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Predictions abt Pakistan & World Future By Dr. Nazir Ahmad Qureshi -A Saint

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Yes, Awlia are pretty low when comparing with Prophet Muhammad (SAWW), but Frankly I am not sure, but what I heard from others, it's Jibrael comes, but it's not like wahee, neither it hold much ground for whole common people (I am still gathering proves about it, issne yeh kaha ussne woh kaha).

I am on start on this, can only answer you when my self see something, My friend recently become spiritual and tells me things of his sheikhs. But I don't accept or refute until I see it myself.

Ps: You also need evidence on refutes as well..

what evidence i will gived you Quran ayaat:

“The Knower of Unseen reveals not His secret to anyone. Except to His chosen Messengers”.

Surah-Al-Jinn, verse 26.

“…Allah has sent down to you the Book and Wisdom and has taught to you what you did not know, and great is the grace of Allah upon you.”

Surah Al-Nisa, Verse 113.

“Nor will He disclose to you the secrets of the Unseen. But He chooses of His Apostles (For the purpose)”

Surah-Ale-Imran, verse 179.

surely nothing can defeat the quran when it comes to evidence right?

Allah clearly says i revealed what i will to my messangers. Nabihe never mentioned AWLIA.
sadly people forget this. They do biggest kind of shirk by believing such nonsense. fortune telling is totally haram. sadly people in pakistan read the quran but hardly 1% ever read what is written in it. hence have no understanding.

This is not fortune telling, this is future prediction. Nothing wrong with it. Some wahaabi are always trying to preach their religion. You guys would always remain a minority. When your grand daddy erupts into civil war, wahaabism will fade into oblivion in Pakistan.
This is not fortune telling, this is future prediction. Nothing wrong with it. Some wahaabi are always trying to preach their religion. You guys would always remain a minority. When your grand daddy erupts into civil war, wahaabism will fade into oblivion in Pakistan.

firstly i am not a wahabi, secondly i gave quranic verses to strengthen my argument.

if you have none then troll elsewhere please. future predictions, the guys who give such predictions do they know how or when they will die? or what they will have for lunch the next day?
he is the prophet and he clearly used to say Gabriel came down and told me this & told me that.

IF even he knew everything about the future why didn't he know if Uthman R.A was killed or not in his baya tou ridwhan? or why did he doubt his wife when munafiq accused her of zina?

please explain. why did he not warn ALI R.A, HUSSAIN (R.A) or HASSAN (R.A) of yazid?

GHAIB ILAM is with Allah only.
You are right HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW knew and told those things which ALLAH told him those which ALLAH didn't told he also didn't say
This is not fortune telling, this is future prediction. Nothing wrong with it. Some wahaabi are always trying to preach their religion. You guys would always remain a minority. When your grand daddy erupts into civil war, wahaabism will fade into oblivion in Pakistan.
O genius read works off Abdul Wahab prove one thing which is not according to Quran and Sunnah and followers off Quran and Sunnat will win and followers off kufar and bidat will loose and defeated
Danday Wali Sakar sounds like dictator who will be strict to bad elements but enjoin the good only that is beneficial to the society and the nation. However, according to OP's article, he will punish bad elements in the society and bring good elements in the society and straighten out not just Pakistan, but also, Greater Pakistan that includes India. Not to cause offense, but that is actually good news considering that is the day the corruption/criminal/bad elements activities will end once and for all, Allahu Alim.

Danday Wali Sarkar is good news for Pakistan and India [Greater Pakistan]. So, rejoice, Alhamdu Lillah!
Aother Zaid Hamid:lol::lol::lol:
O genius read works off Abdul Wahab prove one thing which is not according to Quran and Sunnah and followers off Quran and Sunnat will win and followers off kufar and bidat will loose and defeated

The biggest mushrik is a wahaabi. He always declare others to be "kaafirs" and "biddati" even if they read Islamic kalmah. Only Allah knows who's a kaafir and who's a momin. Your wahaabi mushrik thinks he's the thekaydaar of Islam and what he knows is the absolute truth.

firstly i am not a wahabi, secondly i gave quranic verses to strengthen my argument.

if you have none then troll elsewhere please. future predictions, the guys who give such predictions do they know how or when they will die? or what they will have for lunch the next day?

Yeah go ahead and share...

There's a thing called "prediction" and there's a thing called speaking of the future as a truth. This guy didn't involve Islam anywhere in his essay, yet since he wasn't a deobandi or a wahaabi, he's automatically biddati and non-muslim. You Islami thekaydaars were against the creation of Pakistan, but now feel as if it's your jahaiz. Most mullahs of these 2 fiqhs that I have seen have some sort of divine laanat on their faces, making them grotesquely ugly.
Aother Zaid Hamid:lol::lol::lol:

Except that Zaid Hamid is not the author. Where does that name come from?

Good to know that name still terrifies you judging by your defense mechanism in coping of your ways. lol
Except that Zaid Hamid is not the author. Where does that name come from?

Good to know that name still terrifies you judging by your defense mechanism in coping of your ways. lol
Whosoever sent me Zaid Hamid's link, I am ever thankful to him. Whenever I am blue i just listen to his interview on youtube and i turn :D. We should get him to Big Boss Show.:lol:
yaar this guy is like Zahid Hamid part 2 with his predictions! lol danday walay sarkar aur super power nation.
Dr. Nazir Ahmad Qureshi said on 28 December, 1979 ..... At last ‘Danday Wali Sarkar’ will finally affiliate Kashmir with Pakistan. New Government of Pakistan will manage Afghan matters according to Pakistan’s interests . To finish Indian interference in this region, "Danday Wali Sarkar" will do successful war with India. Pakistani flag will hoist on Red Fort India. But due to international pressure Pakistan will leave Delhi but Ajmer Sharif and Bathinda will become part of Pakistan. After first war, there will be Pakistan supportive Sikh Khalisa govt. in Indian Punjab whose existence will depend on Pakistan’s”Danday Wali Sarkar”. In south India, Muslims, low cast nations and other minorities will unite and make a new independent state. South Indian Hindus will do extreme cruelty and tyranny on U.P.’s Muslims. Pakistan’s "Dande Wali Sarkar" will do another war with India. After which Indian govt. and state will be finished forever from universe.

To add to your smileys......
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