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Pakistan to join US led Coalition to attack Syria

Officially they like to think 13%, actually more like 20 - 25 %

do you have shia in pakistan? i meet lost of pakistaniand all of them are sunni..

We won't be getting involved...... the hierarchy is mature enough..... I even heard some other interesting stories..... let's see what becomes of them.....


Pakistan refused to deploy forces both in Afghanistan and Iraq-despite America's best efforts.

Lets not get involved!

LOL... no it's ok..... he is trying a direct "Turkish -> English" approach.... :D

Dumb comment, poor English and I doubt you had good intention for this comment!
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Pakistan will not go, it won't risk angering China, who opposes military intervention. This is not to mention that Pakistan has publically stated that military intervention is a bad idea.

This is not even an issue.

It won't anger us, but it is not worthy for Pakistan.
If world war starts because of this, Pakistanis will be entirely responsible for it. How can Pakistanis betray their yellow masters like this?

don't worry we will send Indian Gurkhas to fight :laugh:

anyway someone wants to pitch Pakistan-Iran against each others.

NO such plan or even thinking is on the card :).

But Saudia is attacked then well sure may be some forces for Russian misadventures
Pakistan will not go, it won't risk angering China, who opposes military intervention. This is not to mention that Pakistan has publically stated that military intervention is a bad idea.

This is not even an issue.

It's not our issue. We oppose military intervention as a matter of principle.

Ultimately it is up to the Syrians to decide.

It would be a silly move though, Pakistan has already suffered so much from following the USA into an American-led war. I have no idea why anyone would be eager to follow America into another war.

America has already invaded 3 Muslim countries in the past decade alone. Now another Muslim country (Syria) is on the cards, and the strange thing is that the other Muslim countries are not opposing America, but instead are at the forefront of calling for an American intervention.

I'm not saying Pakistan should side completely with Iran, but not with America either. Just leave them to sort out there own issues.
It's not our issue. We oppose military intervention as a matter of principle.

Ultimately it is up to the Syrians to decide.

It would be a silly move though, Pakistan has already suffered so much from following the USA into an American-led war. I have no idea why anyone would be eager to follow America into another war.

The answer to your question is "Nawaz Sharif". He's a known US......."supporter" I guess would be the nicest term.
The answer to your question is "Nawaz Sharif". He's a known US......."supporter" I guess would be the nicest term.
He is dependent upon and grateful to KSA and USA for his present PMship. He will be inclined, but I have my doubt that people/ AF of Pakistan would let him appease his masters in this conflict.
B.S thread. :pissed:

Pakistan to oppose armed intervention in Syria


ISLAMABAD - Pakistan would oppose any resolution calling for authorization of military action against Syria on alleged use of chemical weapons if put to vote before the UN Security Council, informed sources told The Nation.

Pakistan’s foreign policy does not afford any room for supporting a resolution for armed intervention as in principle it is against use of force and undermining the sovereignty of a state.
The issue will be discussed and debated in the Parliament today when Prime Minister’s advisor on National Security and Foreign Affairs presents the government’s position on this matter.
Sartaj Aziz, who has been facing scathing criticism from the opposition parties for not yet giving a clear policy statement on Syria will brief the parliamentarians on this and other key foreign policy issues.

On Wednesday the entire opposition in the National Assembly staged a walk-out to protest that it had not been briefed by Aziz or the Foreign Office on Syria and LoC situation.
Sartaj Aziz was at the Foreign Office till late Thursday night preparing the statement that is expected to give government’s policy response to the evolving situation.

On Thursday evening when The Nation approached him for his comments on Syria, Aziz was in no mood to take questions as he was in the midst of preparing the statement. “I am working on a statement for the parliament and therefore I do not want to divert my attention to anything else.”
Earlier in the day Foreign Office Spokesperson Aizaz Chaudhary told a news briefing here that as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council, Pakistan was keeping a close watch on the developing situation in Syria.

In a hint that Pakistan would not vote in favour of a resolution calling for military action, he noted: “Pakistan believes that sovereignty and territorial integrity of Syria must be respected. Use of force must be avoided at all costs as the people of Syria have already suffered enormously.”
He added: “Pakistan condemns the alleged use of chemical weapons in Syria. In this context, Pakistan notes that a United Nations team is conducting an investigation. We stress the importance of establishing facts before any precipitate action is taken.”

On Syria Pakistan has repeatedly urged all sides to pursue a policy of restraint and engage in an inclusive political dialogue to facilitate a peaceful resolution of the conflict.
Islamabad is also mindful of the fact that there are two opinions on the use of chemical weapons in Syria. US bloc claims that Syrian government used chemical weapons and the Russian bloc claims that the insurgents used chemical weapons with active assistance of countries closely allied with the US.

On the differing opinions on forces behind use of chemical weapons in Syria, the Foreign Office spokesman said Pakistan had condemned the alleged use of chemical weapons.
Referring to the UN investigation team in Syria conducting investigation into the matter, he emphasised: “We believe the international community should wait for the outcome of investigation before any action is taken.”

Pakistan urges strong American restraint over Syria


Pakistan has strongly urged United States of America and western powers to avoid use of force in Syria.
In a statement, Foreign Office spokesperson Aizaz Ahmed Chaudhry Sunday said that Syria’s sovereignty and territorial integrity must be respected.
He expressed deep concerns over the ongoing violence and threat of possible American military action looming large over already embattled Syria.
Aizaz Ahmed Chaudhry also strongly condemned the alleged use of chemical weapons of Syrian government.
“All the engaged parties should adopt course of dialogue instead of violence and peaceful resolution of the conflict should be sought out”, he said.

