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Pakistan pushed Afghan insurgents to the table: Experts

they are humans and they have stories.....pak army pushed them towards terrorism. And IDPs are displaced because of pak army operations.Pak army should fight taliban but why use of air force and heavy shelling?

Now I think you have lost me - and I think most forum members -- Clue:, if you want Talib to be thought of as persons with stories, you may begin by telling the stories of how Pakistani soldiers and policemen were beheaded, how they were skinned alive - these stories will ensure that a ful hearing of the humanity of the Talib gets a fair hearing. You may also want to include how murder and intimidation, the evils of education, especially for girls and women, and the bombingof schools, the denial of vaccines, contribute to the picture of the Talib's humanity.
Taliban are not pashtun nationalists....pashtun nationalists are leftists...a pashtun mullah in mosque of peshawer can not be called pashtun nationalist, he is just a mullah with pashtun background....
And what worth of ideas taliban offered? I am not interested in that, they are humans and they have stories.....pak army pushed them towards terrorism. And IDPs are displaced because of pak army operations.
And why was PA in swat in first place?

Pak army should fight taliban but why use of air force and heavy shelling?
perhaps the terrain and mountainous region and pwned the enemy hide outs and vantage points
Now I think you have lost me - and I think most forum members -- Clue:, if you want Talib to be thought of as persons with stories, you may begin by telling the stories of how Pakistani soldiers and policemen were beheaded, how they were skinned alive - these stories will ensure that a ful hearing of the humanity of the Talib gets a fair hearing. You may also want to include how murder and intimidation, the evils of education, especially for girls and women, and the bombingof schools, the denial of vaccines, contribute to the picture of the Talib's humanity.

I am fully aware of that. There are various classes of people in taliban. Some are ideological members affiliated with madrassas, majority are reactionary who took up arms against aggression of pak army and some are criminals offering their services to TTP.
Beheading video culture was introduced by uzbeks.
Suicide bombings was introduced by arabs.
Polio vaccination was banned by taliban in FATA long before shakil afridi case because ISI was using polio workers for spying.
And why was PA in swat in first place?

perhaps the terrain and mountainous region and pwned the enemy hide outs and vantage points

Like i said my district is plain area of KPK yet jets bombarded village controlled by TTP...
Why india didnt use jets against militants in kashmir? Kashmir is mountainous.
In swat operation pak army employed 60 thousand troops, it is enough to invade a country. Air force bombed the hell out of swat . If swatis are to be believed, collateral damage was huge.

Dude, at least you haven't lost your sense of humor. :D

you were always a slow one :D
Like i said my district is plain area of KPK yet jets bombarded village controlled by TTP...
Why india didnt use jets against militants in kashmir? Kashmir is mountainous.
In swat operation pak army employed 60 thousand troops, it is enough to invade a country. Air force bombed the hell out of swat . If swatis are to be believed, collateral damage was huge.
As far as I have heard from my sources vantage points with mounted MGs .50 cal, and tunnels
were bombed
As far as I have heard from my sources vantage points with mounted MGs .50 cal, and tunnels
were bombed

Not exactly. Buildings and houses are bombed. Just go to FATA where operations have occured. You will see destroyed houses and villages thanks to PAF. In mehsud territory more than 90% of houses of all villages are completely destroyed by PAF bombardments....and i dont want to become sad at the moment to mention details of collateral damages due to PAF bombardments.
Well can't stand for your proposal. Under it, my besty @Zarvan will have to be exterminated as well! The promising bright star of the future, will become a red dwarf? :laughcry:

keep dreaming @muse master of seculars USA is running away and Taliban would be soon in power until than you can have some good dreams but soon you would wake up to the reality of Taliban ruling Afghanistan
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Concentration camps for trouble making areas like FATA, they said that hitler had more sense and its time to shoot the suspected militants first and ask questions later, or kill them through gas chambers. As usual i cornered your buddy secur and said that why not make concentration camps for karachi first as it is most troubled area.

Is it really what I said ? :D

Shall I post some post of mine from that thread to prove it again how much of a pathological liar are you ?

