poverty rape terrorism illiteracy no tax payers etc all are Pakistani problems... stop your $ hit wet dreams... who wants your country. .. lol...If you want hand over pakistan to us... don't worry next time we will liberate 3 more country from pakistan. ..
What is happening in India is none of Pakistan`s business, but Greater Pakistan that includes India to some areas, Allahu Alim.
Besides, both nations could use honest leader; a dictator against bad elements. Your opinion is irrelevant as this concerns the mankind as whole. Perhap, from the neutral`s perspective might help you to analyze for the long term that benefits India as well.
Greater Pakistan is on card; nothing you can do about it. It is written the moment when Indian soldiers oppressed Kashmir for more than years after years. The moment was sealed in favor of Pakistan; Greater Pakistan, Alhamdu Lillah!. Pardon me for my patriotism card.
Also, one more good news that India could have been fooled into fighting for dajjal, but rest assured that Greater Pakistan will be fighting against Dajjal. In that sense, that is biggest favor Allah is going to bless you, particularly in Asia that involves Afghanistan, Pakistan and India overall. Which of the Lord favors would you deny?