Pakistani envoy stresses political solution to resolve Syrian crisis, no precipitate use of force


NEW YORK: Pakistan's Ambassador to United Nations Masood Khan on Sunday called for avoiding any precipitate use of force against Syria, saying the over two-year old crisis in the Middle East country should be resolved politically.

"The international community should heed the call of UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon for a political solution to the crisis in Syria, because military solution is not an option, now or late," he said while commenting on the latest developments in the region during an interview with Associated Press of Pakistan (APP).

Specifically asked for his comments about President Barack Obama's speech on Syria, Masood Khan said the US leader's move to take his plan for military action against Syria to Congress was a "wise decision."

"This is the time for a strategic pause," the Pakistani envoy said, adding that the UN Security Council should reassemble to review the situation to take a common stance.

"The hiatus in the Council is one of the factors that has prolonged the conflict in Syria," he said, referring to differences between Russia and the United States over how to deal with the crisis.

"The divisions (within the Council) should blur and all members should explore common ground inside and outside the Council", he stated.

Pakistan, he emphasized, condemns the alleged use of chemical weapons by whomsoever authorized or executed. "We condemn the attack on August 21 that claimed the lives of hundreds of civilians, including women and children," he said, noting there is a sense of urgency to bring closure to the Syrian conflict so that such catastrophes do not recur. "But diplomacy will be a stronger weapon than force".

"Pakistan supports multilateral diplomacy, international consensus, and legitimacy of action anchored in the UN Charter," he said. "That is why, it is important for the permanent members of the Council to resolve their differences to pave the way for the second Geneva peace conference.

"The Government and Opposition forces of Syria need diplomacy, not war. We have appealed to all sides to halt hostilities in the interest of their and their state's integrity and work earnestly for Geneva -II conference to work on peace and conciliation.

"And for that the Security Council provides a better route, a better vehicle."

Noting that UN track was moving slowly, Masood Khan said the UN inspectors who have just concluded their visit to Syria will be able to say if chemical weapons were used, without identifying who used them.

But if the Council agrees, another mission could be sent for that purpose, he said adding, "Responsibility has to be affixed conclusively before Council action".

"We must wait for the results of UN investigations teams findings. It is also important to determine what kind of chemical agents or substances were used", he said.

Tariq Fatemi (Advisor to Nawaz Sharif)

SYRIA: On Pakistan’s position regarding US decision to bypass the UNSC on the crucial question of military action against Syria, he declared: “It will destroy the very rationale of the United Nations.”
It's not our issue. We oppose military intervention as a matter of principle.

Ultimately it is up to the Syrians to decide.

It would be a silly move though, Pakistan has already suffered so much from following the USA into an American-led war. I have no idea why anyone would be eager to follow America into another war.

America has already invaded 3 Muslim countries in the past decade alone. Now another Muslim country (Syria) is on the cards, and the strange thing is that the other Muslim countries are not opposing America, but instead are at the forefront of calling for an American intervention.

I'm not saying Pakistan should side completely with Iran, but not with America either. Just leave them to sort out there own issues.

Nawaz Sharif has very close ties with Saudi Arabia and its the Saudis who have convinced Pakistan to join this coalition to attack Syria. Nawaz Sharif cannot say no to the people who gave him refuge when he was deposed.

Same thing happened during the Iraq-Iran War and the 1st Gulf War. Pakistan supported Iraq and Pakistan send troops during the 1st Gulf War.

Don't know why people are acting surprised that Pakistan is joining this Saudi financed and American led coalition again.
WTF? This is really a shame to support USA is his one more war crime.It will seriously damage our reputation and relations in the arab world.

How will it damage our relations and reputations?

Our closest Arab allies are calling for Western intervention in Syria such as the Saudis.

Its probably due to the Saudis that Nawaz Sharif acquiesced to join any future coalition to attack Syria.
We all hope the same.. But truth is always far away from hope. Both Indian and Pakistani Govt has no courage to stand against USA.

Its the time when India should stand for Iran and Syria.. USA invasion on Syria will set bad precedence..

India on Saturday expresses reservations suggesting it will not support any action against the Bashar Assad regime which is not authorized by the UN.

India to back UN on action against Syria: Salman Khurshid - Times Of India

we don't have the power to stop them attacking Syria,but we don't support any action thats not authorized by UN..
Nawaz Sharif has very close ties with Saudi Arabia and its the Saudis who have convinced Pakistan to join this coalition to attack Syria. Nawaz Sharif cannot say no to the people who gave him refuge when he was deposed.

Same thing happened during the Iraq-Iran War and the 1st Gulf War. Pakistan supported Iraq and Pakistan send troops during the 1st Gulf War.

Don't know why people are acting surprised that Pakistan is joining this Saudi financed and American led coalition again.

Pakistan and Saudi Arabia are no more close allies.

- Foreign Office opposes American intervention in Syria
- Nawaz Sharif refused to send Jihadis to Syria.
- Nawaz Sharif disappointed over Egyptian Military Coup
- Nawaz Sharif refuses to let Musharraf go
- PML-N Government commits to Iran Gas Pipeline
- We don't get free Oil anymore.
Pakistan and Saudi Arabia are no more close allies.

- Foreign Office opposes American intervention in Syria
- Nawaz Sharif refused to send Jihadis to Syria.
- Nawaz Sharif disappointed over Egyptian Military Coup
- PML-N Government commits to Iran Gas Pipeline
- Saudis don't give free Oil anymore.

Foreign Office can have an about face when Saudis shower them with money. Have you forgotten Saudis offered Billions of dollars to Russia to buy its weapons so that Russia stop supporting Assad and Russia refused.

TTP has already send Jihadists to Syria and beside when has Pakistan ever exported Jihadists to countries that dont border Pakistan.

That Iran Gas Pipeline has been going on since 2002 and still nothing.

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