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Rise of Talibans - MQM sets up committees to guard its areas

Who provides the leadership being dominating the city for long ? The election results speak for themselves , accept it or not , but the overwhelming majority of the people of Karachi vote for MQM . This is a truth .

The election results doesn't show the full story.
I remember Sadam was winning with 90% approval in Iraqi elections before 2003 as well. Shall we consider him the true representative of free Iraq. Or Mubarak who was getting similar results in Egyptian elections before the revolution.
There is another story about intimidation, bhatta and murder of MQM, not just the election results.
The election results doesn't show the full story.
There is another story about intimidation, bhatta and murder of MQM, not just the election results.

In a democratic setup , I am forced to believe it does . Representatives come from the votes of the public and I refuse to believe that the majority of the population will vote because of a mere " fear " of any sort . Even rigging the elections will only take you so far . Trust me , I am not looking for the whole story but just trying to understand how this " hypocrisy " works and why . Somehow , the people seem to mistake between militancy and terrorism , the others will gladly want to equate a political party with a banned terrorist outfit . Both sides do not make any sense , for every single political party operates a militant wing and the past , tells us that the others have done far worse . Point the finger at all of them or do not point it at all .

We tried one under the army's supervision , my dear friend , the results weren't any different .
Here you go enjoy this post about MQM and it's anti-state and criminal activities. I hope it will help you open your eyes and release you from the shackles of MQM worship.

Your post failed to prove that MQM is anti-state & criminal organization. As for your knowledge i hate Altaf Hussain too & i support his trial for all allegations but not in Pakistan but in UK(Britain). As for MQM they are a fighting force against TTP, other terrorists, waderas, nawabs, jageerdaars, feudals in Karachi, plus they have develop the city when the federal govt was sincere & respect their mandate in Karachi(early & mid 2000's).
Indeed , the Govt's response as usual will be late and thus disastrous . Though , I am not a huge supporter of such acts but desperate times demand desperate measures . If the state isn't doing its duties properly and have let the 35% of Karachi slide into the hands of the stone agers , its about time some other entity does .

Such acts are need of the day. By such acts we can reduce terrorism by a great margin. In fact this should be practiced in all Pakistan and not only in Karachi.

Why does Jeans-T Shirt in Banaras spell disaster for people even today ?

Not only in Banaras or Al Asif. But also in Baloch majority areas like Liyari. While a baloch and pakhtoon can enter Urdu speaking areas like FB Area, Gulshan e Iqbal and Nazimabad even at night, an Urdu Speaking guy entering Liyari or Banaras or Shershah even at day time means you are in for some great danger.
In a democratic setup , I am forced to believe it does . Representatives come from the votes of the public and I refuse to believe that the majority of the population will vote because of a mere " fear " of any sort . Even rigging the elections will only take you so far . Trust me , I am not looking for the whole story but just trying to understand how this " hypocrisy " works and why .

That's why the keywords in any election is "free and fair". I can give you many more examples of unfair elections when one party dominates because of violence. So yes when you combine an atmosphere of fear with rigging you can get any result you want. Being a Pakistani I think you shall know this.

Somehow , the people seem to mistake between militancy and terrorism , the others will gladly want to equate a political party with a banned terrorist outfit . Both sides do not make any sense , for every single political party operates a militant wing and the past , tells us that the others have done far worse . Point the finger at all of them or do not point it at all .

We tried one under the army's supervision , my dear friend , the results weren't any different .

I agree with you that Pakistan is one of those unfortunate countries where you have political parties with militant wings. The reason MQM is different is that it's leader is living in exile and even when they are in government he refuses to come to Pakistan. He writes to foreign governments telling them how he can help them with their agendas at the expense of Pakistani interest. If that is not being anti-Pakistan, I don't know what is.
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Your post failed to prove that MQM is anti-state & criminal organization.

