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Pakistan Seeks To Counter Indian ABM Defenses

The more pakistan invests in Nukes and their delivery systems. The better it is for India. It reduces their conventional capability and puts a lot of strain on their economy(Maintenance of nuke warheads is expensive).

Since India is happy with the part of kshmir it has. Its upto pak to get J&K. India should do all it can to make PAK feel more insecure and thus putting a dent in Pak's conventional capability.

WOW what a great Defense analyst this guy is.

OK Now we heard u now go back to sleep.
@Umair Nawaz Instead of making personal attacks, you are welcome to post your point of view.
@Umair Nawaz Instead of making personal attacks, you are welcome to post your point of view.
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@Umair Nawaz Instead of making personal attacks, you are welcome to post your point of view.
@Umair Nawaz Instead of making personal attacks, you are welcome to post your point of view.

who is that guy in your avatar, looks kinda gay.

@Umair Nawaz Instead of making personal attacks, you are welcome to post your point of view.
@Umair Nawaz Instead of making personal attacks, you are welcome to post your point of view.

who is that guy in your avatar, looks kinda gay.
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who is that guy in your avatar, looks kinda gay.

who is that guy in your avatar, looks kinda gay.

What would you have done if i said the same about ur nation's heroes?

If you don't know him, you can ask respectfully. Learn some manners.
What would you have done if i said the same about ur nation's heroes?

If you don't know him, you can ask respectfully. Learn some manners.

He is your hero, not mine, it's that Singh guy - who killed that Englishman right? And got hanged.
He is your hero, not mine, it's that Singh guy - who killed that Englishman right? And got hanged.

But If i say something about jinnah or one of your hero. would that be acceptable to you? Respect others and you will be respected.

Wdit: Respect other's heroes and your heroes will be respected.
But If i say something about jinnah or one of your hero. would that be acceptable to you? Respect others and you will be respected.

Wdit: Respect other's heroes and your heroes will be respected.

The Quaid, never shot someone dude, this Singh guy did, big difference, I do respect him, but he is a killer.
The Quaid, never shot someone dude, this Singh guy did, big difference, I do respect him, but he is a killer.

the morality of his killing was up for debate. But the "looks g**" was not needed. If you didnt know you could have asked nicely.
Dont worry they cant buy or produce before us. Their record is poor of buying and producing.
Remember Arjun tank and their ''indigenous'' A/c as well as Arty projects.:omghaha:

Pakistan on the other hand is way way ahead of them.

Atleast win a War against us ..then rate our Stuffs

Even their submarine arihant and their shaurya and sagarika missile was built with russian help largely.Brahmos was also built with russian help. Even their agni-5 components and technology is believed to have russian expertise.

And india is backstabbing Russia. We chinese feared entering indo-pak wars because russia would get involved .Lately ,india is being part of west USA team and leaving russia. Plus russia is our ally now.

Next war will not be a indian victory for sure. China and pakistan will effectively counter it.Plus no russia will be there to stand up for india.Russia sticks with loyal allies,that is why it ditched libya(who played both sides) and has protected syria from NATO assault till now.

So How much is the Russian Help we got in last war against you .. And Russia is not the only Country in the world who Help India

This time Checkmate Played by India Japan Taiwan with US backed Help

Brahmos is a downgraded form of Yakhonts. Yakhonts has range of 500-600 km while Brahmos 290 km.

You Know that MCTR ..This is Not a Cloned are Downgraded

It's a Joint innovation by India and Russia where he is the Baap of Cruise Missiles
All that russian mentoring was till 2011-12.This was the year ,when India start its shift.The changing stance on Syrian war in influence of west,defense procurments and signing of mutual defence treaty with Qatar (who is the one causing trouble in Syria alongside West,GCC and Israel).

Well,please continue moving in western direction.Russia might hand us over the IFF codes of your missiles and weapons then possibly.

Sorry You misunderstood Mission Computers and Codes are done By DRDO with the Israeli Help
What is pakistan buying to counter indian threat !!! anyone knows,...
Atleast win a War against us ..then rate our Stuffs



We already won 2 wars against u its just yr too embarrassed to accept yr defeats and according to yr this General who by the way was field commander in 99 conflict said we even won 99 too.

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We already won 2 wars against u its just yr too embarrassed to accept yr defeats and according to yr this General who by the way was field commander in 99 conflict said we even won 99 too.

Congratulations for that ..Keep it in your Record Books
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Atleast win a War against us ..then rate our Stuffs

So How much is the Russian Help we got in last war against you .. And Russia is not the only Country in the world who Help India

This time Checkmate Played by India Japan Taiwan with US backed Help

You Know that MCTR ..This is Not a Cloned are Downgraded

It's a Joint innovation by India and Russia where he is the Baap of Cruise Missiles

You think Russia will give you the latest technology? I know about MCTR ... No doubts its a downgrade. And joint innovation lol... more like tech transfer of Yakhonts downgraded.They just allow indian software, so that russian IFF codes are not known . Yakhonts is being deployed ,rather than brahmos in Russia.That says enough.

So How much is the Russian Help we got in last war against you .. And Russia is not the only Country in the world who Help India

Good thing about those days was that Russia and india were not friends.But we and russia were.Then mao started off the silly sino-soviet split and India came under the protection of USSR due to which we had to back down in 1967 and 1971.

But that protection is off and india is doing the same silly mistakes nehru did before 1962.
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