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Pakistan Seeks To Counter Indian ABM Defenses

Sorry You misunderstood Mission Computers and Codes are done By DRDO with the Israeli Help

Prasun Sengupta would disagree with you on the missile programme and submarine aspect.But if there is truth in your statement ,then its even better.Jews change sides frequently and given the right price they will help us with getting your codes too.

We have experience with them on a few projects like J-10 which was nothing but based on the Lavi. They keep eggs in both baskets.
the morality of his killing was up for debate. But the "looks g**" was not needed. If you didnt know you could have asked nicely.

he is not just India hero
he is hero of subcontinent
and if that dude know about him I am sure he would have never talked about him……
cheer up dude :cheers:
The more pakistan invests in Nukes and their delivery systems. The better it is for India. It reduces their conventional capability and puts a lot of strain on their economy(Maintenance of nuke warheads is expensive).


I afraid your analogy is wrong, every nuclear & missile power country, has a 4th command called
"strategic command & control ", as opposed to the conventional three command (army, air force & navy) ones, that's why there are only nine countries in world who have them. & it has its own sets of goals & requirements, & countering ABM'S & completing the nuclear tirade are one of them , as it comes along with the package when a country decides to go on the route of being a "Strategic" one, where by both the pros & cons of both the conventional as well as strategic balance are taken well into consideration, during the planning & implementing phase, in short its part of the process

who is that guy in your avatar, looks kinda gay.

who is that guy in your avatar, looks kinda gay.

this was completely uncalled for, their is decorum of ethics in discussion where, people respect each others national heroes, & the person in question is Shaheed Bhagat Singh, have some respect, @least considering the fact that was born in Faisalabad, present day Pakistan, who is widely respected by both Indians & Pakistanis
this was completely uncalled for, their is decorum of ethics in discussion where, people respect each others national heroes, & the person in question is Shaheed Bhagat Singh, have some respect, @least considering the fact that was born near in Faisalabad present day Pakistan, who is widely respected by both Indians & Pakistanis

on topic : this was long overdue, MRV development is the need of the hour, for Pakistan's missile program

Was just messing with the guy.
You think Russia will give you the latest technology? I know about MCTR ... No doubts its a downgrade. And joint innovation lol... more like tech transfer of Yakhonts downgraded.They just allow indian software, so that russian IFF codes are not known . Yakhonts is being deployed ,rather than brahmos in Russia.That says enough.

Leave Yakhnot ..Russian Gives Yakhnot and we redesigned as Brahmos

Good thing about those days was that Russia and india were not friends.But we and russia were.Then mao started off the silly sino-soviet split and India came under the protection of USSR due to which we had to back down in 1967 and 1971. But that protection is off and india is doing the same silly mistakes nehru did before 1962.

Who told you Russians and Indians are not friends ...!!Silly this one is

One day Russians will Punch you for the Clones
Prasun Sengupta would disagree with you on the missile programme and submarine aspect.But if there is truth in your statement ,then its even better.Jews change sides frequently and given the right price they will help us with getting your codes too.

We have experience with them on a few projects like J-10 which was nothing but based on the Lavi. They keep eggs in both baskets.

So as you say ..If we close to Jews than you then most of your stuffs will easily transferred as Isn't it..!!
and u will be glad to know we have preserved our history very well. Atleast we dont do propaganda on internet and wikipedia.

Then don't come to Internet and wikipedia ..use your own record Books for Reference
Then don't come to Internet and wikipedia ..use your own record Books for Reference

Sure and thats what we do, the more important fact is its u who is coming to our forum and posting yr state propaganda not us.

So u get out of our forums.

Then don't come to Internet and wikipedia ..use your own record Books for Reference

Sure and thats what we do, the more important fact is its u who is coming to our forum and posting yr state propaganda not us.

So u get out of our forums.
Pakistan will nuke India!!!:omghaha: They do not have that 'aukat' to do it even if we capture Lahore. Our air defense system is/will be not based on only BMD & CMD(though new technologies are in the offing), but on a multi-layered system. Pak knows that "N" option will give India the opportunity to erase Pakistan from the world map.:yay:
Sure and thats what we do, the more important fact is its u who is coming to our forum and posting yr state propaganda not us.

So u get out of our forums.

You Know PDF is one of the Biggest Worth Source Related to defense and Politics

Once somebody from Pakistan make a thread to post their photos causes more deaths in Assam ..Remember that
You think Russia will give you the latest technology? I know about MCTR ... No doubts its a downgrade. And joint innovation lol... more like tech transfer of Yakhonts downgraded.They just allow indian software, so that russian IFF codes are not known . Yakhonts is being deployed ,rather than brahmos in Russia.That says enough.

Can you explain to us how actually Brahmos is a downgraded version of Yakhont ??
You Know PDF is one of the Biggest Worth Source Related to defense and Politics

Once somebody from Pakistan make a thread to post their photos causes more deaths in Assam ..Remember that
U r the member of this forum longer then me and still yr opinion is juvenile.
U havnt learnt anything from ''one of Biggest Worth Source Related to defense and Politics'' and Blah Blah.....

Still this doesnt changes the fact that this is our Military Forum not yours! we dont complain when we see yr bollywood and media showing and publishing yr state Propaganda.

And for yr info this is a forum where international members r allowed to post and share threads, its not a source as u claim.
U r the member of this forum longer then me and still yr opinion is juvenile.
U havnt learnt anything from ''one of Biggest Worth Source Related to defense and Politics'' and Blah Blah.....

Internet is not PDF ..PDF is 0.0000000001 of Internet

Still this doesnt changes the fact that this is our Military Forum not yours! we dont complain when we see yr bollywood and media showing and publishing yr state Propaganda.

If not Please change the Privacy to make View in Pakistan and China Only and Enjoy the Wet dreams

And for yr info this is a forum where international members r allowed to post and share threads, its not a source as u claim.

Mp is a True forum of International Not the PDF
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