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It is a positive news for Indian air force since Meteor has been offered with India’s purchase of Rafales from France , and it is likely that Meteor will also be Integrated with India’s Sukhoi-30MKI , when this aircrafts are due for Mid Life Upgrades (MLU) near 2015 .
Well it would be nice if SU 30 mki is armed with meteor but i think super Su 30 mki may have ramjet derivatives of R 77 .It would be cheaper compare to meteor also compatibilty with russian aesa radar is also another issue.
Well it would be nice if SU 30 mki is armed with meteor but i think super Su 30 mki may have ramjet derivatives of R 77 .It would be cheaper compare to meteor also compatibilty with russian aesa radar is also another issue.

We will get source code like su30mki(mk 3 version). Since we follow the path of open artichecture. We can add it whenever, with little tinkering of software.
Zoom on the active antenna radar, new Rafale eyesight

You announced in early October: the Air Force received its first Rafale equipped as standard with latest radar designed by Thales. Thanks to him, the pilot benchmark targets smaller and faster. In what ways? In what ways? Explanations.

Registered C137, the first Rafale equipped as standard with an active antenna radar tells joined airbase Mont-de-Marsan (Landes). The French fighter becomes the first European aircraft to benefit from such technology.

In principle, this new radar - located in the nose of the aircraft - is able to scan an area of ​​research more efficiently, emitting a beam able to jump quickly from one direction to another. For this, the electronic architecture is radically different from the previous one.

"In the new radar, the antenna is formed by hundreds of mini antennas. Each of these mini-modules transmitters / receivers is more finely controlled electronically, which orients the global beam in the desired direction without any mechanical movement. Such flexibility allows to identify a larger number of targets in the field of research pilot almost instantly, "says Bruno Carrara, Rafale program manager at Thales .

According to the designer, the performance gains are significant and allow the pilot to more effectively achieve its mission. "With this architecture, the power of the radar is improved. This results in an increased range of 50%. Rafale can detect target farther or for the same distance see smaller targets, "said the head of Thales.


Typically, in the context of an intercept mission, a pilot can "see" the enemy aircraft from 10 to 20 seconds earlier than before. Seconds worth of gold when we know that the approach speed between two devices is of the order of 1 km / sec and a fight rarely exceeds a minute.

Another important advantage for the portfolio of military radar is more robust and would be less expensive to maintain. The failure of some antennas does not in fact operate the equipment. Thus, the expected failure rate of active antenna radar could be up to 10 times lower than the previous radars.


This technological marvel is the result of a long R & D effort led by Thales. "Early prototyping of new radar began in 2002. Mobilized This development, according to the phases, from 100 to 200 engineers over a decade" says Bruno Carrara.

Finally, for the Rafale, which includes Dassault Aviation , Thales and the engine Safran , this new equipment is an additional chance to sell fighter French abroad. Only U.S. competitors have mastered this technology.

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Well it would be nice if SU 30 mki is armed with meteor but i think super Su 30 mki may have ramjet derivatives of R 77 .It would be cheaper compare to meteor also compatibilty with russian aesa radar is also another issue.

When you check the R77 models for Pak Fa, you will see that they've only got folding fins at the end, but no change of the propulsion. So a Ramjet version is still a long way to go, not to forget that in the long term Astra is meant to get such an propulsion as well.
Rafale will remain the only fighter with Meteor in IAF, while the Russian fighters will get Astra if it's developed and as replacements of R77.

:smokin: You making it too easy buddy:


The primary BVR weapon to be carried by early production variants of the PAK-FA is the KTRV RVV-SD, an extended range evolution of the R-77 / AA-12 Adder similar to the AIM-120D

Assessing the Sukhoi PAK-FA / Sukhoi/KnAAPO T-50/I-21/Article 701 PAK-FA ????????????? ??????????? ???????? ????????? ???????

As i said, just minor modernisations of the current weapon package that the Su 35s, 34s and Su 30 varients will use as well and no Ramjet version.
:smokin: You making it too easy buddy:


Assessing the Sukhoi PAK-FA / Sukhoi/KnAAPO T-50/I-21/Article 701 PAK-FA ????????????? ??????????? ???????? ????????? ???????

