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Russia threatens to bomb Qatar and Saudi Arabia

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You should worry more about the fact that your ally (who will not be named) seems do to whatever it wants in your country while you being powerless to stop them, then me remembering a quote from a movie.

They have been bled to death and are leaving the region soon just like the Soviet Union.

Brings back good memories, no?

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They have been bled to death and areleaving the region soon just like the Soviet Union.

Brings back good memories, no?


So are you, aka (Bad Taliban) that sets off bombs in your cities daily, executes your soldiers like sheep, and they aren't going away, your paying a heavily price for being Uncle Sam ***** in 80s, we are prospering nation, you are failed state and that is long term outcome from the war in Afghanistan.
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and what technology advantage does Europe hold over Russia? name one you gypsie

i see you like the word gypsie, is it because you have a lot in common with them like the fact that in western brothels most women are gypsies from eastern europe and russian girls? Any family member working along gypsies in brothels to send you money at home for vodca you inbreed ?

Tehnology wise ,you are supbar in every domain to europeans,wake up and smell the coffe mongol.
i see you like the word gypsie, is it because you have a lot in common with them like the fact that in western brothels most women are gypsies from eastern europe and russian girls? Any family member working along gypsies in brothels to send you money at home for vodca you inbreed ?

Tehnology wise ,you are supbar in every domain to europeans,wake up and smell the coffe mongol.

I asked you a simple question brain dead Romaninan, In what areas does Europe have a technology advantage over Russia? all you have to do is name one ?

Can't answer the question, then don't make clams you can't back up *****
I asked you a simple question brain dead Romaninan, In what areas does Europe have a technology advantage over Russia? all you have to do is name one ?

Can't answer the question, then don't make clams you can't back up *****

Better planes,better tanks, better UAV tehnology,better everything you stupid inbreed.Only in a mind fueled with soviet propaganda does a PAK FA or SU 35 equal a F 35,Typhoon or Rafale.Your armament is outdated and constantly outperformed by western counterparts only idiotic russians fool themselves with their garbage.Fortunately for your goverment there is no shortage of fools like you to buy propaganda. Cheers moron!
Ḥashshāshīn;4467531 said:
US has the first strongest military and they are also being defeated in Afghanistan.

And Nazi Germany was probably the greatest fighting force the world has ever seen. There is no shame in that. In the end the Soviets did defeat them anyway.

defeated? LOL ....we had more casualties taking tiny islands....no one in that region can fight. Any casualties we do suffer is because the "holy warriors " put on women's dresses and blow themselves up. In any stand up fight they wet themselves and run.
defeated? LOL ....we had more casualties taking tiny islands....no one in that region can fight. Any casualties we do suffer is because the "holy warriors " put on women's dresses and blow themselves up. In any stand up fight they wet themselves and run.

Are you joking? :lol: I'm not gonna insult your intelligence by linking to the history of that region.

And you're only 'winning' because of your toys. Go on ground and see what happens.
They probably drank vodka at the same time threatening them :lol:
"russian peacekeepers"-LOL :rofl:.even the words together mix like oil and water.Those "peacekeepers" occupy georgian land and prop up an artificial country recognised only by Russia,same as Transnistria.

Those peacekeepers in South Ossetia hate Georgia and welcome the Russian peacekeepers, unlike how Romania came uninvited to Iraq and Afghanistan.

But the main topic behind the debate is how you accused Russia of "brutalizing" Georgia which is funny since Georgia started the 2008 war with shelling South Ossetia and then bombarding a Russian barracks with Russian soldiers.

As for us attacking the USSR i provided some real material,still in denial about first russian agression in 1940?

Denial? I have been schooling you in history. Stalin, which is a Georgian, signed a pact with Hitler to carve up Poland. I don't see how it's Russia's fault when the decisions were made by a Georgian in absolute power. The Soviet Union was not a democracy, there was no votes or popular opinions when Stalin, the Georgian, gave an order no one challenged him. The soldiers that were sent to fight under Stalin's order had to obey or face dead because Stalin's and his none Russian hentchmen Would order people to be executed.

Even some generals and the heads of the MKVD were not Russian but Polish, Georgian, Jewish, ect.

Even with evidence under you nose you're still babbling your crap.Why did you attack Poland in 1939 alongside the nazis? No answer there,my vodca indulging friend?

Better question would be why you attacked Iraq and Afghanistan. Your excuses of 'we attacked because they took our land' won't fly. :lol:

Your excuses that Romania justifiably invaded Russia because Russia annexed parts of Romania does not make any sense, considering the Romanians targeted mostly Jews when they ravaged villages and towns. The real reason Romania invaded was because the Romanians tried to suck up to the Germans much like they try to suck up to NATO. It doesn't help that many of the Romanian soldiers had the same racist and inhuman views as you which resulted in hundreds of thousands of deaths directly attributed to Romanians and millions of other deaths indirectly attributed to Romania.

