out to politicians also but received no replies.

Sad plight

At the Sindh law department, a Hindu employee, who spoke on condition of anonymity fearing his dismissal from service, said he had completed a college degree but is suffering due to his different beliefs.

“This is what the poor and minorities get for educating themselves,” he said. “We are suffering because of our faith.” He does not plan to spend money on educating his child, as he believes that won’t help him get a decent job in the end. The sanitary worker had got the job on minority quota after he asked for help from his community’s political representatives.

“It is sad that uneducated Muslims are appointed as clerks and cannot even write their names, but we are cleaning trash.”

Cold shoulder for Sikhs

The plight of young men from the Sikh community is no different too; they have been entirely left in the cold. Vijesh Singh, 28, applied to the Sindh wildlife department but never heard back. “Many of our people are turning towards shipping, since there we don’t have any Sikhs in the government and there is no one to pursue our case,” he says

MPA Saleem Khokhar acknowledges the issue. Minority members are only given such jobs, he said. “Muslims who are appointed sanitation workers, do not work and only draw their salaries,” he claimed.

Michael Javed, a Christian community representative, alleges that this is not happening in Karachi only, but across the province also. He cited an example in Jamshoro, where a Bachelor’s graduate Danish was appointed as a sweeper. “All nine graduates who applied for desk jobs were given posts of sanitation workers,” Javed said. “Three of them refused to take the job.”

Published in The Express Tribune, July 9th, 2012.
BY the way @Awesome

What is this Lahore Times newspaper?

we see no such news from any authentic newspaper.
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Mind sets will not change..The same story everywhere..



Asif Ghani Masih starts his day by sweeping the dusty corridors of the Sindh Secretariat. As the day progresses, he scrubs dirty toilets and empties dustbins, tasks that are part of his day job as a sanitation worker.

In the evening, however, the 27-year-old becomes a neatly dressed student, who attends classes for a Bachelor’s degree; the tasks of the day shelved away as he scribbles notes. At school, he had often dreamt of being an engineer.

Three years ago, Masih was thrilled when he heard about the five per cent minority quota in all Sindh government departments. The prospect of having a secure job and pension made the intermediate graduate leave his job at a small, cash-strapped courier company and apply for a clerical post at the secretariat.

“I was hoping that my education would be enough to land me a decent desk job,” says Masih, as he sits in his modest house in Old Golimar. “But when the list came out I was shocked to see myself appointed as a sanitary worker in the finance department.” His eyes fill with tears as he remembers the day. “It hurts to be called a bhangi [sanitation worker],” he adds.

The ‘lucky’ few

For the religious minorities’ members lucky enough to land government jobs on the oft-bragged five per cent job quota, the only positions available at dozens of departments for them are of sanitation workers.

Take, for example, all 21 janitors who work with Masih. All of them are Christians or Hindus. Of the 16 who work at the Sindh minorities’ affairs department, most are Christians or Hindus too.

Even educated young men can’t get anything out of the quota but jobs as sanitary workers. He was a role model for his family, but does not like to talk about his job with them.

“Of the few educated youngsters in my family, I was lucky to land a job in the Express Courier Link and worked there for almost eight years,” said Masih. He started off in the customer services section and became an operations manager, but then switched gears in favour of a permanent government job.

Months ago, Masih had applied for the position of a dispatch rider at another department, but had no luck. He has reached out to politicians also but received no replies.

Sad plight

At the Sindh law department, a Hindu employee, who spoke on condition of anonymity fearing his dismissal from service, said he had completed a college degree but is suffering due to his different beliefs.

“This is what the poor and minorities get for educating themselves,” he said. “We are suffering because of our faith.” He does not plan to spend money on educating his child, as he believes that won’t help him get a decent job in the end. The sanitary worker had got the job on minority quota after he asked for help from his community’s political representatives.

“It is sad that uneducated Muslims are appointed as clerks and cannot even write their names, but we are cleaning trash.”

Cold shoulder for Sikhs

The plight of young men from the Sikh community is no different too; they have been entirely left in the cold. Vijesh Singh, 28, applied to the Sindh wildlife department but never heard back. “Many of our people are turning towards shipping, since there we don’t have any Sikhs in the government and there is no one to pursue our case,” he says

MPA Saleem Khokhar acknowledges the issue. Minority members are only given such jobs, he said. “Muslims who are appointed sanitation workers, do not work and only draw their salaries,” he claimed.

Michael Javed, a Christian community representative, alleges that this is not happening in Karachi only, but across the province also. He cited an example in Jamshoro, where a Bachelor’s graduate Danish was appointed as a sweeper. “All nine graduates who applied for desk jobs were given posts of sanitation workers,” Javed said. “Three of them refused to take the job.”

Published in The Express Tribune, July 9th, 2012.

In Sindh they treat Muslims in the same. bloody feudal society.

@thirdeye just small question do you think this is disgusting job and particular community should not be attached to it?

Do you think Indian recored is better in this field??
:) OK then PTI should induct only Muslims in sanitary department :))))) i have no issue with that. This way hundreds of unemployed Muslims will get jobs.

I wonder why people here are trying to find the bone in the tool when none is existing

You don't understand because you are over-simplifying. Maybe even Imran Khan is a bit too naive if he thinks this is as straightforward. In India we have seen in the past that there is regimentation of certain kinds of work in certain castes. There is definite social messaging and stigmatization if only one group is associated with certain jobs. We had to ban manual scavenging in rural parts of Andhra, for instance to start breaking caste stereotypes there. If it is done only with 'good' intentions, it shows a kind of naivete in the person who has proposed it. Instead of being an affirmative action, it will create long term stereotyping.

