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Rise of Talibans - MQM sets up committees to guard its areas

Thats the way to deal with them. They are both Mafias, let them kill each other ! In Chicago they did the same thing to bring peace back.

Same goes for ganjay brothers they were zia's stooges once and wanted to become ameerul momineen however we are not of the opinion that southern Punjab hotbeds should have a. Fight with Nora and let them kill each other Offcourse we want ganjay to win if he dares to fight
That's why the keywords in any election is "free and fair". I can give you many more examples of unfair elections when one party dominates because of violence. So yes when you combine an atmosphere of fair with rigging you can get any result you want. Being a Pakistani I think you shall know this.

I agree with you that Pakistan is one of those unfortunate countries where you have political parties with militant wings. The reason MQM is different is that it's leader is living in exile and even when they are in government he refuses to come to Pakistan. He writes to foreign governments telling them how he can help them with their agendas at the expense of Pakistani interest. If that is not being anti-Pakistan, I don't know what is.

I said that rigging can only take you so far . The political party in question has dominated the politics of Karachi for so long that it can be more than " just stuffing the ballot boxes " . Being a Pakistani , all I know that we always vote for the wrong people and then moan and cry till the next elections that they aren't delivering , yes rigging happens to a large extent , changes results too , but a lot of time its the public itself . That is how beloved Zardari came into power . :D

That is no distinction actually , because a lot of leaders - Pakistani politics of course - have lived in exile . Bhutto and his party is directly responsible for the political blunder before the '71 war - thereby breaking the country . The recent Memogate scandal was just another feather in their crown . ANP has for a large period of time , supported Afghan interest over its own country extending help to the . PML N despite taking a rigid stand against Taliban , will at the end of the day , continue to support sectarian outfits in Punjab . That is the sad story of our country , MQM would be angelic comparatively . They aren't even upto par .

And that is exactly the problem, they are a fighting force, not so much a political force. So in there outlook they are similar to TTP and thats what I have been saying a long.

You cant differentiate between a political party and a banned terrorist outfit seriously ? I would do an exercise in futility and ask you to look at the election results again if it is " not so much " of a political force .
1)Will you please tell us when and in what context he called Pakistan Qabrustan?

Internet is free for all. No one is sitting free to feed you every single thing.

2)He remained a member of the working committee of congress. Does it make him a Kafir?

And where did you get the impression that i call him a "Kafir"?

3) Before the creation of Pakistan he was not bound by any law or ethics to accept Jinnah as his leader.

Did i said that he should've accept Hazrat M A Jinnah(R.A) his leader?

How can you question his loyalty towards Pakistan based on this argument when back then neither he was a citizen of Pakistan nor a state by this name existed?

I don't care for his loyalty. All i speak is of ANP & it's leaders(as they are also political party of Pakistan) who see Bacha Khan as their leader & not Sir Jinnah(R.A). The same Bacha Khan who was against Pakistan & called Pakistan by offensive names like "Kafiristan", "Qabristan" & "A Nation of Wolves".

My point is clear that if you call MQM as anti-state then PPP, PML-N, ANP, PTI, JI are more bigger anti state parties.
Internet is free for all. No one is sitting free to

feed you every single thing.

I searched the net but didn't find any such information. You have to provide some evidence to back up your allegations.

And where did you get the impression that i call him a "Kafir"?

The way you called him a Congressi worker insinuate as if working for Congress was a heinous crime. India got independence because of the political strive and efforts exerted by the leaders of the political parties like Congress and Khudai Khidmatgar.

I don't care for his loyalty. All i speak is of ANP & it's leaders(as they are also political party of

Pakistan) who see Bacha Khan as their leader & not Sir Jinnah(R.A). The same Bacha Khan who was against Pakistan

& called Pakistan by offensive names like "Kafiristan", "Qabristan" & "A Nation of Wolves".

