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Pakistan's love for Saudi Arabia '95% favourable': Pew poll

What are your views on Saudi Arabia?

  • Extremely favourable

    Votes: 11 19.3%
  • Favourable

    Votes: 18 31.6%
  • Unfavourable

    Votes: 7 12.3%
  • Extremely unfavourable

    Votes: 21 36.8%

  • Total voters
@Oscar Straying dangerously close to revisiting and perhaps nullifying some of the popular tropes that prevail in Pakistan, might want to go easy with that. As it is @LoveIcon and @Hyperion have a habit of firing discomfiting broadsides.

Although, is it necessary that "love" (dunno what that word is supposed to actually signify in this context) for KSA translates to subservience to said country? This is something that baffles me. Care to elucidate? After all a lot of what occurs in Pakistan isn't just because of KSA.
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In broader prospects, No one really hates Saudi Arabia dear......the actual ratio was 95 to Zero, the people you pointing out here are just on finger tips.

I take your social convention as a badge of honor.

I never saw a Saudi hating or not favoring Pakistan over other nations. If you knew what the average of our youth says about you, I'm sure you gonna reach cloud number 9 in matter of 2 seconds or so.
I take your social convention as a badge of honor.

I never saw a Saudi hating or not favoring Pakistan over other nations. If you knew what the average of our youth says about you, I'm sure you gonna reach cloud number 9 in matter of 2 seconds or so.

Where is cloud number 9? :undecided:
Why we can't see the name of voters?

Interestingly, so many extremist voters.... so far 39.22% extreme haters.

I know, if we start a similar voting about India, all the extreme haters will vote opposite.
Love for KSA is only because off those two greatest places on universe if you have those places you deserve respect but they need to stop following USA in many cases otherwise their leaders would become history

They don't follow USA. They have used USA in their own interests, just as USA uses KSA in its own interest. Sometimes the interests of the two countries collide and there is tension between them.

The relationship between KSA and Pakistan is not between the leaders of these two countries, it is between the Saudi People and Pakistani People. It is our People to People bond that is everlasting.
This is an expression which is far from insult. When someone uses it means that " It isn't what your mom told or taught you "

Unlike you, we don't give people a poor attitude :wave:

You belong to the %5 percent who hate us :lol: who gives a damn?

Wrong i am from 95 percent majority if you go down to the common man, the common man probably in this survey was madrassah student/ mullah, local foundation workers who receive the finances from saudia, military and the government are also on the payroll.

Money in Pakistan buys love in very easily, if US is giving green cards then the love of Pakistanis for US will be deeper then oceans and higher then himilayas.

Common man like me and am sure there are many of my fellow countryman who would like to see a sovereign Pakistan a strong Pakistan, a Pakistan the key role player in the region, our own foreign policy for betterment of our nation, Pakistan a leader not a follower, a Pakistan that cannot be influenced.

Gift of saudia to us has been bank rolling and influencing sectarian violence, terrorism, jihadism, we would Like to see Pakistan government just keeping a professional relationship rather then this brotherly bullshit.

Hate is a strong word reserved only for Indians, i dislike Saudi's.
Wrong i am from 95 percent majority if you go down to the common man, the common man probably in this survey was madrassah student/ mullah, local foundation workers who receive the finances from saudia, military and the government are also on the payroll.

Money in Pakistan buys love in very easily, if US is giving green cards then the love of Pakistanis for US will be deeper then oceans and higher then himilayas.

Common man like me and am sure there are many of my fellow countryman who would like to see a sovereign Pakistan a strong Pakistan, a Pakistan the key role player in the region, our own foreign policy for betterment of our nation, Pakistan a leader not a follower, a Pakistan that cannot be influenced.

Gift of saudia to us has been bank rolling and influencing sectarian violence, terrorism, jihadism, we would Like to see Pakistan government just keeping a professional relationship rather then this brotherly bullshit.

Hate is a strong word reserved only for Indians, i dislike Saudi's.

For sometime sectarian parties were supported by Saudi arabia but not any more sir and they have helped you several times you got free oil from them after nuclear tests and many times they have given you billions off dollars openly and secretly

@Oscar Straying dangerously close to revisiting and perhaps nullifying some of the popular tropes that prevail in Pakistan, might want to go easy with that. As it is @LoveIcon and @Hyperion have a habit of firing discomfiting broadsides.

Although, is it necessary that "love" (dunno what that word is supposed to actually signify in this context) for KSA translates to subservience to said country? This is something that baffles me. Care to elucidate? After all a lot of what occurs in Pakistan isn't just because of KSA.
No sir Saudi Arabia has nothing to do with it its Saudi Arabia which has rescued us financially several times
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People reserve the right to dislike or like anyone, young man.

They do but Pakistanis since childhood are brainwashed into worshipping the great Saudis.

Since Saudi Arabia is where Makkah is, and thus Saudis are automatically elevated to this near deity level in Pakistan.

And thus all the major politicians need Saudi blessing before doing anything. And all the major sunni fanatics which have caused so much death and destruction in Pakistan take their marching orders from Saudi Arabia.

The power of Saudi Arabia is so great in Pakistan that if Saudi Arabia was conducting Drone Strikes, majority of Pakistanis would support it. Or if Saudi special Forces had killed Osama bin Laden, Pakistanis would be singing praises of Saudi Arabia for ridding their country of this terrorist.
too bad they didnt ask me ... they are plague to muslim world ... the are puppets of west and soul they collbirated the attacks by west on muslim world .
Well known fact.

Saudis worship white westerners especially USA passport holders.

Unfortunately they treat. Pakistanis like lower caste Muslims and the Indians even worse.

This I have herd from Pakistan migrant workers who formally worked in Saudi. They describe Saudi people the most arrogant and rude of all Arabs.
Calm down buddy, Pakistan is the friendliest country the Saudi people favor.

Let's just isolate ourselves from politics, at least for now.

They do but Pakistanis since childhood are brainwashed into worshipping the great Saudis.

Since Saudi Arabia is where Makkah is, and thus Saudis are automatically elevated to this near deity level in Pakistan.

And thus all the major politicians need Saudi blessing before doing anything. And all the major sunni fanatics which have caused so much death and destruction in Pakistan take their marching orders from Saudi Arabia.

The power of Saudi Arabia is so great in Pakistan that if Saudi Arabia was conducting Drone Strikes, majority of Pakistanis would support it. Or if Saudi special Forces had killed Osama bin Laden, Pakistanis would be singing praises of Saudi Arabia for ridding their country of this terrorist.
I've had some of the worst hassles at the airport with various officialdom during my visits to KSA; being told off for not able to speak Arabic (what kind of Muslim am I?), etc. but then nearly every Saudi I met opened their hearts and homes to me and excelled in their hospitality as only a Saudi can.

On the flip side I was dreading my first visit to USA after 9/11 but was pleasantly surprised to just breeze through the arrival formalities.
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