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Power and Principle: UNSC Reforms

The UN security council is not a Democracy and never will be. Why would Western powers want to share power with any country?

Because if not reformed UNSC would loose its value in the world. What will happens if all G4 countries come out of UN? Japan is the largest donor to UNSC after US.

It has to become democratic to sustain itself. I see it happening with in this decade. West would not mind because it significantly affect China than them. Most democratic countries around the world would rather vote for US than China.

Anyways why talk when we are about to taste it. Lets wait and see how it all unfolds in the next few years.
Because if not reformed UN would loose its value in the world. What happens if all G4 countries come out of UN. Japan is the largest donor after US to UN.

It has to become democratic to sustain itself. I see it happening with in this decade. West would not mind because it significantly affect China than them.
Most democratic countries would rather vote for UN than China.

Anyways why talk when we are about to taste it. Lets wait and see how it all unfolds.

You seem to be mixing up UN and UN permanent security council. UN can be as democratic as they want but the UN permanent security council will remain ruled by 5
You seem to be mixing up UN and UN permanent security council. UN can be as democratic as they want but the UN permanent security council will remain ruled by 5

Like I said, It won't be and it can't be in an increasingly globalized world. P5 countries cannot represent entire world anymore. If they insist UN would loose its face value simple as that. I am not going to discuss this further as I see no merit in it. All we have to do is wait and watch.
The P5+1 will remain the most important global players. Even without the UN.

Maybe add Brazil too, so it becomes P5+2.
I gave you a link to the charts.

So obviously not by 2020. :D

Next question, when is India predicted to reach double-digit growth? Why have they constantly failed to achieve an "average" growth rate in the double digits?

Try this, it might be tough for you but still.

India’s GDP to touch 205 Trillion Rupees by 2020: Edelweiss Report

The report predicts a 2020 India GDP of approx. $4.5tn. By Extrapolation, safe to say that the GDP will be approx $5-5.2tn by 2022 or something like that.

China's GDP today is $5.88tn

Much difference? :azn:

Oh and that fact that India has not yet achieved a double digit growth rate doesn't mean it never will.
Like I said, It won't be and it can't be in an increasingly globalized world. P5 countries cannot represent entire world anymore. If they insist UN would loose its face value simple as that. I am not going to discuss this further as I see no merit in it. All we have to do is wait and watch.

Until those global forces have equal or greater power than the UN permanent security council it'll only happen in your wet dreams. In other words its not going to ****ing happen in your lifetime.
No, India won't die without the permanent seat but it will kind of embarrassing for a so-called up coming "super-power" though.:lol:

usa,russia,france,britain have veto power..................
still they are trying n convincing and pushing hard for even deal of 1 billion dollar and how much influence they have?
wat a super power they are?
anyway u wont understand :P
It is always interesting to see indians dreaming of a superpower india. Let's just wake up and see the real india, if india becomes a UNSC permanent member, then it will:

1. be the only permanent member that need to import bullets.
2. be the only permanent member that can't design a fighter on its own.
3. be the only permanent member that can't build ICBM/rocket on its own.
4. be the only permanent member that can't build its nuclear delivery system.
5. be the only permanent member that didn't contribute to the WWII victory.
6. be the only permanent member that has a caste system.
7. be the only permanent member that doesn't have full control of its undisputed land.
8. ........

:victory: do we need such a loser in UNSC? no.
India is a potential UNSC member in my opinion though she may not be suitable to join the UNSC at the moment. But Germany and Japan, as former members of the Axis, they are both politically unacceptable as UNSC members.
BTW, my dear Chinese fellows, please don't needle the Indian with sarcastic remarks. It's no sense of laughing at India's backward domains .Doing that only shows how blinkered you are. Every time I saw India, I saw the past of China, It really is a complex feeling.
India is a potential UNSC member in my opinion though she may not be suitable to join the UNSC at the moment. But Germany and Japan, as former members of the Axis, they are both politically unacceptable as UNSC members.
BTW, my dear Chinese fellows, please don't needle the Indian with sarcastic remarks. It's no sense of laughing at India's backward domains .Doing that only shows how blinkered you are. Every time I saw India, I saw the past of China, It really is a complex feeling.

you r right, but most 'sarcastic' chinese members here are just having fun with their india friends`` :)
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