Then you need to read it again. Tell me what is anti-state and criminal according to your definition.
When the leader of a political organisation threatens journalists, and others with body bags. Is that criminal?
When that organisation goes and kills hundreds of police officers. Is that criminal?
When members of this organisation admit to being trained in India. Is that anti-state?
When leader of this so called political party writes letter to foreign governments about how it can help it advance it's agenda. Is that anti-state?

I will let you answer these questions

As for your knowledge i hate Altaf Hussain too & i support his trial for all allegations but not in Pakistan but in UK(Britain).

The crimes he committed were in Pakistan (apart from the Farooqi case), so he shall face the courts in Pakistan too, if you believe in Pakistani law and constitution, then you shall support it too.
As for MQM they are a fighting force against TTP, other terrorists, waderas, nawabs, jageerdaars, feudals in Karachi, plus they have develop the city when the federal govt was sincere & respect their mandate in Karachi(early & mid 2000's).

And that is exactly the problem, they are a fighting force, not so much a political force. So in there outlook they are similar to TTP and thats what I have been saying a long.
By the way I am not a supporter of any of the groups that you mentioned but that opposition should be political not militant. For fighting Pakistan has the Police, Rangers and finally the Army.
Then you need to read it again. Tell me what is anti-state and criminal according to your definition.
When the leader of a political organisation threatens journalists, and others with body bags. Is that criminal?
When that organisation goes and kills hundreds of police officers. Is that criminal?
When members of this organisation admit to being trained in India. Is that anti-state?
When leader of this so called political party writes letter to foreign governments about how it can help it advance it's agenda. Is that anti-state?

I will let you answer these questions

A) For me Anti-state means, one who does not accept the writ & constitution of the state & trying to breakup.
B) Why did you fail to see PPP leaders, ANP leaders, etc doing the same(Note: They may not say bori band but they threaten in other ways)
C) PPP, PML-N, ANP, etc leaders have did the same, is that not criminal?
D) PPP leaders says "Pakistan na khappay", ANP leaders support & call Bacha Khan(A congressi worker & a person who called Pakistan as Qabristan) their leader & reject the founding father of Pakistan Hazrat M A Jinnah(R.A) as their leader. Are these thing not anti-state?
E) As for leader(Altaf Hussain) i already told you that i hate him & i believe MQM will reach new heights if this altaf is kicked out.

The crimes he committed were in Pakistan (apart from the Farooqi case), so he shall face the courts in Pakistan too, if you believe in Pakistani law and constitution, then you shall support it too.

I don't support his trial in Pakistani courts for several reasons. Firstly i believe that Pakistani courts are becoming corrupts & not delivering justice. Secondly if his trial happens in Pakistan & if he is punished by Pakistani courts, he will be declared "Siyaasi Shaheed". There are several other reasons & a person with brain can sense them. His trial in British courts will be free of any political influence, pressure or favoritism.

And that is exactly the problem, they are a fighting force, not so much a political force. So in there outlook they are similar to TTP and thats what I have been saying a long.

MQM is a political force that believe in Pakistan & it's constitution, it is also widely supported by millions of Pakistanis. TTP rejects Pakistan's constitution & is continuously waging war against Pakistan in which it has already killed more than 50K innocent Pakistanis & more than 5K Pakistani security forces since 2007, plus TTP is declared terrorist organization by Pakistan, United States, UK, EU & UN.

By the way I am not a supporter of any of the groups that you mentioned but that opposition should be political not militant. For fighting Pakistan has the Police, Rangers and finally the Army.

Everyone knows how capable is Police. Police & Rangers both are under provincial & federal govts i.e PPP & PML-N, hence they won't do anything. As for Army it is much better they don't get involved in these kind of urban mess, because no matter what they will be made sacrificial goats in the end. That was the reason why Army pull itself out in 90's operation that was ordered by PML-N against Karachities.

