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Pakistan says Indian ballistic missile system a destabilizing development.

There are superpowers like US, Russia and China, who never make tall claims about any of their achievements and repeatedly surprise the world with their new innovations ....remember how the Chinese gate crashed with their J-20 and then the J-31.....there are other countries like Japan, South Korea who quietly go about their business introducing technologies for the future and then we have Indians.........who can't stop blabbering we have done this, that, made this and achieved that.....it's another thing after a lapse of two decades and tens of millions spent, they can't even field their first so called indigenous fighter jet.....who ever created the term...."Empty vessels make more noise".....must have had the Indians in his mind.!! :laugh:

Haha and you are the elite member here??


And when did you start to count china and Russia as superpowers?
And we have far better technology than a bunch of guys who cannot even service a locomotive
@AhaseebA I need your opinion here , mate .

Nuclear war is extremely deadly for every participant, hence any situation that may initiate any armed conflict between the two countries must be avoided at all costs...thats my opinion.
Rest assured, Pakistan's nuclear deterrence is higher than the required "minimum credible" level. Development of newer delivery systems will carry on so that the balance of nuclear power is maintained.
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Haha and you are the elite member here??


I have pointed out the HF-24 Maurat before as well as the Ajeet and Kiran......stating that India already has experience in aircraft manufacturing but the Indian members in their usual digressing mode were adamant of the fact that the LCA is a different ball game.....which is ridiculous since the expertise should make it much easier.
Ever heard about the " Second Strike " capability ? Trust me , it isn't just limited to the sea . Nuclear sites are underground so this finishing off after firing a few missile doesn't make sense , if it was that easy to finish them , either Russia or US wouldn't have existed , both consider the Missile defense systems to be unreliable even after decades of development .

and what sort of canisterised missiles(except for Babur and Nasr) do you have?India also does posess second strike capability and is on the verge of finishing a nuclear triad.And you forgot the fact that US is spending a lot of $$ to improve their missile shield?And indian BMD system has been tested a lot of time

Sure , if you want to risk billions of lives for an adventure of a few armored columns crossing the border then so be it .

And when did I say that India would do that?

Chaos will follow even at a first rumor that a nuclear weapon has been dropped somewhere , rest is history .

second strike will also follow,probably in the form of a K-15 fired from an arihant class submarine
Nuclear war is extremely deadly for every participant, hence any situation that may initiate any armed conflict between the two countries must be avoided at all costs...thats my opinion.
Rest assured, Pakistan's nuclear deterrence is higher than the required "minimum credible" level. Development of newer delivery systems will carry on so that the balance of nuclear power is maintained.

What's your perception about minimum credible deterance ???

And do you have any idea about area affected(instantely and afterwards due to fallout) by 200kt detonation.
I have pointed out the HF-24 Maurat before as well as the Ajeet and Kiran......stating that India already has experience in aircraft manufacturing but the Indian members in their usual digressing mode were adamant of the fact that the LCA is a different ball game.....which is ridiculous since the expertise should make it much easier.

You should also remember that The Marut is a second generation fighter and was developed almost 50 years back
What's your perception about minimum credible deterance ???

As Ahmed Kamal, Former Pakistani Ambassador to the United Nations, in a live interview on CNN (1998) said:

"We're involved in this threat and in making sure that it does not arise because if it does, the world must understand that Pakistan is ready, that it will react, and that reaction will be massive and dissuasive, and it would lead us into a situation which would bode ill for peace and security, not only in the region, but beyond".

And do you have any idea about area affected(instantely and afterwards due to fallout) by 200kt detonation.

Yes, I do.
and what sort of canisterised missiles(except for Babur and Nasr) do you have?India also does posess second strike capability and is on the verge of finishing a nuclear triad.And you forgot the fact that US is spending a lot of $$ to improve their missile shield?And indian BMD system has been tested a lot of time

I know you do , did I deny that ? Finish the triad , the equation remains the same for us .