As i said, just minor modernisations of the current weapon package that the Su 35s, 34s and Su 30 varients will use as well and no Ramjet version.

funding is a big isssue for ramjet powered missiles which is marring R 77 manufacturrers also


Ah yes regarding ramjet version of R77 with foldable tail fins is under development for sure but whther SU 30 mki would get it or not that depends upon IAF officials only. & regarding ramjet version ASTRA induction into Su 30 mki ????
it is in distant dreams if u look at the status of ASTRA mark 1:wave:

BTW off topic:
regarding weaponry of PAKFA it is too premature to even predict what russians have install for us in future;)
Burst: a standard F3-R for 2018


The standard F3-R will use Meteor and PDL NG

This is Admiral Guillaud, Chief of Defence Staff, who announced in a recent hearing before the Defence Committee of the National Assembly: "The launch of the F3 standard Rafale-R" is part of weapons operations maintained "in 2012 and 2013." This new software upgrade of the aircraft should in particular allow the integration of future PDL NG pod and Meteor missile.

Further improvements are still planned for this standard must be applied to retrofit the entire fleet Rafale. In order to maintain a good level of interoperability with other Allied fighters, the hunter will be well with a capacity IFF Mode 5 / S, as well as advanced methods for connection 16. The system tamper Spectra continue to grow, and part of Libyan feedback will be taken into account with improved fire control certain air-ground capabilities and Reco NG pod.

This new standard F3-R should, when launched in 2013, to be available in the military in 2018, ie when the first Meteor and PDL NG will be delivered. Before that, the commissioning of F3.4 standard, the latest evolution programmed before F3-R is expected for 2014.

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Future Spectra

In a previous issue (n°2329 -5th october), A&C reveals the forthcoming introduction of GaN on a new Spectra prototype in 2014.



Why now ? Next year, a new production line should be qualified by UMS for GaN semi conductors working in X-band. Up to now, they only produced S-band components.

The current Spectra (and the coming RBE-2 AA) uses GaAs components, which are already pushed to their upper limit. Compared with this, GaN should be 2 to 5 times more powerful, and also works in wider bandwidth, and better efficiency.

Because the production will progressively improve with time, the first application for Rafale will be the development of a new Spectra prototype in 2014 (PEA Incas).

And, later, maybe, new conformal arrays for the radar...
Rafale News: Future Spectra
Future Spectra

That is the tech that we really need to get our hands on, because that would benefit us the most wrt FGFA and AMCA. Powerful jamming, possibly even with AESA modules all over the airframe, combined with stealth!
I am at loss here in understanding 'solid fuel' ram jet?
Solid fuel cant be mixed with air entering ram jet mechanism or any mechanism....Solid fuel have to have internal oxygen source???

Solid Fuel Ramjets | SFRJ |Solid Fuel Ramjet Testing

The SFRJ cycle is the same as the ramjet cycle except that the fuel exists in solid form within the chamber and the stoichometry of combustion is controlled by the regression rate of the fuel. The fuel is not a propellant in the solid rocket motor sense but a pure fuel, inert without external oxidizer much like in a hybrid rocket motor. A wide range of fuels can be used from polymers such as PMMA or PE to long-chain alkanes such as paraffin or cross-linked rubbers such as HTPB. Because the fuel exists in the solid form, inclusion of solid metals is significantly easier than in a liquid fueled ramjet. SFRJ's offer some very significant advantages over liquid fuel ramjets such as:

Extremely simple compared with liquid fueled rockets or ramjets? In its simplest form, a SFRJ is basically a tube with a fuel grain cast in it.

Higher fuel density in the solid phase for pure hydrocarbons and even higher if metal additives are used

Easy inclusion of metal fuels such as boron, magnesium or beryllium which raise the heat of combustion and/or the density and therefore the density impulse capability compared with liquid ramjets

Solid fuel acts as an ablative insulator, allowing higher sustained combustion chamber exit temperature levels (and hence specific thrust) with less complexity

Fuel is stored within the combustion chamber allowing for more efficient packaging and higher mass fractions than liquid ramjets

No need for pumps, external tankage, injectors or plumbing for fuel delivery

In essence more compact, and probably more efficient.
Does no one else wonder why the IAF Rafales will be delivered with HMDS (TOPSIGHT/TOP-OWL I hear) but the FrAF don't use a HMDS on their Rafales?
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