@nangyale If MQM was bad as you guys project, why on earth millions of Karachities supports them? Even check this Forum "PDF", most members from Karachi supports MQM because they know ground realities. Also we don't worship any leader like others, MQM performs & so it is supported. Many people hate Altaf Hussain but supports MQM.
Nobody has bothered about Karachi? Actually its more like nobody has been allowed to establish a foothold in Karachi. Because of the MQMs intimidatory and militant techniques.
Also no matter whatever party the mayor of a city belongs, once anyone gets in office he represents the whole Pakistani Federation, Oath of office is not an Oath to a party, its an Oath to Pakistan and its constitution.

Unfortunately, you fail to understand fundamental concepts. It is the Provincial Government that is responsible for cities within their province (in the absence of a Local Government). Basically, PML or PPP could have gained a strong foothold in Karachi if only they had bothered to build Karachi and to return a small chunk of what Karachi produces for the rest of the country!

Let me dubunk your MQM militancy theory right in its track and right here and now. Transport mafia is owned by Pakhtun and despite all their efforts, MQM could not successfully invade the transport system despite bringing in the Green buses! If MQM was indeed a militant organization, they would have wiped out the opposition and taken over this extremely profitable business!!

The reason he is not in Pakistan is given below. If you want to act like his advocate answer them.
And what has mine living abroad got anything to do this.

If you had ever lived abroad you would know what a toll it takes on one being away from the homeland for so many years. I know because I had to go through the ordeal for my education and more. The reason he is not in Pakistan is because of the bounty that was imposed on his head when he was declared an absconder and was wanted dead or alive!! This was, mind you, the time during which MQM activists/supporters were being targeted at wish!

Actually there is no error. The reason he was given British citizenship is because of his services to the Empire.

So why is the British Government after him in the ML cases and apparently the IF murder case? The only thing would be that they want him to do something that he considers to be against Pakistan's interests and refuses.....That would make him a 'patriot', would it not? So think again and come back.

Does anybody need any more proof that this guy and his organization is a traitor to Pakistan.

You actually haven't provided anything that can be considered 'proof' yet. And you dont even have my sympathies in that matter as there is none.

bhatay ki parchi nae cahiay mujay.........

Apko sirf chai/coffee pilayenge aur ache mahool mei baat kerenge bhai.....any public place would do. How about dunkin donuts at Forum?
Post # 89
Its a fact that MQM is a terrorist cum political organization. and I hate this outfit for turning Pakistan's biggest city into a battleground. At the same killing many innocent Pakistanis.
Post # 100
Nobody has bothered about Karachi? Actually its more like nobody has been allowed to establish a foothold in Karachi. Because of the MQMs intimidatory and militant techniques.
Also no matter whatever party the mayor of a city belongs, once anyone gets in office he represents the whole Pakistani Federation, Oath of office is not an Oath to a party, its an Oath to Pakistan and its constitution.

The reason he is not in Pakistan is given below. If you want to act like his advocate answer them.
And what has mine living abroad got anything to do this.

Actually there is no error. The reason he was given British citizenship is because of his services to the Empire.

Does anybody need any more proof that this guy and his organization is a traitor to Pakistan.

Read my post #89 and #100, there is enough evidence, unless if you are willfully blind.

Where is evidence my dear....??
ANP leaders support & call Bacha Khan(A congressi worker & a person who called Pakistan as Qabristan) their leader & reject the founding father of Pakistan Hazrat M A Jinnah(R.A) as their leader. Are these thing not anti-state?

1)Will you please tell us when and in what context he called Pakistan Qabrustan?
2)He remained a member of the working committee of congress. Does it make him a Kafir?
3) Before the creation of Pakistan he was not bound by any law or ethics to accept Jinnah as his leader. How can you question his loyalty towards Pakistan based on this argument when back then neither he was a citizen of Pakistan nor a state by this name existed? After the creation of Pakistan Ghaffar Khan had pledged allegiance to Pakistan in his first speech to the constituent assembly.
Then you need to read it again. Tell me what is anti-state and criminal according to your definition.
When the leader of a political organisation threatens journalists, and others with body bags. Is that criminal?
When did he threaten to journalist and other to pack in body bags...??? Kindly give proof ............
When that organisation goes and kills hundreds of police officers. Is that criminal?
Any proof....??
When members of this organisation admit to being trained in India. Is that anti-state?
Which member admitted...???
When leader of this so called political party writes letter to foreign governments about how it can help it advance it's agenda. Is that anti-state?
Up till ISI or army didn't take any action against him nor anybody file any case against him for treason ... You are free to try ... You are our last hope in this regard .............
When did he threaten to journalist and other to pack in body bags...??? Kindly give proof ............

