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PAT- Dr. Tahir-Ul-Qadri's Political Desk

He, is asking for reforms in the electoral system as per the constitution, i partially agree with him if not fully.

Why was he away for over 6-years? Where was he during the ruthless regime of Zardari and Co? Why he came up with his agenda when the elections are just around the corner? Why just now?
You didn't read it, did you? How on earth he got so much finances to do publicity for his Jalsa all over Pakistan? Doesn't this rings any bells into your ears?

I, read it on FB before you posted it. For investigation of Jalsa finances, i will give the same ans IK gave to those who said the same about the historic Lahore Jalsa -- Go to NAB.

bro, admit it. making such punch line sarcastic rants only proves that your argument is weak. ;)

I appreciate your assessment.
5 questions from Mr. Qadri

You contested elections twice and you do claim to be a fairly smart guy who has apparently millions of followers. So if the election system was so bad and evil, why did a smart man like you ever contest elections in the first place? I mean come on someone as smart as you, must have seen the evil that you now magically see after living a democracy like Canada while minting money visiting other democracies.
How are you funding all of this? Like seriously, most of your ventures are non profits and that is what you collect donations on. So how are you able to spend close to 7 million Rupees a night for Advertising during prime time TV? Even MQM cannot throw around that sort of money. So who is financing all of this and where do you pay your taxes btw?
You say you have a message for us. Now given that you are a ‘Scholar’, you know that showing off and putting up a whole façade is not really liked in Islam. So if you have a message, why are you putting up a whole show and throwing insane amounts of money around apart from yourself praise and ego boosting purposes? Why can’t you simply give us your message while sitting in Canada? Logically, if it’s all about the message, then just give it to us, why create a fuss over it.

Do you honestly think that most of us would not figure out that you are playing in the hands of the same people who about a year ago adopted a Cricketer and boosted his fan club? I mean seriously, you actually think that the people of Pakistan are that stupid that they will not realize that a person like you who chose to live in Canada over Pakistan and who now suddenly wants to come back after the Kaptaan’s Ship has practically sunk to ‘Save the State’ as it were. How dumb to you think we are?
Can you please put forward the record of your taxes from the last 10 years and your parliamentary record for all the time you spent in Parliament as an MNA? Also please put forward the record of all the standing committees that you were a part of so the people of Pakistan may know exactly what you did when you were given a chance by a constituency to represent them. What did you do that now you suddenly want to get rid of democracy, please provide these records so we the people might also understand your BS Logic?
I, consider Mirza and his followers as lairs but i disagree with violence and maltreatment of Ahmadis. Nothing but a foreign invasion justifies violence.

Good thoughts, its sickening that Ahmedis being bonafide Pakistani citizens will be discriminated like this.
Attending, their celebrations is a political gesture to keep society in order,it doesn't have a religious basic, doesn't have to.
No sir you are wrong, As a Islamic scholar his actions, and speech must be according to Islam and Islam does not approve of such an action.
Why was he away for over 6-years? Where was he during the ruthless regime of Zardari and Co? Why he came up with his agenda when the elections are just around the corner? Why just now?

I, don't speak for TQ. However i do see why he left Pakistan after Sarfaraz Naeemi was Martyred, everyone has the right to protect his life, especially if they are being threatened.

If, he is here to derail the electoral system then i will be the first one to speak against him, but he doesn't seem to as ALL of his claims were based inside Pakistan's constitution. I'd Rather wait for the word to come out before establishing a final judgement. As, for my own opinion is concerned, i do see an alliance forming between IK-TQ and JI, they are the only 3 political forces outside the parliament. [I,could be wrong]
Here's another side of the story...


I don't know about American army and TQ but America is promoting Sufi version of Islam (being non-violent and all). They are on record about it.
I, don't speak for TQ. However i do see why he left Pakistan after Sarfaraz Naeemi was Martyred, everyone has the right to protect his life, especially if they are being threatened.

If, he is here to derail the electoral system then i will be the first one to speak against him, but he doesn't seem to as ALL of his claims were based inside Pakistan's constitution. I'd Rather wait for the word to come out before establishing a final judgement. As, for my own opinion is concerned, i do see an alliance forming between IK-TQ and JI, they are the only 3 political forces outside the parliament. [I,could be wrong]

Actually MQM seems to be a more likely candidate for alliance considering their stance on TQ jalsa.
I, read it on FB before you posted it. For investigation of Jalsa finances, i will give the same ans IK gave to those who said the same about the historic Lahore Jalsa -- Go to NAB.

I appreciate your assessment.

For the record, IK didn't do any advertisement all over Pakistan for his Jalsa. TQ's appearance when the country is at a crucial stage and about to pave a way for it's fate, cannot be taken lightly. That's all what I'm saying bro.
No sir you are wrong, As a Islamic scholar his actions, and speech must be according to Islam and Islam does not approve of such an action.

He is an Islamic scholar, a community leader and a human foremost. I, respectfully disagree with you as i have non Muslim friends who bring sweets to me on both Eids and hug me up with a genuine smile. Islam asks for equality, and i see nothing wrong in wishing a non muslim friend marry X-Mas/Dewali etc.. Just my personal opinion.
For the record, IK didn't do any advertisement all over Pakistan for his Jalsa. TQ's appearance when the country is at a crucial stage and about to pave a way for it's fate, cannot be taken lightly. That's all what I'm saying bro.

A vigorous, advert campaign was mounted before Lahore Jalsa, i know because i saw it myself. However, if anyone has any doubts, they can approach NAB.

So if these lovers of prophet and allah can be called lairs then why not qadri?

I, don't have an answer for that. I am sorry.

Actually MQM seems to be a more likely candidate for alliance considering their stance on TQ jalsa.

MQM are opportunists, and they were the most visible but not the only participants of TQ Jalsa.
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