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Pakistan wants combat copters

I am not sure, but cobras can be upgraded as well to a better standard, however, i am sure the payload capacity will be low as compared to apaches but still same tech can be employed on them...but then again, with such a minor pricing difference, it will be better to get this platform than upgrading cobras.. i agree with your point...
Dear, Sorry for confusing your Ack-Acks with AKs , since i have never experienced this Army slang in written form before ... Please accept my apologies.

Please sir, do not apologize..................

My sources tell me the same, that there are no evidence of guided Manpads in Fata, and RPGs are useless in targeting a moving air target at ranges of probably more than 50~100 meters. They indeed have a lot of 14.7mm guns in possession, which is the biggest threat posed by them.

Yes sir, but there was a Cobra that was hit with an RPG-7 in Khyber Agency, such hits are rare but sometimes the talibs do get lucky.

I believe you are referring to the last Mi17 loss by PA, losing 26 souls aboard. A course-mate of my friend was co-pilot of that ill-fated bird, which was heavily overladen and was flying hill-top level due to excess weight. The last communication from that bird were "fire fire" and mayday calls, probably reporting internal fire due to some hits they took, or to communicate that they were being fired upon by automatic munition. May their souls rest in peace.

It maybe the one, the one I am referring to was shot down near the Afghan border in Bajaur, after returning from a resupply misssion.
May the dead RIP.
lets just forget about apache..
atleast little bird should be given to pak army. atleast.
Doesn't Pak already have latest version of Cobra available for export

the AH-1F.

So why is everyone talking upgrades.

the only other new one is the AH-1Z which is not available for export till 2015
Doesn't Pak already have latest version of Cobra available for export

the AH-1F.

So why is everyone talking upgrades.

the only other new one is the AH-1Z which is not available for export till 2015

There is a need to expand the fleet, there are not enough Cobra's to keep up with all the ops.
There is a need to expand the fleet, there are not enough Cobra's to keep up with all the ops.

I understand that but some people are talking upgrades to the Cobra and i don't what they want to upgrade to ?
lets just forget about apache..
atleast little bird should be given to pak army. atleast.

We are buying it, we choose what we get, PA has two helicopters in mind for attack role the Eurocopter Tiger and the Apache Longbow.
Doesn't Pak already have latest version of Cobra available for export

the AH-1F.

So why is everyone talking upgrades.

the only other new one is the AH-1Z which is not available for export till 2015
Pakistan Asked for AH 1W and Apache 64D

Now this is Apache 64D

This is AH-1W

And we have this AH-1F ( The one we have)


I hope you can see the difference.
I understand that but some people are talking upgrades to the Cobra and i don't what they want to upgrade to ?

We do have some older cobras, AH-1S to be prcise, when we talk about "Upgrading" our cobras, we mean upgrading our AH-1S Cobras.
sirf india ke dushman hain is liye sirf un ko haq hai kharedne ka
pakistan should go for T-129 or AH-64 long bow. For stopgaps AH-1w is more than enough:pakistan::pakistan::bounce:

From last 4 pages you are continuously asking same question in one or another way and you are getting same answers.Are u not still done with it?

Why few choppers (that by the way are on paper uptil now,no conformity of their induction) are irritating you so much instead of your so called military might that you are digging different issues and putting them in one post

Thats the mentality which lead us to keep indulge in wars than you people say why there is no peace?

After so much of our efforts you guys are not ready to accept it and you converted the whole damn thread of choppers into a WOT.

If you can digest it than good for you otherwise dont try to gulp something that you cant bear..:wave:

Old habits don't die easily.

This is a very old habit of our friend Vsdoc and many many other Indians friends, as without that they can't get satisfied and showing Pakistanis the "neecha deekhana" opportunity they can't let go.

So don't worry, no matter what you tell them, they will keep saying OK then this and what about that, you answer those questions, then will say again ok now what about this and what about that.

Will keep on going. No one can satisfy their Pakistan bashing queries and mindset.

Simple example, as he previously said what Pakistan did, someone gave a reply, then came up wht answer, Pakistan was just an intermediary, with no role other then supplying and getting others money and weapons to the mujaheddin.

But if people read history, in many history books it has been disclosed that soldiers from Pakistan and especially officers in many instances lead the battles and the USSR forces would feel when Pakistani officers were in command through the way how mujaheddin would be fighting. Similarly many other events to fully show that Pakistanis, its armed forces took full part in the action against USSR and it was due to the officers of PA, through which mujaheddin would do their battles as the brains behind the mujs were the officers of PA.

If my memory stands correct, when first time the MANPAD was used in the Afghan theater, a Pakistani Air Defence Captain was in the firing squad or he fired the first missile, something like that, and all the MANPADs that were fired did not hit their targets, and Russians attacked the firing teams and the Captain got injured also, by the way the MANPADs were the British Blow Pipes, after its disastrous result, then Stingers got inducted.

Anyhow, my point is, it becomes wastage of time to argue many times, as the other side is not in a mood to understand the argument, as the real mood is Pakistan bashing. :)
Indegenous program

start indegenous attack heli program.by exporting it to many arab countries we can get profit.
Indegenous program

start indegenous attack heli program.by exporting it to many arab countries we can get profit.
And wait for the first chopper for atleast 10 years....

Start a program now and also try to get these as well seems to be more good option.
I dont think u people required special chopper to counter Taliban...even a simple civil chopper having gun attached to it can counter taliban...but if ur target is india...
then i will say....you will not get anything....lol

As a top military analyst you are i must say you are right and please say the same to US that remove all your F16, F15 and all gunship choppers. I don't know why these US military fouls put all the Airforce and other unnecessary weapon over there.

And i also want your great vision in this regard.:cheers:
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