Dude I have already posted this. Are you sooooo blind to read.

In one such speech he had this message for TV anchors: "If you don't stop the lies and false allegations that damage our party's reputation, then don't blame me, Altaf Hussain, or the MQM if you get killed by any of my millions of supporters."
Most of his threats have been aimed at people in Pakistan but at least one was directed at the UK journalist Azhar Javaid who asked a question once too often. At a press conference in September 2011 Hussain warned Javaid that his "body bag was ready".
Any proof....??

Which member admitted...???

The following is from the London Post albeit a few years old but atleast shows the crimes this terrorist organization has committed. Open your eyes and read.

MQM and Altaf Hussain have close links with the Indian secret agency RAW as well as other players. MQM- Altaf terrorist and Indian agent Ajmal Pharee confessed to the Joint Investigation Team of (ISI, IB, Military Intelligence, CID, Special Branch etc) that, “MQM-Altaf was behind the ‘Asura Bombings of 2009’ in Karachi. He confessed to the team that he and other MQM city workers were ordered to wear black Shia mourning clothes on the day in a meeting called three days before the Ashura bombings. The orders were to burn the shops and businesses in and around Light House as well as kill the people. The shop owners of that area refused to give extortion money to the MQM-Altaf. These burnings caused losses of billions to the poor Pakistanis and shop owners in Karachi ”.

Mustafa Kamal billionaire - poor former mayor of Karachi become abusive when London Post report published on 31st December 2009, was quoted that, ‘MQM was involved in Karachi bombings with black water’, in a live program by famous anchor Talat Hussain. Faces of the looters were visible on CCTVs footages still available on youtube.

This brave son of London “Edgware” sleeps in a multi million pound bunker with 24 hours CCTV cameras security and star trek type control room. He was preaching people of Karachi to sell their valuables and buy weapons and now he has asked them to do house shopping for a month’. Why is he allowed to do these kinds of provocative speeches and live broadcasts from London ? He has harmed Pakistan ’s economy and caused losses worth billions of dollars. Those who allowed him to do the harms are equal partners in his crimes whoever they are.

Ajmal Pharee also confessed murdering hundreds of innocent people as well as receiving training in India by Indian security agencies. In a video statement he said, “I joined MQM in 1988 arrested in 1989 for fire arms offences imprisoned for one year. He was arrested and sentenced for five years again in 2000 for murdering Iqbal Raad, lawyer of former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif. He told the JIT that his handler Nadeem Nusrat is based in MQM – Altaf’s London Secretariat and is inner circle man of Altaf Hussain. Ajmal Pharee told the JIT that, ‘Nadeem Nusrat told him to escape from Pakistan to Singapore in 1996 with Zeshan a MQM worker’. He stayed in the Mustafa Market Hotel on his instructions in Singapore , where he was given Singapore Airline tickets and Indian visas by Jamil aka Jimi who lives in South Africa . They travelled to Delhi, stayed there for 15 days and later received terrorist training for one month in a near by jungle by five Indian army officers. He also met other MQM-Altaf workers Noora of Shah Faiasl Colony, Zafar Tension of Buffer Zone, Raju of Nazim-a-Bad, Shakir Chota of Orangi Town . He received terrorist training of AK-47, RPG, MP-5 LMG, hand grenades. He was transported to India-Pakistan border inserted in from Chawanda area of Shakr Gurh ( Sialkot ) in Pakistan . They later went to Lahore and than Karachi ”, said Ajmal Pharee in his confessions.