They don't need to hail Jinnah as their leader to prove their loyalty to the country. They respect the constitution and have never been involved in any kind of activities that were against the interests of the country which is enough to prove their allegiance to the country. Ghaffar khan never called Paksitan a nation of wolves, he actually said to Gandhi, "you have thrown us to the wolves" when Congress caved in to the demands of Muslim League. No, he never called Pakistan "karfristan" or "Qabristan", or come up with some authentic evidence.
I said that rigging can only take you so far . The political party in question has dominated the politics of Karachi for so long that it can be more than " just stuffing the ballot boxes " . Being a Pakistani , all I know that we always vote for the wrong people and then moan and cry till the next elections that they aren't delivering , yes rigging happens to a large extent , changes results too , but a lot of time its the public itself . That is how beloved Zardari came into power . :D

That is no distinction actually , because a lot of leaders - Pakistani politics of course - have lived in exile . Bhutto and his party is directly responsible for the political blunder before the '71 war - thereby breaking the country . The recent Memogate scandal was just another feather in their crown . ANP has for a large period of time , supported Afghan interest over its own country extending help to the . PML N despite taking a rigid stand against Taliban , will at the end of the day , continue to support sectarian outfits in Punjab . That is the sad story of our country , MQM would be angelic comparatively . They aren't even upto par .

Like I said I am not a member neither do I support any political organisation. I am a Pakistani and I support Pakistani interests, saying that. Why are you so adamant about dragging all these other parties in to this discussion. This thread is about MQM and TTP, let's concentrate on the activities of these organisations and its effect on the Pakistani society.
You can make another thread about any other Pakistani organisation, invite me and we can discuss it as much as you want.
You cant differentiate between a political party and a banned terrorist outfit seriously ? I would do an exercise in futility and ask you to look at the election results again if it is " not so much " of a political force .
It was your fellow MQM supporter who used the words "fighting force" and I agreed it's more a fighting force than anything else.
But if you do a comparison of TTP and MQM, you will see how much both of them have in common.
To start with both carry out anti-Pakistan activities and sell their services to foreign nations. Britain and India for MQM, while Afghanistan for TTP.
Dude I have already posted this. Are you sooooo blind to read.

Nothing is wrong in the statement if someone sarphira supporter may have done something wrong ... Don't you agree with this kind of supporters..???????
As you referred Azhar Javed ... Did you watch the video clip while Altaf Hussain had said ... If you watch then you must have noticed that Altaf Hussain had laughed after said about body bag but you would have ignored due to your grudge .........

The following is from the London Post albeit a few years old but atleast shows the crimes this terrorist organization has committed. Open your eyes and read.

MQM and Altaf Hussain have close links with the Indian secret agency RAW as well as other players. MQM- Altaf terrorist and Indian agent Ajmal Pharee confessed to the Joint Investigation Team of (ISI, IB, Military Intelligence, CID, Special Branch etc) that, “MQM-Altaf was behind the ‘Asura Bombings of 2009’ in Karachi. He confessed to the team that he and other MQM city workers were ordered to wear black Shia mourning clothes on the day in a meeting called three days before the Ashura bombings. The orders were to burn the shops and businesses in and around Light House as well as kill the people. The shop owners of that area refused to give extortion money to the MQM-Altaf. These burnings caused losses of billions to the poor Pakistanis and shop owners in Karachi ”.

Mustafa Kamal billionaire - poor former mayor of Karachi become abusive when London Post report published on 31st December 2009, was quoted that, ‘MQM was involved in Karachi bombings with black water’, in a live program by famous anchor Talat Hussain. Faces of the looters were visible on CCTVs footages still available on youtube.

This brave son of London “Edgware” sleeps in a multi million pound bunker with 24 hours CCTV cameras security and star trek type control room. He was preaching people of Karachi to sell their valuables and buy weapons and now he has asked them to do house shopping for a month’. Why is he allowed to do these kinds of provocative speeches and live broadcasts from London ? He has harmed Pakistan ’s economy and caused losses worth billions of dollars. Those who allowed him to do the harms are equal partners in his crimes whoever they are.

