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Pakistan to join US led Coalition to attack Syria

Bro/Miss...Gurkhas(Be it Indian or British) are one of the best fighters in the world..give some respect by not including any trolling activity...

p.s.don't know why everybody calls you "Miss"...

did we say anything about their ability?

Trolling Trolls Using CounterTrolling Techniques
we won't do anything and I won't believe it unless I hear it and see it from Nawaz Sharif on TV or any other credible source.
Pakistan has gone nuts. Whats the bigger principle here? Alleged use of chemical weapons, the source of attack still unverified or attacking a country unprovoked?

I haven't seen a nuclear weapons country this dumb, such low esteem and completely lost!
Troll thread. How on Earth the OP drew such a dramatic conclusion from that one article?! As @cb4 says above there are multiple news items where Pakistan categorically rejects involvement of outsiders in Syria--and that means NO ONE: No Iran, No Turkey, No GCC and most certainly not another non-UN backed Western attack.

Pakistan is and will remain a marginal player in the Syrian conflict UNLESS Iran gets seriously involved in a regional war. That is a distinct possibility.

BTW, China too is a marginal player in that conflict and should care too much about either way except, of course, China has to 'project' its power at least diplomatically. I don't know the extent of Russian interests in Syria though so won't comment on their potential involvement.

PS. This Nawaz Sharif's soft corner for KSA because of the 'refuge' given to him is such a bogus idea!! I mean the moment Pakistan gets involved in the Syrian conflict it will alienate Iran--making a 6-decade old peaceful border another potentially violent front. Rubbish!!
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so again 7th Infantry Division the Golden Arrow will fly there ?:confused:
Although i hate NS but AFAIK this is made up story or words are quoted out of context.
Yemen is a failed state and Syria is in a civil war.

You want these countries as allies? :blink:

They are going through the difficult time but that doesn,t mean we should attack them instead of helping them out.I lived abroad and saw others arab students from other countries having far more good point of views with pakistan as compared to the saudis .Specially yemenis and syrians.Look at the way saudis treat pakistanis in their country even oh hajj.They behead pakistanis for little mistakes and there so called islamic law is not applicable to their own aayash sheikhs.With america they are financing terrorism in pakistan.They are no where our allies and have any respect for pakistanis .We should get away from those puppet munafiq saudis.
They did not help us during difficult times like floods etc.
For pakistan saudis are good for nothing.
Citing its internal situation and afghan conflict, Pakistan can stay neutral in this war giving support to only UN sponsored resolution and morally supporting KSA
Since Syria is not friendly toward Pakistan, it would be benefit to get rid of Assad which only represented 15% Alawities against majority Sunni Syrian populations.

Pakistan should help its ally Turkey and Erdogan demands to control Damacus and rename new city.
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