Nah , I didn't forget that US spent billions and billions of $ in this missile defense programs and flirted with exotic technologies and yet considers it as unreliable . But Indians who haven't completely spent a decade starting that project , spend much less and have no past research on the BMD to rely on , claim that their system which has only recently started being tested can stop every single incoming , now what should I call it , except false sense of security ?

The last comment you posted in response to my post , only proves one thing , you do not understand the second strike capability to say that after the initiation of the nuclear exchange , India will fire a submarine launched K-15 , I must tell you that this sort of strategic delivery systems are reserved for later . What if China attacks ?

Try to research the difference .
You should also remember that The Marut is a second generation fighter and was developed almost 50 years back

Exactly the point....India was making fighter jets some 50 years earlier hence they have the expertise....which makes it all the more bewildering why the LCA is taking so long....any way this is off-topic.
There are the nuclear powers and there's Pakistan, while other nuclear powers are trillion dollars economies, Pakistan is barely able to feed and educate its people nor provide a decent few hours of electricity....a country riddled with extremists - the only country whose nuclear storage sites have been attacked by terrorists many times, a country variously ruled by war mongering and greedy generals who subject their bulk of population to eating grass to make an ever increasing stockpile of nukes that can be stolen, raided or go off at the most basic of security levels. A so called nuclear power thats a danger to many countries for being the epicenter of terrorism, a place thats called the university of terrorism, where people go to become terrorists, a country where the most dangerous terror groups like the Al Qaeda, Lashkar e Taiba, Taiban etc were formed and originated from - then theres nukes in this volatile mix....A BMD is the most basic of a defensive net that India can put up for its people against this madness.
There are the nuclear powers and there's Pakistan, while other nuclear powers are trillion dollars economies, Pakistan is barely able to feed and educate its people

India is at the same level.

nor provide a decent few hours of electricity

That situation is because of bad management and in Punjab only.

a country riddled with extremists

Is being religious equal to being extremist? Why aren't nuns and popes called extremists?

the only country whose nuclear storage sites have been attacked by terrorists many times,

None of them is an actual verified nuclear weapons storage site.

a country variously ruled by war mongering and greedy generals who subject their bulk of population to eating grass to make an ever increasing stockpile of nukes that can be stolen, raided or go off at the most basic of security levels.

Oh you're talking about the dictators! I see...


(I do not support dictatorship).

A so called nuclear power thats a danger to many countries for being the epicenter of terrorism, a place thats called the university of terrorism, where people go to become terrorists, a country where the most dangerous terror groups like the Al Qaeda, Lashkar e Taiba, Taiban etc were formed and originated from - then theres nukes in this volatile mix....A BMD is the most basic of a defensive net that India can put up for its people against this madness.

*yawns* Anything new?
As Ahmed Kamal, Former Pakistani Ambassador to the United Nations, in a live interview on CNN (1998) said:

"We're involved in this threat and in making sure that it does not arise because if it does, the world must understand that Pakistan is ready, that it will react, and that reaction will be massive and dissuasive, and it would lead us into a situation which would bode ill for peace and security, not only in the region, but beyond".

All this jingoism and tall talks proved to be empty gas and
were of no use during Kargil.Your bluff was caught and called.

Yes, I do.

Enlighten poor me.
Exactly the point....India was making fighter jets some 50 years earlier hence they have the expertise....which makes it all the more bewildering why the LCA is taking so long....any way this is off-topic.

Nothing to get bewildered here, Tejas' required specs were never frozen ,it was evolving project due to the IAF's habit of changing it's demand all the time and asking for new add ons and enhancements at last time.
Those sanctions by USA also didn't helped the cause.
All this jingoism and tall talks proved to be empty gas and
were of no use during Kargil.Your bluff was caught and called.

"The bluff" was never really made. And it is not MY bluff, it is Pakistan's bluff..if you wish to call it a bluff.

Enlighten poor me.

Instant 100% fatalities upto a mile from the ground zero, 70% mortalities in a few hours upto 2 miles and widespread deaths and burn injuries upto 4 miles away. Most structures also collapse upto that radius. Overall, total destruction of almost 25 square miles, with immediate radiation effects to follow.
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