Ajmal Pharee also confessed murdering hundreds of innocent people as well as receiving training in India by Indian security agencies. In a video statement he said, “I joined MQM in 1988 arrested in 1989 for fire arms offences imprisoned for one year. He was arrested and sentenced for five years again in 2000 for murdering Iqbal Raad, lawyer of former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif. He told the JIT that his handler Nadeem Nusrat is based in MQM – Altaf’s London Secretariat and is inner circle man of Altaf Hussain. Ajmal Pharee told the JIT that, ‘Nadeem Nusrat told him to escape from Pakistan to Singapore in 1996 with Zeshan a MQM worker’. He stayed in the Mustafa Market Hotel on his instructions in Singapore , where he was given Singapore Airline tickets and Indian visas by Jamil aka Jimi who lives in South Africa . They travelled to Delhi, stayed there for 15 days and later received terrorist training for one month in a near by jungle by five Indian army officers. He also met other MQM-Altaf workers Noora of Shah Faiasl Colony, Zafar Tension of Buffer Zone, Raju of Nazim-a-Bad, Shakir Chota of Orangi Town . He received terrorist training of AK-47, RPG, MP-5 LMG, hand grenades. He was transported to India-Pakistan border inserted in from Chawanda area of Shakr Gurh ( Sialkot ) in Pakistan . They later went to Lahore and than Karachi ”, said Ajmal Pharee in his confessions.

See attached videos confessions of India trained MQM-A terrorist Ajmal Pharee

Watch the videos
Ajmal Pahari- Target Killer MQM

Target Killer Shahnawaz from MQM

On December 28, 2009, three thousand shops were burnt; one thousand were burnt after looting which caused loss of Rs. 60 billion to Pakistani economy. The question is why is he allowed to do this?

MQM is systematically using violence to pressurize PPPP, which had tried to prop up MQM’s rival Mohajir Qaumi Movement as counter weight in the political scenario but in vain. The weak and compromised PPPP government headed by Asif Zardari is probably now considering ending commissionary system in MQM dominated Karachi and Hyderabad .

Security agencies have informed the government that MQM had instructed it sector level organization to target ethnic Pashtuns in the city and Pashtun businesses are specially being hit, said the sources. According to a communication sent to the federal government inIslamabad on 24th July 2011, MQM- Altaf was stirring ethnic violence in Karachi and had planned to continue bloodbath until its demands are met.

First of all Ajmal Pahari was expelled by leader in 90s ... Second thing plz tell me where is he nowadays....??

He is wanted in Pakistan on many charges including murder. It was only Musharafs NRO that took him off the hook. But now as Musharaf is under arrest. I am hope those cases will be re-instated as well. (I don't know for sure though, if they have been re-instated or not).
But that letter is even confirmed by the British FCO, I am not a lawyer or some one with spare money and time otherwise I would have filled a case against him for treason.

But Army & ISI are still silent whereas ISI was first aggrieved party by this letter .............
In the same manner you commented about my location

Well it was a win-win situation for you if Karachi become war zone just because the political party of Pakistan(that you hate) will fight against TTP terrorists, so i just expose you to other members that your hatred against a certain political party(and possibly a certain ethnic group) is so intense that you don't care for 22+Million civilians living there - it also doesn't matters for you because you live in safe lands miles away.
The way you called him a Congressi worker insinuate as if working for Congress was a heinous crime.

Does it ever occur to you , that whoever may be a hero for you , may not necessarily be for Pakistanis too ?

Like I said I am not a member neither do I support any political organisation. I am a Pakistani and I support Pakistani interests, saying that. Why are you so adamant about dragging all these other parties in to this discussion. This thread is about MQM and TTP, let's concentrate on the activities of these organisations and its effect on the Pakistani society.
You can make another thread about any other Pakistani organisation, invite me and we can discuss it as much as you want.