Did I really mention ' Kill first , ask questions later ' MO or it is another hallucination of your mind ?

Were you not told there that ' militants ' refer to such people from all over Pakistan or I restricted this to your tribal areas somehow ?


And why was PA in swat in first place?

Because of the peaceful Taliban , you know how much we are loathed that now Taliban are not there :(
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Every Talib dead, every wannabe talib dead, every Talib sympathizer dead -- this is the way to proceed - Now before the IK crowd lose it, just consider, what redeeming or what of worth do Talib offer?

The promise of utopia and a savior that too without having the black gold like Kingdom !

Tell me , dont you feel tempted ?
Just two days ago your friend @Secur and a member from karachi came up with bizarre idea: Concentration camps for trouble making areas like FATA, they said that hitler had more sense and its time to shoot the suspected militants first and ask questions later, or kill them through gas chambers.

So these certain restriction on appeals , lawyers and the whole judicial process is kind of like the need of hour in these times of despair . After all , even the Americans suspend the right to Habeus corpus when the nation's facing an emergency and Romans were known to appoint a single man to rule when the enemy was at the gates . Desperate times , desperate measures . So take these suspected militants inside those camps , interrogate them and if found guilty , after getting the ' useful information ' which may lead to the arrest of others and locating their hideouts , shut them in a chamber and release Zyklon-B !

Go re read the post , try to tell me any similarity with what ' hitler ' did besides the name of ' concentration camps ' .

No one's asking to kill people en masse here . Try not to comment on things , you do not understand .

As usual i cornered your buddy secur and said that why not make concentration camps for karachi first as it is most troubled area. As usual he called me racist and clarified that concentration camps would be only for "suspected militants" and any one who provide refuge, shelter and support to taliban.

Work on your comprehension skills a bit , I would advise you , instead of trying to provoke me . :D

Now , tell me are militants only found in certain parts of Pakistan ? Do the Taliban and other terrorists not operate from Karachi ?
What part of it was unclear to you that you decided to use the ' location ' card here and that too with me who doesn't a darn about ethnicity/race ?

There's a limit to lying for the rationals , it all changes when the pathology comes into picture as in your case .

A pathological liar is defined as someone who lies out of habit. Lying is their normal and reflexive way of responding to questions. Pathological liars bend the truth about everything, large and small. For a compulsive liar, telling the truth is very awkward and uncomfortable while lying feels right.

Your lot is regularly profiled by us , just another one instance :D
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Secur you thanked and agreed with this post,
I had even suggested creating 'concentration camps' where people from problem areas would be moved to, interrogated, and access to/from that place would be 'controlled'. Yes, that would no doubt drag innocent people into the net but if they really are innocent they would be let off--with or without the too-ideological Supreme Court involvement! So create large concentration camps, move large number of potential suspects, interrogate them. But treat everyone as innocent, until proved guilty.

Pakistanis should learn a thing or two from North Korea, Hitler and Stalin!

and you responded,
Why not ? Aren't there militants caught and then released by the free and fair judiciary later to be carried on shoulders by the gullible students and the people who understand them as their ' savior and in the meantime ' malign the sacrifices of the security forces ' and to allow them to continue the war against the state from some other place ? So these certain restriction on appeals , lawyers and the whole judicial process is kind of like the need of hour in these times of despair . After all , even the Americans suspend the right to Habeus corpus when the nation's facing an emergency and Romans were known to appoint a single man to rule when the enemy was at the gates . Desperate times , desperate measures . So take these suspected militants inside those camps , interrogate them and if found guilty , after getting the ' useful information ' which may lead to the arrest of others and locating their hideouts , shut them in a chamber and release Zyklon-B !

About time , they do .

I asked some simple questions in my post . Did you see a denial or refutation ? :azn:

Comprehension skill , again ?

Is it really what I said ? :D

Shall I post some post of mine from that thread to prove it again how much of a pathological liar are you ?

Did I really mention ' Kill first , ask questions later ' MO or it is another hallucination of your mind ?

Were you not told there that ' militants ' refer to such people from all over Pakistan or I restricted this to your tribal areas somehow ?

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