See attached videos confessions of India trained MQM-A terrorist Ajmal Pharee

Watch the videos
Ajmal Pahari- Target Killer MQM

Target Killer Shahnawaz from MQM

On December 28, 2009, three thousand shops were burnt; one thousand were burnt after looting which caused loss of Rs. 60 billion to Pakistani economy. The question is why is he allowed to do this?

MQM is systematically using violence to pressurize PPPP, which had tried to prop up MQM’s rival Mohajir Qaumi Movement as counter weight in the political scenario but in vain. The weak and compromised PPPP government headed by Asif Zardari is probably now considering ending commissionary system in MQM dominated Karachi and Hyderabad .

Security agencies have informed the government that MQM had instructed it sector level organization to target ethnic Pashtuns in the city and Pashtun businesses are specially being hit, said the sources. According to a communication sent to the federal government inIslamabad on 24th July 2011, MQM- Altaf was stirring ethnic violence in Karachi and had planned to continue bloodbath until its demands are met.

Up till ISI or army didn't take any action against him nor anybody file any case against him for treason ... You are free to try ... You are our last hope in this regard .............

He is wanted in Pakistan on many charges including murder. It was only Musharafs NRO that took him off the hook. But now as Musharaf is under arrest. I am hope those cases will be re-instated as well. (I don't know for sure though, if they have been re-instated or not).
But that letter is even confirmed by the British FCO, I am not a lawyer or some one with spare money and time otherwise I would have filled a case against him for treason.
Through these kind of news altaf bhai want to highlight his anti- taliban stance to his british governament...he wants to show that he is useful against taliban and british authorities should spare him from murder charges.
TTP itself is not that much interested in wasting their men and amunition on MQM. Their focus and energies are directed against security force. ANP got targated because of their influence in pashtuns, the same community from which they draws most of the support and also because of their involvement with military against them....ANP were also pro-communism and taliban strongely despise communists.

Unfortunately, you fail to understand fundamental concepts. It is the Provincial Government that is responsible for cities within their province (in the absence of a Local Government). Basically, PML or PPP could have gained a strong foothold in Karachi if only they had bothered to build Karachi and to return a small chunk of what Karachi produces for the rest of the country!

Let me dubunk your MQM militancy theory right in its track and right here and now. Transport mafia is owned by Pakhtun and despite all their efforts, MQM could not successfully invade the transport system despite bringing in the Green buses! If MQM was indeed a militant organization, they would have wiped out the opposition and taken over this extremely profitable business!!

I am no supporter of PPP or PML. I think both have done great di-service to Pakistan. But MQM is unique in that it has openly courted foreign governments, and has agents who have confessed to be trained in India, in order to carry out anti-Pakistan activities.
Plus don't tell me that they haven't tried taking over all business activities. The reason why they are not dominating every business is because others resist too. It's not that difficult to understand once you look at the situation with an open mind.

If you had ever lived abroad you would know what a toll it takes on one being away from the homeland for so many years. I know because I had to go through the ordeal for my education and more..

You are supposing too much without any knowledge, typical indication of a closed mentality.
I have lived abroad for almost half my life and right now I am not in Pakistan either. Although it's not something that I like to advertise as it is my personal life.

The reason he is not in Pakistan is because of the bounty that was imposed on his head when he was declared an absconder and was wanted dead or alive!! This was, mind you, the time during which MQM activists/supporters were being targeted at wish!

So why is the British Government after him in the ML cases and apparently the IF murder case? The only thing would be that they want him to do something that he considers to be against Pakistan's interests and refuses.....That would make him a 'patriot', would it not? So think again and come back.

Dude, again you imagining things. A more simpler answer is that Britain used him and don't need him that much anymore. Also you need to understand that countries like Britain will encourage you and let carry out operations against another country but they don't allow such behavior on their own soil. The ML and IF murder cases were committed on British soil and unlike Pakistan MQM and AH would have to pay for that.

You actually haven't provided anything that can be considered 'proof' yet. And you dont even have my sympathies in that matter as there is none.

Read my previous posts again.
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