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Putin Bans Head Scarfs in schools

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they easily forget that Islam was the single super power for 800 years, the whole europe failed to win against two city Damascus and Cairo!! Someone is comparing Islam to Russia?? How about this few bedouins defeated Romans and Persians within couple of years?? No civilization can match it. Never will be!!!

Islam is a religion, Russia is a country. Your country had little to do with Middle Eastern history, I have no idea why you are so hyped about some Arabs.
Romans? The Romans fell to the Germanics long before islam. What they faced was a weakened Greece pretending to be Rome (they still had some "Roman" civil service tho...) And they were no where near as strong as a modern stste (no power projection beyond those they touched....and were never unified...ask the Berbers etc.)

You must be pissed of by Roman failure. Go to Rome.
Islam is a religion, Russia is a country. Your country had little to do with Middle Eastern history, I have no idea why you are so hyped about some Arabs.

You are so naive. Google Islamic Brotherhood. Most Bangladeshis,Pakistanis etc consider Arabs as their brother due to Islam.

Its other matter that the Arabs dont consider them their brothers.
India will not implement it. We dont have a strong leader/autocrat of the stature of Putin

The word you are looking for is demagog.

to enforce secularism.

Be careful what you wish for. If this is your idea of secularism, and it is implemented in India, then turbans, teekas and other religious symbols will also be banned.

I would have replied to your post but I can't understand what you tried to say. Because I don't speak Indian Joking English.

He knows exactly what was written but must feign ignorance because it showcases hypocrisy.
If you knew your history you would know that both the Byzantines and Sassanids were hurt by years of fighting amongst themselves and the Arabs only made use of that. Nothing wrong. But just saying the days of cavalry charges shouting Allahu Akbar are over. Putin sitting in his cozy room has under his thumb 33,000 nukes that can toast the world, let alone the OIC countries, many times over. No one divine or real can save you from that.

As regards the single superpower....c'monnnnn.

Its always good to have a grip of reality while typing.
Well, i was replying to that Russian! When germans invaded Russia, many soviet city welcomed them with flowers........ Anyway, you should know Byzantine empire was like present day USA and Persians were Russians. Constantinopol was larger than all the european city combined. I haven't read about any major battle between roman and persians.. Border skirmishes or two three cities don't count. Both the empire were super vast!
With the fall of Constantinople, fell the Roman. But their decisive lose to Khalid bin Waleed was pathetic. Arabs were fighting a series of war then with Persians and those stupid Romans with their Cypriot and Greek allies tried to protect Egypt. Lol! The fall of Roman started there and it just became a slave of Ottoman as they covered the areas that Romans had for 1000 yrs. Well. Yet the Turks rulzz. But no more Roman chick!
With the fall of Constantinople, fell the Roman. But their decisive lose to Khalid bin Waleed was pathetic. Arabs were fighting a series of war then with Persians and those stupid Romans with their Cypriot and Greek allies tried to protect Egypt. Lol! The fall of Roman started there and it just became a slave of Ottoman as they covered the areas that Romans had for 1000 yrs. Well. Yet the Turks rulzz. But no more Roman chick!

What gate of Rome did the Turks march through? A few Greeks...never Romans.
Romans? The Romans fell to the Germanics long before islam. What they faced was a weakened Greece pretending to be Rome (they still had some "Roman" civil service tho...) And they were no where near as strong as a modern stste (no power projection beyond those they touched....and were never unified...ask the Berbers etc.)

infact western roman empire was destroyed, but eastern empire was intact by the time of muslims!! I know about black death, still muslims did miracle in their wars! I was replying to that russian! His claim is Stalin converted russia into a modern state that muslim world is unable to do. Do you really believe 313 beduins creating an empire that later controlled area from morocco to China doesn't match stalin?
You must be pissed of by Roman failure. Go to Rome.
No need to go to Rome...I am American...more powerful than Rome...Ottomans and Bangladesh rolled into one...(and that's just the east coast..)
The word you are looking for is demagog.

Did you mean demagogue ? Anyway that's your interpretation and I will defend your right to have it, even though it might be wrong.
First France then Russia, both with growing muslim population scares the **** out of them...is India next
but I am sure will scare off people from converting to islam and most muslim will even think about changing their religion only because girls cant wear scarf...omg

infact western roman empire was destroyed, but eastern empire was intact by the time of muslims!! I know about black death, still muslims did miracle in their wars! I was replying to that russian! His claim is Stalin converted russia into a modern state that muslim world is unable to do. Do you really believe 313 beduins creating an empire that later controlled area from morocco to China doesn't match stalin?

Do you think the Holy Roman Empire was also Roman ?

You said it right. From my experience they are more like Hindus....
No need to go to Rome...I am American...more powerful than Rome...Ottomans and Bangladesh rolled into one...(and that's just the east coast..)

the rest of the world used to believe the earth was flat. Only muslim scholars knew it was round and first maps are drawn by them. Before expedition, Colombus gathered good amount of knowledge regarding his voyage from Toledo, capital of astronomical science by that time..... Muslims deserve little thanks!!
Did you mean demagogue ? Anyway that's your interpretation and I will defend your right to have it, even though it's wrong.

Americanized spelling.

Putin is a demagog. He is facing popular dissent, rebellious media, and economic challenges, so he picks on a vulnerable minority to divert attention. Scoring cheap points by picking on little girls.

How despicable can he get!
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