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France not to allow women to wear abayas in schools: Minister

Lots of Arabs wear abayas as it is their cultural clothing, what happens then? What is the difference between an abaya and a really loose dress? (hint, there is none) French policy is just retarded straight up really, its kinda perverted how badly the French wants little girls to be running around in skimpy clothes. Is there something you guys want to tell us?

Stop plundering, pillaging, exploiting, and manipulating Muslim countries for your own interests and people won't leave? Have you ever considered that? BTW, where do those "white europeans" who are converting to Islam go? Cant kick them out because they're not brown. Many people are leaving Christianity because their brain cells kicked in, what happens with them?

So instead you intrude on the freedom of EVERYONE to prevent the freedoms of a minority from being allegedly revoked? Do you see how dumb you sound?

The freedom of everyone is threatened when religious nuts try to bully everyone around them.

Which Arabs started those wars lol because as far as i remember... it wasn't arabs invading Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria...
The War in Iraq was started by Saddam Hussein invading Quwait. The US terminated a ceasefire in 2003. Started by Arabs.
Afghanistan legally joined the Al Qaeda war even before 9/11 by abandoning its neutrality. Started by Usama bin Laden.
Gadaffi was trying to suppress the Arab Spring and a resolution in the UNSC asked members to out a stop on his atrocitities. Started by Gadaffi.
Assad also tried to suppress the Arab Spring. The main resistance was al-Nusra funded by KSA and the Gulf States. The US only got involved several years after the start when the Free Syrian Army begged them for arms.

Fortunately, in the UK, people are free to dress however they want, whether they want to show up in an Abaya, Burqa, Niqab and on the contrary, whether they want to show up half naked. All goes.

Then what's the difference between French and Irani regimes?
The Irani regime tries to force everyone to become a Muslim.
The French government (which is not a regime), does not try to force anyone to adopt a religion. They are limiting how religion is expressed to protect against bullying behaviour.
The Irani regime tries to force everyone to become a Muslim.
The French government (which is not a regime), does not try to force anyone to adopt a religion. They are limiting how religion is expressed to protect against bullying behaviour.
Sikh temple in Iran.

Iran has religious freedom to some extent, but not polítical freedom. France has a secular controlling ideology called laicite similar to communist attitude toward religion. France has little religious freedom.
Does France also ban Sikh Turban? Because one can easily identify a Sikh from his turban.
Sikh temple in Iran.

Iran has religious freedom to some extent, but not polítical freedom. France has a secular controlling ideology called laicite similar to communist attitude toward religion. France has little religious freedom.
France considers religion to be private and should not be showed in everyones face.
You are certainly showing your xenophobia and racism quite openly.
Gaslighting eh?

The freedom of everyone is threatened when religious nuts try to bully everyone around them.

The War in Iraq was started by Saddam Hussein invading Quwait. The US terminated a ceasefire in 2003. Started by Arabs.
Afghanistan legally joined the Al Qaeda war even before 9/11 by abandoning its neutrality. Started by Usama bin Laden.
Gadaffi was trying to suppress the Arab Spring and a resolution in the UNSC asked members to out a stop on his atrocitities. Started by Gadaffi.
Assad also tried to suppress the Arab Spring. The main resistance was al-Nusra funded by KSA and the Gulf States. The US only got involved several years after the start when the Free Syrian Army begged them for arms.

The Irani regime tries to force everyone to become a Muslim.
The French government (which is not a regime), does not try to force anyone to adopt a religion. They are limiting how religion is expressed to protect against bullying behaviour.
Same Saddam Hussein who the CIA helped when it was in US interests for him to suppress Muslims. You've proved our point...Western puppets rule the Muslim lands, and they do things that just happen to drive Western occupations, interference, and sanctions on our lands. What a coincidence.

The freedom of everyone is threatened when religious nuts try to bully everyone around them.

The War in Iraq was started by Saddam Hussein invading Quwait. The US terminated a ceasefire in 2003. Started by Arabs.
Afghanistan legally joined the Al Qaeda war even before 9/11 by abandoning its neutrality. Started by Usama bin Laden.
Gadaffi was trying to suppress the Arab Spring and a resolution in the UNSC asked members to out a stop on his atrocitities. Started by Gadaffi.
Assad also tried to suppress the Arab Spring. The main resistance was al-Nusra funded by KSA and the Gulf States. The US only got involved several years after the start when the Free Syrian Army begged them for arms.

The Irani regime tries to force everyone to become a Muslim.
The French government (which is not a regime), does not try to force anyone to adopt a religion. They are limiting how religion is expressed to protect against bullying behaviour.

Russia entered Ukraine because the Russian speaking minority invited Russia to Ukraine to help save them as they were being persecuted

I guess you support Ukraine tin this regard ?

Gaslighting eh?

Same Saddam Hussein who the CIA helped when it was in US interests for him to suppress Muslims. You've proved our point...Western puppets rule the Muslim lands, and they do things that just happen to drive Western occupations, interference, and sanctions on our lands. What a coincidence.

Stalin was helped by the West. Good to know that You consider him a puppet.
Speaks loudly about your mindset.
They do not allow Muslim heathens to be burned at a stake either which is also Anti-Freedom.
That would be anti-freedom too. France has political freedom, but not religious freedom. And, you should know the definition of Heathen:
'Having no religion, or belonging to a religion that is not Christianity, Judaism, or Islam'.
Europe I believe will be more hard line in the future, right wings political parties will get more votes

What happen in France cannot be separated with the fact that the right wing political parties have become more popular and almost win the election.

With slowing economic growth for long term projection for Europe, it means more Whites will go to blue color jobs so the need to immigrants to fill that kind of job is getting smaller and smaller. Right wing parties will get better ammunition for their narrative and campaign. Right wing faction within center and center left political parties will likely get more dominant as well.

Thus the immigration policy will be tigher overtime and the push to make other non white citizens to adopt more White culture are greater
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Europe I believe will be more hard line in the future, right wings political parties will get more votes

What happen in France cannot be separated with the fact that the right wing political parties have become more popular and almost win the election.

With slowing economic growth for long term projection for Europe, it means more Whites will go to blue color jobs so the need to immigrants to fill that kind of job is getting smaller and smaller. Right wing parties will get better ammunition for their narrative and campaign. Right wing faction within center and center left political parties will likely get more dominant as well.

Thus the immigration policy will be tigher overtime and the push to make other non white citizens to adopt more White culture are greater
Much of Europe does not have history of human rights and freedom before the latter half of 20th century. And, that is because America forced them. Take for example, @A.P. Richelieu, with the pretense of freedom and human rights, but when slightly challenged revealed that not allowing Muslims to be burnt at the stake actually violates freedom.
That would be anti-freedom too. France has political freedom, but not religious freedom. And, you should know the definition of Heathen:
'Having no religion, or belonging to a religion that is not Christianity, Judaism, or Islam'.
Europe has religious Freedom, in that you can believe in whatever Gods You want without persecution. You may not express your religion by bullying other people.

There is not a single definition of ”heathen”, and Muslims were known as heathens since they started harrassing Christian nations.

Much of Europe does not have history of human rights and freedom before the latter half of 20th century. And, that is because America forced them. Take for example, @A.P. Richelieu, with the pretense of freedom and human rights, but when slightly challenged revealed that not allowing Muslims to be burnt at the stake actually violates freedom.
I simply show the absurdity of the opinion that limiting atrocities means repressing freedom.
The middle ground is to simply not police things to harshly one way or another. Agree about what is indecent in French society and let people decide how much or how little they should wear based on that metric.
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