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Pakistan pushed Afghan insurgents to the table: Experts

please fence the border for god sake

save your own country first rather than caring about afghanistan

F*** afghanistan first and last and please care about Pakistan first and last
@Hyperion I can laser designate targets in Jhang, no need to level it. Even with the infiltration of extremists it remains a majority Sufi city.
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Do you know that not many people will die with your suggested formula in KPK? Just maybe two to three insignificant tribes. Now on the other hand, in case of Punjab, whole cities will have to leveled to the ground. The "Wahabi" mindset is prevalent in Punjab more than anywhere else in Pakistan. Who will escape it scott free? Sindh! :D

Hyperion you might want to include punjabis in extremism-infection but most of the attock key uss paar pakistanis wont agree with you. They all assert that religous extremism is pashtun phenomena. Just two days ago your friend @Secur and a member from karachi came up with bizarre idea: Concentration camps for trouble making areas like FATA, they said that hitler had more sense and its time to shoot the suspected militants first and ask questions later, or kill them through gas chambers. As usual i cornered your buddy secur and said that why not make concentration camps for karachi first as it is most troubled area. As usual he called me racist and clarified that concentration camps would be only for "suspected militants" and any one who provide refuge, shelter and support to taliban. The other guy apologized for his bizarre idea but your friend @Secur remained stubborn....
Do you have any idea hyperion how much hate is piling up against tribals in pakistan?.....They dont agree with your two or three tribes being problematic claim, they view you from khyber to karachi as trouble makers
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@Hyperion I can laser designate targets in Jhang, no need to level it. Even with the infiltration of extremists it remains a majority Sufi city.

I suggest use of drones F-16 , gunship helicopters, tanks and artillary on jhang...like we did in FATA and KPK afterall we are one and equal pakistanis....sub key liye aik jaisa salook !

And here we have Mr. Simpleton. @ Everyone clap please by thanking me.... :partay:


Fencing and mining the border is most populer demand of PDF members.
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I suggest use of drones F-16 , gunship helicopters, tanks and artillary on jhang...like we did in FATA and KPK afterall we are one and equal pakistanis....sub key liye aik jaisa salook !

What wrong did those kids do studying at madrasas? They were ledt there by their parents.....it is not their fault if the mullah is injecting them with venom
Freedom villages to secure innocent Pashtun is an excellent idea, referring to these as concentration camps is simply Talib propaganda - as far as using F16 and Drones on the plains of Punjab, well, it's not really necessary the difference in geography is important
Every Talib dead, every wannabe talib dead, every Talib sympathizer dead -- this is the way to proceed - Now before the IK crowd lose it, just consider, what redeeming or what of worth do Talib offer?

Am not.gonna say this about higher ranking jihadists but lower level jihadist/ or new recruits....they deserve a chance , for the.sake of ethics,morality and humanity....for the higher ranking jihadists....well hang them in public
Yara, same point applicable to all insurgency hit areas. You can't have it both ways. @Pak-one is right about one thing, there is load of anti-tribal propaganda here on the forum, when they don't even understand the ABC's of it.

What wrong did those kids do studying at madrasas? They were ledt there by their parents.....it is not their fault if the mullah is injecting them with venom
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Am not.gonna say this about higher ranking jihadists but lower level jihadist/ or new recruits....they deserve a chance , for the.sake of ethics,morality and humanity....for the higher ranking jihadists....well hang them in public

No one who had made the conscious decision to take up arms against the Pakistani state and nation, deserves anything but what's coming to them
Well, I think @muse's policy of public execution may bear fruit. There is nothing like raw blood that soothes the wannabe jehadi-mindset. :D

@Hyperion I can laser designate targets in Jhang, no need to level it. Even with the infiltration of extremists it remains a majority Sufi city.

Gtg, see ya guys. Wifey coming back from a short trip abroad, have to pick her up from the airport. I may disappear for a few days. Once again... :P
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Yara, same point applicable to all insurgency hit areas. You can't have it both ways. @Pak-one is right about one thing, there is load of anti-tribal propaganda here on the forum, when they don't even understand the ABC's of it.

True but only keyboard warriors will have a pov like that, had they bother stepping outside or went to their local mosque they would have known what kind of khutba mualana sahab give on friday.....am talking about punjab
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What wrong did those kids do studying at madrasas? They were ledt there by their parents.....it is not their fault if the mullah is injecting them with venom
You never asked the same question about madrassa students in FATA who got bombed by jets?....it is also not fault of taliban(which means students) that they got brainwashed by mullahs in madrassas....the same madrassas which were opened in thousands in pakhtun belt by a fauji dictator....now the same faujis are bombing them for being "brainwashed" and "misguided".
Well, I think @muse's policy of public execution may bear fruit. There is nothing like raw blood that soothes the wannabe jehadi-mindset. :D

My policy is simply execution, I would prefer that these be publicized but not necessarily be public executions - Reward friends, punish enemies and whether we admit it or not, we are at war, lets wage it to win.
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Once again I'm pointing out: It was ONE man who did it, Zia, and after that it was ALL done by the Arabs. We can't blame Zia forever. Can we? Btw, he did the same in Punjab. Now let's move along.

You never asked the same question about madrassa students in FATA who got bombed by jets?....it is also not fault of taliban(which means students) that they got brainwashed by mullahs in madrassas....the same madrassas which were opened in thousands in pakhtun belt by a fauji dictator....now the same faujis are bombing them for being "brainwashed" and "misguided".

I wholeheartedly agree!

My policy is simply execution, I would prefer that these be publicized but not necessarily be public executions - Reward friends, punish enemies and whether we admit it or not, we are at war, lets wage it to win.

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