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Power and Principle: UNSC Reforms

The Chinese foreign ministry has not pledged to support India for a permanent seat at the UNSC. :no:

S10, what does this mean?


I used to be quite favourable to India actually, but the more I learn about India, the less optimistic I get. The above quote describes that effort.
India wants a permanent seat, and China says India should play a better role. I don't know which world you've come from, but in this world that is an endorsement. India will be the 2nd of 3rd largest economies in the world in about a few decades. That dictates their international profile will rise and greater role in the UN is needed.

You need to do away with that nationalistic trolling and look at it from a pragmatic viewpoint.
India wants a permanent seat, and China says India should play a better role. I don't know which world you've come from, but in this world that is an endorsement. India will be the 2nd of 3rd largest economies in the world in about a few decades. That dictates their international profile will rise and greater role in the UN is needed.

You need to do away with that nationalistic trolling and look at it from a pragmatic viewpoint.

What does the quote say?
I hate Chinese trolls that constantly feel the need to put down others. It really shows immaturity as well as a fragile psyche. The only way to satisfy their weak ego is to talk smack on others, like insecure teenagers (Hell, they probably are). I don't know what is worse. The idiot that started the trolling or the idiots that get riled up by it. China is already economically and militarily ahead, so why all the hate?

China has already stated that it does not oppose UNSC seat for India, and would support it. That came from the foreign ministry of China, and should have been the end of debate. Personally, I think India is a good choice for UNSC rather than Germany or Brazil. There are enough voices of the West in its current membership and more from Asia is needed.

Do China really need another American allie such as Germany or Brazil in the UNSC?

Are those highlighted parts your self-description? i like that :lol:

So being incapable of makeing any logical point, you resort to outright presonal attack? this particulat trait reminds me of certain kind of people...

btw, putting up a Chinese national flag is not all one needs in order to be qualifed as Chinese. A nice try, though. :lol:
Are those highlighted parts your self-description? i like that :lol:

So being able to make any logical point, you resort to outright presonal attack? this particulat trait reminds me of certain kind of people...

btw, putting up a Chinese national flag is not all one needs in order to be qualifed as Chinese. A nice try, though. :lol:

Yes, he tried and failed. Too bad. :D

False flag Indians.
Wet dreams indians keep on saying they gonna get this unsc seat and gonna over take china in so and so years , my suggestion is shut up till you actually arrived. oh btw in 2020 i will be richer than billgate.
Are those highlighted parts your self-description? i like that :lol:

So being incapable of makeing any logical point, you resort to outright presonal attack? this particulat trait reminds me of certain kind of people...

btw, putting up a Chinese national flag is not all one needs in order to be qualifed as Chinese. A nice try, though. :lol:
Hmm, did I personally direct that comment at you? Or perhaps I hit a nerve somewhere that you felt it was aimed at you?

I fail to see the logical standpoint of smack talking other countries to boost your own ego. Where is this personal attack you speak of?

btw, claiming to make logical points does not make it so. If you meant being Chinese is about making moronic statements like these:
india can keep crying, but at the end of day, such a loser nation will never become a UNSC permanent member.

Then you have some funny notion about being Chinese. Last time I checked, being Chinese wasn't about trolling.
A typical India.... are you literate? since when "greater role "and "aspiration" mean permanent seat with a veto? :lol:

i pity you
Skirting contentious issues, visiting President Pratibha Patil on Thursday held discussions with the top Chinese leadership which supported India's aspirations of becoming a permanent member of the UN Security Council, a stand welcomed by the Indian side.

look at the meaning of the word aspiration

Watch for China to throw Pakistan under the bus and back India. This may happen once India increase its trade ties with China and support China against US. When this happens, Pakistan would have no choice but to side with the US. This does not seem plausible but this is the Russian intension.
Watch for China to throw Pakistan under the bus and back India. This may happen once India increase its trade ties with China and support China against US. When this happens, Pakistan would have no choice but to side with the US. This does not seem plausible but this is the Russian intension.

so u mean to say china will throw pakistan if india supports china?never...
coz china knows one day their economic interest will clash and there are other issues also.

and other thing is that china gets access to arabian sea through pakistan so max benifit is to stay with pakistan.
and india with usa and russia both.
For S10 My friend there are more indian trolls in here than chinese, the main purpose of indians in this forum is to bash china and show off infront of our pakistan brothers , unless you are an indian using a false flag you would have spoted by now.
so u mean to say china will throw pakistan if india supports china?never...
coz china knows one day their economic interest will clash and there are other issues also.

and other thing is that china gets access to arabian sea through pakistan so max benifit is to stay with pakistan.
and india with usa and russia both.

I am not sure if most Indians look at international relationship like you do.. Which regards Russia, US and China carry about their international relationship with India as their primary focus. Wake up, wake up. India is not the primary focus of these countries. As matter in fact, India would be require to choose between US and the west vs China/Russia axis. If India move closer toward Russia, US will not trust India. If India move toward US and the west, Russia would not trust India. The reason is because Russia and China do not trust the US. To be honest with you, the world is shaping up to be where Russia/China in one camp and USA, western Europe, Japan and Australia in another camp. I wonder which side is India in? Eventually, India will be force to choose.
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