It was your fellow MQM supporter who used the words "fighting force" and I agreed it's more a fighting force than anything else.
But if you do a comparison of TTP and MQM, you will see how much both of them have in common.
To start with both carry out anti-Pakistan activities and sell their services to foreign nations. Britain and India for MQM, while Afghanistan for TTP.

For me , the interest of the country are supreme too , which is exactly why I do not support each and every action of any political party . I am adamant about discussing others too , because you are trying to make a distinction where none exists - as simple as that . If you do not know what the others have done throughout the history of this country , I am quite sure that this requires some information on the other political parties who have done far worse than MQM ever has .

There's no comparison , none at all , between a political party and a banned terrorist outfit . I would rather agree to disagree on that with you , since you are comparing apples to oranges in the first place .
@mqm haters, watch this video and burn. This is Parachinar, watch the flags at the back.

More burns::chilli:

How about Canada designating it a terrorist organization?

Judge orders deportation of Pakistani party chief

Dr. Farooq Sattar visited to Canada last week ... But he couldn't be deported ........

Does it ever occur to you , that whoever may be a hero for you , may not necessarily be for Pakistanis too ?

Millions of Pashtuns of KPK and FATA look up to him and appreciate his nonviolent movement and incessant struggle to liberate his people form the yoke of British imperialists. May I ask why Your Highness doesn't look upon those Pashtun as the equal citizen of Pakistan?
Nothing is wrong in the statement if someone sarphira supporter may have done something wrong ... Don't you agree with this kind of supporters..???????
As you referred Azhar Javed ... Did you watch the video clip while Altaf Hussain had said ... If you watch then you must have noticed that Altaf Hussain had laughed after said about body bag but you would have ignored due to your grudge ..........

Javed is just one example there is others too. But to your ilk its all ok as it is MQM.

First of all Ajmal Pahari was expelled by leader in 90s ... Second thing plz tell me where is he nowadays....??.

So he was conveniently expelled in 90s. you need to read this whole thing again. He is saying that he went to India with MQM help and directions. You asked for proof you got your proof. Now would you be man enough to admit that MQM is an anti-Pakistani outfit.

Ajmal Pharee also confessed murdering hundreds of innocent people as well as receiving training in India by Indian security agencies. In a video statement he said, “I joined MQM in 1988 arrested in 1989 for fire arms offences imprisoned for one year. He was arrested and sentenced for five years again in 2000 for murdering Iqbal Raad, lawyer of former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif. He told the JIT that his handler Nadeem Nusrat is based in MQM – Altaf’s London Secretariat and is inner circle man of Altaf Hussain. Ajmal Pharee told the JIT that, ‘Nadeem Nusrat told him to escape from Pakistan to Singapore in 1996 with Zeshan a MQM worker’. He stayed in the Mustafa Market Hotel on his instructions in Singapore , where he was given Singapore Airline tickets and Indian visas by Jamil aka Jimi who lives in South Africa . They travelled to Delhi, stayed there for 15 days and later received terrorist training for one month in a near by jungle by five Indian army officers. He also met other MQM-Altaf workers Noora of Shah Faiasl Colony, Zafar Tension of Buffer Zone, Raju of Nazim-a-Bad, Shakir Chota of Orangi Town . He received terrorist training of AK-47, RPG, MP-5 LMG, hand grenades. He was transported to India-Pakistan border inserted in from Chawanda area of Shakr Gurh ( Sialkot ) in Pakistan . They later went to Lahore and than Karachi ”, said Ajmal Pharee in his confessions.

But Army & ISI are still silent whereas ISI was first aggrieved party by this letter .............

The really aggrieved party is the whole of Pakistan. And if you consider yourself Pakistani you should be aggrieved as well. Here again you have proof of MQM's anti-Pakistani activities.
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