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Russia threatens to bomb Qatar and Saudi Arabia

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well it ill be a good move if rusies attack on U.S bases in both countries.... :nana: i think its enough... lets WW3 begins :victory:
:lol:What the hell does Russia get from bombing saudi arabia? meh.....as long as they don't do anything to mecca and media they can bomb all they want
LOL. Never heard about him. Let us hope that he does not have such a long neck in real life. Like a certain Child-Murderer in Syria.:cheesy:

You must watch Dexter-4 and 3rd Rock from the Sun in your life time.

On topic:

Guys, the news is fake. Nothing to discuss.
Maybe the Russians had forgotten what happened to them in Afghanistan :lol:

Remind everyone what the body count was. Afghanistan was also a guarilla war not a conventional war; furthermore, most fighters in Afghanistan were none Arabs, based on history most Arab soldiers and generals are incompetent and will tie their underwear to sticks before they fight.
Remind everyone what the body count was. Afghanistan was also a guarilla war not a conventional war; furthermore, most fighters in Afghanistan were none Arabs, based on history most Arab soldiers and generals are incompetent and will tie their underwear to sticks before they fight.

Off course they are;:smokin:

Finger to the butt?

No way man.

Arab culture is starting to freak me out. :rofl:


No harm in that man. Just do it damn you :angry:
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:lol:What the hell does Russia get from bombing saudi arabia? meh.....as long as they don't do anything to mecca and media they can bomb all they want

if any country is going to bomb Saudi Arabia I think those two will be their primary targets
Off course they are;:smokin:

Amazing, one soldier and a conscript at that, one that was probably beheaded. Like I said Arabs can't fight and won't fight, the only ones that will are crazy fanatics that blow themselves up or charge enemy positions while thinking they will be rewarded in the afterlife. :lol:
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@Armstrong, you called me in, and then left me alone talking like a fool, take this:


Amazing, one soldier and a conscript at that, one that was probably beheaded. Like I said Arabs can't fight and won't fight, the only ones that will are crazy fanatics that blow themselves up or charge enemy positions while thinking they will be rewarded in the afterlife. :lol:

Well, Russian humiliation in Afghanistan and Chechen speak for themselves.
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Well, Russian humiliation in Afghanistan and Chechen speak for themselves.

I knew education in the Arab world was third rate at best but I never guess that you people wrote your own version of events. The afghan government didn't fall until 3 years after the Soviets left. As for Chechnya, the Chechens were defeated years ago, every Chechen and forign warlord has been killed and law and order restored under Russian rule. Or do they teach you that Chechnya is an independent country? :lol:
I knew education in the Arab world was third rate at best but I never guess that you people wrote your own version of events. The afghan government didn't fall until 3 years after the Soviets left. As for Chechnya, the Chechens were defeated years ago, every Chechen and forign warlord has been killed and law and order restored under Russian rule. Or do they teach you that Chechnya is an independent country? :lol:

Actually, the only incompetent Arabs are those who took their study in Russia, whenever we see an incompetent doctor or engineer, our first guess is that his study is from Russia. Now, in Afghanistan, your defeat there was one of the main reasons of your collapse, and in Chechen you went through hell for years under those few Arab leaders.

Check this out:

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Qatar and Saudi Arabia??? They both are Americas and Israhell Wh*o*res! Russia can not attack them. As long as they keep their legs open and satisfy their masters, they have nothing to worry about! Russia can not attack them.
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