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Power and Principle: UNSC Reforms

India is a strategic partner for peace, once the far right upper class is removed. A surgical bombing strike on New Delhi to remove parliament and the prime minister would be enough.

Then we can talk peace with the Communist Party of India and set up a new golden age of India, the People's Republic of India.

Without gender, racial and caste equality, lower corruption, higher education levels and less corruption, India's growth will not last. Only Mao Zedong Thought and communism can save India.

the people who rule china are not day dreamers as you are.
Come on Guys, there's no point in discussing this. If reform is going to happen India would surely get in no matter what Chinese members on this forum think. In reality India has more support than any other country in the world. 4 out of 5 countries openly pledged their support. China will have no option but to accept candidature of India if reforms does happen.

Let the Chinese troll. We'll have the last laugh.

Not one single P5 member has promised "veto power" to India. :D

And even if you "somehow" get that (you won't get it)... you will still have to face China's veto.

Too bad for India.
Not one single P5 member has promised "veto power" to India. :D

And even if you "somehow" get that (you won't get it)... you will still have to face China's veto.

Too bad for India.

if china go against all others that will once again boost the suspicion of others regarding china's intentions. the decision will will cause damage to china also.
yes i agree india or anybody else is not going to get veto power.
Not one single P5 member has promised "veto power" to India. :D

And even if you "somehow" get that (you won't get it)... you will still have to face China's veto.

Too bad for India.

Ya all four G4 countries are going for voting together. If they won't get vote in their favor they may threaten to withdraw from UN all together. There won't be UN to speak off. There would be more pressure on China considering it is only country having issues with it. Anyways we'll see how it goes.

PS: I don't think you opinion is equivalent to China's opinion. Lets just wait and see China's response. Your opinion matters as much as mine to China's authoritarian government. Take care.
you are right. it is an insult to a great theoretical ideology for a warlike barbaric india to use it. even communism cannot save india. maybe a military dictatorship led by an African general would be better.

Instead of all that why not say that we need something like China's authoritarian government. As we all know China is such state. We would have been easy for us to understand.
LOL, you're boasting about things that you "might" have in the future.

You sure know little of Economics. Anyways just as marker to make it easier for you to comprehend what we're talking of here, try to ratiocinate why nowadays biggest economists the world over and the most reputed financial corporations talk of India & China an a single sentence.

You're missing something. Try to find out what it is.
yes i agree india or anybody else is not going to get veto power.

Then we agree. :tup:

Having a permanent seat without veto is completely worthless though.

You sure know little of Economics

You're the one boasting about your "future" economic size. :D

The only thing you can really count on, is what you have today... and work hard for the future. Boasting about things you don't actually have yet, is completely worthless.

And you still haven't answered the question. When will India reach a GDP of 6 trillion, which was China's economic size in 2010?
Then we agree. :tup:

Having a permanent seat without veto is completely worthless though.

We don't know about veto yet. Veto could be made democratic under the new proposal. China would be the biggest looser if that happens. West may be inclined to such a proposal.
Then we agree. :tup:

Having a permanent seat without veto is completely worthless though.

if it was so worthless why is other countries also are on race for it.i am sure it has it's own power and advantages which we will come to know in future.
You're the one boasting about your "future" economic size. :D

You once again display your incompetence when it comes to concepts of Economics or futures prediction, Market potential etc.

The only thing you can really count on, is what you have today... and work hard for the future. Boasting about things you don't actually have yet, is worthless.

Clearly, philosophy and not economics is what it would take to get something into your head. Well in that case, I'm sorry for I'm not the right guy.

And you still haven't answered the question. When will India reach a GDP of 6 trillion, which was China's economic size in 2010?

I did. Did you even read my earlier posts?
We don't know about veto yet. Veto could be made democratic under the new proposal. China would be the biggest looser if that happens. West may be inclined to such a proposal.

LOL, you think the P5 will give up their veto power, for no benefit at all? :D

And I'll say it again, all it takes is one veto, to shut down the entire reform resolution.

Brazil and Germany should get the seats.
We don't know about veto yet. Veto could be made democratic under the new proposal. China would be the biggest looser if that happens. West may be inclined to such a proposal.

The UN security council is not a Democracy and never will be. Why would Western powers want to share power with any country?
Instead of all that why not say that we need something like China's authoritarian government. As we all know China is such state. We would have been easy for us to understand.

You wish you had a government like ours. For now you have to be content with General Singh and later, a Nigerian general named Obongo.
I did. Did you even read my earlier posts?

I gave you a link to the charts.

So obviously not by 2020. :D

Next question, when is India predicted to reach double-digit growth? Why have they constantly failed to achieve an "average" growth rate in the double digits?
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