In Sindh they treat Muslims in the same. bloody feudal society.

@thirdeye just small question do you think this is disgusting job and particular community should not be attached to it?

Do you think Indian recored is better in this field??

You and I maybe ready to do anything. But there is social stigmatization.
So why this job to Religious Minorities ?
I mean Majorities are also suffering from unemployment, aren't they ?
It should be given to anyone, especially the section which is getting involved with terrorist organizations.
Terrorists recruits from unemployed pool.

@Pakistanisage Was the job given to you on the basis of your religion ?

Who knows ? But the fact is I was glad to have a Job.

On Topic, If the minority member does not want the job, nobody is forcing them to take it. It is not FORCED LABOUR. It is not like the minority member had a CEO job and he was told that the only job he is allowed to do is street cleaning. The CEO jobs are still wide open to them if they qualify.

Also, I did not see anything here that suggests that the minorities are not allowed other jobs. In Pakistan our minorities are very well represented as Doctors , lawyers, Accountants, Engineers and other professional positions. In fact, on a per capita basis they have more professional jobs than Muslims.

If anybody who should be protesting it should be the poor Muslims who are being excluded from cleaning jobs. Most of the cleaning jobs are currently with the Muslims, so why are they being excluded from gainful employment.
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In Sindh they treat Muslims in the same. bloody feudal society.

@thirdeye just small question do you think this is disgusting job and particular community should not be attached to it?

Do you think Indian recored is better in this field??

I think no job is or can be disgusting.

No particular community can or should be ' slotted / typecast' for a particular job. Though sadly it does happen.

I read a line in one of your posts about ' thekas' for such jobs & their being controlled by a leader or Mafia of sorts. This is correct & happens all the time. There is a shadow organization which controls such jobs quite like the beggars we come across at traffic intersections.

India is partially better because of the clout orgnisations such as Valmiki ( Balmiki) Samaj or Sanstha have.
I think no job is or can be disgusting.

No particular community can or should be ' slotted / typecast' for a particular job. Though sadly it does happen.

I read a line in one of your posts about ' thekas' for such jobs & their being controlled by a leader or Mafia of sorts. This is correct & happens all the time. There is a shadow organization which controls such jobs quite like the beggars we come across at traffic intersections.

India is partially better because of the clout orgnisations such as Valmiki ( Balmiki) Samaj or Sanstha have.

1. no job indeed is disgusting. And i see Indians' objection here is unjustified and merely just criticism for the sake of criticism.

2. You are right on mafia thingy.

3. India is not better not even partially because in India Dalits are considered for cleaning job on basis of their cast.
1. no job indeed is disgusting. And i see Indians' objection here is unjustified and merely just criticism for the sake of criticism.

2. You are right on mafia thingy.

3. India is not better not even partially because in India Dalits are considered for cleaning job on basis of their cast.

Which is why we are asking you not to get into the same mode right? This $hit stereotyping takes a long time to break once it settles in.
So why this job to Religious Minorities ?
I mean Majorities are also suffering from unemployment, aren't they ?
It should be given to anyone, especially the section which is getting involved with terrorist organizations.
Terrorists recruits from unemployed pool.

@Pakistanisage Was the job given to you on the basis of your religion ?

If we actually do that .. then people will say .. Cruel Pakistan ... Making minorities Jobless & Giving Jobs to Muslims ... No one is ever happy no matter what we do .. so we have stopped caring ..
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You don't understand because you are over-simplifying. Maybe even Imran Khan is a bit too naive if he thinks this is as straightforward. In India we have seen in the past that there is regimentation of certain kinds of work in certain castes. There is definite social messaging and stigmatization if only one group is associated with certain jobs. We had to ban manual scavenging in rural parts of Andhra, for instance to start breaking caste stereotypes there. If it is done only with 'good' intentions, it shows a kind of naivete in the person who has proposed it. Instead of being an affirmative action, it will create long term stereotyping.

You and I maybe ready to do anything. But there is social stigmatization.

1. Well social stigmitization is prevailing in India as well. Dalits are single out for such jobs than higher cast people.

2. Due to unemployment Muslims in Pakistan are also taking up these jobs so point of religion is irrelevent now.

Same might be situation in India viz a viz unemployment and higher cast people adopting these.

Last but NOT The least you do not know anything about KP and this move hence your claims can be 100% wrong its not about communities but freeing jobs for those who otherwise wont get any job due to lack education and skills.

Above ALL we had been attending KP Assembly and so far NO direct talk happened there.

So i will wait for official statement from the party and KP govt and their explaination rather than accepting BS by mr. bhatti the chor from PTI rival party.
If we actually do that .. then people will say .. Cruel Pakistan ... Making minorities Jobless & Giving Jobs to Muslims ... No one is ever happy no matter what we do .. so we have stopped caring ..
Sir, I meant, the wording can be avoided.
This creates problems and like you can just see, this is creating a negative impact.
Jobs, irrespective of religion or caste should be provided to the ones who are in need. They are countrymen first.

I hate reservation in my country when a guy's parents who earns tens of lakhs a year get same reservation like a poor individual.
Which is why we are asking you not to get into the same mode right? This $hit stereotyping takes a long time to break once it settles in.

Since you are talking about my province and i know the situation here hence i can tell you more Muslims are doing the same job here than non Muslims.

to tell give one more information do you know that most of the staff of US consulate here in Peshawar has mostly local Christians :)))

Should we accuse them of discrimination
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