According to an international commission report released by the Romanian government in 2004, between 280,000 to 380,000 Jews in the territories of Bessarabia, Bukovina and Transnistria were systematically murdered by Antonescu's regime.[21] Of the 25,000 Roma deported, who were deported to concentration camps in Transnistria, 11,000 died.[22]
Though much of the killing was committed in the war zone by Romanian troops, there were also substantial persecutions behind the front line. During the Iaşi pogrom of June 1941, over 12,000 Jews were massacred or killed slowly in trains traveling back and forth across the countryside.
Half of the 320,000 Jews living in Bessarabia, Bukovina, and Dorohoi district in Romania were murdered within months of the entry of the country into the war during 1941. Even after the initial killings, Jews in Moldavia, Bukovina and Bessarabia were subject to frequent pogroms, and were concentrated into ghettos from which they were sent to concentration camps, including camps built and run by Romanians. The number of deaths in this area is not certain, but the lowest respectable estimates run to about 250,000 Jews and 25,000 Roma in these eastern regions, while 120,000 of Transylvania's 150,000 Jews died at the hands of the Germans later in the war.
Romanian soldiers also worked with the Einsatzkommandos, German killing squads, tasked with massacring Jews and Roma in conquered territories. Romanian troops were in large part responsible for the Odessa massacre, in which over 100,000 Jews were shot during the autumn of 1941.
Nonetheless, most Jews living within the pre-Barbarossa borders survived the war, although they were subject to a wide range of harsh conditions, including forced labor, financial penalties, and discriminatory laws. Jewish property was nationalized.
The report commissioned and accepted by the Romanian government in 2004 on the Holocaust concluded:

Last time the great Russian empire attacked a Muslim country, it was dismembered into 15 independent republics...

Don't flatter yourself. You had nothing to do with the disintegration of the USSR despite the bullshit stories you are fed. Study the subject before making silly claims. Google perestroika and Gorbachev then ask yourself how on earth you had anything to do with republics declaring independence. If 5 countries invaded the USSR, killed 20 million people, completely destroyed entire cities, food supplies, and cut off gas while causing trillions of dollars worth of damage did not cause the USSR to disintegrate then how do you think that the death of 14 thousand Soviet soldiers in another country caused the Soviet Union to collapse? Let's use our heads.

I hope for Russia's sake Pakistan's nuclear proliferation doesn't extend to Chenchnya, Dagestan, Ingushetia, Tatarstan, etc.

You mean by supplying nuclear material to terrorists so they can kill civilians? If any country is capable of spreading and supporting terrorism it Pakistan.
defeated? LOL ....we had more casualties taking tiny islands....no one in that region can fight. Any casualties we do suffer is because the "holy warriors " put on women's dresses and blow themselves up. In any stand up fight they wet themselves and run.

In short, the US achieved some of its goals in Afghanistan, but not in Iraq.
Those peacekeepers in South Ossetia hate Georgia and welcome the Russian peacekeepers, unlike how Romania came uninvited to Iraq and Afghanistan.

But the main topic behind the debate is how you accused Russia of "brutalizing" Georgia which is funny since Georgia started the 2008 war with shelling South Ossetia and then bombarding a Russian barracks with Russian soldiers.

South Ossetia is an illegitimate/terrorist regime backed by russian goons a.k.a "pecekeepers" on georgian land.The georgians were justified in their attack.Wars in A'stan and Irak are fought under international banner and recognition

Denial? I have been schooling you in history. Stalin, which is a Georgian, signed a pact with Hitler to carve up Poland. I don't see how it's Russia's fault when the decisions were made by a Georgian in absolute power. The Soviet Union was not a democracy, there was no votes or popular opinions when Stalin, the Georgian, gave an order no one challenged him. The soldiers that were sent to fight under Stalin's order had to obey or face dead because Stalin's and his none Russian hentchmen Would order people to be executed.

Even some generals and the heads of the MKVD were not Russian but Polish, Georgian, Jewish, ect.

Better question would be why you attacked Iraq and Afghanistan. Your excuses of 'we attacked because they took our land' won't fly. :lol:

Your excuses that Romania justifiably invaded Russia because Russia annexed parts of Romania does not make any sense, considering the Romanians targeted mostly Jews when they ravaged villages and towns. The real reason Romania invaded was because the Romanians tried to suck up to the Germans much like they try to suck up to NATO. It doesn't help that many of the Romanian soldiers had the same racist and inhuman views as you which resulted in hundreds of thousands of deaths directly attributed to Romanians and millions of other deaths indirectly attributed to Romania.

So? Why were the germans punished after WW2? They were just under orders and threats from Hitler.Or even us? Antonescu was rulling us with an iron fist,we had to kill jews. :cuckoo:. You seem to be pretty dumb even for russian standards,let me spell it for you:if you attack a country,take 25% of its territory and population in a land grab you don't get to play the victim card when that country comes back with a fury a few months later and is hell bent on teaching you a lesson.It's called rightfull retribution.As for the jewish holocaust in Romania ,my country has paid and admitted its guilt even if many jews were bolshevik collaborators and openly acted against the romanian state pre operation Barbarossa,viciously attacking the ethnic romanians in Basarabia after the soviet ultimatum and romanian withdrawal so yeah,when our soldiers came back they were kind of pissed with the jews for how they acted.

""Sucking up" is just russian idiotical way of thinking,it is what allies do Dumbo,help each other.
defeated? LOL ....we had more casualties taking tiny islands....no one in that region can fight. Any casualties we do suffer is because the "holy warriors " put on women's dresses and blow themselves up. In any stand up fight they wet themselves and run.


Don't spread such nonsense again.
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